
'Option Public
'Option Explicit
' Lib com.OnceATime.LS.UTIL
'  ---- By FangZeYu(OnceATime@163.com)
'  ---- By LuHong(ChongBugLH@163.com)
'  ---- 2003-10 BeiJing
' 版权声明:
' 软件可以自由传播修改,亦默认有商业行为允许。
'  但任何时候,请保留原始作者信息。
' 功能列表:
' 类: ListEx:  有点类似其它高级语言中的collection list功能,需增强
'   ArrayEx:  简单的增强数组
'   QueryURL:  解析query_string
   MyCollection: collection类
' 函数: UtilSplit: 拆分字符串
'   UtilJoin: 合并字符串
'   UtilReplace: 查找替换
'   UtilEscape: 编码
'   UtilUnescape: 解码
' 修订历史:
' 1、2003年10月,草拟 
' 2、2004年09月,整理修订
' 3、2004年12月,添加了以前做的MyCollection类
Public Class BObject
 Public Property Get ClassName As String
 End Property
 Private Function m_ShowError(strSubName)
  Msgbox "(Class "+Me.ClassName+" -> "+strSubName+") Error On Line " & Erl & " With Code Of " & Err & " Msg Is " & Error
 End Function
End Class
Dim UTIL_EMPTY    '定义一个可以使用的empty变量,在程序中使用  :)
Const UTIL_NULL=Null
Public Class URLQuery
 Private m_query As String
 Public Sub new(strQuery As String)
 End Sub
 Public Function GetAttribute(strAttName ) As String
  Dim pos1 As Integer,pos2 As Integer
  pos1=Instr(Lcase(m_query) , "&"+Lcase(strAttName)+"=")
  If pos1=0 Then Exit Function  ' 如果没有找到,则当做是空字符串
  pos2=Instr( pos1+Len("&"+strAttName+"="),m_query,"&")
  GetAttribute=Mid(m_query , pos1+Len("&"+strAttName+"=") , pos2-pos1-Len("&"+strAttName+"="))
 End Function
 Public Function GetParameter(strParName) As String
 End Function
 Public Function HasAttribute(strAttName) As Long
  ' tobe : &par1=  or &par1&
  ' true
  Dim str1 As String
  str1="&" & strAttName & "="
  If Instr(m_query , str1) > 0 Then Exit Function
  str1="&" & strAttName & "&"
  If Instr(m_query , str1) > 0 Then Exit Function
 End Function
 Public Function HasParameter(strParName) As Long
 End Function
End Class

Public Class ListEx

' 一个类js中的list array (主要体现的是list功能,array没有体现,可以在以后加)
' 放弃了错误处理,原因是……    所有这些,再次让我厌倦!
' 简单约束,function返回true false的时候,使用integer ,一般的-1为true ,0为false,这样做的原因也无需说明
'   null为无效值和空值,没有考虑object

 Private m_data List As Variant
 Public Sub New()
 ' 因为在ls中实现多态或者类似效果比较复杂,得不偿失,所以这里放弃Init Data内容
 其实也可以这么做:  Sub New(initData)
      if isempty(initData)
     end sub
 引用的时候:对于无initData,这样的初始化,New ListEx(UTIL_EMPTY)
 End Sub
 Public Property Set Item(strName As String) As Variant
  If Isnull(Item) Then
   Me.DeleteItem strName
   Exit Property
  End If
 End Property
 Public Property Get Item(strName As String ) As Variant
  If Me.HasItem(strName)=False Then
   Exit Property
  End If
 End Property
 Public Function DeleteItem(strName As String) As Integer
  Erase m_data(strName)
 End Function
 Public Function HasItem(strName As String) As Integer
  If Iselement(m_data(strName)) Then
  End If
 End Function
 Public Function GetItem(strName As String) As Variant
 End Function
 Public Function SetItem(strName As String , vValue As Variant ) As Integer
 End Function
End Class

