
Perseverance is vital to success.


<Sentence Date="7-17" week="Sunday">
  A foreign language cannot be learned rapidly,it must be learned step by step.学外语不能急,只能按步就班地学。
  I would kill for a chance to work with him.为了和他一起工作,我不惜一切。
  【 kill for sth. 为了得到某物而不惜去杀人;为了得到某物而愿意做任何事 】

<Sentence Date="7-16" week="Saturday">
  I enjoy eating peas.我喜欢吃豌豆。===Moon cake is a peculiar food to our country.月饼是我国的特产。
  They always say that way to a man's heart is through his stomach.要抓住男人的心就要留住他的胃。
  【 they always say-他们总是说 through-穿过;经由 】
<Sentence Date="7-15" week="Friday">
  Don't listen to the story.Just observe with your own eyes.别听传闻,要亲眼所见。
  Few people can avoid making a mistake.很少有人能避免犯错。
  Much to my dismay,my friend had to take a rain-check on our dinner date.
  【 dismay 使失望;使幻想破灭 rain-check 改日再约的表示 】
<Sentence Date="7-14" week="Thursday">
  He jogged my elbow and some coffee spilt on to my dress.他碰了我肘部一下,咖啡洒到了我的衣服上。
  Many kids have an imaginary friend when they're growing up -it's perfectly normal.
  【 kid-n.小孩,年轻人 v.戏弄,开玩笑 imaginary-a.想象中的,假想的,虚构的 perfectly normal-非常正常的 】

<Sentence Date="7-13" week="Wednesday">
  Could I have extra napkins too?我可以多要几张餐巾纸吗?[ Extra-adj.额外的,特大的 ]
  I've never met anyone so shallow in my entire life.我一生中从没见过如此肤浅的人。
	【 shallow-.浅(薄)的 n.[ pl.]浅滩,浅水处 】

<Sentence Date="7-12" week="Tuesday">
  He specified the reasons for the failure.他详述失败的原因。
  I make a point of avoiding people like her.我决定避开像他那样的人。
  【 A point of doing sth.打定主意做某事 Avoid-vt.避免,预防,避开 】

<Sentence Date="7-11" week="Monday">
  He has performed all his duties.他已履行了他全部的职责。
  The show was taken off prime-time slot because the ratings dropped.
  【 prime time (电视、广播等的)黄金时间	ratings 收视率;收听(ration-n.定量[ pl.]给养,口粮 vt.定量供应) 】
<Sentence Date="7-10" week="Sunday">
  People tend to become disillusioned as they grow older.人们随着年龄的增长往往不再抱幻想。
  That exam threw me for a loop,with that section on Napoleon.试卷里关于拿破轮的部分把我难住了。
<Sentence Date="7-9" week="Saturday">
  It is customary for boys to emulate their fathers.男孩子常模仿父亲。
	Many women still work under a glass ceiling,unable to earn as much as their male colleagues.
	【 as much as-几乎,实际上 glass ceiling-看不见的屏障,无形的阻碍 】
<Sentence Date="7-8" week="Friday">
  Before long,they got married.不久以后,他们结婚了。
  You look killer in that dress-he's not going to know what hit him.你穿这条裙子太迷人了,他会神魂颠倒的。
  【 killer 动人的,迷人的,给人留下深刻印象的  hit-vt.打,击,击中;碰撞 n.一击,击中 】
<Sentence Date="7-7" week="Thursady">
  Bright colors are attactive to the children.鲜艳的颜色对小孩有引诱力。
    He thinks about her night and day-I've never seen someone so love-struck!他日夜思念她-我从没有见过这么痴情的人。
  【 love-struck 热恋中的;痴情的 struck-strike 的过去式.过去分词,v./ n.罢工;袭击;打;折磨 】
 <Sentence Date="7-6" week="Wednesday">
  Originally this house was small,but we've made it bigger.最初这房子很小,但我们把它扩建了。
  I like to wake up bright and early,while the rest of the world is still sleeping.我喜欢一早起床,这时整个世界还在沉睡。
  【 bright and early 一大早 】
<Sentence Date="7-5" week="Tuesday">
  The loop in the programm has caused a deadlock in the computer.程序中的循环使计算机死机了。
  What in the world were you thinking,letting him go like that?你究竟在想什么?就让他这么走了?
  【 In the world-究竟,到底 Let-vt.允许,让;假设;出租 】
<Sentence Date="7-4" week="Monday">  
   I saw that the necklace was not around my neck any more.我看见项链已经不在脖子上了。  
  I think we need to have a little chat-you know,woman to woman. 我想我需要谈谈,你知道的,女人与女人。  
【 chat 闲谈,聊天 woman to woman 两个女人坦诚相对地】 
<Sentence Date="7-3" week="Sunday">  
   It is rich in fiber and low in sugar and fat.它纤维丰富,糖和脂肪少。
【 Fiber-n.纤维 】  
   It's a crime that you and I don't spend more time together.你和我不多花点时间在一起,那就是一个犯罪。  
【 Crime-n.罪,罪行,犯罪 Spend-vt.用(钱);花(时间等),度过,消磨 】 
<Sentence Date="7-2" week="Saturday">  
   Our project is not yet concrete.我们的计划 
   He doesn't want to make her a key,because He's terrified of commitment.他不想和她进一步了,因为他怕责任。 
  【 make sb. a key 给某人自己住所的钥匙,隐含意义为“想和某人进一步发展关系”。terrify-vt.使害怕,使惊吓 Commitment-n.承诺,保证;信奉,献身;承担的义务 】
<Sentence Date="7-1" week="Friday"> 
 Our product gains worldwide fame.我们的产品享誉世界。  
It all makes perfect sense now-you should have told me that before.现在一切都是能说通的,你早就该告诉我了。  
【 make sense-讲得通,有意义 Perfect-a.完美的;完全的;完成时的 sense-n.感官(觉);判断力,见识;意思 vt.觉得】
<Sentence Date="6-30" week="Thursday"> 
 We should get going-we're already cutting it close.该开工了--我们已没有时间了。  
【Perseverance-坚持不懈,毅力 Persevere-vi.坚持不懈,锲而不舍 】  

