java swing 垂直流布局管理器实现




1. 特性一,增加topVerticalGap、bottomVerticalGap两个变量,可单独控制布局中子控件与容器顶部和底部的边距。

2. 特性二,增加horizontalAlignment变量,可控制子控件在容器中的水平对齐方式:水平左对齐,居中,右对齐。

3. 本文的评论中watermelon_csdn提到:



4. 需要特别说明的时,在本垂直流布局中,子控件的尺寸以其首选尺寸PreferredSize为准,若设置了水平填充或者垂直填充则适配其父容器的尺寸,子控件的最大尺寸MaxnimumSize和最小尺寸MinimumSize被忽略,发挥不了作用。


package com.dancen.util.swing;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.border.Border;

 * MyVFlowLayout is similar to FlowLayout except it lays out components
 * vertically. Extends FlowLayout because it mimics much of the behavior of the
 * FlowLayout class, except vertically. An additional feature is that you can
 * specify a fill to edge flag, which causes the MyVFlowLayout manager to
 * resize all components to expand to the column width Warning: This causes
 * problems when the main panel has less space that it needs and it seems to
 * prohibit multi-column output. Additionally there is a vertical fill flag,
 * which fills the last component to the remaining height of the container.
public class MyVFlowLayout extends FlowLayout
	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

	 * Specify alignment top.
	public static final int TOP = 0;

	 * Specify a middle alignment.
	public static final int MIDDLE = 1;

	 * Specify the alignment to be bottom.
	public static final int BOTTOM = 2;
	 * Specify the alignment to be left.
	public static final int LEFT = 0;
	 * Specify the alignment to be right.
	public static final int RIGHT = 2;

	private int horizontalAlignment;
	private int topVerticalGap;
	private int bottomVerticalGap;
	private boolean isHorizontalFill;
	private boolean isVerticalFill;

	public static void main(String[] args)
		System.out.println("Just for test ...");
		JFrame frame = new JFrame();
		frame.setBounds(0, 0, 300, 500);
		JPanel contentPanel = new JPanel();
		Border padding = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5);
		MyVFlowLayout myVFlowLayout = new MyVFlowLayout(1, 0, 5, 5, 20, 40, true, false);
		JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(contentPanel);
		for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
			JButton button = new JButton(String.valueOf(i + 1));
			button.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(50, 30));
		JButton specButton = new JButton("spec");
		specButton.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 50));

		for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
			JButton button = new JButton(String.valueOf(i + 1));
			button.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(90, 30));
	public MyVFlowLayout()
		this(TOP, MIDDLE, 5, 5, 5, 5, true, false);

	public MyVFlowLayout(boolean isHorizontalFill, boolean isVerticalFill)
		this(TOP, MIDDLE, 5, 5, 5, 5, isHorizontalFill, isVerticalFill);

	public MyVFlowLayout(int align)
		this(align, MIDDLE, 5, 5, 5, 5, true, false);

	public MyVFlowLayout(int align, boolean isHorizontalFill, boolean isVerticalFill)
		this(align, MIDDLE, 5, 5, 5, 5, isHorizontalFill, isVerticalFill);

	public MyVFlowLayout(int align, int horizontalGap, int verticalGap, boolean isHorizontalFill, boolean isVerticalFill)
		this(align, MIDDLE, horizontalGap, verticalGap, verticalGap, verticalGap, isHorizontalFill, isVerticalFill);
	public MyVFlowLayout(int align, int horizontalGap, int verticalGap, int topVerticalGap, int bottomVerticalGap, boolean isHorizontalFill, boolean isVerticalFill)
		this(align, MIDDLE, horizontalGap, verticalGap, topVerticalGap, bottomVerticalGap, isHorizontalFill, isVerticalFill);
	 * Construct a new MyVFlowLayout.
	 * @param verticalAlignment
	 *            the alignment value
	 * @param horizontalAlignment
	 *            the horizontal alignment value
	 * @param horizontalGap
	 *            the horizontal gap variable
	 * @param verticalGap
	 *            the vertical gap variable
	 * @param topVerticalGap
	 *            the top vertical gap variable
	 * @param bottomVerticalGap
	 *            the bottom vertical gap variable
	 * @param isHorizontalFill
	 *            the fill to edge flag
	 * @param isVerticalFill
	 *            true if the panel should vertically fill.
	public MyVFlowLayout(int verticalAlignment, int horizontalAlignment, int horizontalGap, int verticalGap, int topVerticalGap, int bottomVerticalGap, boolean isHorizontalFill, boolean isVerticalFill)