Public Class ArrayEx
 Private m_SizeStep As Long
 Private m_Size As Long
 Private m_Top As Long
 Private m_Data() As Variant
 Public Sub new(lngSizeStep)
  If Isempty(lngSizeStep) Then
  End If
 End Sub
 Public Property Set SizeStep As Long
  Redim m_Data(m_SizeStep)
 End Property
 Public Property Get Data
  If m_Size < 0 Then m_Size=0
  If m_Top<>m_Size Then
   Redim Preserve m_Data(m_Size)
  End If
 End Property
 Public Function Add(v1)
  If m_Size > m_Top Then
   Redim Preserve m_Data(m_Top)
  End If
 End Function
End Class
Function UtilSplit(Byval str1 As String , strSep As String)
 If strSep="" Then
  Dim arrRet() As String
  Dim i As Long
  Redim arrRet(Len(str1)-1)
  For i=1 To Len(str1)
   arrRet(i-1)=Mid(str1 , i , 1)
  Exit Function
 End If
 Dim arr1 As New ArrayEx(100)
 While Len(str1) > 0
  arr1.Add Strleft(str1 , strSep)
  str1=Strright(str1 , strSep)
End Function
Function UtilJoin(arr1 , strSep As String) As String
 Dim strT As String
 Forall a1 In arr1
 End Forall
 If Len(strT)>0 And Len(strSep)>0 Then
  UtilJoin=Mid(strT , Len(strSep)+1)
 End If
End Function
Function UtilReplace(str1 As String , strFind As String , strReplace As String) As String
 Dim v1
 v1=UtilSplit(str1 , strFind)
 UtilReplace=UtilJoin(v1 , strReplace)
End Function
Function UtilEscape(Byval strIn As String) As String
 Const cstEsps="0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,44,58,59,60,61,62,63,91,92,93,94,96"   
 Dim vEsps 
 Dim str1,int1,strRet As String
 Dim i As Integer
 For i=1 To Len(strIn)
  If int1>255 Then
  Elseif int1>122 Then
  Elseif Not Isnull(Arraygetindex(vEsps,Cstr(int1))) Then
'normal chars
  End If
End Function
Function UtilUnescape(strEscape As String) As String
 On Error Goto error_handle
 Dim pos1,pos2
 Dim strT As String,str1  ,strRet As String
 While strT<>""
  If pos1>0 Then
   strRet=strRet+Left(strT,pos1-1) '将%前的原义字符加入
   pos2=Instr(strT,"%u") '%u
   If pos2=pos1 Then
    If Len(str1)<4 Then
     Goto error_handle
    End If
    If Len(str1)<2 Then
     Goto error_handle
    End If
   End If
  End If
 Exit Function
 Exit Function 
End Function

' 本lib实现collection功能
Const ArrayTop=400
Public Class MyCollection
 Private mCount As Integer '所有的已经分配空间数量
 Private mCountUnused As Integer '已分配空间中被回收部分数量
 Private mCountUsed As Integer '已分配空间中使用部分数量
 Private mIndexUsed() As Integer 'Index序列号
 ' Private mKeys() As String 'key键值,使用keys方式,主要为建立dictionary方式
 Private mObjects() As Variant '存储分配空间
 Private mIndexUnused() As Integer '被回收的序列号空间
 Public Sub New()
  Redim mIndex(0)
  Redim mKeys(0)
  Redim mObjects(0)
  Redim mIndexUnused(0)
 End Sub
 Public Property Get Member(intIndex As Integer)
  Set Member=mObjects(mIndexUsed(intIndex))
 End Property
 Public Property Set Member(intIndex As Integer)
  Set mObjects(mIndexUsed(intIndex))=Member
 End Property
 Public Function AddMember(vMember,intIndex As Integer)
  Dim CurPos As Integer '如果待插入点在当前的范围之外,那么,将它插入在最后
  Dim i
  If intIndex<0 Then
  Elseif intIndex<1 Or intIndex>mCountUsed Then 
  End If
  If mCountUnused>0 Then
   Set mObjects(mIndexUnused(mCountUnused))=vMember
   For i=mCountUsed To CurPos Step -1
   If mCount Mod ArrayTop=0 Then
    Redim Preserve mIndexUsed(mCount+ArrayTop)
    Redim Preserve mObjects(mCount+ArrayTop)
    Redim Preserve mIndexUnused(mCount+ArrayTop)
   End If
   For i=mCountUsed To CurPos Step -1
   Set mObjects(mCountUsed)=vMember
  End If
 End Function
 Public Function DelMember(intIndex As Integer)
  If intIndex<1 Or intIndex>mCountUsed Then
   Exit Function
  End If
  Dim i
  For i= intIndex To mCountUsed
 End Function
 Public Property Get Count As Integer
 End Property
End Class

