
介绍 (Introduction)

If you are reading this article, then you probably already know something about Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) and Event Sourcing (ES), so I won't explain what that is, why you might want to use it, or why you might want to avoid it. There is a lot of good information available if you are looking for that kind of material.

如果您正在阅读本文,那么您可能已经了解有关命令查询责任隔离(CQRS)和事件源(ES)的知识,所以我将不解释其含义,为什么要使用它或为什么要使用它。想要避免它。 如果您正在寻找这种材料,那么有很多有用的信息。

For example:


The purpose of this article is to present a fast and lightweight implementation using the C# programming language and the .NET Framework.

本文的目的是提供使用C#编程语言和.NET Framework的快速,轻量级的实现。

This implementation is relatively full-featured, including support for SQL Server persistence of commands and events, scheduled commands, snapshots, sagas (i.e., process managers), and plug-and-play overrides for multitenant customization.

此实现功能比较全面,包括支持SQL Server命令和事件的持久性,计划的命令,快照,sagas(即流程管理器)以及用于多租户自定义的即插即用替代。

I will describe how the code is structured and illustrate how it works with a sample application that follows the Clean Architecture pattern.

我将描述代码的结构,并说明其如何与遵循Clean Architecture模式的示例应用程序一起使用。

何必呢? (Why Bother?)

That is almost certain to be your first question.


There are many CQRS+ES frameworks and solutions already out there, fully-developed and well-proven. If you are researching your options and evaluating a build-vs-buy decision, then there are excellent commercial products and open-source alternatives from which to choose.

已经有很多CQRS + ES框架和解决方案,这些框架和解决方案已经得到充分开发和充分验证。 如果您正在研究选择方案并评估“建造与购买”决策,那么您可以选择出色的商业产品和开源替代方案。

For example:


Why implement another solution? Why have I started from scratch and developed my own?

为什么要实施另一种解决方案? 为什么我要从头开始并发展自己的?

I have studied CQRS and ES patterns for several years now. I have worked with commercial and open-source solutions, and I have used them to build and/or improve real-world production systems. If your background and experience is similar to mine, then you probably know the answer to this question already, but you might not want to believe it's true (as I did not for a long time):

我研究CQRS和ES模式已有几年了。 我曾经使用过商业和开源解决方案,并且已经使用它们来构建和/或改进实际的生产系统。 如果您的背景和经历与我的相似,那么您可能已经知道该问题的答案,但是您可能不想相信这是真的(因为我很久没有这样做):

If you are serious about adopting a CQRS+ES architecture, then you might have no choice except to build your own.

如果您认真考虑采用CQRS + ES架构,那么除了自行构建之外,别无选择。

As Chris Kiehl says in his article, "Event Sourcing is Hard":

就像克里斯·基尔(Chris Kiehl)在他的文章中说的那样,“ 事件搜索很难 ”:

... you're probably going to be building the core components from scratch. Frameworks in this area tend to be heavyweight, overly prescriptive, and inflexible in terms of tech stacks. If you want to get something up and running ... rolling your own is the way to go (and a suggested approach).

...您可能会从头开始构建核心组件。 就技术堆栈而言,该领域的框架往往是重量级,规范性强,缺乏灵活性的框架。 如果您想启动并运行某事,则应该自己动手做(这是建议的方法 )。

If that's the case, then how does it help you for me to write this article?


Simple: It's another example, with source code, so you can see my approach to solving some of the problems that arise in a CQRS+ES implementation. If you are starting out on a CQRS+ES project, then you should study all the examples you can find.

简单:这是另一个带有源代码的示例,因此您可以看到我解决CQRS + ES实现中出现的一些问题的方法。 如果您是从CQRS + ES项目开始的,那么您应该研究发现的所有示例。

I do not expect (or recommend) that you take this source code and incorporate it into any application you develop.


Instead, my intent is only to provide yet another example, from which you can draw some ideas - and perhaps (if I do a decent job of this) some small inspiration - for your own project.


优先事项 (Priorities)

It is important to begin with a list of the priorities driving this implementation, because there are significant trade-offs to many of the design decisions I have made.


CQRS+ES purists will object to some of my decisions, and flatly condemn others. I can live with that. I have been designing and developing software for a long time (longer than I am prepared to admit here). I have shed more than a little blood, sweat, and tears - and a few gray hairs too - so I am acutely aware of the cost associated with a poor choice in the face of a trade-off.

CQRS + ES的纯粹主义者会反对我的某些决定,并坚决谴责其他决定。 我可以忍受这一点。 我已经设计和开发软件很长时间了(比我准备在这里承认的时间还长)。 我流血,流汗,流泪,还流下了几根白发,因此,我敏锐地意识到,面对权衡取舍,选择不当所带来的成本。

The following priorities help to inform and guide those decisions. They are listed in rough order of importance, but all are requirements, so pour yourself a drink and settle in, because the preamble here is going to be a long one...

以下优先事项有助于告知和指导这些决定。 它们以重要性的高低顺序列出,但是所有都是必需的,所以请给自己倒酒并安顿下来,因为这里的序言将是很长的...

1.可读性 (1. Readability)

The code must be readable.


The more readable the code, the more usable and maintainable and extensible it is.


In some implementations I have used (and in some I have developed myself), the code for the underlying CQRS+ES backbone is virtually impossible for anyone to understand except the original author. We cannot allow that here. It must be possible - and relatively easy - for a small team of developers to share and use the code, with a full understanding of how it works and why it is written in the way that it is.

在我使用过的某些实现中(以及在一些我自己开发的实现中),除了原始作者之外,几乎任何人都无法理解底层CQRS + ES主干的代码。 我们不能在这里允许。 一小组开发人员必须能够并且相对容易地共享并使用代码,并且充分了解其工作方式以及为什么以这种方式编写代码。

It is especially important to keep the code for registering command handlers and event handlers as simple and explicit as possible.


Many CQRS+ES frameworks use a mix of reflection and dependency injection to automate the registration of subscribers for handling commands and events. While this is often very clever, and often decreases the overall number of lines of code in the project, it hides the relationships between a command (or an event) and its subscriber(s), moving those relationships into an opaque, magical black-box. Many inversion-of-control (IoC) containers make this easy to do, hence the understandable temptation, but I believe it's a mistake.

许多CQRS + ES框架使用反射和依赖注入的混合来自动注册用户,以处理命令和事件。 尽管这通常很聪明,并且通常会减少项目中代码的总行数,但它隐藏了命令(或事件)与其订阅者之间的关系,从而将这些关系变成了不透明,不可思议的黑色元素,框。 许多控制反转(IoC)容器使此操作变得容易,因此可以理解,但是我相信这是一个错误。

To be clear: it is not a mistake to use an IoC container in your project. Dependency injection is an excellent best practice and an important technique to perfect. However, the dependency injection pattern is not itself a publish-subscribe pattern, and conflating the two can lead to a lot of misery and woe. It is a mistake (I have made myself) to use highly specialized features in an IoC container library to automate functionality that is on the outside edge of that library's intended purpose, and then tightly couple the most critical components in your software architecture to that. When something in your application behaves unexpectedly, this can make it extraordinarily difficult and time-consuming to troubleshoot and debug.

