
Python深度学习-快速指南 (Python Deep Learning - Quick Guide)

Python深度学习-简介 (Python Deep Learning - Introduction)

Deep structured learning or hierarchical learning or deep learning in short is part of the family of machine learning methods which are themselves a subset of the broader field of Artificial Intelligence.


Deep learning is a class of machine learning algorithms that use several layers of nonlinear processing units for feature extraction and transformation. Each successive layer uses the output from the previous layer as input.

深度学习是一类机器学习算法,它使用几层非线性处理单元进行特征提取和转换。 每个后续层都使用前一层的输出作为输入。

Deep neural networks, deep belief networks and recurrent neural networks have been applied to fields such as computer vision, speech recognition, natural language processing, audio recognition, social network filtering, machine translation, and bioinformatics where they produced results comparable to and in some cases better than human experts have.


Deep Learning Algorithms and Networks −


  • are based on the unsupervised learning of multiple levels of features or representations of the data. Higher-level features are derived from lower level features to form a hierarchical representation.

    基于无监督学习数据的多个级别的特征或表示形式。 较高级别的功能从较低级别的功能派生而来,形成了层次表示。

  • use some form of gradient descent for training.


Python深度学习-环境 (Python Deep Learning - Environment)

In this chapter, we will learn about the environment set up for Python Deep Learning. We have to install the following software for making deep learning algorithms.

在本章中,我们将学习为Python深度学习设置的环境。 我们必须安装以下软件来进行深度学习算法。

  • Python 2.7+

    Python 2.7以上
  • Scipy with Numpy

  • Matplotlib

  • Theano

  • Keras

  • TensorFlow


It is strongly recommend that Python, NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib are installed through the Anaconda distribution. It comes with all of those packages.

强烈建议通过Anaconda发行版安装Python,NumPy,SciPy和Matplotlib。 它包含所有这些软件包。

We need to ensure that the different types of software are installed properly.


Let us go to our command line program and type in the following command −


$ python
Python 3.6.3 |Anaconda custom (32-bit)| (default, Oct 13 2017, 14:21:34)
[GCC 7.2.0] on linux

Next, we can import the required libraries and print their versions −


import numpy
print numpy.__version__

输出量 (Output)


安装Theano,TensorFlow和Keras (Installation of Theano, TensorFlow and Keras)

Before we begin with the installation of the packages − Theano, TensorFlow and Keras, we need to confirm if the pip is installed. The package management system in Anaconda is called the pip.

在开始安装软件包-Theano,TensorFlow和Keras之前,我们需要确认是否已安装pip 。 Anaconda中的包裹管理系统称为pip。

To confirm the installation of pip, type the following in the command line −


$ pip

Once the installation of pip is confirmed, we can install TensorFlow and Keras by executing the following command −


$pip install theano
$pip install tensorflow
$pip install keras

Confirm the installation of Theano by executing the following line of code −


$python –c “import theano: print (theano.__version__)”

输出量 (Output)


Confirm the installation of Tensorflow by executing the following line of code −


$python –c “import tensorflow: print tensorflow.__version__”

输出量 (Output)


Confirm the installation of Keras by executing the following line of code −


$python –c “import keras: print keras.__version__”
Using TensorFlow backend

输出量 (Output)


Python深度基础机器学习 (Python Deep Basic Machine Learning)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is any code, algorithm or technique that enables a computer to mimic human cognitive behaviour or intelligence. Machine Learning (ML) is a subset of AI that uses statistical methods to enable machines to learn and improve with experience. Deep Learning is a subset of Machine Learning, which makes the computation of multi-layer neural networks feasible. Machine Learning is seen as shallow learning while Deep Learning is seen as hierarchical learning with abstraction.

人工智能(AI)是使计算机能够模仿人类认知行为或智力的任何代码,算法或技术。 机器学习(ML)是AI的子集,它使用统计方法来使机器学习并根据经验进行改进。 深度学习是机器学习的一个子集,它使多层神经网络的计算变得可行。 机器学习被视为浅层学习,而深度学习被视为具有抽象的分层学习。

Machine learning deals with a wide range of concepts. The concepts are listed below −

机器学习涉及各种各样的概念。 概念在下面列出-

  • supervised

  • unsupervised

  • reinforcement learning

  • linear regression

  • cost functions

  • overfitting

  • under-fitting

  • hyper-parameter, etc.


