ASP 实用Function集合

Function getReplace(Str)
 Str = Replace(Str,"(","")
 Str = Replace(Str,")","")
 getReplace = Trim(Str)
End Function
Function getNewStr(tempArr)
temp = ""
For i = 0 To UBound(tempArr)
 If temp = "" Then
  temp = "(" & tempArr(i) & ")"
  temp = temp & ",(" & tempArr(i) & ")"
 End if
getNewStr = temp
End Function
Function getInsql(tempArr)
 temp = ""
 if isarray(tempArr) then
 for i = 0 to ubound(tempArr)
  if temp = "" then
   temp = "'" & tempArr(i) & "'"
   temp = temp & ",'"& tempArr(i) &"'"
  end if
 end if
 getInsql = temp
End Function
Function cutStr(Str,Length)
 If len(Str)>Length Then
 End If
End Function

Function outputStr_BR(str)
 If str<>"" Then
  outputStr_BR=Replace(outputStr_BR," ","&nbsp;")
 End If
End Function

Function SafeStr(str,IfTrim)
 Dim temp
 If IfTrim Then
 End If
End Function

Function FormatLen(str,length)
 Dim temp,tempLen,i
 While i>0
  If len(temp)>0 And Asc(right(temp,1))<0 Then
  End If
 If tempLen<length Then
  temp=Replace(Space(length-tempLen)," ","&nbsp;")
 End If
End Function

Function lLen(str)
 Dim temp,tempLen,i
 While Len(temp)>0
  If Asc(Left(temp,1))<0 Then
  End If
End Function

Function HTMLSpace(length)
 HTMLSpace=Replace(Space(length)," ","&nbsp;")
End Function

'替换 接收form内提交的字符串
Function crequest(inputname)
 if inputname<>"" then
 end if
End Function

'替换 接收form内提交的字符串,主要为id
Function irequest(inputname)
 if irequest="" then irequest = "0"
End Function

'替换 接受翻页的页数       
Function prequest(pageNumber)
 Dim tmpPageNumber
 tmpPageNumber=  request(pageNumber)
 If IsNull(tmpPageNumber) Or tmpPageNumber="" Then
  prequest = 1
  If IsNumeric(tmpPageNumber) Then
   prequest = CInt(tmpPageNumber)
   prequest = 1
  End If
 End If  
End Function

function deleteStr(str,str1) 
 dim pos
 pos = Instr(str,str1)
 if pos >0 then
  deleteStr = left(str,pos-1) & right(str,len(str)-pos-len(str1)+1) 
  deleteStr = str
 end if
end function

function leftZero(n,str)
 Dim zero_tag,z
 zero_tag = ""
 for z=0 to n-1
  zero_tag = zero_tag &"0"
 leftZero = right(zero_tag&str,n)
end function

function isCellphone(str)
 if len(str)=11 and mid(str,1,1)="1" and mid(str,2,1)="3" then
  isCellphone = true
  isCellphone = false
 end if
end function

function isValidEmail(email)
 dim names, name, i, c
 IsValidEmail = true
 names = Split(email, "@")
 if UBound(names) <> 1 then
  IsValidEmail = false
  exit function
 end if
 for each name in names
  if Len(name) <= 0 then
   IsValidEmail = false
   exit function
  end if
  for i = 1 to Len(name)
   c = Lcase(Mid(name, i, 1))
   if InStr("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_-.+", c) <= 0 and not IsNumeric(c) then
    IsValidEmail = false
    exit function
   end if
  if Left(name, 1) = "." or Right(name, 1) = "." then
   IsValidEmail = false
   exit function
  end if
  if Left(name, 1) = "+" or Right(name, 1) = "+" then
   IsValidEmail = false
   exit function
  end if
 if InStr(names(1), ".") <= 0 then
  IsValidEmail = false
  exit function
 end if
 if Left(names(1),1) ="+"  then
  IsValidEmail = false
  exit function
 end if
 if Right(names(1),1) ="+"  then
  IsValidEmail = false
  exit function
 end if
 i = Len(names(1)) - InStrRev(names(1), ".")
 if i <> 2 and i <> 3 then
  IsValidEmail = false
  exit function
 end if
 if InStr(email, "..") > 0 then
  IsValidEmail = false
 end if
end function