	public void setHorizontalAlignment(int horizontalAlignment)
		if(LEFT == horizontalAlignment)
			this.horizontalAlignment = LEFT;
		else if(RIGHT == horizontalAlignment)
			this.horizontalAlignment = RIGHT;
			this.horizontalAlignment = MIDDLE;
	public int getHorizontalAlignment()
		return this.horizontalAlignment;
	public void setHgap(int horizontalGap)
	public void setVgap(int verticalGap)
	public void setTopVerticalGap(int topVerticalGap)
		this.topVerticalGap = topVerticalGap;
	public int getTopVerticalGap()
		return this.topVerticalGap;
	public void setBottomVerticalGap(int bottomVerticalGap)
		this.bottomVerticalGap = bottomVerticalGap;
	public int getBottomVerticalGap()
		return this.bottomVerticalGap;
	 * Set true to fill vertically.
	 * @param isVerticalFill
	 *            true to fill vertically.
	public void setVerticalFill(boolean isVerticalFill)
		this.isVerticalFill = isVerticalFill;

	 * Returns true if the layout vertically fills.
	 * @return true if vertically fills the layout using the specified.
	public boolean getVerticalFill()
		return isVerticalFill;

	 * Set to true to enable horizontally fill.
	 * @param hfill
	 *            true to fill horizontally.
	public void setHorizontalFill(boolean isHorizontalFill)
		this.isHorizontalFill = isHorizontalFill;

	 * Returns true if the layout horizontally fills.
	 * @return true if horizontally fills.
	public boolean getHorizontalFill()
		return isHorizontalFill;
	 * Returns the preferred dimensions given the components in the target
	 * container.
	 * @param container
	 *            the component to lay out
	public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container container)
		Dimension rs = new Dimension(0, 0);
		List<Component> components = this.getVisibleComponents(container);
		Dimension dimension = this.preferredComponentsSize(components);
		rs.width += dimension.width;
		rs.height += dimension.height;
		Insets insets = container.getInsets();
		rs.width += insets.left + insets.right;
		rs.height += + insets.bottom;
		if(0 < components.size())
			rs.width += this.getHgap() * 2;
			rs.height += this.topVerticalGap;
			rs.height += this.bottomVerticalGap;
		return rs;

	 * Returns the minimum size needed to layout the target container.
	 * @param container
	 *            the component to lay out.
	 * @return the minimum layout dimension.
	public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container container)
		Dimension rs = new Dimension(0, 0);
		List<Component> components = this.getVisibleComponents(container);
		Dimension dimension = this.minimumComponentsSize(components);
		rs.width += dimension.width;
		rs.height += dimension.height;
		Insets insets = container.getInsets();
		rs.width += insets.left + insets.right;
		rs.height += + insets.bottom;
		if(0 < components.size())
			rs.width += this.getHgap() * 2;
			rs.height += this.topVerticalGap;
			rs.height += this.bottomVerticalGap;
		return rs;
	public void layoutContainer(Container container)
		int horizontalGap = this.getHgap();
		int verticalGap = this.getVgap();
		Insets insets = container.getInsets();
		int maxWidth = container.getSize().width - (insets.left + insets.right + horizontalGap * 2);
		int maxHeight = container.getSize().height - ( + insets.bottom + this.topVerticalGap + this.bottomVerticalGap);
		List<Component> components = this.getVisibleComponents(container);
		Dimension preferredComponentsSize = this.preferredComponentsSize(components);
		int alignment = this.getAlignment();
		int y = + this.topVerticalGap;;
		if(!this.isVerticalFill && preferredComponentsSize.height < maxHeight)
			if(MIDDLE == alignment)
				y += (maxHeight - preferredComponentsSize.height) / 2;
			else if(BOTTOM == alignment)
				y += maxHeight - preferredComponentsSize.height;
		int index = 0;
		for(Component component : components)
			int x = insets.left + horizontalGap;
			Dimension dimension = component.getPreferredSize();
				dimension.width = maxWidth;
				dimension.width = Math.min(maxWidth, dimension.width);
				if(MIDDLE == this.horizontalAlignment)
					x += (maxWidth - dimension.width) / 2;
				else if(RIGHT == this.horizontalAlignment)
					x += maxWidth - dimension.width;
			if(this.isVerticalFill && index == components.size() - 1)
				int height = maxHeight + this.topVerticalGap + - y;
				dimension.height = Math.max(height, dimension.height);
			component.setLocation(x, y);
			y += dimension.height + verticalGap;
	private Dimension preferredComponentsSize(List<Component> components)
		Dimension rs = new Dimension(0, 0);
		for(Component component : components)
			Dimension dimension = component.getPreferredSize();
			rs.width = Math.max(rs.width, dimension.width);
			rs.height += dimension.height;
		if(0 < components.size())
			rs.height += this.getVgap() * (components.size() - 1);
		return rs;
	private Dimension minimumComponentsSize(List<Component> components)
		Dimension rs = new Dimension(0, 0);
		for(Component component : components)
			Dimension dimension = component.getMinimumSize();
			rs.width = Math.max(rs.width, dimension.width);
			rs.height += dimension.height;
		if(0 < components.size())
			rs.height += this.getVgap() * (components.size() - 1);
		return rs;
	private List<Component> getVisibleComponents(Container container)
		List<Component> rs = new ArrayList<Component>();
		for(Component component : container.getComponents())
		return rs;



