

Everybody lies: either knowingly (through deliberate deception) or unknowingly (by not revealing important information, unconscious misdirection, or a thousand other stratagems). Lies may make people feel better, but they are also major obstacles to communication, and erode the relationship between the client and the freelance web developer.

每个人都说谎:要么有意地(通过故意的欺骗)要么不知不觉地(通过不泄露重要信息,无意识的误导或其他数千种策略)。 说谎可能会使人们感觉更好,但它们也是沟通的主要障碍,并且侵蚀了客户与自由开发人员之间的关系。

The central misconception most web site clients have is related to the very reason they want a presence on the web in the first place: its ubiquity. Many clients see the web, and the tools used to create it, as something commonplace, so their assumption is that developing a website must be easy, and cheap. Curiously, they don’t tend to have this association with other media: very few people believe that writing, designing, setting, printing and binding an illustrated hardback book should be easy just because they have Microsoft Word.

大多数网站客户的中心误解与他们想首先出现在网络上的原因有关:普遍存在。 许多客户将网络以及用于创建该网络的工具视为司空见惯,因此他们的假设是,开发网站必须既简单又便宜。 奇怪的是,他们并不倾向于与其他媒体建立这种联系:很少有人相信,仅仅因为他们拥有Microsoft Word,就可以轻松编写,设计,设置,打印和装订插图精装书。

Here, we’ll discuss lies typical to the web development process; later, we’ll go in-depth on solutions to these common problems, which are usually resolved by writing a good contract and maintaining an open line of honest communication with the client.

在这里,我们将讨论Web开发过程中常见的谎言。 稍后,我们将深入探讨这些常见问题的解决方案,通常可以通过签订良好合同并与客户保持坦诚的沟通来解决这些问题。

Typical lies told by developers and clients include:


“I can’t tell you exactly what I want, but I’ll know it when I see it.” “我不能确切告诉你我想要什么,但是当我看到它时我就会知道。”
Answer: “Once you have a concept or a purpose for the site, I will be happy to work with you.” 答: “一旦您对该网站有一个概念或目的,我将很高兴与您合作。”

There are many, many poorly designed websites out there, and clients are notorious for their tendency to add features, gimmicks, and distractions with every conversation regarding their goals for the site. In addition, many clients simply work from what they know, and provide abstract guidance in reference to that knowledge: “I’d like the site to be like MySpace, but cleaner, like Facebook, and with videos like YouTube”.

网站上有很多设计不佳的网站,并且客户 每次关于其网站目标的对话中都会添加功能,头和分散注意力,这是众所周知的。 此外,许多客户只是简单地利用他们所了解的内容进行工作,并提供关于该知识的抽象指导:“我希望该网站像MySpace,但更干净,像Facebook,并带有YouTube之类的视频”。

As a developer, it is your role to guide the client. The client is not, generally speaking, a designer: that is what they are paying you for. Input from the client should be respected, but they should also be firmly told why having a 30-second Flash intro, or an animated GIF of their puppy running across the screen, is a bad idea. A good client is a well-educated client, and that education is your responsibility.

作为开发人员,指导客户是您的职责。 一般来说,客户不是设计师:那是他们要付钱给您的。 应该尊重来自客户端的输入,但是也应该牢记告诉他们,为什么有一个30秒的Flash简介或动画化其小狗在屏幕上奔跑的GIF,是一个坏主意。 一个好的客户是一个受过良好教育的客户,而教育是您的责任。

Attaining a needs analysis from the client, and using that to write a clear mission statement for the site – a dozen words summarizing the purpose of the site, containing a goal that both the client and developer agree to – is vitally important to clarify the work ahead of you.


Generally speaking, “I don’t know what I want, but I’ll know it when I see it” is evidence that the client is both high-maintenance and a poor communicator. For contracts less than $10K, a client gets one mockup, and one, possibly two, revisions or variations of that mockup: any more than that wastes the time of both client and developer.

一般而言,“我不知道我想要什么,但是我一看到它就会知道”,这证明了客户既是高维护者又是沟通能力差的人。 对于少于$ 10,000的合同,客户获得一个模型,以及该模型的一个或多个(可能是两个)修订或变体:多于此将浪费客户和开发人员的时间。

“I can’t pay you right now, but once the site is finished money will start rolling in!” “我现在无法付钱给您,但是一旦网站建成,钱就会开始滚滚!”
Answer: “Once you have money, I will be happy to work for you.” 答: “一旦您有钱,我将很乐意为您工作。”

This common wishful thought is a holdover from the dot-com era when people worked for stock options. Don’t do it. (Also, don’t work for products, discounts, etc). Cash talks – everything else walks.

