LPCTSTR lpName, DWORD dwOpenMode, DWORD dwPipeMode, DWORD nMaxInstances, DWORD nOutBufferSize, DWORD nInBufferSize, DWORD nDefaultTimeOut, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes );
[in] Pointer to the null-terminated string that uniquely identifies the pipe. The string must have the following form:
The pipename part of the name can include any character other than a backslash, including numbers and special characters. The entire pipe name string can be up to 256 characters long. Pipe names are not case sensitive.
Windows Me/98/95: Pipe names cannot include a colon. Therefore, if this pipe will be used from a Windows Me/98/95 client, do not include a colon in the name.
[in] Pipe access mode, the overlapped mode, the write-through mode, and the security access mode of the pipe handle.
CreateNamedPipe fails if dwOpenMode specifies any flags other than those listed in the following tables.
This parameter must specify one of the following pipe access mode flags. The same mode must be specified for each instance of the pipe.
0x00000003The pipe is bi-directional; both server and client processes can read from and write to the pipe. This mode gives the server the equivalent of GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE access to the pipe. The client can specify GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, or both, when it connects to the pipe using the CreateFile function. PIPE_ACCESS_INBOUND
0x00000001The flow of data in the pipe goes from client to server only. This mode gives the server the equivalent of GENERIC_READ access to the pipe. The client must specify GENERIC_WRITE access when connecting to the pipe. PIPE_ACCESS_OUTBOUND
0x00000002The flow of data in the pipe goes from server to client only. This mode gives the server the equivalent of GENERIC_WRITE access to the pipe. The client must specify GENERIC_READ access when connecting to the pipe. This parameter can also include one or more of the following flags, which enable write-through mode and overlapped mode. These modes can be different for different instances of the same pipe.