Programming MS Office 2000 Web Components第二章第一节(第一部分)







第二章 电子表格组件










       重算引擎是电子表格控件的核心它使得组件不再仅仅是一个网格控件。因为电子表格组件是由那些为Microsoft Excel开发重算引擎的开发者开发的,所以它几乎支持Excel2000中所有的函数,包括大部分数据分析包(ATP)中的函数。





















       电子表格组件不支持旧的R 1C 1引用样式。它也不支持英语公式,英语公式试图使您能够根据命名了的区域来建立公式,然而它只是一个完美的目标,实际上很少如所设想的那样工作。


       很遗憾,这个版本的Office中电子表格组件不支持命名的区域。当Excel发布一个具有交互能力的电子表格模型时(换句话说,发布一个包含电子表格控件的页面),它自动将命名的区域引用转换成绝对的区域引用。当您从Excel向电子表格控件中拷贝粘贴单元时也会发生这种转换。如果您想在电子表格组件的编码中使用命名的区域时,请考虑使用Dictionary对象(Scripting.Dictionary),因为这个对象可以方便的按名存取实际的引用。(Dictionary对象位于Microsoft Scripting Runtime 库中)




Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dict.Add "MyName", "A1:F20"
Set rng = Spreadsheet1.Range(dict("MyName"))







       我们能干的电子表格组件开发者之一,Andrew Milton,在检查本章时,向我展示了其它一些Excel支持而电子表格组件不支持的区域引用的类型。但这些引用方法中的大部分我从来没见过,甚至不知道在Excel中可以这样作。试试下面的步骤:

1、  A1:A5的各单元中输入1,2,3,4,5

2、  然后,在单元B1中输入值2

3、  最后,在单元C1中输入公式:=SUM(A1:CHOOSE(B1, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5))结果是3

4、  现在,将单元B1的值改为3。单元C1中的公式将会重新计算,结果编程6


函数CHOOSE的行为类似VBA中的Select Case语句,可以用在区域引用的中部来动态的定义区域结束的地方。也可以使用INDIRECT函数来实现动态定义区域的功能,但是电子表格组件完全不支持这种动态区域的定义。


       区域之间的交集是另一个有趣的创造。在最后那个例子中你所使用的电子表格里,如果在单元D1中键入公式“=A1:A 5 A 1:B1”,将得到1。此类引用使Excel计算两个区域的交集,结果就是指向A1的引用。电子表格组件允许您输入这样的公式,但是会将公式转化为“=A1”,而Excel会保留您最初输入的公式。

21         一个基础的电子表格组件



  • 改变行、列的大小
  • 透明选择(译者:当用户选择单元格时,不会隐藏格式)
  • 当输入公式时辅助选择
  • 多级撤销
  • 插入和移除行列
  • 剪切,拷贝和粘贴
  • 基于单元的格式化,包括设置字体,背景,对齐方式等等
  • 全套的数字格式,包括对欧元格式的支持
  • 自动过滤
  • 自动求和
  • 对区域进行排序
  • 查找
  • 单元边框
  • 隐藏或显示工具条,行、列标头以及表格线
  • 合并单元格
  • 可选的标题栏
  • 手动重算和自动重算的开关
  • 保护单元,能够禁止插入和删除行、列。
  • 可视区域和自动调整
  • 在微软IE中支持按百分比缩放及最大化显示
  • 内置的联机帮助
  • 冻结的面板
  • 完全键盘支持
  • 可以控制滚动条的存在
  • 可以控制回车后如何选择当前单元
  • 可在全世界各国的计算机环境中运行,支持多国语言,支持从右到左的排列




       非常有趣的是,属性工具箱完全是使用动态HTML(DHTML)来编写的。电子表格组件通过寄宿Internet Explorer控件的一个实例来实现属性工具箱,并在您和web页面上的元素交互时通过控制IE控件的实例来执行属性工具箱的代码。属性工具箱只是执行依赖于OWC组件的编程模型的脚本,因此,您可以在代码中完成属性工具箱的任何功能。


       电子表格控件,以及其它的Office Web组件,都支持Office 2000的语言设置功能,因此用户可以将电子表格控件中的用户界面语言设置成和在Office应用程序中使用的一样,而不需要设置底层的系统区域。如果这些语言设置被改变了,控件会自动的调整他们的用户界面,根据所选择的语言来进行显示。这也会影响到金额,事件和数字的格式。电子表格组件支持在单元中输入Unicode字符,在需要从右到左的排列的区域环境中,它也支持从右到左排列。




Chapter 2

The Spreadsheet Component

This chapter will delve into the functionality and the programming model of the Microsoft Office Spreadsheet component. Since this book focuses on building real solutions, I'll present a few interesting uses of each component feature along with its description. In Part II of the book, you'll see many of these ideas actually implemented.