Public Function IsValidFax(fax)
 Dim oRegExp
 Set oRegExp = New RegExp
 oRegExp.Pattern = "(^0/d{2,3}/-[1-9]/d{2,7}$)|(^[1-9]/d{2,7}$)|(^/(0[1-9]{2,3}/)[1-9]/d{2,7}$)"
 oRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
 oRegExp.Global = True
 IsValidFax = oRegExp.Test(fax)
 Set oRegExp = Nothing
End Function

Function eraseLastChr(var_Str,var_character)
 If IsNull(var_Str) Or var_Str="" Then
  eraseLastChr = ""
   If IsNull(var_character) Or var_character ="" Then
   eraseLastChr = var_Str
   If Right(var_Str,1)=var_character Then
    eraseLastChr = Left(var_Str,Len(var_Str)-1)
    eraseLastChr = var_Str
   End If
  End If
 End If
End Function

Function addZeroPoint(str)
 tmpPosition = InStr(1,str,".",1)
 If tmpPosition = 1 Then str = "0" & str
 addZeroPoint = str
End function
function to_array(str,character) 'change the "xx,xx,xx" to array (xx,xx,xx)
 if isNull(str) then
  to_array = empty
 elseif trim(str) = "" then   
   to_array =  empty
  to_array = split(str,character)
 end if
end Function

Function to_String(arr,character)  'change the  array (xx,xx,xx) to "xx,xx,xx"
 Dim x,returnStr
 If IsArray(arr) Then
  For x=0 To UBound(arr)
   If returnStr = "" Then
    returnStr  = arr(x)
    returnStr  = returnStr & character & arr(x)
   End If
  to_String = returnStr
  to_String = ""
 End If
End Function

' 从数组中删除
function removeStr(str,arr) 'delete the string from the array
 dim k
 k = 0
 redim temp_arr(k)
 if isArray(arr) then
  for i=0 to ubound(arr)
   midstr = arr(i)
   if not midstr = str then
    redim preserve temp_arr(k)
    temp_arr(k) = midstr
       k = k + 1
   end if
  removeStr = arr
 end if
end function

function strInArr(str,arr) 
 strInArr = false
 if not isarray(arr) then
  strInArr = false
  for x=0 to ubound(arr)
   midstr = trim(arr(x))
   if midstr = trim(str) then
    strInArr = true 
   end if
 end if
end function

function strInArr2(str,arr)
 strInArr2 = false
 if not isarray(arr) then
  strInArr2 = false
  for x=0 to ubound(arr,2)
   midstr = trim(arr(0,x))
   if midstr = trim(str) then
    strInArr2 = true 
   end if
 end if
end function

function indexOfArr(str ,arr) 
 indexOfArr = -1
 if not isarray(arr) then
  indexOfArr = -1
  for x=0 to ubound(arr)
   midstr = cstr(arr(x))
   if CInt(midstr) = CInt(str) then
    indexOfArr = x 
   end if
 end if
end Function

function AllindexOfArr(str ,arr) 
 AllindexOfArr = -1
 if not isarray(arr) then
  AllindexOfArr = -1
  for x=0 to ubound(arr)
   midstr = cstr(arr(x))
   if cstr(midstr) = cstr(str) then
    If tmpPostion = "" Then
     AllindexOfArr = x 
     AllindexOfArr = AllindexOfArr & "," & x
    End If
   end If
 end if
end Function