<Sentence Date="6-29" week="Wednesday">  
His latest toy is a personal computer.他最新的玩具是一台个人电脑。 
 I swear I didn't know he was cheating on you.我发誓,我不知道他在骗你。  
【 Cheat on (在男女关系上)表现不忠 swear-v.诅咒,咒骂;宣誓,发誓 】
<Sentence Date="6-28" week="Tuesday">  
Ice,snow and steam are different forms of water.冰、雪、蒸汽是水不同的形态。
His answer was brief and to the point.他的回答简洁而切中要害。  
I think you won't invite her,because you're chicken.我想你不会邀请她,因为你是懦夫. 
【 Chicken n. 胆小鬼,懦夫;胆量的比试 】
<Sentence Date="6-27" week="Monday">  
A wise person profits from his mistakes.智者由自己的过失中得到教益。 
 As soon as you have a baby,your maternal instincts kick in.一旦你有了孩子,你的母性将被激发。  
【 kick in-开启,接通 Kick-v.踢 n.踢;极大的乐趣 Instinct-n.本能,直觉;生性,天性 Maternal-a.母亲的,母亲般的;母系的 】
<sentence date="6-26" week="Sunday">  
I must never relax my Vigilance.我不能放松警惕。  
Let's bring an extra umbrella,just to be on the safe side.为了安全起见,让我们再带一把伞。  
【 On the safe side 安全起见 Side-n.面;方面;一边 a.边的 】
<sentence date="6-25" week="Saturday"> 
 Time is so precious that you must make full use to it.时间很宝贵,你必须充分利用它。  
You do realize what this means,right?It means we're finished.你知道这意味着什么吗?这意味着我们就完了。  
【 Realize-vt.认识,明白;实现,使变为现实 what this means-这是什么意思 】
<sentence date="6-24" week="Tuesday">  
The rest is for you.剩下的是你的。  
He looked at his grade and slumped in his seat.他看了成绩,随即跌坐在椅子上。
【Slump vi.暴跌;突然倒下 n.萧条期,低潮 】
<sentence date="6-23" week="Monday">  
It isn't real--it's only imaginary.那不是真的,只不过是想像出来的. 
 His tiny car zipped through the congested traffic.
【 Zip v. 有力而迅速地移动;呼啸而过 Congest v.充血,使拥挤】
<sentence date="6-22" week="Wednesday">  
   She stared,open-mouthed,as he got down on one knee.
【 Get/go down on one knee 单膝跪下】
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