This chapter will give you an understanding of what the Spreadsheet component can and cannot do, suggest clever ways you can use your own code to add functionality to the component, and show the key elements of the programming model that will get you started.


The Basics of the Spreadsheet Component

Before we get too detailed, let's examine the basic features of the Spreadsheet component and describe the various ways it can load and save data.

Recalculation Engine

The recalculation engine lies at the heart of the Spreadsheet component—making this component more than just a typical grid control. Designed by the same developers who built the recalculation engine for Microsoft Excel, the Spreadsheet component supports nearly all the functions in Excel 2000, including most of those in the Analysis ToolPak (ATP).


For those who are curious, the following functions are not supported by the Spreadsheet component: ASC, CALL, DATEDIF, FINDB, FREQUENCY, GETPIVOTDATA, GROWTH, INFO, ISPMT, JIS, LEFTB, LENB, LINEST, LOGEST, MDETERM, MIDB, MINVERSE, MMULT, PHONETIC, REGISTER.ID, REPLACEB, RIGHTB, SEARCHB, SQL.REQUEST, TRANSPOSE, TREND, and YEN. All the functions ending in the letter "B" operate at the byte level instead of the character level in a double-byte character set (DBCS) system.

Refer to the sections on property binding and function add-ins later in this chapter to see how to use the VBA or VBScript equivalents of these functions. Also, the INDEX and LOOKUP functions each have two forms in Excel, one using arrays and one using vectors (single-dimension ranges). The Spreadsheet control supports the vector forms but not the array forms.

Any use of the Spreadsheet component that involves formulas will naturally require the recalculation engine—for example, a solution allowing users to view a product break-even model, change assumptions, and see the recalculated results. Recalculation is the backbone of spreadsheet "what if" analysis and the core feature of any spreadsheet product. The recalculation engine can also take advantage of some of the advanced features discussed later in the chapter, such as property binding and function add-ins.

When the Spreadsheet component is used without a user interface (that is, as an in-memory object), the recalculation engine becomes its primary service. The recalculation engine can perform any complex calculation that's easily expressed in a spreadsheet model. It can also recalculate an existing model on the server and then send the output to a web browser or into an e-mail message. Many calculations can be cumbersome to construct in script or C code but can be expressed rather easily in a spreadsheet model.

For example, a bank or lending institution might develop a spreadsheet model to assess the risk of a particular type of loan. Since loan underwriters typically are not programmers, developing a loan assessment function to run on the server probably would be difficult—just as it would be for the programmer who doesn't understand the complicated calculations the loan underwriter uses. However, using the Spreadsheet component's recalculation engine, the programmer can load the underwriter's published spreadsheet model, change the inputs, and grab the new risk assessment as the output.

The Spreadsheet component supports a worksheet with a maximum of 65,536 rows by 702 columns (A through ZZ) but supports only one worksheet per instance of the component. This is the same number of rows that Excel 2000 offers but nearly three times the number of columns. (Excel supports only 256 columns.)


If you try to load all 65,536 rows and 702 columns, you'll be waiting quite a while. Since the Spreadsheet control loads its content from HTML, the load operation is naturally slower than that of loading binary data, such as when Excel loads an XLS file. Although you can generally load files with hundreds of rows fairly quickly, large models will not load quickly in the Spreadsheet component.

The Spreadsheet control supports both absolute ($A$1) and relative (A1) cell references in formulas and, just like Excel, it automatically adjusts these references when you move, insert, or delete rows or columns. Using both absolute and relative references can be especially useful when copying cells containing formulas from one part of a range to another. For example, you would use an absolute cell reference if that reference must remain the same regardless of which row and column contains the formula. A reference that must refer to the current row and column, however, needs to be relative. In other words, $A$1 will remain $A$1 after the copy operation, while A1 will be converted to the current row and column into which you have copied.


The Spreadsheet component does not support the old R1C1 reference style. It also doesn't support English language formulas, which attempt to let you build formulas based on named ranges. While this was a wonderful goal, it seldom works as expected.

Unfortunately, the Spreadsheet component doesn't support named ranges in this version of Office. When Excel publishes a spreadsheet model with interactivity (in other words, publishes a page containing the Spreadsheet control), it automatically converts named range references to absolute range references. This also occurs when you copy and paste cells from Excel to the Spreadsheet control. If you want to use a named range in the code around the Spreadsheet component, consider using the Dictionary object (Scripting.Dictionary) as an easy way to store and retrieve the actual references for a given name. (The Dictionary object is implemented in the Microsoft Scripting Runtime library.)

