

This article discusses a previous version of the site, when it was known as demosthenes.info. As such, what it discusses may no longer be relevant, or is outdated; the piece has been left here for archival purposes.

本文讨论了该网站的先前版本,即demosthenes.info 。 因此,它所讨论的内容可能不再相关或已过时; 这件作品已经留在这里供存档。

I had the opportunity to add a few site features today, between marking and curriculum develoment:


First, I’ve altered the social media links for each article. Previously, each blog entry had icons for submission to Facebook and aggregator sites (reddit and Digg). I’ve replaced them with a Facebook “Like” button and a “Tweet” icon. According to my analysis the previous buttons weren’t really used. Aggregator sites tend to be a churning and fickle sea of links; I am interested to see if a more personal networked approach is more successful. The technologies behind both the “Like” and “Tweet” buttons – in particular, Facebook’s Open Graph protocol – will have explanations of their own in this blog in the near future.

首先,我更改了每篇文章的社交媒体链接。 以前,每个博客条目都有用于提交到Facebook和聚合器站点(reddit和Digg)的图标。 我已将它们替换为Facebook的“赞”按钮和“推文”图标。 根据我的分析,以前的按钮并未真正使用。 聚集者站点往往是一连串的多变的海洋。 我有兴趣看看一种更个性化的网络方法是否更成功。 “ Like”和“ Tweet”按钮背后的技术(尤其是Facebook的Open Graph协议)将在不久的将来在此博客中进行解释。

I’ve also improved search: there is now an automatic drop-down search suggestion for frequently-used search terms, and I supplement results with a link to a Google search using the same query, for potentially richer results. I’ve also scaled back the “relevance” count in results: with over 300 entries, some results were over the top.

我还改进了搜索:现在,对于常用的搜索词有一个自动下拉搜索建议,并且我在搜索结果中附加了使用相同查询的Google搜索链接,以获取可能更丰富的搜索结果。 我还缩减了结果中的“相关性”计数:超过300个条目,其中一些结果超过了排名。

(The CSS for the both the auto-suggest drop-down and the “like” button still need to be tweaked slightly).

(自动建议下拉列表和“ like”按钮CSS仍需要进行一些微调)。

Longer-term plans include the ability for users to add favorites, allowing easier reference and tracking of topics, options for the personalization of user’s information and profiles (including photographs), better pagination, and added sidebar features.


Finally, I wanted everyone to know how much I have appreciated your feedback regarding my work here. I have found that the biggest ongoing issue is one of information architecture: a blog format (entries made on an essentially random basis organized by descending date, or loosely grouped by tags) works well for the casual visitor, but makes long-term study difficult: relatively few people use the sidebar “Web Developer” navigation, which is growing ever more complex. As a solution, I plan to introduce a “book view” option for the site. In this mode, entries on web development will be shown organized by topic, complete with a table of contents. Navigation “forwards” and “backwards” would be to the next logical entry of related material. Visitors will be able to swap back and forth between “blog” and “book” view as they wish.

最后,我希望每个人都知道我非常感谢您对我在这里所做工作的反馈。 我发现当前最大的问题是信息体系结构之一:博客格式(按降序排列或按标签松散分组的基本上随机的条目)对临时访问者有效,但使长期学习变得困难:很少有人使用侧边栏“ Web Developer”导航,这一导航变得越来越复杂。 作为一种解决方案,我计划为该站点引入一个“书本视图”选项。 在这种模式下,将按主题组织Web开发的条目,并附有目录。 导航“向前”和“向后”将是相关材料的下一个逻辑条目。 访客将可以根据需要在“博客”和“书本”视图之间来回切换。

Programming this will take some effort, and it is logical to use the opportunity to work in a site refresh and transition to HTML5 code at the same time. My personal deadline for this is January 2012; in the meantime, I welcome your thoughts and suggestions in the comments section.

对此进行编程将需要一些工作,并且利用此机会进行站点刷新并同时转换为HTML5代码是合乎逻辑的。 我个人的截止日期是2012年1月; 同时,我欢迎您在评论部分中提出您的想法和建议。

翻译自: https://thenewcode.com/321/Site-Updates-Social-Media-and-Search






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