需要明确的是:在项目中使用IoC容器并不是错误。 依赖注入是一种出色的最佳实践,也是一种完善的重要技术。 但是, 依赖项注入模式本身并不是发布-订阅模式 ,将两者混为一谈会导致很多痛苦和灾难。 在IoC容器库中使用高度专业化的功能来自动化该库预期用途之外的功能,然后将软件体系结构中最关键的组件紧密结合在一起是一个错误(我已经犯了一个错误)。 当您的应用程序中的某些行为异常时,这将使故障排除和调试异常困难且耗时。

Therefore, as part of this readability goal, the registration of command handlers and event handlers must be defined explicitly in the code, and not implicitly via convention or automation.


2.表现 (2. Performance)

The code must be fast.


Handling commands and events is at the heart of any system developed on a CQRS+ES architecture, so throughput optimization is a key performance indicator.

处理命令和事件是在CQRS + ES架构上开发的任何系统的核心,因此吞吐量优化是关键的性能指标。

The implementation must handle the maximum possible volume, in terms of concurrent users and systems issuing commands and observing the effect of published events.


In some of my previous implementations, a lot of pain and suffering was caused by concurrency violations that occurred when commands were sent to large aggregates (e.g., long-lived aggregates with massive event streams). More often than not, the root cause was poor-performing code. Therefore algorithm optimization is critical.

在我以前的一些实现中,很多痛苦和苦难是由于将命令发送到大型聚合(例如,具有大量事件流的长寿命聚合)时发生的并发冲突引起的。 根本原因通常是性能不佳的代码。 因此,算法优化至关重要。

Snapshots are integral to satisfying this requirement, therefore must be integral to the solution. The implementation must have built-in support for automated snapshots on every aggregate root.

快照是满足此要求所不可或缺的,因此必须是解决方案所不可或缺的。 该实现必须具有对每个聚合根上的自动快照的内置支持。

In-memory cache is another important part of run-time optimization, therefore must be integral to the solution as well.


3.可调试性 (3. Debuggability)

It must be easy to trace the code and follow its execution using a standard debugger like the Visual Studio IDE debugger.

使用标准调试器(例如Visual Studio IDE调试器)来跟踪代码并跟踪其执行必须很容易。

Many CQRS+ES implementations seem to rely on complex algorithms for dynamic registration, lookup, and invocation of methods for handling commands and events.

许多CQRS + ES实现似乎都依赖复杂的算法来动态注册,查找和调用用于处理命令和事件的方法。

Again, many of these algorithms are extremely clever: they pack a lot of power and flexibility, and can significantly decrease the number of lines of code in the solution.


For example, I have used a DynamicInvoker class in some of my own past projects. It's an ingenious bit of code - less than 150 lines - and it works beautifully. (I didn't write it, so I'm not boasting when I say that.) However, if something goes haywire in code you've written that calls methods on this kind of class, and if you need to step through it with a debugger, then you'll need to be especially adept at the mental gymnastics required to follow what's going on. I am not, so if any dynamic invocation is used, then it must be trivially easy to understand the code and follow the thread of its execution when using a debugger.

例如,我在过去的一些项目中使用过DynamicInvoker类。 这是一段巧妙的代码-少于150行-而且效果很好。 (我没有写它,所以当我这么说的时候我并不自夸。)但是,如果代码中有些杂乱无章的东西,您已经编写了调用此类的方法的代码,并且如果需要使用调试器,那么您将需要特别擅长于跟随正在发生的事情的精神体操。 我不是,因此,如果使用任何动态调用,那么在使用调试器时,必须易于理解代码并遵循其执行线程。

4.最小的依赖 (4. Minimal Dependencies)

External dependencies must be kept to an absolute bare-metal minimum.


Too many dependencies lead to code that is slower, heavier, and more brittle than you are likely to want in any critical components of your system. Minimizing dependencies helps to ensure your code is faster, lighter, and more robust.

过多的依赖性导致代码比您在系统的任何关键组件中可能需要的速度更慢,更重且更脆弱。 最小化依赖关系有助于确保您的代码更快,更轻巧,更健壮。

Most important, minimizing dependencies helps to ensure the solution is not tightly coupled with any external assembly, service, or component unless that dependency is critical.


If the fundamental architecture of your software is dependent upon some external third-party component, then you must be prepared for the potential that changes to it might someday have an impact on your project. Sometimes this is an acceptable risk, other times it is not.

如果软件的基本体系结构依赖于某些外部第三方组件,则必须做好准备,有可能某天对其进行更改可能会影响您的项目。 有时这是可以接受的风险,而其他时候则不是。

In this particular implementation, tolerance for this risk is very, very low.


Therefore, you will notice the core Timeline assembly (which implements the CQRS+ES backbone in my solution) has one and only one external dependency: i.e., the System namespace in the .NET Framework.

因此,您会注意到核心的Timeline程序集(在我的解决方案中实现了CQRS + ES主干)具有一个并且只有一个外部依赖关系:即.NET Framework中的System名称空间。

Just a quick aside here, because it is an interesting article that illustrates my point: At the time this article was written in 2018, the NPM JavaScript package "is-odd" had over 2.8 million installations in a single week. Rather than write the basic code for a function to return true if a number is odd, all those developers chose to incorporate the is-odd package into their solutions, along with its chain of 300+ dependencies!

此处不多提,因为这是一篇有趣的文章,阐明了我的观点:在撰写本文时,2018年,NPM JavaScript软件包“单数”在一周内有280万以上的安装。 所有这些开发人员都没有选择编写基本代码来让函数在数字为奇数时返回true的情况,而是选择将is-odd软件包及其300多个依赖项链合并到他们的解决方案中!

5.分开的命令和事件 (5. Separate Commands and Events)

Many CQRS+ES frameworks implement a Command class and an Event class in such a way that both derive from a common base class.

许多CQRS + ES框架都以从公共基类派生的方式实现Command类和Event类。

The rationale for this is obvious: it is natural to think of both Commands and Events as subtypes of a general-purpose Message. Both are "sent" using some form of "service bus", so why not implement common features in a shared base class, and write one dual-purpose class for routing messages - rather than write a lot of duplicate code?

这样做的理由很明显:将命令和事件都视为通用消息的子类型是很自然的。 两者都是使用某种形式的“服务总线”“发送”的,那么为什么不在共享基类中实现共同的功能,而编写一个双重用途的类来路由消息-而不是编写大量重复的代码呢?

This is an approach I have taken in the past, and there are good arguments for it.


However, I now believe it might be a mistake. To quote Robert C. Martin:

但是,我现在认为这可能是一个错误。 引用罗伯特·马丁(Robert C. Martin)的话

Software developers often fall into a trap - a trap that hinges on their fear of duplication. Duplication is generally a bad thing in software. But there are different kinds of duplication. There is true duplication, in which every change to one instance necessitates the same change to every duplicate of that instance. Then there is false or accidental duplication. If two apparently duplicated sections of code evolve along different paths - if they change at different rates, and for different reasons - then they are not true duplicates... When you are vertically separating use cases from one another, you will run into this issue, and your temptation will be to couple the use cases because they have similar user interfaces, or similar algorithms, or similar database schemas. Be careful. Resist the temptation to commit the sin of knee-jerk elimination of duplication. Make sure the duplication is real.

