
















SLAM / CV / Robotics

  • 博客(43)
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原创 GitHub 上优秀的开源SLAM repo (更新中)

本文主要整理自己在Github上关注的一些优秀的开源SLAM repo。SLAM 系统的PC端,移动端以及一些优质的Tutorials。

2018-03-11 13:42:15 9393

原创 CS学习资源推荐(持续更新)

Learning Resources for Computer Science (Updating)

2017-05-15 05:49:44 827

原创 如何申请Coursera课程助学金及获得证书


2017-05-06 21:09:57 20790

原创 Mac OS下 Anaconda Python2 和 Python3 配置

Mac OS下 Anaconda Python2 和 Python3 配置

2017-05-01 18:02:34 28438

原创 Course on SLAM 笔记

最近几天看了本薄书 – Course on SLAM,只有70页,第一眼看到目录时就觉得写的很全面,适合找个时间连续看完。下面简单总结下我觉得这本书好在哪里,或者说它回答了哪些问题。概览统一给出 Robot Motion Model 以及 Perception ModelMotion model: 不像一般的paper里面写的很散,总结了很多运动模型,比如说 constant...

2018-08-06 10:41:34 2246

原创 [LeetCode] Backtracking

Usually, the main idea of the so-called backtraking is to generate parallel routes to output each element of the num vector, and finish task of each routine separately. BacktrackingGeneral refe...

2018-04-13 14:14:30 361

原创 [LeetCode] Overlapping/Non-Overlapping Intervals

LeetCode里面关于Overlapping/Non-Overlapping的主要有一下几类: - 寻找重叠/非重叠区间(具体区间数组)结果 - 计算重叠/非重叠区间个数 - 合并重叠区间,并返回合并后的区间数组

2018-03-26 10:25:41 562

原创 关于cmake、make、make install

cmake,make,make install的使用,区别于联系。

2018-03-14 01:10:52 10161 1

原创 Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 面向SLAM项目的基本配置与依赖库安装(更新中)


2018-03-14 00:39:52 2832

原创 【测试】


2018-03-10 17:53:56 298

原创 Thinkpad T460s 新安装 Ubuntu 16.04 LTS wifi无法连接解决方案

笔记本型号:Thinkpad T460sStep 1 - 4, 主要是测试指令和返回的无线网络配置相关信息,解决方案和更新指令在Step 5 - 6。

2018-03-10 17:45:24 3130 1

原创 C/C++程序的5种内存存储区及示意

操作系统中的内存一般分为虚拟内存和物理内存,本文主要讨论的是虚拟内存中的内存分配方式与内存存储区的内容。内存分配方式C/C++主要有以下五种内存存储区: 全局/静态存储区域:存全局变量,静态变量。程序编译时内存已分配好,并存在于程序整个运行期间,程序结束后由系统统一释放 全局变量和静态变量被分配到同一块内存中。 C 语言中,全局变量又分为初始化的和未初始化的。初始化的全局变量和...

2018-03-08 18:20:02 13669

原创 Markdown CheatSheet

欢迎使用Markdown编辑器写博客本Markdown编辑器使用StackEdit修改而来,用它写博客,将会带来全新的体验哦:Markdown和扩展Markdown简洁的语法代码块高亮图片链接和图片上传LaTex数学公式UML序列图和流程图离线写博客导入导出Markdown文件丰富的快捷键快捷键加粗 Ctrl + B 斜体 Ctrl + I...

2018-03-08 17:40:30 758

原创 AWS Tensorflow 常用指令

AWS 常用指令:登陆,上传/下载等

2018-02-28 15:58:14 373

原创 R-CNN, Fast R-CNN, Faster R-CNN, Mask R-CNN

R-CNN 系列的四篇文章的一些comments, 包括:R-CNN,Fast R-CNN, Faster R-CNN,Mask R-CNN.

2018-02-21 11:37:56 1030

原创 STL vector清空的几种方法

STL vector清空

2018-02-02 07:27:34 6961

原创 LaTeX 清理缓存文件脚本

LaTeX 清理缓存文件脚本

2018-01-17 12:35:16 6930

原创 LaTex Tricks (Updating)

Memo for LaTex Tricks.

2017-12-24 02:50:51 242

原创 MATLAB Tricks (Updating)

Memo for MATLAB Tricks.