'arr 为数组,pos为位置,str为新内容
function updateArr(arr,pos,str)  'update the array content at special position
 if pos > ubound(arr) or pos < 0 or not isarray(arr) then
  updateArr = arr
  arr(pos)  = str
  updateArr = arr
 end if
end function

sub writeArr(arr) 
 Dim x
  if not isarray(arr) then
  response.write "empty array!!!"
  for x=0 to ubound(arr)
   response.write x&":["&trim(arr(x))&"]<br>"
 end if
end sub

function removeIndex(arr,pos)  'delete one where positioned pos from arr
 if isarray(arr) then
  redim temp_arr(0)
  dim k
  k= 0
  for x = 0 to ubound(arr)
   midstr = arr(x)
   if not x = pos then
    redim preserve temp_arr(k)
    temp_arr(k) = midstr
    k = k + 1
   end if
  removeIndex = temp_arr
  removeIndex = arr
 end if
end function

function arrAppend(arr,str) 
 dim temp_arr,arr_len
 if isarray(arr) then  
  arr_len = ubound(arr)
  redim preserve arr(arr_len+1)
        arr(arr_len+1) = str
  arrAppend = arr
  redim temp_arr(0)
        temp_arr(0) = str
  arrAppend = temp_arr
 end if
end function

function deleteNull(arr)   'delete the null value in the array
 dim temp_arrKeyword,z,temp_str
 if isarray(arr) then
  for z=0 to ubound(arr)
   temp_str = arr(z)
   if (Not IsNull(temp_str)) And (trim(temp_str) <> "") then 
    temp_arrKeyword = arrAppend(temp_arrKeyword,trim(temp_str))
   end if
  deleteNull = temp_arrKeyword
  deleteNull = arr
 end if
end function


Function ClosePop()
 Response.Write "<Script Language='JavaScript'>"
 Response.Write "parent.window.close();"
 Response.Write "</Script>"
End Function


Function ForwardTo(URL)
 Response.Write "<Script Language='JavaScript'>"
 Response.Write "top.Main.location.replace('"&URL&"');"
 Response.Write "</Script>"
End Function

Function ForwardListTo(URL)
 Response.Write "<Script Language='JavaScript'>"
 Response.Write "this.parent.List_FRAME.location.href = ('"&URL&"');"
 Response.Write "</Script>"
End Function

Function ForwardViewTo(URL)
 Response.Write "<Script Language='JavaScript'>"
 Response.Write "this.parent.View_FRAME.location.href = ('"&URL&"');"
 Response.Write "</Script>"
End Function

Function ShowMsg(Msg)
 Response.Write "<Script Language='JavaScript'>"
 Response.Write "alert('"&Msg&"');"
 Response.Write "</Script>"
End Function

Function ShowMsgAndBack(Msg)
 Response.Write "<Script Language='JavaScript'>"
 Response.Write "alert('"&Msg&"');"
 Response.Write "history.back();"
 Response.Write "</Script>"
End Function

Function ShowMsgAndClose(Msg)
 Response.Write "<Script Language='JavaScript'>"
 Response.Write "alert('"&Msg&"');"
 Response.Write "window.close();"
 Response.Write "</Script>"
End Function

Function ShowMsgAndClosePop(Msg)
 Response.Write "<Script Language='JavaScript'>"
 Response.Write "alert('"&Msg&"');"
 Response.Write "parent.window.close();"
 Response.Write "</Script>"
End Function

Function ShowMsgAndTo(Msg,URL)
 Response.Write "<Script Language='JavaScript'>"
 Response.Write "alert('"&Msg&"');"
 Response.Write "location.href='"&URL&"';"
 Response.Write "</Script>"
End Function

Function PageBack()
 Response.Write "<Script Language='JavaScript'>"
 Response.Write "history.back();"
 Response.Write "</Script>"
End Function

Function FlashOpener(URL)
 Dim tempURL
 If tempURL="" Then
 End If
 Response.Write "<Script Language='JavaScript'>"
 Response.Write "opener.location.replace("&tempURL&");"
 Response.Write "</Script>"
End Function

Function FlashPopOpener(URL)
 Response.Write "<Script Language='JavaScript'>"
 If URL="" Then
  Response.Write "parent.ParentFun('PopOpener.location.reload/(/)');"
  Response.Write "parent.ParentFun('PopOpener.location.replace/("""&URL&"""/)');"
 End If
 Response.Write "</Script>"
End Function

Function FlashOpenerAndCloseMe(msg)
 Response.Write "<Script Language='JavaScript'>"
 Response.Write "alert('"&msg&"');"
 Response.Write "window.close();"
 Response.Write "top.opener.location.reload();"
 Response.Write "</Script>"
End Function