'Option Public
'Option Explicit
' Lib com.OnceATime.LS.UTIL
'  ---- By FangZeYu(OnceATime@163.com)
'  ---- By LuHong(ChongBugLH@163.com)
'  ---- 2003-10 BeiJing
' 版权声明:
' 软件可以自由传播修改,亦默认有商业行为允许。
'  但任何时候,请保留原始作者信息。
' 功能列表:
' 类: ListEx:  有点类似其它高级语言中的collection list功能,需增强
'   ArrayEx:  简单的增强数组
'   QueryURL:  解析query_string
   MyCollection: collection类
' 函数: UtilSplit: 拆分字符串
'   UtilJoin: 合并字符串
'   UtilReplace: 查找替换
'   UtilEscape: 编码
'   UtilUnescape: 解码
' 修订历史:
' 1、2003年10月,草拟 
' 2、2004年09月,整理修订
' 3、2004年12月,添加了以前做的MyCollection类
Public Class BObject
 Public Property Get ClassName As String
 End Property
 Private Function m_ShowError(strSubName)
  Msgbox "(Class "+Me.ClassName+" -> "+strSubName+") Error On Line " & Erl & " With Code Of " & Err & " Msg Is " & Error
 End Function
End Class
Dim UTIL_EMPTY    '定义一个可以使用的empty变量,在程序中使用  :)
Const UTIL_NULL=Null
Public Class URLQuery
 Private m_query As String
 Public Sub new(strQuery As String)
 End Sub
 Public Function GetAttribute(strAttName ) As String
  Dim pos1 As Integer,pos2 As Integer
  pos1=Instr(Lcase(m_query) , "&"+Lcase(strAttName)+"=")
  If pos1=0 Then Exit Function  ' 如果没有找到,则当做是空字符串
  pos2=Instr( pos1+Len("&"+strAttName+"="),m_query,"&")
  GetAttribute=Mid(m_query , pos1+Len("&"+strAttName+"=") , pos2-pos1-Len("&"+strAttName+"="))
 End Function
 Public Function GetParameter(strParName) As String
 End Function
 Public Function HasAttribute(strAttName) As Long
  ' tobe : &par1=  or &par1&
  ' true
  Dim str1 As String
  str1="&" & strAttName & "="
  If Instr(m_query , str1) > 0 Then Exit Function
  str1="&" & strAttName & "&"
  If Instr(m_query , str1) > 0 Then Exit Function
 End Function
 Public Function HasParameter(strParName) As Long
 End Function
End Class

Public Class ListEx

' 一个类js中的list array (主要体现的是list功能,array没有体现,可以在以后加)
' 放弃了错误处理,原因是……    所有这些,再次让我厌倦!
' 简单约束,function返回true false的时候,使用integer ,一般的-1为true ,0为false,这样做的原因也无需说明
'   null为无效值和空值,没有考虑object

 Private m_data List As Variant
 Public Sub New()
 ' 因为在ls中实现多态或者类似效果比较复杂,得不偿失,所以这里放弃Init Data内容
 其实也可以这么做:  Sub New(initData)
      if isempty(initData)
     end sub
 引用的时候:对于无initData,这样的初始化,New ListEx(UTIL_EMPTY)
 End Sub
 Public Property Set Item(strName As String) As Variant
  If Isnull(Item) Then
   Me.DeleteItem strName
   Exit Property
  End If
 End Property
 Public Property Get Item(strName As String ) As Variant
  If Me.HasItem(strName)=False Then
   Exit Property
  End If
 End Property
 Public Function DeleteItem(strName As String) As Integer
  Erase m_data(strName)
 End Function
 Public Function HasItem(strName As String) As Integer
  If Iselement(m_data(strName)) Then
  End If
 End Function
 Public Function GetItem(strName As String) As Variant
 End Function
 Public Function SetItem(strName As String , vValue As Variant ) As Integer
 End Function
End Class

