
' 妈的烂货!!!!!!!!!!!!!
' 模拟的程度不高,使用时请完全参照本sdk及配套文档。
' 失败的原因有三个:
' 1、大萝卜能力不足
' 2、Notes本身太烂,最愤怒的是多态!不支持event!或者是PropertyChanged!不支持类型转换
' 3、时间仓促。因为这个本来是为自定义表单功能服务的,做的时候发现缺少了这一块,只能用十个小时以内的时间来完成。

' 另外,这里的标准,最根本标准,是xhtml的,对于html中与前者冲突的,消除。
'  css部分留待以后继续补进,但是要求是css1、和css2标准

' 附注: 这次做这些,仅仅是为了支持一个web打印效果,所以很多的仅仅是部署了property in的方式。
'   不要说函数对象模型不健全,在当前的应用环境中,它已经很健全了。而且时间就那么一点点。

Public Class WebObject
End Class

Public Class WebComponent As WebObject
 Private m_Attributes List As String
 Private m_TagName As String
 Private m_Style As WebStyle
 Public Sub new
 End Sub
 Private Function MyInit As Long
 End Function
 Private Function Web_Child_Init As Long
 End Function 
 Public Function GetAttribute(strAttName As String ) As String
 End Function
 Public Function SetAttribute(strAttName As String , strAttValue ) As Long
 End Function
 Public Function DelAttribute(strAttName As String) As Long
  Erase m_Attributes(strAttName)
 End Function
 Public Function ApplyStyle(objStyle As WebStyle) As Long
  Set m_Style=objStyle
 End Function
 Private Property Get AttributeString As String
  Dim str1 As String
  If Not m_Style Is Nothing Then
   str1=str1+" style=""" + m_Style.Style+""""
  End If
  Forall s1 In m_Attributes
   str1=str1+" " + Listtag(s1) +"="""+s1+""""
  End Forall
 End Property
 Public Property Get outerHTML As String
  outerHTML="<"+m_TagName+" "+Me.AttributeString+">"+Me.innerHTML+"</"+m_TagName+">"
 End Property
 Public Function toString() As String
 End Function
 Public Property Get innerHTML As String
 End Property 
 Private Property Set TagName As String
 End Property
 ' html4.0 普适属性
 Public Property Set ID As String
  Me.SetAttribute "ID" , ID
 End Property
 Public Property Set theName() As String
  Me.SetAttribute "Name" , theName
 End Property
 Public Property Set theWidth
  Me.SetAttribute "Width" , Cstr(theWidth)
 End Property
 Public Property Set Height
  Me.SetAttribute "Height" , Cstr(Height)
 End Property
 Public Property Set Size
  Me.SetAttribute "Size" , Cstr(Size)
 End Property
 Public Property Set AccessKey As String
  Me.SetAttribute "AccessKey" , AccessKey
 End Property
 Public Property Set TabIndex
  Me.SetAttribute "TabIndex" , Cstr(TabIndex)
 End Property
 Public Property Set theClass As String
  Me.SetAttribute "Class" , theClass
 End Property
 Public Property Set Align As String
  Me.SetAttribute "Align" , Align
 End Property
 Public Property Set ReadOnly As Boolean
  Me.SetAttribute "ReadOnly" , "True"
  If Not ReadOnly Then Me.DelAttribute "ReadOnly"
 End Property
 Public Property Set Disabled As Boolean
  Me.SetAttribute "Disabled" , "true"
  If Not Disabled Then Me.DelAttribute "Disabled"
 End Property
End Class

Public Class WebComponentEx As WebComponent
 Private m_Children As MyCollection
 Private m_InnerHTML As String
 Private m_InnerText As String
 Public Function AddChild(objChild , iIndex As Integer ) As Long
  If m_Children Is Nothing Then Set m_Children=New MyCollection
  m_Children.AddMember objChild , iIndex
 End Function
 Public Property Set innerText As String
 End Property
 Public Property Set innerHTML As String
 End Property
 Public Property Get innerHTML As String
  Dim str1 As String , i As Integer
  If Not m_Children Is Nothing Then
   For i=1 To m_Children.Count
  Elseif m_InnerHTML <> "" Then
  End If
 End Property 
End Class

Public Class WebPlanerText As WebObject
 Private m_Text As String
 Public Property Set innerText As String
 End Property
 Public Property Get outerHTML As String
 End Property 
End Class

Public Class WebStyle
 Private m_Styles List As String
 Public Function GetStyle(strAttName As String ) As String
 End Function
 Public Function SetStyle(strAttName As String , strAttValue ) As Long
 End Function
 Public Function DelStyle(strAttName As String) As Long
  Erase m_Styles(strAttName)
 End Function
 Public Property Get Style As String
  Dim str1 As String
  Forall v1 In m_Styles
   str1=str1+" " + Listtag(v1)+":"+Cstr(v1)+";"
  End Forall
 End Property 
 ' 下面部分将实现css1和css2中的部分标准内容, 这可是一个浪费时间的体力活
End Class

Public Class WebTable As WebComponent
 Private m_Rows As MyCollection
 Private Function Web_Child_Init As Long
  Set m_Rows=New MyCollection
 End Function
 Private Function WebTable_Child_Init As Long
 End Function
 Private Property Get innerHTML As String
  Dim str1 As String , i As Integer
  For i=1 To m_Rows.Count
   str1=str1 + m_Rows.Member(i).outerHTML
 End Property
 Public Function InsertRow(objRow As WebRow , iIndex As Integer ) As Long
  m_Rows.AddMember objRow , iIndex
 End Function
 Public Function AppendChild(objRow As WebRow) As Long
  Me.InsertRow objRow , 0
 End Function
End Class

