
While it’s not my preferred method for connecting to a MySQL server, writing queries, or displaying results (for reasons I will discuss shortly), using DreamWeaver’s “point-and-click” tools to create a MySQL connection does have the benefit of being fast and relatively easy to understand, making it a useful starting point for exploration of .


If you want to use DreamWeaver's built-in methods for including MySQL data on a page, you first need to make sure that your DreamWeaver site is set up completely correctly: the smallest error in site configuration, even one that didn’t have any consequences before, will matter now. (I’m assuming for the purpose of this exercise that you have access to a MySQL server, and have already created a database table with some information.)

如果要使用DreamWeaver的内置方法在页面上包含MySQL数据,则首先需要确保完全正确 设置 DreamWeaver站点:站点配置中的最小错误,甚至是没有任何后果的错误。以前,现在很重要。 (出于本练习的目的,我假设您可以访问MySQL服务器,并且已经创建了包含一些信息的数据库表 。)

Next, create a new page and save it in your site folder. This will be the page on which we display the results of our database query. Getting to the point of displaying live database information on a web page will require three steps:

接下来,创建一个新的页面并将其保存在您的站点文件夹中。 这将是我们显示数据库查询结果的页面。 要在网页上显示实时数据库信息,将需要三个步骤:

  1. Providing DreamWeaver with information about our MySQL server, including a username and password for authorization.

  2. Creating a query that interacts with a database table. (Extracting, inserting, or modifying data).

    创建与数据库表交互的查询。 (提取,插入或修改数据)。
  3. Displaying this data on the page.


On your new PHP page in DreamWeaver, switch into Design Mode. (While this step isn’t technically necessary, it will eliminate some possible distraction, and serve as an insightful final reveal at the end.)

在DreamWeaver的新PHP页面上,切换到设计模式 。 (尽管此步骤在技术上不是必需的,但它将消除一些可能的干扰,并在最后充当有见地的最终展示。)

DreamWeaver Insert Dynamic Table commandWe’re going to work backwards in this lesson, telling DreamWeaver that we want to put database information on a web page and then stepping through the procedures necessary to get there.  From the DreamWeaver menu, choose
Insert / Data Objects / Dynamic Table.


(“Dynamic” is just DreamWeaver’s way of saying “the information that is displayed comes from (or will be inserted into) a database”.)


DreamWeaver Check WindowA window will pop up checking that you have completed all the steps necessary to get to this stage. If your site is set up correctly, everything in the list should be ticked off except for the last step,
Create A Recordset. (“Recordset” is Dreamweaver’s term for a MySQL query). Click on that last link now.

创建记录集”外,所有列表中的所有内容均应勾选。 (“ Recordset”是DreamweaverMySQL查询术语)。 现在单击最后一个链接。

The window that now appears asks you to name the recordset. The name you use can be anything, so long as it follows the naming convention rules. The window then asks for for a connection, which you must create: click on Define, and then, in the window that appears, New.

现在出现的窗口要求您命名记录集。 您使用的名称可以是任何名称,只要它遵循命名约定规则即可 。 然后,该窗口会询问您必须创建的连接:单击定义 ,然后在出现的窗口中新建

DreamWeaver MySQL Connection windowYou should now see the
MySQL Connection window. Again, the name for your connection can be anything that follows the rules.

MySQL连接”窗口。 同样,连接的名称可以是遵循规则的任何名称。

For the MySQL server name:


  • If you are on a web host that provides MySQL, the server name should have been provided to you: it is usually the same as the domain name, but does not have to be.


  • If you’re trying to connect to MySQL running  on your own machine (i.e. you’re running MAMP. XAMPP or some other local server setup) the server name will be localhost. You may need to add the port number to this: if so, the full information will be localhost:8888

    如果尝试连接到在自己的计算机上运行的MySQL (即,正在运行MAMP.XAMPP或其他本地服务器设置 ),则服务器名称将为localhost 。 您可能需要在此添加端口号:如果是这样,则完整信息将为localhost:8888。

  • If you’re in one of my classes, the server is webapp.ict.sait.ca (Note that you cannot reach this server from outside the SAIT campus).

    如果您在我的班级之一中,则服务器为webapp.ict.sait.ca (请注意,您无法从SAIT园区之外访问此服务器)。

You also need to enter your username and password for connecting to the database:


  • If you are on a web host that provides MySQL, the username and password is usually the same as those that you use for FTP, but does not have to be.


  • If you’re trying to connect to MySQL running on your own machine (i.e. you’re running MAMP. XAMPP or some other local server setup) the username will probably be root, with no password required.

    如果尝试连接到在自己的计算机上运行MySQL(即,正在运行MAMP。XAMPP或其他本地服务器设置),则用户名可能是root ,不需要密码。

  • If you’re in one of my classes, use the username and password you have been provided with.


You’ll want to test this connection with the Test button, and then choose the database table you want to query information from. Keep with the basic query suggested by DreamWeaver for now.

您将要使用“ 测试”按钮测试此连接,然后选择要从中查询信息的数据库表。 暂时保留DreamWeaver建议的基本查询。

Dynamic Table on a DreamWeaver page in Design ViewThat should produce a basic dynamic table on your PHP page: the data within braces and highlighted in light blue in the page shown in Design Mode is DreamWeaver’s representation of data from the database, which will not be completed until the page is seen in a browser. (You should go ahead and do that now, using
File / Preview In Browser).

File / Preview in Browser来立即执行此操作 )。

Now switch to Code View; you’ll also want to open up the File window at the same time.  You’ll see several things:

现在切换到代码视图 ; 您还希望同时打开“ 文件”窗口。 您会看到几件事:

  • Code produced by DreamWeaverThe generated page uses an
    include, placed via a require_once function, that is given the name you provided for the connection above.

    include ,该包通过require_once函数放置,该包具有您为上述连接提供的名称。

  • This script is in a Connections folder; as an include, I would move it into the includes folder that should be part of your site structure.

    该脚本位于Connections文件夹中; 作为一个包含,我将其移动到应该包含在您的网站结构中的includes文件夹中。

  • The PHP closes and then immediately opens again. This is inefficient: PHP lines that are next to each should be in the same tag.

    PHP关闭,然后立即再次打开。 这是低效的:每行旁边PHP行应位于同一标记中。
  • The Connections script contains the username and password to the site in plaintext: for security purposes, you should put a .htaccess file that denies visitors into the folder, preventing them from reading this file.

    Connections脚本以纯文本形式包含该站点的用户名和密码为了安全起见,应放置一个 htaccess文件,拒绝访问者进入该文件夹,从而阻止他们读取此文件。

  • The PHP code produced is long and not terribly well documented; in reality, you could write this same script in three lines of code. (DreamWeaver is doing the same thing every WYSIWYG editor does, and over coding everything).

    生成PHP代码很长,并且没有很好的文档记录; 实际上,您可以用三行代码编写相同的脚本。 (DreamWeaver在每个WYSIWYG编辑器中都做同样的事情,并且对所有内容都进行了编码)。
  • Once you start editing this code DreamWeaver may protest that you’re “breaking” it, meaning that the point-and-click tools I’ve shown you may no longer continue to make changes to the code.


翻译自: https://thenewcode.com/427/Configuring-DreamWeaver-For-MySQL





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