

介绍 (Introduction)

Four years ago, I created the initial version of object mapper with IL code. Just a few weeks ago, I decided to reimplement HigLabo.Mapper with Expression Tree and achieve huge performance improvement. It scored fastest in the world currently. You can see my 10 days commit log at https://github.com/higty/higlabo.netstandard/tree/master/HigLabo.Mapper.

四年前,我用IL代码创建了对象映射器的初始版本。 就在几周前,我决定用Expression Tree重新实现HigLabo.Mapper并实现巨大的性能改进。 它目前在世界上得分最高。 您可以在https://github.com/higty/higlabo.netstandard/tree/master/HigLabo.Mapper上查看我的10天提交日志。

I share my code and library to contribute to the C# and .NET community.


The source code can be found at https://github.com/higty/higlabo/tree/master/NetStandard/HigLabo.Mapper.


You can use from Nuget.


HigLabo.Mapper (version 3.0.x.x)

HigLabo.Mapper (版本3.0.xx)

背景 (Background)

Now a days, whether you are a developer of Web, Desktop, Mobile, you may use some of POCO, DTO object. And you must transfer property value from object to object. Object mapper is useful for this situation. This time, the goal of my reimplementation is as listed below:

如今,无论您是Web,Desktop,Mobile的开发人员,都可以使用POCO,DTO对象。 而且,您必须在对象之间传递属性值。 对象映射器对于这种情况很有用。 这次,我重新实现的目标如下所示:

  1. Fastest in the world

  2. Zero configuration for productivity

  3. Full customization for various usecase

  4. Multiple mapping rule for an application


如何使用? (How to Use?)

You can get HigLabo.Mapper (version 3.0.0 or later) from Nuget package. (Old HigLabo.Mapper is moved to HigLabo.Mapper.ObjectMapConfig package.)

您可以从Nuget包中获取HigLabo.Mapper (版本3.0.0或更高版本)。 (旧的HigLabo.Mapper已移至HigLabo.Mapper.ObjectMapConfig package 。)

Add using directive in your application:


using HigLabo.Core;

Now you can use Map extension method like this:


var a1 = new Address(); //your POCO class.
var a2 = a1.Map(new Address());

HigLabo.Mapper supports Dictionary to Object mapping.


var d = new Dictionary<String, String>(); 
d["Name"] = "Bill";
var person = d.Map(new Person());
//person.Name is "Bill"

Object to Dictionary also supported.


var p = new Person(); 
p.Name = "Bill";
var d = p.Map(new Dictionary<String, String>);
//d["Name"] is "Bill"

I design HigLabo.Mapper easy to use.


与其他映射器的比较 (Comparison to Other Mappers)

In this chapter, I will explain the difference to other mapper libraries. This is a summary of comparison.

在本章中,我将解释与其他映射器库的区别。 这是比较的摘要。

  1. Performance

  2. Initial Configuration

  3. Customization

  4. Multiple Settings


性能!!! (Performance!!!)

It is important for mapper library because it has a tendency to be used in deeper place like inside loop. The summary of performance test is here.

这对于mapper库很重要,因为它倾向于在更深的地方(如内部循环)使用。 性能测试的摘要在这里。

  • 3x-4x faster than AutoMapper (for POCO that does not have collection property)

    比AutoMapper快3到4倍 (对于没有收集属性的POCO)

  • 10%-20% faster than Mapster (for POCO that does not have collection property)

    比Mapster快10%-20% (对于没有收集属性的POCO)

  • 7x-10x faster than AgileMapper, FastMapper, TinyMapper (for POCO that does not have collection property) 

    比AgileMapper,FastMapper和TinyMapper快7到10倍 (适用于没有收集属性的POCO)

  • 3x faster than AutoMapper (for POCO that has collection property)

    比AutoMapper快3倍 (对于具有收集属性的POCO)

  • 10x faster than Mapster (for POCO that has collection property)


  • 10x-20x faster than AgileMapper, FastMapper, TinyMapper (for POCO that has collection property)

    比AgileMapper,FastMapper和TinyMapper快10到20倍 (对于具有收集属性的POCO)

Here is a performance test result with BenchmarkDotNet. HigLaboObjectMapper_XXXX is the result of  new HigLabo.Mapper.

这是BenchmarkDotNet的性能测试结果。 HigLaboObjectMapper_XXXX是新HigLabo.Mapper的结果。

Image 1

Here is a class that is used for performance test.


public class Address
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Street { get; set; }
    public string City { get; set; }
    public string Country { get; set; }
    public AddressType AddressType { get; set; }

public class AddressDTO
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string City { get; set; }
    public string Country { get; set; }
    public AddressType AddressType { get; set; } = AddressType.House;
public struct GpsPosition
    public double Latitude { get; private set; }
    public double Longitude { get; private set; }

    public GpsPosition(double latitude, double longitude)
        this.Latitude = latitude;
        this.Longitude = longitude;

public class Customer
    public Int32? Id { get; set; }
    public String Name { get; set; }
    public Address Address { get; set; }
    public Address HomeAddress { get; set; }
    public Address[] AddressList { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<Address> WorkAddressList { get; set; }

public class CustomerDTO
    public Int32? Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public Address Address { get; set; }
    public AddressDTO HomeAddress { get; set; }
    public AddressDTO[] AddressList { get; set; }
    public List<AddressDTO> WorkAddressList { get; set; }
    public String AddressCity { get; set; }

I tested 4 types of mapping like this:


1. POCO class without collection property to same class.
XXX.Map(new Address(), new Address())

2. POCO class without collection property to other class.
XXX.Map(new Address(), new AddressDTO())

3. POCO class that has collection property map to same class.
XXX.Map(new Customer(), new Customer())

4. POCO class that has collection property map to other class.
XXX.Map(new Customer(), new CustomerDTO());

As you can see, all 4 cases HigLabo.Mapper is fastest.