'得到标准日期   19000101
function getDate1() 
 yyyy = cstr(year(now))
 mm = right("00"&cstr(month(now)),2)
 dd = right("00"&cstr(day(now)),2)
 h  = right("00"&cstr(hour(now)),2)
 m  = right("00"&cstr(minute(now)),2)
 s  = right("00"&cstr(second(now)),2)
 getDate1 = yyyy&mm&dd&h&m&s
end function

function getDate(dateStr) 
 if isdate(dateStr) then
  yyyy = cstr(year(CDate(dateStr)))
  mm = right("00"&cstr(month(CDate(dateStr))),2)
  dd = right("00"&cstr(day(CDate(dateStr))),2)
  getDate = yyyy&mm&dd
  getDate = "20000101"
 end if
end function

'得到由时间生成的随机数 20060101221022&4位随机数
Function getDateTimeSeries()
 dim yyyy,mm,dd,h,m,s,MyValue
 yyyy = year(now)
 mm  = right("00"&cstr(month(now)),2)
 dd  =   right("00"&cstr(day(now)),2)
 h  =   right("00"&cstr(hour(now)),2)
 m  =   right("00"&cstr(minute(now)),2)
 s  =   right("00"&cstr(second(now)),2)
 MyValue = Int((1000 * Rnd) + 1)
 getDateTimeSeries = yyyy&mm&dd&h&m&s&"-"&MyValue
End Function

'得到标准日期   1900-01-01
function getFormatDate(dateStr) 
 Dim yyyy,mm,dd
 if isdate(dateStr) then
  yyyy = cstr(year(CDate(dateStr)))
  mm = right("00"&cstr(month(CDate(dateStr))),2)
  dd = right("00"&cstr(day(CDate(dateStr))),2)
  getFormatDate = yyyy&"-"&mm&"-"&dd
  getFormatDate = "2000-01-01"
 end if
end function

'得到标准时间    2000-01-01 00:00:00
Function getExactTime(str_Date)
 if isdate(str_date) then
  getExactTime = formatdatetime(str_Date,2) & " " & formatdatetime(str_Date,4)
  getExactTime = "2000-01-01 00:00:00"
 end if
End Function

function getChineseDate(var_date)
   yyyy = year(var_date)
   mm   = month(var_date)
   dd   = day(var_date)
   hh   = hour(var_date)
   mi   = minute(var_date)
   ss   = second(var_date)
   getChineseDate = yyyy&"年"&mm&"月"&dd&"日 "&hh&"时"&mi&"分"&ss&"秒"
end function

function getDateDiff(var_dateSince,var_dateTill)
 var_s = DateDiff("s", CDate(var_dateSince), CDate(var_dateTill))
 var_d = var_s / 86400
 if var_d>0 then
  var_s = var_s - 86400*var_d  '如果大于天,那么减去天的秒数
  getDateDiff = getDateDiff & var_d&"天 "
 end if
 var_h = var_s / 3600
 if var_h>0 then
  var_s = var_s - 3600*var_h  '如果大于小时,那么减去小时的秒数
  getDateDiff = getDateDiff & var_h&"小时 "
 end if
 var_m = var_s / 60
 if var_h>0 then
  var_s = var_s - 60*var_m  '如果大于分钟,那么减去分钟的秒数
  getDateDiff = getDateDiff & var_m&"分钟 "
 end if
 getDateDiff = getDateDiff & var_s&"秒 "
end function

'intHour 已选项
Function sHour(intHour)
 Dim i
 For i=0 To 9
  If i=intHour Then
   Response.Write "<option value=""0"&i&""" Selected>0"&i&"</option>"
   Response.Write "<option value=""0"&i&""">0"&i&"</option>"
  End If
 For i=10 To 23
  If i=intHour Then
   Response.Write "<option value="""&i&""" Selected>"&i&"</option>"
   Response.Write "<option value="""&i&""">"&i&"</option>"
  End If
End Function

