
Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language that is very popular amongst developers. Python is especially used for Rapid Application Development. Features like easy learning, wide library support, cross-platform, easy deployment make Python the choice for the developers.

Python是一种解释型,面向对象的高级编程语言,在开发人员中非常流行。 Python特别用于快速应用程序开发。 易于学习,广泛的库支持,跨平台,易于部署等功能使Python成为开发人员的选择。

Python历史 (Python History)

Python programming language does not have a very long history. Here we will provide the history of the Python with important dates.

Python编程语言没有很长的历史。 在这里,我们将提供重要日期的Python历史记录。

  • Guido Van Rossum started to development of the Python implementation in 1989.

    Guido Van Rossum于1989年开始开发Python实现。
  • The first public version of the Python is created with version 0.9.0 in 1991.

  • The first reliable version Python 1.0 is released with features lambda, map, filter, and reduce in 1994.

    第一个可靠的版本Python 1.0于1994年发布,具有lambda,map,filter和reduce功能。
  • The second major version Python 2.0 is released with features list comprehensions, garbage collection in 2000.

    Python 2.0的第二个主要版本于2000年发布,具有功能列表理解功能和垃圾回收功能。
  • The latest major version Python 3.0 which brings a lot of different features is released on December 3, 2008.

    最新的主要版本Python 3.0带来了许多不同的功能,并于2008年12月3日发布。

Python功能 (Python Features)

Well, in this part we will talk about the Python features which can take a lot of talk and space.


脚本语言 (Scripting Language)

Python is a scripting language where it does not requires a compilation to run created code. Actually it has an internal implicit compilation which makes our code/script faster for multiple runs. But from the user point of view just running code/script will work seamlessly.

Python是一种脚本语言,不需要编译即可运行所创建的代码。 实际上,它具有内部隐式编译,这使得我们的代码/脚本可以更快地进行多次运行。 但是从用户的角度来看,仅运行代码/脚本即可无缝运行。

简单易学 (Easy To Learn)

One of the Python main goals is to make programming easy by using human-friendly syntax and structures. Python is very easy to learn where most of the users outside of the programming learn the Python for its simplicity.

Python的主要目标之一是通过使用易于使用的语法和结构来简化编程。 Python非常容易学习,而程序外的大多数用户都因为简单而学习Python。

流行 (Popular)

Python is a very popular programming language because of its simplicity, library support, and other features described below. Also which makes Python popular is it can be used everywhere from webserver to Raspberry Pi to a Windows GUI application or big data applications.

Python是一种非常流行的编程语言,因为它具有简单性,库支持和下面描述的其他功能。 Python受欢迎的另一个原因是它可以在从Web服务器到Raspberry Pi到Windows GUI应用程序或大数据应用程序的任何地方使用。

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开源和免费(Open Source and Free)

Python is created as Open Source Project and programming language where all the tools are provided freely without a fee. built-in and 3rd party libraries of the Python are provided as free too.

Python是作为开放源代码项目和编程语言创建的,其中免费提供所有工具,而无需付费。 Python的内置库和第三方库也免费提供。

快速发展过程 (Fast Development Process)

Python provides very fast application development abilities where it provides cost, time advantages to the startups, and corporates. Creating development and starting development can take very little time with tools like pip, easy_install, etc. There are a lot of previously created libraries and code samples that will eliminate to development of them again and again.

Python提供了非常快速的应用程序开发能力,从而为初创企业和公司带来了成本,时间优势。 使用pip,easy_install等工具来创建开发和开始开发可以花费很少的时间。以前有很多以前创建的库和代码示例,这些代码和示例将一次又一次地消除。

大量的内置库 (Large Selection Of Builtin-Libraries)

Python provides a rich builtin library collection from cryptography to text processing. Python programming language provides all required base libraries as battery included.

Python提供了从加密到文本处理的丰富的内置库集合。 Python编程语言提供所有必需的基本库(包括电池)。

第三党图书馆的众多选择 (Large Selection Of 3rd Party Libraries)

Python also has a lot of 3rd party libraries where builtin-libraries do not meet our requirements. From big data to excel manipulation, from network packet generation to web scraping there are a lot of advanced 3rd libraries provided for Python.

Python还有很多第三方库,其中内置库不符合我们的要求。 从大数据到excel操作,从网络数据包生成到Web抓取,都有许多为Python提供的高级第三库。

大型社区 (Large and Helpfull Community)

With the help of the big user base, Python has a very large and helpful community. Every problem is solved with technical or development efforts. You can even find a lot of scripts and code which will meet your requirement one on one without an effort.

在庞大的用户群的帮助下,Python拥有一个庞大而有用的社区。 每个问题都需要技术或开发方面的解决。 您甚至可以找到很多脚本和代码,它们可以一一满足您的要求。

很多基于Python的热门项目 (A Lot Of Python Based Popular Projects)

As a popular programming language, there are a lot of big projects based on Python. The following projects are using Python as the main programming language.

