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转载请注明出处: http://blog.csdn.net/cxsydjn/article/details/72085502

Here is a resources summary for learning computer science. All the materials are divided into three categories and arranged in alphabetical order.

Also, this is a To-Do list for me. I hope this could be a beginner’s guide to some specific fields in or related to computer science, such as machine learning, computer vision, and SLAM, etc.

Still Updating!

Learning Resources for Computer Science

Open Courses and Online Resources


Autonomous Driving

Computer Vision

Deep Learning

Introduction to Computer Science

Machine Learning



Programming Languages




Jupyter Notebook


Platforms & Tools

Git / Github




Competitions & Datasets

Tutorial Sites

Programming Sites

This book consists of six chapters, which can be grouped into three subjects. The first subject is Machine Learning and takes place in Chapter 1. Deep Learning stems from Machine Learning. This implies that if you want to understand the essence of Deep Learning, you have to know the philosophy behind Machine Learning to some extent. Chapter 1 starts with the relationship between Machine Learning and Deep Learning, followed by problem solving strategies and fundamental limitations of Machine Learning. The detailed techniques are not introduced yet. Instead, fundamental concepts that applies to both the neural network and Deep Learning will be covered. The second subject is artificial neural network. Chapters 2-4 focuses on this subject. As Deep Learning is a type of Machine Learning that employs a neural network, the neural network is inseparable from Deep Learning. Chapter 2 starts with the fundamentals of the neural network: principles of its operation, architecture, and learning rules. It also provides the reason that the simple single-layer architecture evolved to the complex multi-layer architecture. Chapter 3 presents the backpropagation algorithm, which is an important and representative learning rule of the neural network and also employed in Deep Learning. This chapter explains how cost functions and learning rules are related and which cost functions are widely employed in Deep Learning. Chapter 4 introduces how to apply the neural network to classification problems. We have allocated a separate section for classification because it is currently the most prevailing application of Machine Learning. For example, image recognition, one of the primary applications of Deep Learning, is a classification problem. The third topic is Deep Learning. It is the main topic of this book as well. Deep Learning is covered in Chapters 5 and 6. Chapter 5 introduces the drivers that enables Deep Learning to yield excellent performance. For a better understanding, it starts with the history of barriers and solutions of Deep Learning. Chapter 6 covers the convolution neural network, which is representative of Deep Learning techniques. The convolution neural network is second-to-none in terms of image recognition. This chapter starts with an introduction of the basic concept and architecture of the convolution neural network as it compares with the previous image recognition algorithms. It is followed by an explanation of the roles and operations of the convolution layer and pooling layer, which act as essential components of the convolution neural network. The chapter concludes with an example of digit image recognition using the convolution neural network and investigates the evolution of the image throughout the layers.
At its core, Bayes' Theorem is a simple probability and statistics formula that has revolutionized how we understand and deal with uncertainty. If life is seen as black and white, Bayes' Theorem helps us think about the gray areas. When new evidence comes our way, it helps us update our beliefs and create a new belief. Ready to dig in and visually explore Bayes' Theorem? Let’s go! Over 60 hand-drawn visuals are included throughout the book to help you work through each problem as you learn by example. The beautifully hand-drawn visual illustrations are specifically designed and formatted for the kindle. This book also includes sections not found in other books on Bayes' Rule. These include: A short tutorial on how to understand problem scenarios and find P(B), P(A), and P(B|A). - For many people, knowing how to approach scenarios and break them apart can be daunting. In this booklet, we provide a quick step-by-step reference on how to confidently understand scenarios. A few examples of how to think like a Bayesian in everyday life. Bayes' Rule might seem somewhat abstract, but it can be applied to many areas of life and help you make better decisions. Learn how Bayes can help you with critical thinking, problem-solving, and dealing with the gray areas of life. A concise history of Bayes' Rule. - Bayes' Theorem has a fascinating 200+ year history, and we have summed it up for you in this booklet. From its discovery in the 1700’s to its being used to break the German’s Enigma Code during World War 2. Fascinating real-life stories on how Bayes' formula is used everyday.From search and rescue to spam filtering and driverless cars, Bayes is used in many areas of modern day life. An expanded Bayes' Theorem definition, including notations, and proof section. - In this section we define core elementary bayesian statistics terms more concretely. A recommended readings sectionFrom The Theory That Would Not Die to Think Bayes: Bayesian Statistics in Pythoni> and many more, there are a number of fantastic resources we have collected for further reading.




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