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原创 Reasons to buy links

 Glass jewelry is a gem on its own. It exudes elegance and rustic beauty which could enhance your sense of self confidence. You can also buy glass jewelry and give it to your loved ones to show your a

2009-04-30 10:42:00 172

原创 Give a Jewelry

 Okay, so youve waited until the last minute. Or youve tried really hard but have drawn a blank and cant seem to think of any good wedding anniversary gifts.Tiffany JewelleryIts time to pull out t

2009-04-30 10:37:00 238

原创 Beginning Of Tiffany

Tiffany Jewellery and gemstones marked their existence long time back. Jewelry is a personal ornament used to adorn different parts of the body, such as necklace adorns the neck, bracelet adorns the

2009-04-30 10:34:00 800

原创 Tiffany's Heart

I want tiffanys Heart Tag toggle Tiffany Co Necklaces for Valentines Day, is 50 too old to wear it? Thanks!?I love the Tiffany and conecklace just worried Im too old to wear it. discount tiffa

2009-04-09 21:49:00 1696

原创 How can you tell if you have an antique Tiffany lamp?

How can you tell if you have an antique Tiffany lamp?We have an old hanging lamp that were told was an old Tiffany lamp we want to be sure.There are tons of knock offs out there. Bite the bullet and g

2009-04-02 15:35:00 469

原创 A realy Tiffany's from a knock off Tiffany's

I bought a necklace and I want to sell it but I dont know if its a realy Tiffany and co.If you didnt buy it at Tiffany Jewellery, then it is probably a knock-off. I have a lot of jewelry from ther

2009-03-27 21:23:00 244

原创 Question about applying for colleges?

ok i have 3.75 gpa, and 48 credits after this semester and my gpa will go up a little because im going to get straight as.i am going to transfer when i get 60 credits to a university, i live infl

2009-03-25 10:35:00 274

原创 A Breast Cancer Bracelet

Chances are that you know someone that has been touched by breast cancer and that you want to find a way to get involved.  In todays busy world, it is hard to find the time to volunteer to help other

2009-03-23 20:32:00 286



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