软件开发人员经常陷入陷阱-陷阱取决于他们对重复的恐惧。 在软件中,复制通常是一件坏事。 但是有不同种类的重复。 确实存在重复,其中对一个实例的每次更改都必须对该实例的每个副本进行相同的更改。 然后是虚假或偶然的重复。 如果两个明显重复的代码部分沿着不同的路径发展-如果它们以不同的速率变化并且由于不同的原因-那么它们就不是真正的重复...当您将用例彼此垂直分离时,就会遇到这个问题,您的诱惑是将用例耦合在一起,因为它们具有相似的用户界面,相似的算法或相似的数据库模式。 小心。 抵制诱惑,避免重复犯下膝盖罪行。 确保重复是真实的。

Commands and events are sufficiently different from one another to warrant separate paths along which they can evolve and adapt to the requirements of your system.


I have not (yet) experienced any scenario in which code quality, performance, or readability is improved by eliminating "duplicate" code for A) sending/handling commands, and B) publishing/handling events.


Therefore commands and events must not have any shared base class, and the mechanism used to send/publish commands/events must not be a shared queue.


6.多租户 (6. Multitenancy)

Multitenancy must be integral to the solution, and not a feature or facility that is bolted on after-the-fact.


These days I build and maintain enterprise, multitenant systems exclusively. That means I have a single instance of a single application serving multiple concurrent tenants with multiple concurrent users.

这些天来,我专门构建和维护企业多租户系统。 这意味着我只有一个应用程序的单个实例,该实例为具有多个并发用户的多个并发租户提供服务。

There are several reasons for making multitenancy a priority in this implementation:


  • Every aggregate must be assigned to a tenant. This makes ownership of data clear and well-defined.

    每个集合必须分配给一个租户。 这使得数据的所有权清晰且定义明确。
  • Sharding must be easy to implement when the need arises to scale up. Sharding is the distribution of aggregates to multiple write-side nodes, and "tenant" is the most natural boundary along which to partition aggregates.

    当需要扩大规模时,分片必须易于实现。 分片是将聚合分布到多个写侧节点,“承租人”是划分聚合的最自然边界。
  • Tenant-specific customizations must be easy to implement. Every application has core default behavior for every command and every event, but in a large and complex application that serves many different organizations and/or stakeholders, different tenants are certain to have a variety of specific needs. Sometimes the differences are slight; sometimes they are significant. The solution here must allow the developer to override the default handling of a command and/or event with functionality that is custom to a specific tenant. Overrides must be explicit, so they are easy to identify and enable or disable.

    特定于租户的自定义必须易于实现。 每个应用程序对于每个命令和每个事件都有核心的默认行为,但是在为许多不同的组织和/或利益相关者服务的大型复杂应用程序中,不同的租户肯定具有各种特定需求。 有时差异很小。 有时它们很重要。 此处的解决方案必须允许开发人员使用针对特定租户定制的功能来覆盖命令和/或事件的默认处理。 覆盖必须是明确的,因此易于识别,启用或禁用。

7. Sagas /流程经理 (7. Sagas / Process Managers)

The number of steps required to implement a process manager must be relatively small, and the code for a process manager must be relatively easy to write.


A process manager (sometimes called a saga) is an independent component that reacts to domain events in a cross-aggregate, eventually consistent manner. A process manager is sometimes purely reactive, and sometimes represents a workflow.

流程管理器(有时称为saga)是一个独立的组件,它以交叉聚合,最终一致的方式对域事件做出React。 流程管理器有时纯粹是被动的,有时代表工作流。

From a technical perspective, a process manager is a state machine driven forward by incoming events, which might be published from multiple aggregates. Each state can have side effects (e.g., sending commands, communicating with external web services, sending emails).

从技术角度来看,流程管理器是一种状态机,受传入事件的驱动,这些事件可能是从多个聚合发布的。 每个状态都有副作用(例如,发送命令,与外部Web服务通信,发送电子邮件)。

I have worked with some CQRS+ES frameworks that do not support process managers at all, and others that support the concept but not in a way that is easy to understand or configure.

我曾使用过一些CQRS + ES框架,这些框架根本不支持流程管理器,而其他框架则支持该概念,但并不以易于理解或配置的方式。

For example, in one of my own past implementations, an event was published by the event store immediately after the event was appended to the database log. It was not published by the aggregate or by the command handler. This made it unusually difficult to implement even the most basic workflow: I could not send a synchronous command to an aggregate from within an event handler, because the event store's Save method executed inside a synchronization lock (to maintain thread-safety), and new events could not be published without creating a deadlock.

例如,在我自己过去的实现中, 事件存储在事件附加到数据库日志之后立即由事件存储发布。 它不是由聚合或命令处理程序发布的。 这甚至使执行最基本的工作流程也变得异常困难:我无法从事件处理程序中向聚合发送同步命令,因为事件存储区的Save方法在同步锁(以维护线程安全)内执行,而new不创建死锁就无法发布事件。

Regardless of how simple or complex the state-machine for a workflow happens to be, coordinating the events in that process requires code that has side effects, such as sending commands to other aggregates, sending requests to external web services, or sending emails. Therefore, the solution here must have native, built-in support for achieving this.

无论工作流的状态机多么简单或复杂,要协调该流程中的事件,都需要具有副作用的代码,例如向其他聚合发送命令,向外部Web服务发送请求或发送电子邮件。 因此,此处的解决方案必须具有本地的内置支持才能实现此目的。

8.排程 (8. Scheduling)

The scheduling of commands must be integral to the solution.


It must be easy to send a command with a timer, so the command executes only after the timer elapses. This enables the developer to indicate a specific date and time for the execution of any command.

使用计时器发送命令必须很容易,因此该命令仅在计时器经过后才执行。 这使开发人员可以指示执行任何命令的特定日期和时间。

This is useful for commands that must be triggered on a time-dependency.


It is also useful for commands that must be executed "offline", in a background process outside the normal flow of execution. This type of totally asynchronous operation is ideal for a command that is expected to require a long time to complete.

这对于在正常执行流程之外的后台进程中必须“脱机”执行的命令也很有用。 这种类型的完全异步操作非常适合需要较长时间才能完成的命令。

For example, suppose you have a command that requires the invocation of a method on some external third-party web service, and suppose that service often takes more than 800,000 milliseconds to respond. Such a command must be scheduled to execute during off-peak hours, and/or outside the main thread of execution.

例如,假设您有一条命令要求在某些外部第三方Web服务上调用方法,并且该服务通常需要超过80万毫秒才能响应。 必须安排此类命令在非高峰时间执行和/或在执行的主线程之外执行。

9.累计到期 (9. Aggregate Expiration)

The solution must have native, built-in support for aggregate expiration and cleanup.


I need a CQRS+ES solution that makes it easy to copy an aggregate event stream from the online structured log to offline storage, and purge it from the event store.

我需要一个CQRS + ES解决方案,该解决方案可以轻松地将聚合事件流从联机结构化日志复制到脱机存储,并从事件存储中清除它。

Event sourcing purists will red-flag this immediately and say the event stream for an aggregate must never be altered or removed. They'll say that events (and therefore aggregates) are immutable by definition.

事件源极简主义者将立即对此进行红色标记,并说绝不可更改或删除聚合事件流。 他们会说事件(因此是聚集)根据定义是不可变的。

However, I have scenarios in which this is a non-negotiable business requirement.