作为一种流行的编程语言,有很多基于Python的大型项目。 以下项目使用Python作为主要编程语言。

  • Django is a web development framework


  • Flask is a web interface development framework


  • Jupyter Notebook is a script/code management tool

    Jupyter Notebook是脚本/代码管理工具

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了解更多如何为Linux安装Python Pip?

跨平台 (Cross-Platform)

Python is a cross-platform language where it can be used for different operating systems platforms and architectures. Currently, Python supports Windows, Linux, Ubuntu, Mint, Debian, Kali, Fedora, CentOS, Red Hat, BSD, MacOS, Raspberry Pi, etc. with X86, x8_64, and ARM CPU architectures.

Python是一种跨平台语言,可用于不同的操作系统平台和体系结构。 当前,Python使用X86,x8_64和ARM CPU体系结构支持Windows,Linux,Ubuntu,Mint,Debian,Kali,Fedora,CentOS,Red Hat,BSD,MacOS,Raspberry Pi等。

Python2和Python3 (Python2 vs Python3)

Even Python does not have a very long history currently there is two major or the main version of Python named and numbered as Python2 and Python3. Python2 was the default and first choice up to recent years. But for a few years, Python3 is the default choice for development. Python2 code and libraries can be converted to Python3 with some tools but this can be tricky work.

甚至Python都没有很长的历史,目前有两个主要或主要版本的Python,分别命名为Python2和Python3。 Python2是最近几年的默认和首选。 但是几年来,Python3是开发的默认选择。 可以使用某些工具将Python2代码和库转换为Python3,但这可能是一项棘手的工作。

如何使用Python? (How Python Used?)

As Python is a general-purpose programming language it is used in a wide range of areas. With the enormous 3rd party libraries Python is used for the following cases.

由于Python是一种通用编程语言,因此它被广泛使用。 在庞大的第三方库中,Python用于以下情况。

  • System Administration script development.

  • Web Application Development like Django

  • Big Data Applications like Panda

  • Web Scraping like Scrapy

  • Web Browsers like Firefox

  • Search Engines like Google

  • Cloud Management Applications like OpenStack

  • Infrastructure Automation like Ansible

  • Desktop Softwares like Calibre and OpenShot

  • Interactive Media Services like Netflix

  • Finance like CapitalOne, Bloomberg and JPMorgan

  • Space Applications like NASA

  • Mathematics and Science Applications like Jupiter Book

    数学和科学应用,例如Jupiter Book

Python替代品 (Python Alternatives)

Python is a new language that is actually similar to the its predecessors. There are a lot of similarities but also differences with these old programming languages. In this part, we will compare the Python Programming Language with the PHP, Ruby, Java, Perl Programming Languages.

Python是一种新语言,实际上与它的前辈相似。 这些旧的编程语言有很多相似之处,也有不同之处。 在这一部分中,我们将比较Python编程语言和PHP,Ruby,Java,Perl编程语言。

Python与PHP (Python vs PHP)

PHP is another scripting language that is mostly used for web development. Python syntax is a lot different than PHP where Python provides more human-friendly and readable syntax and keywords. PHP is object-oriented but not complete as Python. PHP is specially designed for web development which is very efficient and comfortable. Using PHP in different areas except the Web is harder.

PHP是另一种脚本语言,主要用于Web开发。 Python语法与PHP有着很大的不同,在PHP中Python提供了更人性化和可读性强的语法和关键字。 PHP是面向对象的,但不如Python完整。 PHP是专为Web开发而设计的,非常高效且舒适。 在除Web之外的其他领域使用PHP更加困难。

LEARN MORE  Hello World Python
了解更多信息Hello World Python

Python与Ruby (Python vs Ruby)

Ruby is another interpreted programming language where it provides very similar to the Python. Both Python and Ruby languages are object-oriented and general purpose. Python provides more readability and flexibility during development and error which makes it superior to Ruby.

Ruby是另一种解释型编程语言,它提供的功能与Python非常相似。 Python和Ruby语言都是面向对象和通用的。 Python在开发和错误过程中提供了更高的可读性和灵活性,使其优于Ruby。

Python与Java (Python vs Java)

Python and Java are both object-oriented programming languages with huge library support But they are running in different categories where Java can be named as semi compiled and semi interpreted language which requires some effort to run Java code. Java generally used critical enterprise applications wich requires high-level reliability and testing.

Python和Java都是具有大量库支持的面向对象的编程语言,但是它们在不同的类别中运行,其中Java可以被命名为半编译和半解释语言,这需要一些努力才能运行Java代码。 Java通常使用的关键企业应用程序需要高级的可靠性和测试。

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/what-is-python-programming-language-and-features/

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