Public Class ArrayEx
 Private m_SizeStep As Long
 Private m_Size As Long
 Private m_Top As Long
 Private m_Data() As Variant
 Public Sub new(lngSizeStep)
  If Isempty(lngSizeStep) Then
  End If
 End Sub
 Public Property Set SizeStep As Long
  Redim m_Data(m_SizeStep)
 End Property
 Public Property Get Data
  If m_Size < 0 Then m_Size=0
  If m_Top<>m_Size Then
   Redim Preserve m_Data(m_Size)
  End If
 End Property
 Public Function Add(v1)
  If m_Size > m_Top Then
   Redim Preserve m_Data(m_Top)
  End If
 End Function
End Class
Function UtilSplit(Byval str1 As String , strSep As String)
 If strSep="" Then
  Dim arrRet() As String
  Dim i As Long
  Redim arrRet(Len(str1)-1)
  For i=1 To Len(str1)
   arrRet(i-1)=Mid(str1 , i , 1)
  Exit Function
 End If
 Dim arr1 As New ArrayEx(100)
 While Len(str1) > 0
  arr1.Add Strleft(str1 , strSep)
  str1=Strright(str1 , strSep)
End Function
Function UtilJoin(arr1 , strSep As String) As String
 Dim strT As String
 Forall a1 In arr1
 End Forall
 If Len(strT)>0 And Len(strSep)>0 Then
  UtilJoin=Mid(strT , Len(strSep)+1)
 End If
End Function
Function UtilReplace(str1 As String , strFind As String , strReplace As String) As String
 Dim v1
 v1=UtilSplit(str1 , strFind)
 UtilReplace=UtilJoin(v1 , strReplace)
End Function
Function UtilEscape(Byval strIn As String) As String
 Const cstEsps="0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,44,58,59,60,61,62,63,91,92,93,94,96"   
 Dim vEsps 
 Dim str1,int1,strRet As String
 Dim i As Integer
 For i=1 To Len(strIn)
  If int1>255 Then
  Elseif int1>122 Then
  Elseif Not Isnull(Arraygetindex(vEsps,Cstr(int1))) Then
'normal chars
  End If
End Function
Function UtilUnescape(strEscape As String) As String
 On Error Goto error_handle
 Dim pos1,pos2
 Dim strT As String,str1  ,strRet As String
 While strT<>""
  If pos1>0 Then
   strRet=strRet+Left(strT,pos1-1) '将%前的原义字符加入
   pos2=Instr(strT,"%u") '%u
   If pos2=pos1 Then
    If Len(str1)<4 Then
     Goto error_handle
    End If
    If Len(str1)<2 Then
     Goto error_handle
    End If
   End If
  End If
 Exit Function
 Exit Function 
End Function

' 本lib实现collection功能
Const ArrayTop=400
Public Class MyCollection
 Private mCount As Integer '所有的已经分配空间数量
 Private mCountUnused As Integer '已分配空间中被回收部分数量
 Private mCountUsed As Integer '已分配空间中使用部分数量
 Private mIndexUsed() As Integer 'Index序列号
 ' Private mKeys() As String 'key键值,使用keys方式,主要为建立dictionary方式
 Private mObjects() As Variant '存储分配空间
 Private mIndexUnused() As Integer '被回收的序列号空间
 Public Sub New()
  Redim mIndex(0)
  Redim mKeys(0)
  Redim mObjects(0)
  Redim mIndexUnused(0)
 End Sub
 Public Property Get Member(intIndex As Integer)
  Set Member=mObjects(mIndexUsed(intIndex))
 End Property
 Public Property Set Member(intIndex As Integer)
  Set mObjects(mIndexUsed(intIndex))=Member
 End Property
 Public Function AddMember(vMember,intIndex As Integer)
  Dim CurPos As Integer '如果待插入点在当前的范围之外,那么,将它插入在最后
  Dim i
  If intIndex<0 Then
  Elseif intIndex<1 Or intIndex>mCountUsed Then 
  End If
  If mCountUnused>0 Then
   Set mObjects(mIndexUnused(mCountUnused))=vMember
   For i=mCountUsed To CurPos Step -1
   If mCount Mod ArrayTop=0 Then
    Redim Preserve mIndexUsed(mCount+ArrayTop)
    Redim Preserve mObjects(mCount+ArrayTop)
    Redim Preserve mIndexUnused(mCount+ArrayTop)
   End If
   For i=mCountUsed To CurPos Step -1
   Set mObjects(mCountUsed)=vMember
  End If
 End Function
 Public Function DelMember(intIndex As Integer)
  If intIndex<1 Or intIndex>mCountUsed Then
   Exit Function
  End If
  Dim i
  For i= intIndex To mCountUsed
 End Function
 Public Property Get Count As Integer
 End Property
End Class