  • First: When a customer does not renew their subscription to a multitenant application, the service provider hosting the application often has a contractual obligation to remove that customer's data from its systems.


  • Second: When a project team runs frequent integration tests to confirm system functions are operating correctly, the data input to and output from those tests is temporary by definition. Permanent storage of the event streams for test aggregates is a waste of disk space with no current or future business value; we need a mechanism for removing it.

    第二:当项目团队进行频繁的集成测试以确认系统功能正常运行时,从定义上看,输入和输出这些测试的数据是临时的。 用于测试聚合的事件流的永久存储是浪费磁盘空间,没有当前或将来的业务价值; 我们需要一种删除它的机制。

Therefore, the solution here must provide an easy way to move aggregates out of the operational system and into "cold storage", so to speak.


10.异步/等待是邪恶的 (10. Async/Await is Evil)

I am joking, of course.


But not really.


The async/await pattern in C# produces very high-performance code. There is no question about this. In some cases, I have seen it boost performance by an order of magnitude or more.

C#中的异步/等待模式产生了非常高性能的代码。 毫无疑问。 在某些情况下,我已经看到它将性能提高了一个数量级或更多。

The async/await pattern may be applied in a future iteration of this solution, but - despite the second priority in this list - it is disallowed in this solution, because it breaks the first priority.


As soon as you introduce async/await into a method, you are forced to transform its callers so they use async/await (or you are forced to start wrapping clean code in dirty threading blocks), and then you are forced to transform the callers of those callers so they use async/await... and the async/await keywords spread throughout your entire code base like a contagious zombie virus. The resulting asynchronous mess is almost certain to be faster, but at the same time much more difficult to read, and even more difficult to debug.

在将async / await引入方法后,您将被迫转换其调用方,以便它们使用async / await (或者被迫将干净的代码包装在脏线程块中),然后被迫转换调用方这些调用者中的一部分,因此他们使用async / await ...,而async / await关键字像传染性的僵尸病毒一样散布在整个代码库中。 由此产生的异步混乱几乎可以肯定会更快,但同时更难阅读,甚至更难调试。

Readability is the highest priority here, therefore I am avoiding async/await until it is the only remaining option for boosting performance (and that added boost is itself a non-negotiable business requirement).

可读性是这里的重中之重,因此我避免使用async / await直到它是提高性能的唯一剩余选择(而且提高性能本身是不可商议的业务要求)。

清洁建筑 (Clean Architecture)

Matthew Renze has an excellent Pluralsight course on the topic of clean architecture. The source code for this solution contains five assemblies and it follows the clean architecture pattern that he advocates. This is overkill for a sample application, obviously, but it helps to establish the pattern that the larger enterprise implementation needs to follow.

马修· 伦兹( Matthew Renze)在清洁建筑主题方面有一门优秀的Pluralsight课程 。 该解决方案的源代码包含五个程序集,并且遵循他所倡导的干净架构模式。 显然,这对于示例应用程序来说是多余的,但是它有助于建立大型企业实现需要遵循的模式。

时间表项目 (Timeline Project)

The Timeline assembly implements the CQRS+ES backbone. This assembly has no upstream dependencies, and therefore it is not specific to any application. It can be unplugged from the sample application and integrated into a new solution to develop an entirely different application.

时间轴程序集实现了CQRS + ES主干。 该程序集没有上游依赖性,因此它并不特定于任何应用程序。 可以从示例应用程序中拔出它,并将其集成到新解决方案中以开发完全不同的应用程序。

The other four assemblies (Sample.*) implement the layers in a console application using the Timeline assembly to demonstrate my approach to common programming tasks in a CQRS+ES software system.

其他四个程序集( Sample。* )使用时间轴程序集在控制台应用程序中实现各层,以演示我在CQRS + ES软件系统中执行常见编程任务的方法。

The project dependency diagram is illustrated here:



样例项目 (Sample Projects)

Notice the Timeline assembly has no references to any Sample assembly.


Also notice the domain-centric approach: the Domain layer has no dependencies on the Presentation, Application, or Persistence layers.


The entity relationship diagram for the sample domain is illustrated in Figure 2:



In this basic data model:


  • a Person had 0..N bank Accounts;


  • a Transfer withdraws money from one account and deposits it in another account;


  • a User may be an administrator with no personal data, or someone with personal data owned by multiple tenants


Keep in mind: every Person, Account, and Transfer is an aggregate root, therefore each of these entities has a Tenant attribute.


总览 (Overview)

The overall approach to CQRS+ES in this solution is illustrated in Figure 3:

此解决方案中的CQRS + ES总体方法如图3所示:


Notice the Write Side (Commands) and Read Side (Queries) are well-delineated.


You can also see that Event Sourcing is very much like a plug-in to the Write Side. Although it is not demonstrated in this solution, you can see how a CQRS solution without Event Sourcing might look, and sometimes that (CQRS-alone) is a better pattern, depending on the requirements for your project.

您还可以看到,事件源非常类似于Write Side的插件。 尽管此解决方案中未进行演示,但是您可以看到不带事件源的CQRS解决方案的外观,有时(取决于CQRS)是更好的模式,具体取决于项目的要求。

Here are the key characteristics of the architecture:


  • The command queue saves commands (required for scheduling) in a structured log.

  • A command subscriber listens for commands on the command queue.

  • A command subscriber is responsible for creating an aggregate and invoking methods on an aggregate when commands are executed.

  • A command subscriber saves an aggregate (as an event stream) in a structured log.

  • A command subscriber publishes events on the event queue.

  • Published events are handled by event subscribers and process managers.

  • A process manager can send commands on the command queue, in response to events.

  • An event subscriber creates and updates projections in a query store.

  • A query search is a lightweight data access layer for reading projections.


入门 (Getting Started)

Before you compile and execute the source code:


  1. Execute the script "Create Database.sql" to create a local SQL Server database.

    执行脚本“ Create Database.sql ”以创建本地SQL Server数据库。

  2. Update the connection string in Web.config.


  3. Update the appSetting value in Web.config for OfflineStoragePath.


用法 (Usage)

Rather than start at the bottom, and describe how the Timeline assembly works, I will start at the top and demonstrate how to use it, then work my way down through the application stack to the nuts and bolts of the CQRS+ES backbone.

我将从顶部开始并演示如何使用它,然后从应用程序堆栈一直向下浏览到CQRS + ES主干的基本细节,而不是从底部开始描述时间轴程序集的工作方式。

If I have held your attention this long, then I owe you more than a little reward for staying with me thus far...


方案A:如何创建和更新联系人 (Scenario A: How to Create and Update a Contact)

This is the simplest possible usage.


Here we create a new contact person, then perform a name-change, simulating a use case in which Alice gets married:


public static void Run(ICommandQueue commander)
    var alice = Guid.NewGuid();
    commander.Send(new RegisterPerson(alice, "Alice", "O'Wonderland"));
    commander.Send(new RenamePerson(alice, "Alice", "Cooper"));

Following this run the read-side projection looks good, just as expected:


数据流 (Data Flow)

The steps performed by the system in this scenario are illustrated in the following diagram:



方案B:如何对聚合进行快照 (Scenario B: How to Take a Snapshot of an Aggregate)

Snapshots are automated by the Timeline assembly; they are enabled for every aggregate by default, so you don't have to do anything at all to get this working.