In supervised learning, we learn to predict values from labelled data. One ML technique that helps here is classification, where target values are discrete values; for example,cats and dogs. Another technique in machine learning that could come of help is regression. Regression works onthe target values. The target values are continuous values; for example, the stock market data can be analysed using Regression.

在监督学习中,我们学习根据标记数据预测值。 分类法,其中目标值是离散值,这是帮助ML的一种技术。 例如猫和狗。 机器学习中的另一种可能会带来帮助的技术是回归。 回归适用于目标值。 目标值是连续值。 例如,可以使用回归分析股市数据。

In unsupervised learning, we make inferences from the input data that is not labelled or structured. If we have a million medical records and we have to make sense of it, find the underlying structure, outliers or detect anomalies, we use clustering technique to divide data into broad clusters.

在无监督学习中,我们从未标记或未结构化的输入数据中进行推断。 如果我们有一百万条医疗记录,并且我们必须弄清楚它,发现底层结构,离群值或检测异常,则可以使用聚类技术将数据划分为广泛的聚类。

Data sets are divided into training sets, testing sets, validation sets and so on.


A breakthrough in 2012 brought the concept of Deep Learning into prominence. An algorithm classified 1 million images into 1000 categories successfully using 2 GPUs and latest technologies like Big Data.

2012年的一项突破使深度学习的概念倍受关注。 该算法使用2个GPU和最新技术(例如大数据)成功地将100万张图像分类为1000个类别。

深度学习与传统机器学习的关系 (Relating Deep Learning and Traditional Machine Learning)

One of the major challenges encountered in traditional machine learning models is a process called feature extraction. The programmer needs to be specific and tell the computer the features to be looked out for. These features will help in making decisions.

传统机器学习模型中遇到的主要挑战之一是称为特征提取的过程。 程序员需要具体说明并告诉计算机要注意的功能。 这些功能将有助于做出决策。

Entering raw data into the algorithm rarely works, so feature extraction is a critical part of the traditional machine learning workflow.


This places a huge responsibility on the programmer, and the algorithm's efficiency relies heavily on how inventive the programmer is. For complex problems such as object recognition or handwriting recognition, this is a huge issue.

这给程序员带来了巨大的责任,算法的效率在很大程度上取决于程序员的创造力。 对于诸如对象识别或手写识别之类的复杂问题,这是一个巨大的问题。

Deep learning, with the ability to learn multiple layers of representation, is one of the few methods that has help us with automatic feature extraction. The lower layers can be assumed to be performing automatic feature extraction, requiring little or no guidance from the programmer.

能够学习多层表示的深度学习是帮助我们进行自动特征提取的少数几种方法之一。 可以假设较低的层正在执行自动特征提取,几乎不需要程序员的指导。

人工神经网络 (Artificial Neural Networks)

The Artificial Neural Network, or just neural network for short, is not a new idea. It has been around for about 80 years.

人工神经网络,或者简称为神经网络,并不是一个新想法。 它已经存在了大约80年。

It was not until 2011, when Deep Neural Networks became popular with the use of new techniques, huge dataset availability, and powerful computers.


A neural network mimics a neuron, which has dendrites, a nucleus, axon, and terminal axon.


Terminal Axon

For a network, we need two neurons. These neurons transfer information via synapse between the dendrites of one and the terminal axon of another.

对于一个网络,我们需要两个神经元。 这些神经元通过突触在一个的树突和另一个的终轴突之间传递信息。

Neurons Transfer Information

A probable model of an artificial neuron looks like this −


Probable Model

A neural network will look like as shown below −


Neural Network

The circles are neurons or nodes, with their functions on the data and the lines/edges connecting them are the weights/information being passed along.


Each column is a layer. The first layer of your data is the input layer. Then, all the layers between the input layer and the output layer are the hidden layers.

每列是一个层。 数据的第一层是输入层。 然后,输入层和输出层之间的所有层都是隐藏层。

If you have one or a few hidden layers, then you have a shallow neural network. If you have many hidden layers, then you have a deep neural network.

如果您有一个或几个隐藏层,那么您就拥有一个浅层的神经网络。 如果您有许多隐藏层,那么您将拥有一个深层的神经网络。

In this model, you have input data, you weight it, and pass it through the function in the neuron that is called threshold function or activation function.