这种普遍的一厢情愿是人们为股票期权工作时的.com时代的残余。 不要这样 (此外,请勿用于商品,折扣等)。 现金谈判–其他一切都在进行。

“How much do you charge per page?” “每页收费多少?”
Answer: “I don’t. I charge by the hour.” 答: “我没有。 我按小时收费。”

Charging “per page” is a losing proposition, as the length, size, and content of a web page is fluid, and can alter from one conversation to the next. It is far better to make an estimate of the total number of hours to create all the content of a site, regardless of the number of pages.

对“每页”收费是一个失败的主张,因为网页的长度,大小和内容是可变的,并且可能在一个会话之间转换为另一个会话。 无论页面数多少,最好估算创建站点所有内容的总小时数。

“I can’t believe your rate! My 15-year old cousin could do the site for far less!” “我不敢相信你的率! 我15岁的表弟可以花更少的钱做这个网站!”
Answer: “Then you should let your cousin do the work. I’ll be here in six months when you come back.” 答: “那么你应该让你的堂兄来做这项工作。 你回来六个月后,我会在这里。”

There is a tremendous temptation to lower your rate and underquote the time it would take to complete the site, especially on your first few contracts, because you want to impress the client or because you overestimate your own ability. Doing so undercuts your income, to the point at which you would earn a better hourly income cleaning toilets.

有一种巨大的诱惑来降低您的价格,并低估了完成网站所需的时间,尤其是在您的前几份合同中,因为您想打动客户或因为您高估了自己的能力。 这样做会减少您的收入,以至于您每小时可以赚取更好的收入来清洁厕所。

“You can have this done in two weeks, right?” “您可以在两周内完成,对吗?”
Answer: “No, it will take me 答: “不,从您向我提供内容开始,这将花费我 x hours, starting from the moment you provide me with the content.” x个小时。”

As a freelancer, your hours are your own. It’s certainly possible to complete a website that would take 60 hours of work in three days, with minimal sleep, but that’s not an experience I would recommend. Generally speaking I build time estimates from the assumption of a 40-hour work week, but your weekly hours may be different.

作为自由职业者,您的工作时间是自己的。 当然, 可以完成一个网站,该网站将在三天内花费60个小时的工作,并且睡眠时间很少,但是我不建议您这样做。 一般来说,我是根据每周工作40小时来估算时间的 ,但是您每周的工作时间可能有所不同。

In addition, most clients assure you that they are going to provide some content for the site: photographs, body copy, etc. Many clients are poor in actually providing this information, and often will not understand that the website cannot be completed without it.


For that reason, if a client is contractually obligated to provide content, I do not provide a completion date for the website, but a statement of completion a certain amount of time after the delivery of content. (For example “Two weeks after delivery of all photographs and body copy”.)

因此,如果客户有合同义务提供内容,我不会提供网站的完成日期,而是提供内容交付后一定时间的完成声明。 (例如,“交付所有照片和正文后两周”。)

“Why should I pay you this rate? You’ll be learning on the job. I shouldn’t have to pay for that.” “为什么我要付给你这个费率? 您将在工作中学习。 我不必为此付费。”
The reality is that as a developer you will always be learning, with every site you make: technology changes rapidly, and there is always more to learn. If a site features technology or a technique you are unfamiliar with, be honest with the client, and tell them “I don’t know how to achieve this, but I will find out how it can be done.”. It is very unlikely that research will take the bulk of your time on the website, and thus your rate should not change. If the client thinks they could do a better job for themselves, let them.
现实情况是,作为开发人员,您在每个站点上都将始终学习:技术日新月异,而且还有很多东西要学习。 如果某个站点使用的技术或您不熟悉的技术,请对客户诚实,并告诉他们“我不知道如何实现这一目标,但我会找出如何实现的。” 研究将不会占用您大部分时间在网站上,因此您的费率不会改变。 如果客户认为他们可以为自己做得更好,那就让他们。

更多资源 (Further Resources)

The 99% has a rather good article on dealing with difficult clients.


翻译自: https://thenewcode.com/99/Client-Relationship-Management-Lies






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