快照由“时间轴”程序集自动执行。 默认情况下,每个聚合都启用了它们,因此您无需执行任何操作即可使此工作正常进行。

In this next test run, the Timeline assembly is configured to take a snapshot after every 10 events. We register a new contact person, then rename him 20 times. This produces a snapshot on event number 20, which is the second-to-last rename operation.

在下一个测试运行中,时间轴程序集被配置为每10个事件后拍摄一次快照。 我们注册一个新的联系人,然后将其重命名20次。 这将在事件编号20上生成快照,这是倒数第二个重命名操作。

public static void Run(ICommandQueue commander)
    var henry = Guid.NewGuid();
    commander.Send(new RegisterPerson(henry, "King", "Henry I"));
    for (int i = 1; i <= 20; i++)
        commander.Send(new RenamePerson(henry, "King", "Henry " + (i+1).ToRoman()));

As expected, we have a snapshot at version 20, and the current-state projection after event number 21:



方案C:如何使聚合脱机 (Scenario C: How to Take an Aggregate Offline)

In my solution the terms "boxing" and "unboxing" are used for taking an aggregate offline and bringing it back online.


When you send a command to box an aggregate, the Timeline assembly:

当您发送命令将汇总框装箱时 ,时间轴程序集:

  1. creates a snapshot; then

    创建快照; 然后
  2. copies that snapshot and the entire aggregate event stream to a JSON file stored in a directory on the file system; then

    将快照和整个聚合事件流复制到存储在文件系统目录中的JSON文件中; 然后
  3. deletes the snapshot and the aggregate from the SQL Server structured log tables.

    从SQL Server结构化日志表中删除快照和聚合。

This makes it a highly destructive operation, of course, and it should never be used except in circumstances where it is a mandatory business/legal requirement.


In the next test run, we register a new contact person, rename him 7 times, then box the aggregate.


public static void Run(ICommandQueue commander)
    var hatter = Guid.NewGuid();
    commander.Send(new RegisterPerson(hatter, "Mad", "Hatter One"));
    for (int i = 2; i <= 8; i++)
        commander.Send(new RenamePerson(hatter, "Mad", "Hatter " + i.ToWords().Titleize()));
    commander.Send(new BoxPerson(hatter));

As you can see, the aggregate no longer exists in the event store, and an offline copy of the final snapshot (along with the entire event stream) has been made on the file system.



方案D:如何创建具有唯一登录名的新用户 (Scenario D: How to Create a New User With a Unique Login Name)

The question I encounter most frequently online from developers trying to understand CQRS+ES is this:

在开发人员中,我最经常在线上尝试理解CQRS + ES的问题是:

"How do I enforce referential integrity to guarantee new users have unique login names?"


I asked this same question myself (more than once) in the early days of my research on the CQRS+ES pattern.

在研究CQRS + ES模式的初期,我自己(不止一次)问过同样的问题。

A lot of the answers from experienced practitioners look something like this:


"Your question indicates you do not understand CQRS+ES."

“您的问题表明您不了解CQRS + ES。”

This is true (I realize now) but completely unhelpful, especially to someone who is making an effort to learn.


Some of the answers are slightly better, offering a high-level recommendation in summary form, but loaded with CQRS+ES terminology, which is not always helpful either. One of my favorite recommendations was this (from the good folks at Edument):

一些答案稍好一些,以摘要形式提供了高级建议,但使用了CQRS + ES术语,但这也不总是有用。 我最喜欢的建议之一是(来自Edument的好人 ):

"Create a reactive saga to flag down and inactivate accounts that were nevertheless created with a duplicate user name, whether by extreme coincidence or maliciously or because of a faulty client."


The first time I read that I had only a vague sense of what it meant, and no idea at all how to begin to implement such a recommendation.


The next test run shows one way (but not the only way) to create a new user with a unique name, using real, working code as an example.


In this scenario, the trick is to realize that you do in fact need a saga (or process manager, as I prefer to call it). Creating a new user account is not a single-step operation; it is a process, and therefore requires coordination. The flowchart (or state machine, if you prefer) might be very complex in your application, but even in the simplest of all possible cases, it looks something like this:

在这种情况下,诀窍是要意识到您实际上确实需要一个传奇人物 (或流程经理 ,我更喜欢称呼它)。 创建新的用户帐户不是一步一步的操作。 这是一个过程,因此需要协调。 流程图(或状态机 ,如果愿意的话)在您的应用程序中可能非常复杂,但是即使在所有可能的情况中,最简单的情况也是如此:


The code that relies on a process manager to implement this functionality is shown in the next figure:


public void Run()
    var login = "jack@example.com";
    var password = "Let_Me_In!";

    if (RegisterUser(Guid.NewGuid(), login, password)) // succeeds.
        System.Console.WriteLine($"User registration for {login} succeeded");
    if (!RegisterUser(Guid.NewGuid(), login, password)) // fails; duplicate login.
        System.Console.WriteLine($"User registration for {login} failed");

private bool RegisterUser(Guid id, string login, string password)
    bool isComplete(Guid user) { return _querySearch.IsUserRegistrationCompleted(user); }
    const int waitTime = 200; // ms
    const int maximumRetries = 15; // 15 retries (~3 seconds)

    _commander.Send(new StartUserRegistration(id, login, password));

    for (var retry = 0; retry < maximumRetries && !isComplete(id); retry++)

    if (isComplete(id))
        var summary = _querySearch.SelectUserSummary(id);
        return summary?.UserRegistrationStatus == "Succeeded";
        var error = $"Registration for {login} has not completed after 
                    {waitTime * maximumRetries} ms";
        throw new IncompleteUserRegistrationException(error);

Notice the caller in the example above does not assume synchronous handling of the command StartUserRegistration. Instead, it polls the status of the registration, waiting for it to complete.

请注意,上面示例中的调用者不假定对StartUserRegistration命令进行同步处理。 而是轮询注册的状态,等待注册完成。

Knowing the code in the Timeline assembly is synchronous, we can refactor the method RegisterUser so it is even simpler:

知道时间轴程序集中的代码是同步的 ,我们可以重构方法RegisterUser ,它甚至更简单:

private bool RegisterUserNoWait(Guid id, string login, string password)
    bool isComplete(Guid user) { return _querySearch.IsUserRegistrationCompleted(user); }

    _commander.Send(new StartUserRegistration(id, login, password));


    return _querySearch.SelectUserSummary(id).UserRegistrationStatus == "Succeeded";

The code for the process manager itself is simpler than you might guess:


public class UserRegistrationProcessManager
    private readonly ICommandQueue _commander;
    private readonly IQuerySearch _querySearch;

    public UserRegistrationProcessManager
       (ICommandQueue commander, IEventQueue publisher, IQuerySearch querySearch)
        _commander = commander;
        _querySearch = querySearch;


    public void Handle(UserRegistrationStarted e)
        // Registration succeeds only if no other user has the same login name.
        var status = _querySearch
            .UserExists(u => u.LoginName == e.Name 
			    && u.UserIdentifier != e.AggregateIdentifier)
            ? "Failed" : "Succeeded";

        _commander.Send(new CompleteUserRegistration(e.AggregateIdentifier, status));

    public void Handle(UserRegistrationSucceeded e) { }

    public void Handle(UserRegistrationFailed e) { }

There you have a basic, reactive saga that flags inactivate accounts created with a duplicate user name. And there was much rejoicing.