You can see the entire test code at https://github.com/higty/higlabo/tree/master/NetStandard/HigLabo.Test/HigLabo.Mapper.PerformanceTest.


初始配置 (Initial Configuration)

Some of Mapper requires initial configuration like this:


var configuration = new AutoMapper.MapperConfiguration(config => {
    config.CreateMap<Building, Building>();
    config.CreateMap<TreeNode, TreeNode>();

This is AutoMapper configuration code. If you have thousands of classes to map with, it is quite boring to create this mapping configuration code. TinyMapper also requires configuration.

这是AutoMapper配置代码。 如果您要映射成千上万个类,那么创建此映射配置代码将很无聊。 TinyMapper也需要配置。

TinyMapper.Bind<Park, Park>();
TinyMapper.Bind<Customer, CustomerDTO>();
TinyMapper.Bind<Dictionary<String, String>, Building>();

HigLabo.Mapper does not require any configuration. You can use it out of the box.

HigLabo.Mapper不需要任何配置。 您可以直接使用它。

客制化 (Customization)

Sometimes, you want to customize the mapping rule against your POCO object. AutoMapper is so complicated to customize mapping rule. I compare AutoMapper and HigLabo.Mapper with example of this page.

有时,您想针对POCO对象自定义映射规则。 自定义映射规则非常复杂。 我将AutoMapperHigLabo.Mapper与该页面的示例进行比较。



class Source {
  public int Id {get;set;}
  public int UseThisInt {get;set;}
  public InnerType Inner {get;set;}
  // other properties that the Destination class is not interested in
class InnerType {
  public int Id {get;set;}
  public int Height {get;set;}
  // more inner properties
class Destination {
  public int Id {get;set;}
  public int UseThisInt {get;set;}
  public int Height {get;set;}
  // more inner properties that should map to InnerType

//So many configuration and complicated....
Mapper.Initialize(cfg => {
    cfg.CreateMap<source, destination="">();
    cfg.CreateMap<innertype, destination="">();
var dest = Mapper.Map<destination>(src);
Mapper.Map(src.Inner, dest);
Mapper.Initialize(cfg => {
        cfg.CreateMap<source, destination="">()AfterMap
                     ((src, dest) => Mapper.Map(src.Inner, dest));
        cfg.CreateMap<innertype, destination="">();
var dest = Mapper.Map<destination>(src);

If you use AutoMapper, you must know about the AutoMapper library like Mapper.Initialize, ForMember, CreateMap, AfterMap, etc.

如果使用AutoMapper ,则必须了解AutoMapper库,例如Mapper.InitializeForMemberCreateMapAfterMap等。

HigLabo.Mapper can customize like this:


c.AddPostAction<Source, Destination>((s, d) =>
    d.Id = s.Inner.Id;
    //Set Inner object property to Destination object     

HigLabo.Mapper simply calls this lambda after mapping completed when you call Map method. So, you can overwrite default mapping rule.

当您调用Map方法时,映射完成后, HigLabo.Mapper简单地调用此lambda。 因此,您可以覆盖默认映射规则。

You can completely replace mapping rule with ReplaceMap method like this:


c.ReplaceMap<Source, Destination>((s, d) =>
    //Set all map with your own.
    d.Id = s.Inner.Id;
    //Set Inner object property to Destination object
//You can call Map method.
var source = new Source();
var destination = new Destination();
source.Map(distination); //Above lambda will be called.

It is simple and no additional knowledge is required. You can only know about C# lambda that you already use.

它很简单,不需要其他知识。 您只能知道已经使用的C#lambda。

You can easily add convert logic.


c.AddPostAction<Person, PersonVM>((s, d) =>
    d.BMI = CalculateBMI(s.Height, s.Weight);

You can also use conditional property map.


c.AddPostAction<Employee, EmployeeVM>((s, d) =>
    if (s.EmployeeType == EmployeeType.Contract)
        d.Property1 = someValue1;
        d.Property1 = someValue2;

Another advantage of this design is that you can easily debug to your code. You can set break point on lambda inside AddPostAction, ReplaceMap method.

这种设计的另一个优点是,您可以轻松地调试代码。 您可以在AddPostActionReplaceMap方法内的lambda上设置断点。

You can also customize property mapping rule like this:


class Person
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Position_Name { get; set; }
class PersonModel
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string PositionName { get; set; }

var mapper = HigLabo.Core.ObjectMapper.D
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