2017-12-24 02:47:46 266

原创 MATLAB 并行for运算 - Parfor

Memo for MATLAB Parfor.Execute Loop Iterations in Parallel - Parfor

2017-12-24 02:44:20 9223

原创 LaTex Beamer中插入视频

Embedding Videos in LaTex Beamer

2017-12-24 02:40:37 62780 3

原创 Design a HashMap class in C++. Implement put, get methods.

A simple implementation of HashMap.

2017-12-21 02:29:11 267

原创 [LeetCode] 078. Subsets

078. Subsets

2017-12-19 12:39:31 270

原创 15213-BombLab 备忘

15213-BombLab 备忘关于C语言,汇编,GDB以及x86-64寄存器的零散知识。

2017-09-20 13:17:45 977

原创 Mac下的Ruby版本升级

在安装Jekyll的时候,在Terminal里面输入 bundle install 后会报错,对Ruby要求必须 >= 2.1.0。没办法,只好升级Ruby。另外,安装cocoapods也会有Ruby版本要求。所以,本文利用RVM来升级Ruby。

2017-05-23 06:27:05 603

原创 Git 常用指令


2017-05-20 00:39:38 291

原创 Mac Keyboard Shortcuts (Updating)

Memo for Mac keyboard shortcuts.

2017-05-15 04:55:39 514

原创 Java Notes (4) - Data Structures

The note introduces how to create, manipulate, and store information in data structures in Java. Java notes of open courses @[Codecademy](https://www.codecademy.com/en/courses/learn-java).

2017-05-10 01:39:27 401

原创 Java Notes (3) - Object-Oriented Java

The note introduces the principles of object-oriented programming (OOP) in Java. Java notes of open courses @[Codecademy](https://www.codecademy.com/en/courses/learn-java).

2017-05-10 01:38:02 459

原创 Java Notes (2) - Conditionals and Control Flow

The note introduces how to use control flow and conditional statements in Java. Java notes of open courses @[Codecademy](https://www.codecademy.com/en/courses/learn-java).

2017-05-10 01:36:15 323

原创 Java Notes (1) - Introduction to Java

The note introduces the fundamentals of the Java programming language: data types, arithmetic, and operators. Java notes of open courses @Codecademy.

2017-05-10 01:33:56 325

原创 Python Notes (8) - File Input/Output

The note covers how to apply what just learned to a real-world application: writing data to a file. Python notes of open courses @Codecademy.

2017-05-06 21:36:14 325

原创 Python Notes (7) - Introduction to Classes

The note focuses on Classes, which are a crucial part of object-oriented programming (OOP). In this lesson, we'll explain what classes are, why they're important, and how to use them effectively.

2017-05-06 21:33:05 394

原创 Python Notes (6) - Advanced Topics in Python

The note will introduce more advanced points about what we have learned in last several notes. It includes: iteration nation, list comprehensions, list slicing, lambda, and introduction to...

2017-05-06 21:29:54 288

原创 Python Notes (5) - Loops

Loops allow you to quickly iterate over information in Python. The note will cover two types of loop: ‘while’ and ‘for’. Python notes of open courses @Codecademy.

2017-05-06 21:26:34 390

原创 Python Notes (4) - Lists and Dictionaries

The note covers two python data types - lists and dictionaries. Python notes of open courses @Codecademy.

2017-05-06 21:25:17 417

原创 Python Notes (3) - Functions

The note covers funtion syntax, importing modules and build-in functions. Python notes of open courses @Codecademy.

2017-05-06 21:22:58 371

原创 Python Notes (2) - Conditionals and Control Flow

The note summaries conditionals, control flow and a game implemented by Python. Python notes of open courses @Codecademy.

2017-05-06 21:21:39 446

原创 Python Notes (1) - Syntax and Strings

The note introduces basic Python syntax and strings. Python notes of open courses @Codecademy.

2017-05-06 21:19:18 465

原创 TensorFlow学习笔记(1)--Mac安装TensorFlow

TensorFlow 是谷歌开发的一款深度学习框架。它是当前最流行的之一,当然最近还有PyTorch。TensorFlow 支持分布式训练,包含TensorBoard 支持数据/结果可视化。如果你对深度学习很感兴趣的话,它不容错过。

2017-05-06 15:17:51 409



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