那里有一个基本的React式传奇,它标记了使用重复用户名创建的不活动帐户。 有很多的欣喜。

As expected, the first registration succeeds and the second fails:



方案E:如何安排命令 (Scenario E: How to Schedule a Command)

Scheduling a command to run at a future date/time is easy:


public static void Run(ICommandQueue commander)
    var alice = Guid.NewGuid();
    var tomorrow = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddDays(1);
    commander.Schedule(new RegisterPerson(alice, "Alice", "O'Wonderland"), tomorrow);

    // After the above timer elapses, any call to Ping() executes the scheduled command.
    // commander.Ping();

Notice this creates no aggregate in the event log, and the command log now contains a scheduled entry:



方案F:如何使用一个命令更新多个聚合 (Scenario F: How to Update Multiple Aggregates With One Command)

This is another common question asked by developers who are trying to understand how to implement the CQRS+ES pattern. It is another question I asked (many, many times) when I was learning it myself.

这是试图了解如何实现CQRS + ES模式的开发人员提出的另一个常见问题。 当我自己学习时,这是我问过(很多次)的另一个问题。

Practitioners often answer by saying:


"You can't."


This is not enormously helpful.


Some will offer a little more guidance with a statement that goes like this:


"The factoring of your aggregates and command handlers will make this idea impossible to express in code."


The first several times you read that statement it seems cryptic, and in the end you discover it can be quite helpful for validating your implementation, but in the beginning it isn't super instructive.


More helpful is an example with real, working code, which implements the type of functionality that motivated the question in the first place:


  • Suppose I have two bank accounts, each of which is an aggregate root, and I want to transfer money from one account to the other. How do I achieve this using CQRS+ES?

    假设我有两个银行帐户,每个帐户都是一个总根,我想将资金从一个帐户转移到另一个帐户。 如何使用CQRS + ES做到这一点?

The next test run shows one way (and not the only way) this can be done.


In this scenario, the trick is to realize you need another aggregate root - i.e., a money Transfer, which is not itself an Account - and you also need a process manager to coordinate the workflow.


The simplest possible flowchart is illustrated in the next figure. (An accounting system obviously needs something more sophisticated than this.)

下图说明了最简单的流程图。 (会计系统显然需要比这更复杂的东西。)


The code that relies on a process manager to implement the workflow illustrated above is easy, once you have all the pieces in place:


public void Run()
    // Start one account with $100.
    var bill = Guid.NewGuid();
    CreatePerson(bill, "Bill", "Esquire");
    var blue = Guid.NewGuid();
    StartAccount(bill, blue, "Bill's Blue Account", 100);

    // Start another account with $100.
    var ted = Guid.NewGuid();
    CreatePerson(ted, "Ted", "Logan");
    var red = Guid.NewGuid();
    StartAccount(ted, red, "Ted's Red Account", 100);

    // Create a money transfer for Bill giving money to Ted.
    var tx = Guid.NewGuid();
    _commander.Send(new StartTransfer(tx, blue, red, 69));

private void StartAccount(Guid person, Guid account, string code, decimal deposit)
    _commander.Send(new OpenAccount(account, person, code));
    _commander.Send(new DepositMoney(account, deposit));

private void CreatePerson(Guid person, string first, string last)
    _commander.Send(new RegisterPerson(person, first, last));

After that test executes, Bill's blue account has a balance of $31, and Ted's red account has a balance of $169, as expected:



The code for the money transfer process manager is not too difficult either:


public class TransferProcessManager
    private readonly ICommandQueue _commander;
    private readonly IEventRepository _repository;

    public TransferProcessManager
    (ICommandQueue commander, IEventQueue publisher, IEventRepository repository)
        _commander = commander;
        _repository = repository;


    public void Handle(TransferStarted e)
        var withdrawal = new WithdrawMoney(e.FromAccount, e.Amount, e.AggregateIdentifier);

    public void Handle(MoneyWithdrawn e)
        if (e.Transaction == Guid.Empty)

        var status = new UpdateTransfer(e.Transaction, "Debit Succeeded");

        var transfer = (Transfer) _repository.Get<TransferAggregate>(e.Transaction).State;

        var deposit = new DepositMoney(transfer.ToAccount, e.Amount, e.Transaction);

    public void Handle(MoneyDeposited e)
        if (e.Transaction == Guid.Empty)

        var status = new UpdateTransfer(e.Transaction, "Credit Succeeded");

        var complete = new CompleteTransfer(e.Transaction);

方案G:如何实现自定义事件处理程序 (Scenario G: How to Implement a Custom Event Handler)

In this next example, I demonstrate how to define a custom event handler that is intended for use by one and only one tenant in a multitenant system.


In this scenario, Umbrella Corporation is one of our tenants, and the organization wants all the existing core functionality in our system. However, the company also wants an additional custom feature:

在这种情况下,Umbrella Corporation是我们的租户之一,并且该组织需要我们系统中所有现有的核心功能。 但是,该公司还需要其他自定义功能:

  • When a money transfer is started from or to any Umbrella account, if the dollar amount exceeds $10,000, then an email notification must be sent directly to the company owner.


To satisfy this requirement, we implement a process manager for the tenant. The calling code that relies on this process manager is no different than it was in the previous scenario.

为了满足此要求,我们为租户实施了流程管理器。 依赖于此流程管理器的调用代码与之前的场景没有什么不同。

public void Run()
    // Start one account with $50,000.
    var ada = Guid.NewGuid();
    CreatePerson(ada, "Ada", "Wong");
    var a = Guid.NewGuid();
    StartAccount(ada, a, "Ada's Account", 50000);

    // Start another account with $25,000.
    var albert = Guid.NewGuid();
    CreatePerson(albert, "Albert", "Wesker");
    var b = Guid.NewGuid();
    StartAccount(albert, b, "Albert's Account", 100);

    // Create a money transfer for Ada giving money to Albert.
    var tx = Guid.NewGuid();
    _commander.Send(new StartTransfer(tx, a, b, 18000));

private void StartAccount(Guid person, Guid account, string code, decimal deposit)
    _commander.Send(new OpenAccount(account, person, code));
    _commander.Send(new DepositMoney(account, deposit));

private void CreatePerson(Guid person, string first, string last)
    _commander.Send(new RegisterPerson(person, first, last));

Here is a snapshot from the Visual Studio debugger, looking at the code for the process manager, with a breakpoint on the line that sends the email notification. Notice the body of the message in the popup is what we expect:

这是Visual Studio调试器的快照,查看流程管理器的代码,在发送电子邮件通知的行上有一个断点。 请注意,弹出窗口中的消息正文是我们期望的:


方案H:如何使用自定义处理程序覆盖命令 (Scenario H: How to Override a Command With a Custom Handler)

This final example is a variation on the preceding one. Umbrella Corporation wants to disable a core application feature entirely, and replace it with behavior that is entirely custom. The new business requirement looks like this:

最后一个示例是前一个示例的变体。 Umbrella Corporation希望完全禁用核心应用程序功能,并将其替换为完全自定义的行为。 新的业务需求如下所示:

  • Changing the name of a contact person in our system is not permitted. Ever.