'intMinute 已选项
Function sMinute(intMinute)
 If intMinute=0 Then
         Response.Write "<option value=""00"" Selected>00</option>"
         Response.Write "<option value=""15"">15</option>"
         Response.Write "<option value=""30"">30</option>"
         Response.Write "<option value=""45"">45</option>"
 ElseIf intMinute=15 Then
         Response.Write "<option value=""00"">00</option>"
         Response.Write "<option value=""15"" Selected>15</option>"
         Response.Write "<option value=""30"">30</option>"
         Response.Write "<option value=""45"">45</option>"
 ElseIf intMinute=30 Then
         Response.Write "<option value=""00"">00</option>"
         Response.Write "<option value=""15"">15</option>"
         Response.Write "<option value=""30"" Selected>30</option>"
         Response.Write "<option value=""45"">45</option>"
 ElseIf intMinute=45 Then
         Response.Write "<option value=""00"">00</option>"
         Response.Write "<option value=""15"">15</option>"
         Response.Write "<option value=""30"">30</option>"
         Response.Write "<option value=""45"" Selected>45</option>"
   Response.Write "<option value=""00"">00</option>"
         Response.Write "<option value=""15"">15</option>"
         Response.Write "<option value=""30"">30</option>"
         Response.Write "<option value=""45"">45</option>"
 End If
End Function

Function FormatEnTime()
 Dim y, m, d, h, mi, s
 FormatEnTime = ""
 'If IsDate(s_Time) = False Then Exit Function
 y = cstr(month(now()))
 Select Case y
 case 1
  y = "Jan "
 case 2
  y = "Feb "
 case 3
  y = "Mar "
 case 4
  y = "Apr "
 case 5
  y = "May "
 case 6
  y = "June "
   case 7
  y = "July "
 case 8
  y = "Oct "
 case 9
  y = "Sep "
 case 10
  y = "Oct "
 case 11
  y = "Nov " 
   case 12
  y = "Dec "
   end select
   FormatEnTime = hour(now())&":"&minute(now())&":"&second(now())&"&nbsp;&nbsp;"&y &day(now())&",&nbsp;" &year(now())
End Function
'================   金额处理======================'

function toChineseAmount(num)
 dim i
 dim num_str
 dim big_num,small_num
 dim num_for
 dim outputnum,outputnum1
 if len(big_num)>13 then
  response.write "所需要转换成人民币大写的数字超出系统运算范围,系统运算非正常退出....."
 end if
 for i=1 to len(big_num)
  if toChineseNum(num_for)="零" and (toChineseUnit(i)="元" or toChineseUnit(i)="万" or toChineseUnit(i)="亿") then '是标志位
  elseif toChineseNum(num_for)="零" and (toChineseUnit(i)<>"元" and toChineseUnit(i)<>"万" and toChineseUnit(i)<>"亿") then '不是标志位
  else '其他情况
  end if
 if big_num="0" then
  outputnum="" '将整数位设置成空
 end if
 if left(small_num,1)<>"0" then
  if big_num="0" then
  end if
 end if
 if right(small_num,1)<>"0" then
 end if
 if small_num="00" then
 end if
 if num_str="0.00" then
 end if
end function

function toChineseNum(strT)
 select case strT
  case "1"
  case "2"
  case "3"
  case "4"
  case "5"
  case "6"
  case "7"
  case "8"
  case "9"
  case "0"
 end select
end function

function toChineseUnit(i)
 select case i
  case 1
  case 2
  case 3
  case 4
  case 5
  case 6
  case 7
  case 8
  case 9
  case 10
  case 11
  case 12
  case 13
 end select
end function


Function CreateFolder(str_path,str_folderName)
 Dim fso, f
 Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 tmpPath = str_path&"/"&str_folderName
 If not(fso.FolderExists(tmpPath)) Then
  Set f = fso.CreateFolder(tmpPath)
  CreateFolder = f.Path
  CreateFolder = "-1"
 end if
 set fso = nothing
End Function

Function DeleteFolder(str_path,str_folderName) 
 Dim fso
 Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 tmpPath = str_path&"/"&str_folderName
 If (fso.FolderExists(tmpPath)) Then
  DeleteFolder = "1"
  DeleteFolder = "-1"
 end if
 set fso = nothing
End function