'Option Public
'Option Explicit
' Lib com.OnceATime.LS.UTIL
'  ---- By FangZeYu(OnceATime@163.com)
'  ---- By LuHong(ChongBugLH@163.com)
'  ---- 2003-10 BeiJing
' 版权声明:
' 软件可以自由传播修改,亦默认有商业行为允许。
'  但任何时候,请保留原始作者信息。
' 功能列表:
' 类: ListEx:  有点类似其它高级语言中的collection list功能,需增强
'   ArrayEx:  简单的增强数组
'   QueryURL:  解析query_string
   MyCollection: collection类
' 函数: UtilSplit: 拆分字符串
'   UtilJoin: 合并字符串
'   UtilReplace: 查找替换
'   UtilEscape: 编码
'   UtilUnescape: 解码
' 修订历史:
' 1、2003年10月,草拟 
' 2、2004年09月,整理修订
' 3、2004年12月,添加了以前做的MyCollection类
Public Class BObject
 Public Property Get ClassName As String
 End Property
 Private Function m_ShowError(strSubName)
  Msgbox "(Class "+Me.ClassName+" -> "+strSubName+") Error On Line " & Erl & " With Code Of " & Err & " Msg Is " & Error
 End Function
End Class
Dim UTIL_EMPTY    '定义一个可以使用的empty变量,在程序中使用  :)
Const UTIL_NULL=Null
Public Class URLQuery
 Private m_query As String
 Public Sub new(strQuery As String)
 End Sub
 Public Function GetAttribute(strAttName ) As String
  Dim pos1 As Integer,pos2 As Integer
  pos1=Instr(Lcase(m_query) , "&"+Lcase(strAttName)+"=")
  If pos1=0 Then Exit Function  ' 如果没有找到,则当做是空字符串
  pos2=Instr( pos1+Len("&"+strAttName+"="),m_query,"&")
  GetAttribute=Mid(m_query , pos1+Len("&"+strAttName+"=") , pos2-pos1-Len("&"+strAttName+"="))
 End Function
 Public Function GetParameter(strParName) As String
 End Function
 Public Function HasAttribute(strAttName) As Long
  ' tobe : &par1=  or &par1&
  ' true
  Dim str1 As String
  str1="&" & strAttName & "="
  If Instr(m_query , str1) > 0 Then Exit Function
  str1="&" & strAttName & "&"
  If Instr(m_query , str1) > 0 Then Exit Function
 End Function
 Public Function HasParameter(strParName) As Long
 End Function
End Class

Public Class ListEx

' 一个类js中的list array (主要体现的是list功能,array没有体现,可以在以后加)
' 放弃了错误处理,原因是……    所有这些,再次让我厌倦!
' 简单约束,function返回true false的时候,使用integer ,一般的-1为true ,0为false,这样做的原因也无需说明
'   null为无效值和空值,没有考虑object

 Private m_data List As Variant
 Public Sub New()
 ' 因为在ls中实现多态或者类似效果比较复杂,得不偿失,所以这里放弃Init Data内容
 其实也可以这么做:  Sub New(initData)
      if isempty(initData)
     end sub
 引用的时候:对于无initData,这样的初始化,New ListEx(UTIL_EMPTY)
 End Sub
 Public Property Set Item(strName As String) As Variant
  If Isnull(Item) Then
   Me.DeleteItem strName
   Exit Property
  End If
 End Property
 Public Property Get Item(strName As String ) As Variant
  If Me.HasItem(strName)=False Then
   Exit Property
  End If
 End Property
 Public Function DeleteItem(strName As String) As Integer
  Erase m_data(strName)
 End Function
 Public Function HasItem(strName As String) As Integer
  If Iselement(m_data(strName)) Then
  End If
 End Function
 Public Function GetItem(strName As String) As Variant
 End Function
 Public Function SetItem(strName As String , vValue As Variant ) As Integer
 End Function
End Class

