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转载 Android手机移植TensorFlow,实现物体识别、行人检测、图像风格迁移

Android手机移植TensorFlow,实现物体识别、行人检测、图像风格迁移转载: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ZUaxGPgqAGrN9itwRnSL2A详解如何将TensorFlow训练的模型移植到安卓手机http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/yBGoANoWh4Grk-PS3qxmfg最近上Gi

2017-05-31 23:04:35 7540 2

转载 有趣又有料:任意操控静态图片中人的眼球

转载: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/PF3sb5mgFEgtYRrw5YJDEQ最近深度学习学术圈出现了一个很有趣的演示demo:DeepWarp。输入一张包含人脸的静态图片,通过该demo上传至服务器,经过云端处理,一两秒内就可以生成旋转、左右移动、上下移动、斗鸡眼四种方式的眼球运动。这种技术称之为视线操控(Gaze Manipulation)。

2017-05-31 22:58:57 1228

转载 深度学习+几何结构:1+1>2?

转载: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzIxOTczOTM4NA==&mid=2247484275&idx=1&sn=ab9208a8ec01aff81a96b7d2d5c7f82d&chksm=97d7e6e4a0a06ff2b0a7bb69913ea2a90ca7d25b710b59f90e7a86a541cc16662babf631e5a3&scene=

2017-05-31 22:51:41 3005

转载 2017年4月历史文章汇总

2017年4月历史文章汇总2017-04-28 机器学习研究会 机器学习研究会2017年1月历史文章汇总2017年2月历史文章汇总2017年3月历史文章汇总2017年4月1日【推荐】Faster R-CNN视频目标检测【学习】大白话解释模型产生过拟合的原因【学习】深度学习中的基础线性代数-初学者指南

2017-05-31 22:21:26 552

转载 2017年3月历史文章汇总

2017年3月历史文章汇总原创 2017-04-01 机器学习研究会 机器学习研究会2017年1月历史文章汇总2017年2月历史文章汇总2017年3月1日【推荐】从零开始学习无人驾驶技术 --- 车道检测【学习】Kaggle老手领你入门梯度提升——梯度提升两三事【论文】用对抗网络检测恶性前列腺癌【学习】Ne

2017-05-31 22:20:16 759

转载 2017年2月历史文章汇总

2017年2月历史文章汇总原创 2017-03-01 机器学习研究会 机器学习研究会2017年1月历史文章汇总2017年2月1日【推荐】利用深度学习的人脸检测方法:改进的Faster RCNN【学习】Pandas 秘籍【学习】利用python爬取人人贷网的数据【学习】人工智能自学心得2017年2月2日

2017-05-31 22:19:36 527

转载 2017年1月历史文章汇总

2017年1月历史文章汇总原创 2017-02-01 机器学习研究会 机器学习研究会2017年1月1日【推荐】Pandas数据处置速查表【学习】决策树在商品购买能力预测案例中的算法实现【学习】变の贝叶斯【学习】Intel 收官开源之作--BigDL:构建在 Apache Spark 之上的分布式深度学习库2017年1月

2017-05-31 22:18:28 634

转载 快速选择合适的机器学习算法

原文链接:https://yq.aliyun.com/articles/86632SAS® Visual Data Mining and Machine Learning链接:https://support.sas.com/documentation/prod-p/vdmml/index.html?spm=5176.100239.blogcont86632.

2017-05-31 21:11:00 563

原创 机器学习与人工智能资源,等待更新


2017-05-31 21:00:01 373

转载 TFcaiCH3

1. 定义两个不同的图import tensorflow as tfg1 = tf.Graph()with g1.as_default(): v = tf.get_variable("v", [1], initializer = tf.zeros_initializer()) # 设置初始值为0g2 = tf.Graph()with g2.as_default(): v = tf

2017-05-31 20:56:29 224

转载 matlab(3):BP神经网络

人工神经网络概述什么是人工神经网络?– In machine learning and cognitive science, artificial neural networks (ANNs) are a family of statistical learning models inspired by biological neural networks (the central nervous

2017-05-31 16:51:14 2362 1

转载 Protocal Buffers 介绍

https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/overviewDeveloper GuideWelcome to the developer documentation for protocol buffers – a language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensibl

2017-05-30 17:05:05 629

转载 jupyter notebook的安装与使用

jupyter notebook的安装与使用http://blog.csdn.net/lee_j_r/article/details/52791228

2017-05-28 11:02:41 404

转载 TF/06_Neural_Networks/05 06 07 08

05 Implementing Different Layers06 Using Multiple Layers07 Improving Linear Regression08 Learning to Play Tic-Tac-ToeGoalThis example intends to feed examples of best moves for many different board com

2017-05-26 20:30:19 465

转载 TF/06_Neural_Networks/04_Single_Hidden_Layer_Network

Implementing a One Layer Neural NetworkWe will use the Iris data for this exercise. We will build a one-hidden layer fully connected neural network to predict one of the flower attributes from the oth

2017-05-26 19:58:36 581

转载 TF/06_Neural_Networks/01_Introduction02gate03activate fuctions

Ch 6: Neural NetworksNeural Networks are very important in machine learning and growing in popularity due to the major breakthroughs in prior unsolved problems. We must start with introducing ‘shallow

2017-05-26 19:51:19 423

转载 TF/05_Nearest_Neighbor_Methods/06 Nearest Neighbors for Image Recognition

06 Nearest Neighbors for Image Recognition# 06_image_recognition.py# MNIST Digit Prediction with k-Nearest Neighbors#-----------------------------------------------## This script will load the MNIS

2017-05-26 19:33:53 416

转载 TF/05_Nearest_Neighbor_Methods/TF/05_Nearest_Neighbor_Methods

TF/05_Nearest_Neighbor_Methods# 05_address_matching.py# Address Matching with k-Nearest Neighbors#----------------------------------## This function illustrates a way to perform# address matching

2017-05-26 19:28:30 437

转载 TF/05_Nearest_Neighbor_Methods/03 Working with Text Distances04 Computing with Mixed Distance Functi

03 Working with Text Distances# Text Distances#----------------------------------## This function illustrates how to use# the Levenstein distance (edit distance)# in TensorFlow.import tensorflow a

2017-05-26 19:25:23 869

转载 TF/05_Nearest_Neighbor_Methods/01 02_Working_with_Nearest_Neighbors

Ch 5: Nearest Neighbor MethodsNearest Neighbor methods are a very popular ML algorithm. We show how to implement k-Nearest Neighbors, weighted k-Nearest Neighbors, and k-Nearest Neighbors with mixed d

2017-05-26 18:43:45 488

转载 TF/04_Support_Vector_Machines/06_Implementing_Multiclass_SVMs

Implementing Multiclass SVMsHere, we implement a 1-vs-all voting method for a multiclass SVM. We attempt to separate the three Iris flower classes with TensorFlow.# 06_multiclass_svm.py# Multi-class

2017-05-26 12:02:37 374

转载 TF/04_Support_Vector_Machines/05_Implementing_Nonlinear_SVMs

05 Implementing NonLinear SVMsHere we show how to use the prior Gaussian RBF kernel to predict I.setosa from the Iris dataset.# 05_nonlinear_svm.py# Nonlinear SVM Example#----------------------------

2017-05-26 11:52:26 255

转载 TF/04_Support_Vector_Machines/04_Working_with_Kernels

Working with KernelsLinear SVMs are very powerful. But sometimes the data are not very linear. To this end, we can use the ‘kernel trick’ to map our data into a higher dimensional space, where it may

2017-05-26 11:44:37 408

转载 TF/04_Support_Vector_Machines/02_Working_with_Linear_SVMs03_Reduction_to_Linear_Regression

02 Working with Linear SVMsWe introduce a linear SVM on a binary set, which will be a subset of the Iris data. We know for I. setosa, that petal width and sepal length are completely separable. We wil

2017-05-26 11:36:56 575

转载 TF/04_Support_Vector_Machines/01_Introduction

Ch 4: Support Vector MachinesThis chapter shows how to implement various SVM methods with TensorFlow. We first create a linear SVM and also show how it can be used for regression. We then introduce k

2017-05-26 11:22:39 343

原创 TF/03_Linear_Regression/05Deming06Lasso Ridge 07Elasticnet

05 Implementing Deming RegressionDeming regression, also known as total regression, is regular regression that minimizes the shortest distance to the line. Contrast this to regular regression, in whic