Function getFolderSize(str_path,str_folderName)
 Dim fso
 Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
 tmpPath = str_path&"/"&str_folderName
 getFolderSize = 100
 set fso = nothing
End function

function readConfigFile(var_filePath,var_fileName)
 redim arr(0)
 arr(0)  = "empty"
 Dim fso, fileObj
 dim fullPath
 fullPath = var_filePath & var_fileName  
 Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 Set fileObj = fso.OpenTextFile(server.mappath(fullPath),1,false,-2)
 Do While fileObj.AtEndOfStream <> True
  if ubound(arr) = 0 and arr(0)= "empty" then
   arr(0) = trim(fileObj.Readline)   
   redim preserve arr(ubound(arr)+1)
   arr(ubound(arr)) = trim(fileObj.Readline)
   'response.write arr(ubound(arr))
  end if
 set fso = nothing
 set fileObj = nothing
 readConfigFile = deleteNull(arr)
end function

function readConfigFileLine(var_filePath,var_fileName,line)
 Dim fso, fileObj
 dim fullPath,temp_line
 fullPath = var_filePath & var_fileName  
 Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 Set fileObj = fso.OpenTextFile(server.mappath(fullPath),1,false,-2)
 for i = 2 to line
  if fileObj.AtEndOfStream = true then exit for
 temp_line = trim(fileObj.Readline)
 set fso = nothing
 set fileObj = nothing
 readConfigFileLine = temp_line
end function

function deletefile(fileName)
Dim erase_tag
 erase_tag = false
 Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 if fso.FileExists(fileName) then
  fso.DeleteFile fileName,True 
  erase_tag = true
 end If
 If erase_tag = False Then
  response.write "删除失败,文件没找到"
  response.write filename
 End If   
 set fso = nothing
 deletefile = erase_tag
end Function

function getDotFileName(longFileName) 
 tmp_arr = split(longFileName,".")
 if isarray(tmp_arr) then
  getDotFileName = tmp_arr(ubound(tmp_arr))
  getDotFileName = ""
 end if
end function

function getShortFileName(longFileName) 
 tmp_shorFileName = ""
 tmp_arr = split(longFileName,".")
 if isarray(tmp_arr) then
  for j=0 to ubound(tmp_arr)-1
   if tmp_shorFileName = "" then
    tmp_shorFileName = tmp_arr(j)
    tmp_shorFileName = tmp_shorFileName&"."&tmp_arr(j)
   end if
 end if
 getShortFileName = tmp_shorFileName
end function

'判断文件是否存在,存在就 file(1).xxx
Function getUniqueFileName(filePath,fileName) 
 Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 tmp_filePath = server.mappath(filePath)&"/"& fileName
 if not fso.FileExists(tmp_filePath) then  '没有这个文件
  getUniqueFileName = fileName 
 else '有这个文件,则(1),(2)...去匹配
  for q=1 to 100
   getUniqueFileName = getShortFileName(fileName)&"("&cstr(q)&")."& getDotFileName(fileName)
   tmp_filePath = server.mappath(filePath)&"/"& getUniqueFileName
   if not fso.FileExists(tmp_filePath) then
    exit for
   end if
 end if
 set fso = nothing
end function

function isPermission(dotFileName)
 isPermission = false
 tmp_arr = split(conf_formatPermission,",")
 if isarray(tmp_arr) then
  for ini = 0 to ubound(tmp_arr)
   if UCase(tmp_arr(ini)) = UCase(dotFileName) then
    isPermission = true
    exit for
   end if
 end if
end function