    不允许在我们的系统中更改联系人的姓名。 曾经

To satisfy this requirement, we make a few simple changes to the process manager. We add one line of code to the constructor, specifying the override, and we add the replacement function:

为了满足此要求,我们对流程管理器进行了一些简单的更改。 我们向构造函数添加一行代码,指定覆盖,然后添加替换函数:

public class UmbrellaProcessManager
    private IQuerySearch _querySearch;

    public UmbrellaProcessManager
      (ICommandQueue commander, IEventQueue publisher, IQuerySearch querySearch)
        _querySearch = querySearch;

        commander.Override<RenamePerson>(Handle, Tenants.Umbrella.Identifier);

    public void Handle(TransferStarted e) { }

    public void Handle(RenamePerson c)
        // Do nothing. Umbrella does not permit renaming people.
        // Throw an exception to make the consequences even more severe 
		// for any attempt to rename a person...
        // throw new DisallowRenamePersonException();

Here is a basic test run to demonstrate this works as expected:


public static class Test08
    public static void Run(ICommandQueue commander)
        ProgramSettings.CurrentTenant = Tenants.Umbrella;

        var alice = Guid.NewGuid();
        commander.Send(new RegisterPerson(alice, "Alice", "Abernathy"));
        commander.Send(new RenamePerson(alice, "Alice", "Parks"));

Notice just one event in the log, and no change to the person's name:



介绍 (Presentation)

The presentation layer in the sample application is a console application intended only for writing and running test-case scenarios.


There is nothing here that warrants special attention. You will notice I have not used a third-party component for dependency injection; instead I have written a very basic in-memory service-locator.

这里没有什么值得特别注意的。 您会注意到,我没有使用第三方组件进行依赖注入。 相反,我编写了一个非常基本的内存服务定位器。

This is done only for the sake of keeping the sample application as small and as focused as possible. In your own presentation layer, you'll implement dependency injection in whatever way works best for you, using whatever IoC container you prefer.

这样做仅是为了使示例应用程序尽可能小且尽可能集中。 在您自己的表示层中,将使用您喜欢的任何IoC容器以最适合您的方式实施依赖项注入。

应用 (Application)

The application layer is divided into two distinct parts: a Write side for commands, and a Read side for queries. This division helps to ensure we don't accidentally mix write-side and read-side functionality.

应用程序层分为两个不同的部分:用于命令的写面和用于查询的读面。 这种划分有助于确保我们不会意外地混用写侧和读侧功能。

Notice there are no references to external third-party assemblies here:



写面 (Write Side)

Commands are Plain Old C# Object (POCO) classes, so they can be easily used as Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) for easy serialization:


public class RenamePerson : Command
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }

    public RenamePerson(Guid id, string firstName, string lastName)
        AggregateIdentifier = id;
        FirstName = firstName;
        LastName = lastName;

Note: I prefer the term "Packet" to "Data Transfer Object", and I know many readers will object to that, so choose terminology that works for you and your team.

注意 :与“数据传输对象”相比,我更喜欢“数据包”一词,并且我知道许多读者会反对,因此请选择适合您和您的团队的术语。

The registration of a command handler method is explicit in the constructor for a command subscriber class, and events are published after they have been saved to the event store:


public class PersonCommandSubscriber
    private readonly IEventRepository _repository;
    private readonly IEventQueue _publisher;

    public PersonCommandSubscriber
      (ICommandQueue commander, IEventQueue publisher, IEventRepository repository)
        _repository = repository;
        _publisher = publisher;


    private void Commit(PersonAggregate aggregate)
        var changes = _repository.Save(aggregate);
        foreach (var change in changes)

    public void Handle(RegisterPerson c)
        var aggregate = new PersonAggregate { AggregateIdentifier = c.AggregateIdentifier };
        aggregate.RegisterPerson(c.FirstName, c.LastName, DateTimeOffset.UtcNow);

    public void Handle(RenamePerson c)
        var aggregate = _repository.Get<PersonAggregate>(c.AggregateIdentifier);
        aggregate.RenamePerson(c.FirstName, c.LastName);

阅读面 (Read Side)

Queries are POCO classes also, making them lightweight and easy to serialize.


public class PersonSummary
    public Guid TenantIdentifier { get; set; }

    public Guid PersonIdentifier { get; set; }
    public string PersonName { get; set; }
    public DateTimeOffset PersonRegistered { get; set; }

    public int OpenAccountCount { get; set; }
    public decimal TotalAccountBalance { get; set; }

The registration of an event handler method is also explicit in the constructor for an event subscriber class:


public class PersonEventSubscriber
    private readonly IQueryStore _store;

    public PersonEventSubscriber(IEventQueue queue, IQueryStore store)
        _store = store;


    public void Handle(PersonRegistered c)
        _store.InsertPerson(c.IdentityTenant, c.AggregateIdentifier, 
                            c.FirstName + " " + c.LastName, c.Registered);

    public void Handle(PersonRenamed c)
        _store.UpdatePersonName(c.AggregateIdentifier, c.FirstName + " " + c.LastName);


The domain contains only aggregates and events. Again, you'll see the list of References here is as bare-metal as possible:

该域仅包含聚合和事件。 再次,您将看到这里的参考列表尽可能裸机:


Each aggregate root class contains a function for each of the commands it accepts as a request to change its state:


public class PersonAggregate : AggregateRoot
    public override AggregateState CreateState() => new Person();

    public void RegisterPerson(string firstName, string lastName, DateTimeOffset registered)
        // 1. Validate command
        // Omitted for the sake of brevity.

        // 2. Validate domain.
        // Omitted for the sake of brevity.

        // 3. Apply change to aggregate state.
        var e = new PersonRegistered(firstName, lastName, registered);

    public void RenamePerson(string firstName, string lastName)
        var e = new PersonRenamed(firstName, lastName);

Notice the aggregate state is implemented in a class that is separate from the aggregate root.


This makes serialization and snapshots easier to manage, and it helps with overall readability because it forces a stronger delineation between command-related functions and event-related functions:


public class Person : AggregateState
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
    public DateTimeOffset Registered { get; set; }

    public void When(PersonRegistered @event)
        FirstName = @event.FirstName;
        LastName = @event.LastName;
        Registered = @event.Registered;

    public void When(PersonRenamed @event)
        FirstName = @event.FirstName;
        LastName = @event.LastName;

Events, like commands and queries, are lightweight POCO classes:


public class PersonRenamed : Event
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }

    public PersonRenamed(string first, string last) { FirstName = first; LastName = last; }

坚持不懈 (Persistence)

At the persistence layer, we begin to see a larger number of dependencies on external third-party components. For example, here we rely on:

在持久层,我们开始看到对外部第三方组件的更多依赖关系。 例如,在这里我们依靠:

  • Json.NET for JSON serialization and deserialization;


  • System.Data for logging commands and events and snapshots in SQL Server using ADO.NET; and

    System.Data,用于使用ADO.NET在SQL Server中记录命令,事件和快照; 和

  • Entity Framework for query projections.