Basically, it is the sum of all of the values after comparing it with a certain value. If you fire a signal, then the result is (1) out, or nothing is fired out, then (0). That is then weighted and passed along to the next neuron, and the same sort of function is run.

基本上,它是将它与某个特定值进行比较之后所有值的总和。 如果您发射信号,则结果为(1),否则没有结果,则为(0)。 然后将其加权并传递到下一个神经元,并运行相同类型的功能。

We can have a sigmoid (s-shape) function as the activation function.


As for the weights, they are just random to start, and they are unique per input into the node/neuron.


In a typical "feed forward", the most basic type of neural network, you have your information pass straight through the network you created, and you compare the output to what you hoped the output would have been using your sample data.


From here, you need to adjust the weights to help you get your output to match your desired output.


The act of sending data straight through a neural network is called a feed forward neural network.


Our data goes from input, to the layers, in order, then to the output.


When we go backwards and begin adjusting weights to minimize loss/cost, this is called back propagation.


This is an optimization problem. With the neural network, in real practice, we have to deal with hundreds of thousands of variables, or millions, or more.

这是一个优化问题。 使用神经网络,在实际中,我们必须处理成千上万个变量,甚至数百万个甚至更多。

The first solution was to use stochastic gradient descent as optimization method. Now, there are options like AdaGrad, Adam Optimizer and so on. Either way, this is a massive computational operation. That is why Neural Networks were mostly left on the shelf for over half a century. It was only very recently that we even had the power and architecture in our machines to even consider doing these operations, and the properly sized datasets to match.

第一个解决方案是使用随机梯度下降作为优化方法。 现在,有一些选项,例如AdaGrad,Adam Optimizer等。 无论哪种方式,这都是一个庞大的计算操作。 这就是为什么神经网络大部分被搁置了半个多世纪。 直到最近,我们甚至在机器中都拥有强大的功能和体系结构,甚至可以考虑执行这些操作,并选择合适大小的数据集进行匹配。

For simple classification tasks, the neural network is relatively close in performance to other simple algorithms like K Nearest Neighbors. The real utility of neural networks is realized when we have much larger data, and much more complex questions, both of which outperform other machine learning models.

对于简单的分类任务,神经网络在性能上与其他简单算法(例如K最近邻居)相对接近。 当我们拥有更大的数据和更复杂的问题时,神经网络才真正发挥作用,这两者都胜过其他机器学习模型。

深度神经网络 (Deep Neural Networks)

A deep neural network (DNN) is an ANN with multiple hidden layers between the input and output layers. Similar to shallow ANNs, DNNs can model complex non-linear relationships.

深度神经网络(DNN)是在输入和输出层之间具有多个隐藏层的ANN。 与浅层ANN相似,DNN可以对复杂的非线性关系建模。

The main purpose of a neural network is to receive a set of inputs, perform progressively complex calculations on them, and give output to solve real world problems like classification. We restrict ourselves to feed forward neural networks.

神经网络的主要目的是接收一组输入,对其进行渐进的复杂计算,并提供输出以解决诸如分类之类的现实问题。 我们限制自己前馈神经网络。

We have an input, an output, and a flow of sequential data in a deep network.


Deep Network

Neural networks are widely used in supervised learning and reinforcement learning problems. These networks are based on a set of layers connected to each other.

神经网络广泛用于监督学习和强化学习问题。 这些网络基于彼此连接的一组层。

In deep learning, the number of hidden layers, mostly non-linear, can be large; say about 1000 layers.

在深度学习中,隐藏层的数量(大多数是非线性的)可能很大; 说大约1000层。

DL models produce much better results than normal ML networks.


We mostly use the gradient descent method for optimizing the network and minimising the loss function.


We can use the Imagenet, a repository of millions of digital images to classify a dataset into categories like cats and dogs. DL nets are increasingly used for dynamic images apart from static ones and for time series and text analysis.

我们可以使用Imagenet (数百万个数字图像的存储库)将数据集分类为猫和狗等类别。 DL网络越来越多地用于除静态图像之外的动态图像以及时间序列和文本分析。

Training the data sets forms an important part of Deep Learning models. In addition, Backpropagation is the main algorithm in training DL models.