For example, if you want to define a named range that refers to a list of data in the spreadsheet and want to use that range in script to perform a sort, you can write code like this:

Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dict.Add "MyName", "A1:F20"
Set rng = Spreadsheet1.Range(dict("MyName"))

The Dictionary object is an associative array. You add key/value pairs to it and, given the key, you can efficiently retrieve any value. You can easily keep track of named ranges with this object, and any time you need to pass a reference to the spreadsheet, you can use the method shown in the last line of code above to retrieve the real reference for a given name.

Spreadsheet Component User Interface

On top of the recalculation engine sits the Spreadsheet component user interface. The user interface is, of course, similar to that of Excel but is specifically designed to favor activities you'd need to perform when interacting with an existing spreadsheet model. Many of the features found in Excel that make authoring a new spreadsheet easy do not yet exist in the Spreadsheet control; however, there are enough so that you can create new spreadsheets for your solutions as needed. Plus, you can copy and paste from Excel to the Spreadsheet component—meaning you can do most of your authoring in Excel. Figure 2-1 shows an example of a basic Spreadsheet component.

Spreadsheet Reference Madness

While reviewing this chapter, one of our capable Spreadsheet component developers, Andrew Milton, showed me many other types of range references supported by Excel but not supported by the Spreadsheet component. However, I had never seen most of these references and didn't even know they were possible in Excel. Try this:

  1. Type 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 into the cells A1:A5.
  2. Next, type the value 2 in cell B1.
  3. Finally, enter the formula =SUM(A1:CHOOSE(B1, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5)) into cell C1. You should get 3 as the result.
  4. Now change cell B1 to 3. The formula will recalculate to 6.

The CHOOSE function acts like a Select Case statement in VBA and can be used in the middle of a range reference to define the range's end point dynamically. Defining a range dynamically also works with the INDIRECT function, but the Spreadsheet component simply doesn't support such dynamic range definition.

Range intersection is another interesting construct. On the same spreadsheet you used for the last example, type the formula =A1:A5 A1:B1 into cell D1. You should get 1. This type of reference makes Excel perform an intersection of the two ranges, resolving to a reference of A1. The Spreadsheet component lets you enter a formula like this, but it resolves the formula to =A1, while Excel leaves the formula as you originally entered it.

Figure 2-1. A basic Spreadsheet component.

The Spreadsheet component user interface contains a great number of spreadsheet features that people now take for granted. Rather than list every last one here, I'll leave you to discover most of them as you play with the control. Although the following list is not exhaustive, it should give you an idea of the level of user interface features supported by the Spreadsheet control:

  • Column and row resizing
  • See-through selection
  • Semiselect when entering formulas
  • Multilevel undo
  • Insert and remove columns and rows
  • Cut, copy, and paste
  • Per-cell formatting, including font, background, alignment, and so on
  • Full set of number formats, including euro support
  • AutoFilter
  • AutoSum
  • Sort ranges
  • Find
  • Cell borders
  • Hide or Show toolbar, row and column headers, and gridlines
  • Merged cells
  • Optional title bar
  • Manual or automatic recalculation switch
  • Protected cells and ability to disable insertion and deletion of rows and columns
  • Viewable range and AutoFit
  • Percent sizing and maximum size in Microsoft Internet Explorer
  • Built-in online help
  • Frozen panes
  • Full keyboard support
  • Control over the existence of scroll bars
  • Control over current cell selection after return
  • Worldwide, multilanguage, and right-to-left support

Since the Spreadsheet component is just a control and not an application unto itself, most of the formatting capabilities are exposed through a modeless tool window called the Property Toolbox. This part of the user interface is actually shared among all the components and used whenever the developer or user wants to change the formatting of an element in the control. A developer that wants to supply a custom runtime user interface or disable runtime changes altogether can disable the Property Toolbox at runtime by changing a property in the programming model. (I'll describe this process later in the chapter.)

Interestingly enough, the Property Toolbox was written entirely in Dynamic HTML (DHTML). The Office Web Components host an instance of the Internet Explorer control to render the Property Toolbox and execute its code when you interact with the elements on the web page. The Property Toolbox merely executes script against the component's programming model so that anything the Property Toolbox does, you can do in code too.

The Spreadsheet control, along with the other Office Web Components, supports the Office 2000 language settings that enable users to set the user interface language used in the Office applications without having to reset the underlying system regional settings. If these language settings have been changed from their defaults, the controls will automatically adjust their user interfaces to show the selected language. This also affects currency, date, and number formatting. The Spreadsheet component supports Unicode characters in cells, as well as right-to-left layout for those locales that require it.





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