The source code in this project implements a standard run-of-the-mill data access layer, and there should be nothing in this layer that it is new, or especially innovative, or surprising to any experienced developer - so it needs no special discussion.

该项目中的源代码实现了标准的常规数据访问层,并且在这一层中应该没有什么是新的,特别是创新的,或者任何有经验的开发人员都感到惊讶的,因此不需要进行特殊讨论。 。

CQRS + ES骨干网 (CQRS+ES Backbone)

And at long (long) last, ladies and gentlemen, comes the part of the evening you've been waiting for: the Timeline assembly that actually implements the CQRS+ES pattern, which makes all of the above possible.

而在长( )最后,女士们,先生们,来你一直在等待晚上的一部分:时间轴组件实际上实现了CQRS + ES模式,这使得所有可能的上方。

The funny thing is... now that we have arrived at the nuts and bolts, there should be very little mystery remaining.



The first thing you'll notice is the Timeline assembly has no dependencies on external third-party components (besides the .NET Framework itself, obviously).

您会注意到的第一件事是时间轴程序集依赖于外部第三方组件(显然,.NET Framework本身除外)。

指令 (Commands)

There are just a few things to note here.


The Command base class contains properties for the aggregate identifier and version number, as you'd expect. It also contains properties for the identity of the tenant and user sending the command.

如您所料,Command基类包含用于聚合标识符和版本号的属性。 它还包含用于租户和发送命令的用户身份的属性。

/// <summary>
/// Defines the base class for all commands.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// A command is a request to change the domain. It is always are named with a verb in 
/// the imperative mood, such as Confirm Order. Unlike an event, a command is not a 
/// statement of fact; it is only a request, and thus may be refused. Commands are
/// immutable because their expected usage is to be sent directly to the domain model for 
/// processing. They do not need to change during their projected lifetime.
/// </remarks>
public class Command : ICommand
    public Guid AggregateIdentifier { get; set; }
    public int? ExpectedVersion { get; set; }

    public Guid IdentityTenant { get; set; }
    public Guid IdentityUser { get; set; }

    public Guid CommandIdentifier { get; set; }
    public Command() { CommandIdentifier = Guid.NewGuid(); }

The CommandQueue implements the ICommandQueue interface, which defines a small set of methods to register subscribers and overrides, as well as send and schedule commands. You can think of this as the service bus for your commands.

CommandQueue实现了ICommandQueue接口,该接口定义了一CommandQueue方法来注册订户和替代,以及发送和调度命令。 您可以将其视为命令的服务总线


大事记 (Events)

The Event base class contains properties for the aggregate identifier and version number, as well as properties for the identity of the tenant and user for whom the event was raised/published. This ensures every event log entry is associated with a specific tenant and user.

Event基类包含聚合标识符和版本号的属性,以及为其引发/发布事件的租户和用户的身份的属性。 这样可以确保每个事件日志条目都与特定的租户和用户相关联。


You can think of the EventQueue as the service bus for your events.


骨料 (Aggregates)

There is one small bit of black magic in the AggregateState class. The Apply method uses reflection to determine which method to invoke when an event is applied to the aggregate state. I don't especially like this, but I cannot find any way to avoid it. Fortunately, the code is very easy to read and understand:

AggregateState类中有一点点黑魔法。 Apply方法使用反射来确定将事件应用于聚合状态时要调用的方法。 我不是特别喜欢这样,但是我找不到任何避免它的方法。 幸运的是,该代码非常易于阅读和理解:

/// <summary>
/// Represents the state (data) of an aggregate. A derived class should be a POCO
/// (DTO/Packet) that includes a When method for each event type that changes its
/// property values. Ideally, the property values for an instance of  this class 
/// should be modified only through its When methods.
/// </summary>
public abstract class AggregateState
    public void Apply(IEvent @event)
        var when = GetType().GetMethod("When", new[] { @event.GetType() });

        if (when == null)
            throw new MethodNotFoundException(GetType(), "When", @event.GetType());

        when.Invoke(this, new object[] { @event });

快照 (Snapshots)

The source code to implement Snapshots is cleaner and simpler than I imagined it could be when I first started this project. The logic is somewhat intricate, but the Snapshots namespace contains only ~240 lines of code, so I won't add details on that here. I leave that as an exercise for you, the most patient of readers, if there are any of you still left at this point. :-)

实现快照的源代码比我最初启动该项目时想象的更加整洁和简单。 逻辑有些复杂,但是Snapshots命名空间仅包含约240行代码,因此在此不再赘述。 如果您还有其他人,我将其留给您(最耐心的读者)作为练习。 :-)

指标 (Metrics)

I will close the article with a few basic metrics. (More to come later.)

我将以一些基本指标结束本文。 (稍后再介绍。)

Here is the analysis report produced by NDepend on the Timeline assembly:



The source code is not perfect, as you can see, but does get an "A" rating, with technical debt estimated at only 1.3%. The project is also very compact, with only 439 lines of code, at the time I write this.

如您所见,源代码并不完美,但确实获得了“ A”级评级,技术债务估计仅为1.3%。 在我撰写本文时,该项目也非常紧凑,只有439行代码。

Note: NDepend counts lines of code (LOC) from the number of sequence points per method in the .pdb symbol file for an assembly. Visual Studio counts LOC differently; on the Timeline project it reports 1,916 lines of Source code, with 277 lines of Executable code.

注意 :NDepend从程序集.pdb符号文件中每个方法的序列点数中计算代码行(LOC) 。 Visual Studio对LOC的计数不同; 在时间轴项目中,它报告了1,916行源代码,以及277行可执行代码。

When time permits, I will update this article with run-time performance results.


In the meantime, your comments and criticisms are most welcome.


翻译自: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5264244/A-Fast-and-Lightweight-Solution-for-CQRS-and-Event

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CQRS(Command Query Responsibility Segration)架构,大家应该不会陌生了。简单的说,就是一个系统,从架构上把它拆分为两部分:命令处理(写请求)+查询处理(读请求)。然后读写两边可以用不同的架构实现,以实现CQ两端(即Command Side,简称C端;Query Side,简称Q端)的分别优化。CQRS作为一个读写分离思想的架构,在数据存储方面,没有做过多的约束。所以,我觉得CQRS可以有不同层次的实现,比如: 1.CQ两端数据库共享,CQ两端只是在上层代码上分离;这种做法,带来的好处是可以让我们的代码读写分离,更好维护,且没有CQ两端的数据一致性问题,因为是共享一个数据库的。我个人认为,这种架构很实用,既兼顾了数据的强一致性,又能让代码好维护。 2.CQ两端数据库和上层代码都分离,然后Q的数据由C端同步过来,一般是通过Domain Event进行同步。同步方式有两种,同步或异步,如果需要CQ两端的强一致性,则需要用同步;如果能接受CQ两端数据的最终一致性,则可以使用异步。采用这种方式的架构,个人觉得,C端应该采用Event Sourcing(简称ES)模式才有意义,否则就是自己给自己找麻烦。因为这样做你会发现会出现冗余数据,同样的数据,在C端的db中有,而在Q端的db中也有。和上面第一种做法相比,我想不到什么好处。而采用ES,则所有C端的最新数据全部用Domain Event表达即可;而要查询显示用的数据,则从Q端的ReadDB(关系型数据库)查询即可。


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  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




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