训练数据集是深度学习模型的重要组成部分。 另外,反向传播是训练DL模型的主要算法。

DL deals with training large neural networks with complex input output transformations.


One example of DL is the mapping of a photo to the name of the person(s) in photo as they do on social networks and describing a picture with a phrase is another recent application of DL.


DL Mapping

Neural networks are functions that have inputs like x1,x2,x3…that are transformed to outputs like z1,z2,z3 and so on in two (shallow networks) or several intermediate operations also called layers (deep networks).


The weights and biases change from layer to layer. ‘w’ and ‘v’ are the weights or synapses of layers of the neural networks.

权重和偏差会随层的不同而变化。 “ w”和“ v”是神经网络各层的权重或突触。

The best use case of deep learning is the supervised learning problem.Here,we have large set of data inputs with a desired set of outputs.


Backpropagation Algorithm

Here we apply back propagation algorithm to get correct output prediction.


The most basic data set of deep learning is the MNIST, a dataset of handwritten digits.


We can train deep a Convolutional Neural Network with Keras to classify images of handwritten digits from this dataset.


The firing or activation of a neural net classifier produces a score. For example,to classify patients as sick and healthy,we consider parameters such as height, weight and body temperature, blood pressure etc.

触发或激活神经网​​络分类器会产生一个分数。 例如,为了将患者分类为健康患者,我们考虑身高,体重和体温,血压等参数。

A high score means patient is sick and a low score means he is healthy.


Each node in output and hidden layers has its own classifiers. The input layer takes inputs and passes on its scores to the next hidden layer for further activation and this goes on till the output is reached.

输出层和隐藏层中的每个节点都有自己的分类器。 输入层接受输入并将其分数传递到下一个隐藏层以进行进一步激活,并一直进行到达到输出为止。

This progress from input to output from left to right in the forward direction is called forward propagation.


Credit assignment path (CAP) in a neural network is the series of transformations starting from the input to the output. CAPs elaborate probable causal connections between the input and the output.

神经网络中的信用分配路径(CAP)是从输入到输出的一系列转换。 CAP详细说明了输入和输出之间可能的因果关系。

CAP depth for a given feed forward neural network or the CAP depth is the number of hidden layers plus one as the output layer is included. For recurrent neural networks, where a signal may propagate through a layer sev

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Python Deep Learning Projects: 9 projects demystifying neural network and deep learning models for building intelligent systems By 作者: Matthew Lamons – Rahul Kumar – Abhishek Nagaraja ISBN-10 书号: 1788997093 ISBN-13 书号: 9781788997096 出版日期: 2018-10-31 pages 页数: (670) Deep learning has been gradually revolutionizing every field of artificial intelligence, making application development easier. Python Deep Learning Projects imparts all the knowledge needed to implement complex deep learning projects in the field of computational linguistics and computer vision. Each of these projects is unique, helping you progressively master the subject. You’ll learn how to implement a text classifier system using a recurrent neural network (RNN) model and optimize it to understand the shortcomings you might experience while implementing a simple deep learning system. Similarly, you’ll discover how to develop various projects, including word vector representation, open domain question answering, and building chatbots using seq-to-seq models and language modeling. In addition to this, you’ll cover advanced concepts, such as regularization, gradient clipping, gradient normalization, and bidirectional RNNs, through a series of engaging projects. By the end of this book, you will have gained knowledge to develop your own deep learning systems in a straightforward way and in an efficient way Contents 1: BUILDING DEEP LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS 2: TRAINING NN FOR PREDICTION USING REGRESSION 3: WORD REPRESENTATION USING WORD2VEC 4: BUILDING AN NLP PIPELINE FOR BUILDING CHATBOTS 5: SEQUENCE-TO-SEQUENCE MODELS FOR BUILDING CHATBOTS 6: GENERATIVE LANGUAGE MODEL FOR CONTENT CREATION 7: BUILDING SPEECH RECOGNITION WITH DEEPSPEECH2 8: HANDWRITTEN DIGITS CLASSIFICATION USING CONVNETS 9: OBJECT DETECTION USING OPENCV AND TENSORFLOW 10: BUILDING FACE RECOGNITION USING FACENET 11: AUTOMATED IMAGE CAPTIONING 12: POSE ESTIMATION ON 3D MODELS USING CONVNETS 13: IMAGE TRANSLATION USING GANS FOR STYLE TRANSFER


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