2017-05-26 09:58:28 703

原创 TF/03_Linear_Regression/04_Loss_Functions_in_Linear_Regressions

Loss Functions in Linear RegressionThe choice of loss function can significantly impact the convergence of TensorFlow algorithms. We will compare and contrast using the L1 and L2 loss functions for li

2017-05-26 09:42:33 586

原创 TF/03_Linear_Regression/03_TensorFlow_Way_of_Linear_Regression

Learning the TensorFlow Way of RegressionIn this section we will implement linear regression as an iterative computational graph in TensorFlow. To make this more pertinent, instead of using generated

2017-05-26 09:37:49 432

原创 TF/03_Linear_Regression/01 02

01 Using the Matrix Inverse MethodHere we implement solving 2D linear regression via the matrix inverse method in TensorFlow.ModelGiven A * x = b, we can solve for x via:(t(A) * A) * x = t(A) * bx = (t

2017-05-26 09:17:20 524

转载 Color spaces in OpenCV (C++ / Python)

Color spaces in OpenCV (C++ / Python)In this tutorial, we will learn about popular colorspaces used in Computer Vision and use it for color based segmentation. We will also share demo code in

2017-05-25 22:47:14 1657

原创 learnopencv.com介绍

http://www.learnopencv.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Computer-Vision-Resources.pdfSoftware & LibrariesOpenCV ( http://opencv.org/ )SummaryThe biggest and the most extensive open source computer vision

2017-05-25 22:29:53 798

原创 TF/02_TensorFlow_Way/08 Evaluating_Models

Evaluating ModelsSummaryHere we will perform two modeling tasks: regression and classification. We will show how to evaluate the models in the Tensorflow algorithmRegression ModelThe regression model

2017-05-25 16:31:02 400

原创 TF/02_TensorFlow_Way/07 Combining_Everything_Together

Combining Everything TogetherSummaryWe will create a very simple linear classifier in this example. The data set of interest will be the Iris data. We will optimize a linear separator between pedal l

2017-05-25 16:25:28 259

原创 TF/02_TensorFlow_Way/06 Working_with_Batch_and_Stochastic_Training

Working with Batch and Stochastic TrainingSummaryHere, we introduce the differences between batch and stochastic training and how to implement both in TensorFlow. Stochastic training is defined as trai

2017-05-25 16:21:31 563

原创 TF/02_TensorFlow_Way/05 Implementing Back Propagation

# 05_back_propagation.py# Back Propagation#----------------------------------## This python function shows how to implement back propagation# in regression and classification models.import matplot

2017-05-25 16:16:12 452

原创 TF/02_TensorFlow_Way/03 Working with Multiple Layers04 Implementing Loss Functions

Working with Multiple LayersSummaryIn this script, we will perform a 1D spatial moving average across a vector. Then we will create a “custom” operation by multiplying the output by a specific matrix:

2017-05-25 16:10:28 677

原创 TF/02_TensorFlow_Way/01 02

Operations as a Computational GraphSummaryIn this script, we create an array and feed it into a placeholder. We then multiply it by a constant.Computational Graph OutputViewing the computational graph

2017-05-25 15:39:17 331

原创 tensorflow_cookbook:Ch 1: Getting Started with TensorFlow(8)08_Additional_Resources

Additional ResourcesOfficial Resources:TensorFlow Python APITensorFlow on GithubTensorFlow TutorialsUdacity Deep Learning ClassTensorFlow PlaygroundGithub Tutorials and Examples:Tutorials by pkm

2017-05-25 14:55:01 852

原创 tensorflow_cookbook:Ch 1: Getting Started with TensorFlow_(7)Data Source Information

7. Data Source InformationHere are the sources of the data sets used in this book. The following links are the original sources with explanations and citations. The script in this directory demonstrate

2017-05-25 14:50:08 800

原创 tensorflow_cookbook:Ch 1: Getting Started with TensorFlow_(5,6)

5.Declaring Operations# Operations#----------------------------------## This function introduces various operations# in TensorFlow# Declaring Operationsimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport numpy

2017-05-25 14:39:39 575

QT5 编程入门的 源代码

QT5 编程入门的 源代码






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