最近写一个java UI,需要用到垂直流布局管理器,要求该管理器能够实现内部组件的宽度以及高度自适应。看了swing提供的5个布局管理器,尝试的实现效果都不理想,看来只能自己搞一个了,好在网上已有实现,其测试效果如下图:


图一 垂直流布局管理器实现效果





package com.dancen.util.swing;

import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.Insets;

import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;

 * VerticalFlowLayout is similar to FlowLayout except it lays out components
 * vertically. Extends FlowLayout because it mimics much of the behavior of the
 * FlowLayout class, except vertically. An additional feature is that you can
 * specify a fill to edge flag, which causes the VerticalFlowLayout manager to
 * resize all components to expand to the column width Warning: This causes
 * problems when the main panel has less space that it needs and it seems to
 * prohibit multi-column output. Additionally there is a vertical fill flag,
 * which fills the last component to the remaining height of the container.
public class MyVFlowLayout extends FlowLayout
	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

	 * Specify alignment top.
	public static final int TOP = 0;

	 * Specify a middle alignment.
	public static final int MIDDLE = 1;

	 * Specify the alignment to be bottom.
	public static final int BOTTOM = 2;

	int hgap;
	int vgap;
	boolean hfill;
	boolean vfill;

	public static void main(String[] args)
		System.out.println("Just for test ...");
		JFrame frame = new JFrame();
		frame.setBounds(0, 0, 600, 600);
		frame.setLayout(new MyVFlowLayout());
		int i = 0;
		frame.add(new JButton(String.valueOf(i++)));
		frame.add(new JButton(String.valueOf(i++)));
		frame.add(new JButton(String.valueOf(i++)));
		frame.add(new JButton(String.valueOf(i++)));
		frame.add(new JButton(String.valueOf(i++)));
		frame.add(new JButton(String.valueOf(i++)));
		frame.add(new JButton(String.valueOf(i++)));
		frame.add(new JButton(String.valueOf(i++)));
		frame.add(new JButton(String.valueOf(i++)));
		frame.add(new JButton(String.valueOf(i++)));
		JButton button = new JButton("spec");
		button.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 50));
		frame.add(new JButton(String.valueOf(i++)));
	 * Construct a new VerticalFlowLayout with a middle alignment, and the fill
	 * to edge flag set.
	public MyVFlowLayout()
		this(TOP, 5, 5, true, false);

	 * Construct a new VerticalFlowLayout with a middle alignment.
	 * @param hfill
	 *            the fill to edge flag
	 * @param vfill
	 *            the vertical fill in pixels.
	public MyVFlowLayout(boolean hfill, boolean vfill)
		this(TOP, 5, 5, hfill, vfill);

	 * Construct a new VerticalFlowLayout with a middle alignment.
	 * @param align
	 *            the alignment value
	public MyVFlowLayout(int align)
		this(align, 5, 5, true, false);

	 * Construct a new VerticalFlowLayout.
	 * @param align
	 *            the alignment value
	 * @param hfill
	 *            the horizontalfill in pixels.
	 * @param vfill
	 *            the vertical fill in pixels.
	public MyVFlowLayout(int align, boolean hfill, boolean vfill)
		this(align, 5, 5, hfill, vfill);

	 * Construct a new VerticalFlowLayout.
	 * @param align
	 *            the alignment value
	 * @param hgap
	 *            the horizontal gap variable
	 * @param vgap
	 *            the vertical gap variable
	 * @param hfill
	 *            the fill to edge flag
	 * @param vfill
	 *            true if the panel should vertically fill.
	public MyVFlowLayout(int align, int hgap, int vgap, boolean hfill, boolean vfill)
		this.hgap = hgap;
		this.vgap = vgap;
		this.hfill = hfill;
		this.vfill = vfill;

