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转载 Hypertext Transfer Protocol

Network PerformanceLatency(Propagation time; Transmission time)Data Transfer Rate(Bandwidth)Retransmission(Dropped packets)Under Light TrafficMessage Length Message Transmission Time = ...

2019-04-14 00:38:00 499

转载 Internet protocol (IP)

Internet protocol (IP) version 4 is the predominant protocol used at the network layer of the Internet and most other distributed systems. It is responsible for the routing of packets from the so...

2019-04-13 23:25:00 330

转载 Principles of Distributed Systems

Distributed SystemsA distributed system is a computer system with multiple sequential processes that communicate and interact with each other that appears to users as a single coherent system. ...

2019-04-13 16:38:00 337

转载 图论


2017-12-24 10:33:00 115

转载 集合论(集合与关系)


2017-12-24 10:30:00 660

转载 数理逻辑——谓词逻辑


2017-12-24 10:26:00 254

转载 BP(Back Propagation)算法


2017-12-23 21:59:00 115

转载 Design Patterns

Where is the cost of software products from?-Effort and timeAbstraction  Abstractionis a process by whichhigherconcepts are derived from the usage and classification of "real" or "concre...

2017-12-19 01:00:00 109

转载 Verification(验证)

Faults and failuresMistake vs. Fault vs. Failure  Mistake:A human action that produces an incorrect result   Fault: An incorrect step, process or data definition in a computer program  Fa...

2017-12-19 00:25:00 598

转载 Reflection

Reflection:  To obtain meta level information about the program structure itself at runtime.  To change the program interpretation or meaning at the runtimeWhat is meta level information?...

2017-12-18 22:03:00 94

转载 Unit Test & JUnit(Java)

unit tests def  High-level testing vs. low-level testing: High-level: system function testing, acceptance testing, … Low-level: unit testing and integration testing Components must be tested in...

2017-12-18 20:59:00 185

转载 Collections

Collection classes  Types of collection   -Collection   -Map ArrayList HashMap IteratorJava Arrays  Declaring an array int[] myArray;   int[] myArray = new int[5];  String[] s...

2017-12-18 18:54:00 126

转载 多态性(Polymorphism)

Polymorphism  Polymorphism: Means many (poly) shapes (morph)  In OO programming, it means the ability of an object to take on many forms  It is an important feature of OO language  The mo...

2017-12-18 16:56:00 147

转载 Exceptions in Java(异常)

Errors  An Error is any unexpected result obtained from a program during execution.  Unhandled errors may manifest themselves as incorrect results or behavior, or as abnormal program terminat...

2017-12-18 12:29:00 151

转载 Graphical User Interface(GUI)

AWT and SwingAbstract Window Toolkit (AWT):   Introduced in Java 1.0 Provides classes and other tools for building programs that have a graphical user interface  The term “Abstract” refers ...

2017-12-18 00:24:00 436

转载 多线程(Multi-Threading)

Creating threads in JavaTwo things to do to create threads in java:  (1) Create a task (object)  //Creating a task  public class TaskClass implements Runnable {    public TaskClass() { ...

2017-12-16 23:12:00 315

转载 Java DataBase(JDBC)

A brief review of DatabaseDatabase (DB):  an organised collection of data  Relational DBs (first published by Edgar F. Codd (IBM) in 1970) store data in:  tables A table in a database con...

2017-12-16 22:03:00 384

转载 Java file I/O(java 文件输入输出)

File OverviewI/O = Input/Output, here it is input to and output from programs  Inputs can be from: Keyboard Files Etc.  Output can be: Screen Files Etc.Advantages of file I/O-permanent ...

2017-12-16 16:48:00 157

转载 面向对象程序设计(Object Oriented Design)

OOD的流程: 需求分析——>系统/程序设计——>实现这个设计——>测试Class Design  1. Identify classes for the system.  2. Describe attributes and methods in each class.  3. Establ...

2017-12-15 19:31:00 315

转载 Modern Programming Languages

Programming languages  1)Structured programming SQL  2)Procedural programming c  3)OO programming c++ javaProcedural Programming vs OO programing  我自己的感觉,面向过程编程实现小功能是可以的,但是要实现一个很大的工程是比...

2017-12-14 21:40:00 157

转载 实现斐波纳契数列(Fibonacci Numbers)的算法比较

斐波纳契数列(Fibonacci Numbers):  一.利用循环迭代的方式来完成FIB,但是这样的算法时间复杂度太高了。 二.利用数组的方式进行,将值存入数组中,这样不必再次计算之前的值,对于一而言有一丢丢的改进。 三.下面的算法,并不是很理解它们的意义,为什么可以使用矩阵的运算来实现(待思考) ...

2017-12-08 16:00:00 104

转载 网络流(Flow Networks)

一.基本术语 Basic Terminology  A source node in a directed graph is a node with no incoming edges. 入度为0  A sink node in a directed graph is a node with no outgoingedges. 出度为0  A flow network is...

2017-12-08 00:10:00 562



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