Public Class ArrayEx
 Private m_SizeStep As Long
 Private m_Size As Long
 Private m_Top As Long
 Private m_Data() As Variant
 Public Sub new(lngSizeStep)
  If Isempty(lngSizeStep) Then
  End If
 End Sub
 Public Property Set SizeStep As Long
  Redim m_Data(m_SizeStep)
 End Property
 Public Property Get Data
  If m_Size < 0 Then m_Size=0
  If m_Top<>m_Size Then
   Redim Preserve m_Data(m_Size)
  End If
 End Property
 Public Function Add(v1)
  If m_Size > m_Top Then
   Redim Preserve m_Data(m_Top)
  End If
 End Function
End Class
Function UtilSplit(Byval str1 As String , strSep As String)
 If strSep="" Then
  Dim arrRet() As String
  Dim i As Long
  Redim arrRet(Len(str1)-1)
  For i=1 To Len(str1)
   arrRet(i-1)=Mid(str1 , i , 1)
  Exit Function
 End If
 Dim arr1 As New ArrayEx(100)
 While Len(str1) > 0
  arr1.Add Strleft(str1 , strSep)
  str1=Strright(str1 , strSep)
End Function
Function UtilJoin(arr1 , strSep As String) As String
 Dim strT As String
 Forall a1 In arr1
 End Forall
 If Len(strT)>0 And Len(strSep)>0 Then
  UtilJoin=Mid(strT , Len(strSep)+1)
 End If
End Function
Function UtilReplace(str1 As String , strFind As String , strReplace As String) As String
 Dim v1
 v1=UtilSplit(str1 , strFind)
 UtilReplace=UtilJoin(v1 , strReplace)
End Function
Function UtilEscape(Byval strIn As String) As String
 Const cstEsps="0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,44,58,59,60,61,62,63,91,92,93,94,96"   
 Dim vEsps 
 Dim str1,int1,strRet As String
 Dim i As Integer
 For i=1 To Len(strIn)
  If int1>255 Then
  Elseif int1>122 Then
  Elseif Not Isnull(Arraygetindex(vEsps,Cstr(int1))) Then
'normal chars
  End If
End Function
Function UtilUnescape(strEscape As String) As String
 On Error Goto error_handle
 Dim pos1,pos2
 Dim strT As String,str1  ,strRet As String
 While strT<>""
  If pos1>0 Then
   strRet=strRet+Left(strT,pos1-1) '将%前的原义字符加入
   pos2=Instr(strT,"%u") '%u
   If pos2=pos1 Then
    If Len(str1)<4 Then
     Goto error_handle
    End If
    If Len(str1)<2 Then
     Goto error_handle
    End If
   End If
  End If
 Exit Function
 Exit Function 
End Function

' 本lib实现collection功能
Const ArrayTop=400
Public Class MyCollection
 Private mCount As Integer '所有的已经分配空间数量
 Private mCountUnused As Integer '已分配空间中被回收部分数量
 Private mCountUsed As Integer '已分配空间中使用部分数量
 Private mIndexUsed() As Integer 'Index序列号
 ' Private mKeys() As String 'key键值,使用keys方式,主要为建立dictionary方式
 Private mObjects() As Variant '存储分配空间
 Private mIndexUnused() As Integer '被回收的序列号空间
 Public Sub New()
  Redim mIndex(0)
  Redim mKeys(0)
  Redim mObjects(0)
  Redim mIndexUnused(0)
 End Sub
 Public Property Get Member(intIndex As Integer)
  Set Member=mObjects(mIndexUsed(intIndex))
 End Property
 Public Property Set Member(intIndex As Integer)
  Set mObjects(mIndexUsed(intIndex))=Member
 End Property
 Public Function AddMember(vMember,intIndex As Integer)
  Dim CurPos As Integer '如果待插入点在当前的范围之外,那么,将它插入在最后
  Dim i
  If intIndex<0 Then
  Elseif intIndex<1 Or intIndex>mCountUsed Then 
  End If
  If mCountUnused>0 Then
   Set mObjects(mIndexUnused(mCountUnused))=vMember
   For i=mCountUsed To CurPos Step -1
   If mCount Mod ArrayTop=0 Then
    Redim Preserve mIndexUsed(mCount+ArrayTop)
    Redim Preserve mObjects(mCount+ArrayTop)
    Redim Preserve mIndexUnused(mCount+ArrayTop)
   End If
   For i=mCountUsed To CurPos Step -1
   Set mObjects(mCountUsed)=vMember
  End If
 End Function
 Public Function DelMember(intIndex As Integer)
  If intIndex<1 Or intIndex>mCountUsed Then
   Exit Function
  End If
  Dim i
  For i= intIndex To mCountUsed
 End Function
 Public Property Get Count As Integer
 End Property
End Class





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