Desperate Housewife 1 - 5

1 - 5
ultimatum 最后通牒
laundry 洗衣
beloved 心爱的
arrange 安排
misfortune 不幸
bizarre 奇异的
streak  倾向 斑纹
for that matter 就那事而论
drawer 抽屉
breach 违反 冲破
breachthe security of ..
residents voiced their concerns over ...

announce 发表
speak of 谈到
speak of the ruthless local teenage gang that had egged

her minivan
egg 教唆
minivan 小型货车
patrol 巡逻
you can sign up for either daily or nightly patrols
surveillance 监视
deter 阻止 dont let failure deter you
how can i help
burglar 窃贼
residents voice their converns over .. 发表
the evening concluded with ... 以..结束
determined criminal 预谋犯罪
I thought you two were becoming an item 一对
I thought that was understood 我想我说的很明白了
in the hope of foiling potential burglars   foil 挫败
regardless of
if we decide to enrol your children enrol 招收
we do strive for diversity here  strive for 争取
fascinating 迷人的
It's pretty scary 吓人的
they bark and growl at each other bark, growl 咆哮
terricfic 太好了
you need to get used to being alone
motel 汽车旅馆
i just came by to tell you  come by 经过
hostage 人质
a line of work 行业
esteem 尊敬
self esteem 自尊心
turn sb down 拒绝某人
drift 漂流
I fear we are drifting further and further away
whilst the residents of .. kept up their patrols whilst 同时
hatch a plan(plot) 计划
are your boys normally so docile docile 容易教
concentration 专心
I may get a facial  facial 美容,面部按摩
mush!!! 前进
immaculate 洁白的,干净的, 无缺点的
This place is just immaculate.
varnish 油漆, 粉饰
what happened ti your varnish
fulfilling 充实的
I like my life. It's very fulfilling
So he just blew you off 他让你失望了
blew off 使失望
bat 眨眼睛
did you bat your eyes?
I batted everything that wasnt nailed down. nail 钉
nail down 钉子钉住, 确定
 hygienic 卫生的
charm 魅力,施魔法
disguise 假装,掩饰
in disguise 假装,伪装
You think Mike is a Carl in disguise
screw up
suburb 郊区
I didnt think it would matter 没什么大问题
I've got to pull up stakes before they come looking for me.
pull up stakes 搬家,迁离
if and when your cover is blown, you disappear
reverend 牧师
desperado 亡命徒
That's what I want, and I want it bad. 我非常想要的
bad 严重的
i've turned down half the pep squad for you
pep 精力 squad 班
district 区,地区
unless we move to a newe district
civilize 使开化,使文明
until they're civilized
if the cook book has gotten it wrong. I can fix it.
plum pudding 李子布丁
adore 爱慕,崇拜
I adore the holidays
it was right before Christmas as a matter of fact
right before 正好之前
as a matter of fact 事实上
carol 欢乐的歌
sing carol
howl 咆哮
sing off key  off key 走调的
ruckus 骚动
anyway, it was just a terrible ruckus
brake 刹车
screech 尖锐的声音
The next thing we heard was brakes screeching
hose 水管
It's more of a secret really. 它更算是个秘密 more of
manipulate 操纵
you're a woman. Manipulate him.
roast 烤过的
roast beef
It has quite a kick. quite a kick 酒劲很大
You're in a rut. 你太一成不变了
in a rut 墨守成规   rut常规
you need to spice up you wardrobe 给你的衣柜增加生

spice up 使活跃
form fitting 贴身的
it's form fitting, you're going to look great
blouse 女衬衫
get off me 放开我
grab 抓住  grab dinner from motel vending machines
come over 偶然拜访
impromptu 即兴的
we'll have our impromptu holiday dinner
spit 吐口水,口水
DUI  driving under the influence 酒后驾车
one cheque kiting and one open bench warrant
kite 风筝,空头支票骗人
bench warrant 法院拘票
yay 表示高兴哇
you've been a really good sport coming along on my shift

with me.
stakeout 监视
parent the kids 照顾孩子
make a living  谋生
you tossed out that little "sacrifice" comment a while ago
so how are we going to scrape together fifteen grand for

this endowment
grand 一千美元
endowment 捐助,天赋
he has natural endowments in music
she saw no other options on the horizon until a solution

sailed into view.
a solution sailed into view.
Showy couldnt you just tell me that? 你为什么不直接

I thought we were clicking
on the horizon 在视野里
drama 戏剧
psycho 精神病患者
this here's my corner
you best be lost 你最好是真的迷路了
pay phone公用电话
force one's way into 强行穿入
one of your heighbors reproted seeing sb forcing his way

into your home
so let me get this straight 让我直说
chop down 砍倒
confess to doing
up for 正处于
It's not up for discussion 不是吵架的时候
at some point older people just start to get confused
at some point 在某一时刻
no charge 免费
suit yourself 自便
not much of 算不上
my husband wasnt much of a father
something inside me snapped 我体内的东西突然爆发

了 snap 突然释放
salvation 拯救
obscene 可恶的,下流的
on the lookout for 警惕着
lookout 警戒,景色
people by their very nature are always on the lookout for






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