	 * Returns the preferred dimensions given the components in the target
	 * container.
	 * @param target
	 *            the component to lay out
	public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container target)
		Dimension tarsiz = new Dimension(0, 0);

		for (int i = 0; i < target.getComponentCount(); i++)
			Component m = target.getComponent(i);
			if (m.isVisible())
				Dimension d = m.getPreferredSize();
				tarsiz.width = Math.max(tarsiz.width, d.width);
				if (i > 0)
					tarsiz.height += vgap;
				tarsiz.height += d.height;
		Insets insets = target.getInsets();
		tarsiz.width += insets.left + insets.right + hgap * 2;
		tarsiz.height += + insets.bottom + vgap * 2;
		return tarsiz;

	 * Returns the minimum size needed to layout the target container.
	 * @param target
	 *            the component to lay out.
	 * @return the minimum layout dimension.
	public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container target)
		Dimension tarsiz = new Dimension(0, 0);

		for (int i = 0; i < target.getComponentCount(); i++)
			Component m = target.getComponent(i);
			if (m.isVisible())
				Dimension d = m.getMinimumSize();
				tarsiz.width = Math.max(tarsiz.width, d.width);
				if (i > 0) 
					tarsiz.height += vgap;
				tarsiz.height += d.height;
		Insets insets = target.getInsets();
		tarsiz.width += insets.left + insets.right + hgap * 2;
		tarsiz.height += + insets.bottom + vgap * 2;
		return tarsiz;

	 * Set true to fill vertically.
	 * @param vfill
	 *            true to fill vertically.
	public void setVerticalFill(boolean vfill)
		this.vfill = vfill;

	 * Returns true if the layout vertically fills.
	 * @return true if vertically fills the layout using the specified.
	public boolean getVerticalFill()
		return vfill;

	 * Set to true to enable horizontally fill.
	 * @param hfill
	 *            true to fill horizontally.
	public void setHorizontalFill(boolean hfill)
		this.hfill = hfill;

	 * Returns true if the layout horizontally fills.
	 * @return true if horizontally fills.
	public boolean getHorizontalFill()
		return hfill;

	 * places the components defined by first to last within the target
	 * container using the bounds box defined.
	 * @param target
	 *            the container.
	 * @param x
	 *            the x coordinate of the area.
	 * @param y
	 *            the y coordinate of the area.
	 * @param width
	 *            the width of the area.
	 * @param height
	 *            the height of the area.
	 * @param first
	 *            the first component of the container to place.
	 * @param last
	 *            the last component of the container to place.
	private void placethem(Container target, int x, int y, int width, int height, int first, int last)
		int align = getAlignment();
		if (align == MIDDLE)
			y += height / 2;
		if (align == BOTTOM)
			y += height;
		for (int i = first; i < last; i++)
			Component m = target.getComponent(i);
			Dimension md = m.getSize();
			if (m.isVisible())
				int px = x + (width - md.width) / 2;
				m.setLocation(px, y);
				y += vgap + md.height;

	 * Lays out the container.
	 * @param target
	 *            the container to lay out.
	public void layoutContainer(Container target)
		Insets insets = target.getInsets();
		int maxheight = target.getSize().height	- ( + insets.bottom + vgap * 2);
		int maxwidth = target.getSize().width - (insets.left + insets.right + hgap * 2);
		int numcomp = target.getComponentCount();
		int x = insets.left + hgap, y = 0;
		int colw = 0, start = 0;

		for (int i = 0; i < numcomp; i++)
			Component m = target.getComponent(i);
			if (m.isVisible()) 
				Dimension d = m.getPreferredSize();
				// fit last component to remaining height
				if ((this.vfill) && (i == (numcomp - 1))) 
					d.height = Math.max((maxheight - y), m.getPreferredSize().height);

				// fit component size to container width
				if (this.hfill)
					m.setSize(maxwidth, d.height);
					d.width = maxwidth;
					m.setSize(d.width, d.height);

				if (y + d.height > maxheight)
					placethem(target, x, + vgap, colw, maxheight - y, start, i);
					y = d.height;
					x += hgap + colw;
					colw = d.width;
					start = i;
					if (y > 0)
						y += vgap;
					y += d.height;
					colw = Math.max(colw, d.width);
		placethem(target, x, + vgap, colw, maxheight - y, start,	numcomp);







评论 6




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