Public Class WebRow As WebComponent
 Private m_Cells As MyCollection
 Private Function Web_Child_Init As Long
  Set m_Cells=New MyCollection
 End Function
 Private Property Get innerHTML As String
  Dim str1 As String , i As Integer
  For i=1 To m_Cells.Count
   str1=str1+ m_Cells.Member(i).outerHTML
 End Property
 Public Function InsertCell(objCell As WebCell , iIndex As Integer ) As Long
  m_Cells.AddMember objCell , iIndex
 End Function
 Public Function AppendChild(objCell As WebCell) As Long
  Me.InsertCell objCell , 0
 End Function
End Class

Public Class WebCell As WebComponentEx
 Private Function Web_Child_Init As Long
 End Function
End Class

Public Class WebTextarea As WebComponent
 Private m_Value As String
 Private Function Web_Child_Init As Long
 End Function
 Public Property Set Rows
  Me.SetAttribute "Rows" , Cstr(Rows)
 End Property
 Public Property Set Cols
  Me.SetAttribute "Cols" , Cstr(Cols)
 End Property 
 Public Property Set Value As String
 End Property
 Private Property Get innerHTML As String
 End Property
End Class

Public Class WebField As WebComponent
 Private Function Web_Child_Init As Long
 End Function
 Private Function WebField_Child_Init As Long
 End Function
 Public Property Set Value As String
  Me.SetAttribute "value" , Value
 End Property
 Public Property Get Value As String
 End Property
End Class

Public Class WebFieldPassword As WebField
 Private Function WebField_Child_Init As Long
  Me.SetAttribute "TYPE" , "password"
 End Function
End Class
Public Class WebPassword As WebFieldPassword
End Class

Public Class WebFieldButton As WebField
 Private Function WebField_Child_Init As Long
  Me.SetAttribute "TYPE" , "BUTTON"
 End Function
End Class
Public Class WebButton As WebFieldButton
End Class

Public Class WebFieldRadio As WebField
 Private m_Text As String
 Private Function WebField_Child_Init As Long
  Me.SetAttribute "TYPE" , "RADIO"
 End Function
 Public Property Set Checked As Boolean
  Me.SetAttribute "Checked" , "True"
  If Not Checked Then Me.DelAttribute "Checked"
 End Property
 Public Property Set Text As String
 End Property
 Private Property Get innerHTML As String
 End Property
End Class
Public Class WebRadio As WebFieldRadio
End Class

Public Class WebFieldCheckbox As WebField
 Private m_Text As String
 Private Function WebField_Child_Init As Long
  Me.SetAttribute "TYPE" , "CHECKBOX"
 End Function
 Public Property Set Checked As Boolean
  Me.SetAttribute "Checked" , "True"
  If Not Checked Then Me.DelAttribute "Checked"
 End Property
 Public Property Set Text As String
 End Property
 Private Property Get innerHTML As String
 End Property
End Class
Public Class WebCheckbox As WebFieldCheckbox
End Class

Public Class WebFieldFile As WebField
 Private Function WebField_Child_Init As Long
  Me.SetAttribute "TYPE" , "FILE"
 End Function
End Class
Public Class WebFile As WebFieldFile
End Class

Public Class WebFieldImage As WebField
 Private Function WebField_Child_Init As Long
  Me.SetAttribute "TYPE" , "Image"
 End Function
 Public Property Set Src As String
  Me.SetAttribute "SRC" , Src
 End Property
End Class
Public Class WebImage As WebFieldImage
End Class

Public Class WebFieldText As WebField
 Private Function WebField_Child_Init As Long
  Me.SetAttribute "TYPE" , "TEXT"
 End Function
End Class
Public Class WebText As WebFieldText
End Class

Public Class WebSelect As WebComponent
 Private m_Options As MyCollection
 Private Function Web_Child_Init As Long
  Set m_Options=New MyCollection
 End Function
 Public Function AddOption(objOption As WebOption , iIndex As Integer ) As Long
  m_Options.AddMember objOption , iIndex
 End Function
 Public Property Set SelectedIndex As Integer
  Dim objOption As WebOption
  Set objOption=m_Options.Member(SelectedIndex)
  If objOption Is Nothing Then Exit Property
 End Property
 Public Property Set Multiple As Boolean
  Me.SetAttribute "Multiple" , "True"
  If Not Multiple Then Me.DelAttribute "Multiple"
 End Property
 Private Property Get innerHTML As String
  Dim i As Integer , str1 As String
  For i=1 To m_Options.Count
   str1=str1+m_Options.Member(i).outerHTML + Chr(13) + Chr(10)
 End Property
End Class

Public Class WebOption As WebComponent
 Private m_Text As String
 Private Function Web_Child_Init As Long
 End Function
 Private Property Get innerHTML As String
 End Property
 Public Property Set Text As String
 End Property
 Public Property Set Value As String
  Me.SetAttribute "Value" , Value
 End Property
 Public Property Set Selected As Boolean
  Me.SetAttribute "Selected" , "true"
  If Not Selected Then Me.DelAttribute "Selected"
 End Property
End Class

Public Class WebDiv As WebComponentEx
 Private Function Web_Child_Init As Long
 End Function
End Class

Public Class WebSpan As WebComponentEx
 Private Function Web_Child_Init As Long
 End Function
End Class

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