Function getRegularSize(longSize) 
 oneK = 1024
 oneM = oneK * oneK
 oneG = oneM * oneK
 if IsNumeric(longSize) then
  if longSize < oneK then  
   getRegularSize = longSize & " B"
  elseif oneK <= longSize and longSize < oneM then
   getRegularSize = FormatNumber(longSize/oneK,2) & " KB"
  elseif oneM <= longSize and longSize <oneG then
   getRegularSize = FormatNumber(longSize/oneM,2) & " MB"
   getRegularSize = FormatNumber(longSize/oneG,2) & " GB"
  end if
  getRegularSize = ""
 end if
End Function

function showIcon(str_FileName)  '显示图标
 tmp_icon = "icon_unknow.gif"
 tmp_arrF = to_array(str_FileName,".")
 if isArray(tmp_arrF) then
  tmp_extName = tmp_arrF(ubound(tmp_arrF))
  Select Case UCase(tmp_extName)
           Case "BMP"    tmp_icon  = "icon_bmp.gif"
           Case "DOC"    tmp_icon  = "icon_doc.gif"
           Case "GIF"    tmp_icon  = "icon_gif.gif"
           Case "HTM"    tmp_icon  = "icon_htm.gif"
           Case "HTML"   tmp_icon  = "icon_htm.gif"
           Case "JPG"    tmp_icon  = "icon_jpg.gif"
           Case "PDF"    tmp_icon  = "icon_pdf.gif"
           Case "PPT"    tmp_icon  = "icon_ppt.gif"
           Case "RAR"    tmp_icon  = "icon_rar.gif"
           Case "RM"     tmp_icon  = "icon_rm.gif"
           Case "TXT"    tmp_icon  = "icon_txt.gif"
           Case "VSD"    tmp_icon  = "icon_vsd.gif"
           Case "XLS"    tmp_icon  = "icon_xls.gif"
           Case "ZIP"    tmp_icon  = "icon_zip.gif"
           Case Else     tmp_icon  = "icon_unknow.gif"
        End Select
 end if 
 showIcon = "<img border='0' src='../Images/"&tmp_icon&"'  align='absmiddle'> "
end function

sub putPercent(str1,str2,str3,str4)  '分子,分母,图片,长度
 strStr =  (str1/str2)*100
 strWidth = str4*strStr/100
 response.write "<TABLE><TR ><TD><IMG src='/images/"&str3&"' width="&strWidth&" height='10' align='absmiddle'></TD><TD  width='200' ><SPAN class='v1'>&nbsp;"&formatnumber(strStr,2)&"% "&str1&"票</SPAN></TD></TR></TABLE>" 
end sub

sub debug(field,value,breaktag)
 response.write field&":["&value&"]<br>"
 if breaktag = 1 then
 end if
end sub

'打印到select的option中   只能是一唯数组
sub putOptionsFromArray(arr,selectedID,tag) 
 if isarray(arr) then
  if tag = 0 then
   for x=0 to ubound(arr)
    if trim(selectedID)= cstr(x) then
     response.write "<option value="&x&" selected>"&arr(x)&"</option>"
     response.write "<option value="&x&" >"&arr(x)&"</option>"
    end if
   for x=0 to ubound(arr)
    tmpValue = Replace(Trim(arr(x))," ","")
    if trim(selectedID)= tmpValue then
     response.write "<option value="&tmpValue&" selected>"&arr(x)&"</option>"
     response.write "<option value="&tmpValue&" >"&arr(x)&"</option>"
    end if
  end if
 end if
end Sub

'打印到select的option中   只能是2唯数组
'arr = (eleka,汪文海) (pucca,钱虹)
'<option value="eleka" selected>汪文海</option>
'<option value="pucca" selected>钱虹</option>
sub putOptionsFromArray2(arr,selectedID) 
 Dim x
 if isarray(arr) then
  for x=0 to ubound(arr,2)
   if trim(selectedID)= cstr(arr(0,x)) then
    response.write "<option value='"&arr(0,x)&"' selected>"&arr(1,x)&"</option>"
    response.write "<option value='"&arr(0,x)&"' >"&arr(1,x)&"</option>"
   end if
 end if
end Sub

'打印到select的option中   只能是2唯数组,去其中的一唯
'arr = (eleka,汪文海) (pucca,钱虹)
'<option value="汪文海" selected>汪文海</option>
'或<option value="pucca" selected>pucca</option>
sub putOptionsFromArray3(arr,selectedID,num) 
 Dim x
 if isarray(arr) then
  for x=0 to ubound(arr,2)
   if trim(selectedID)= cstr(arr(num,x)) then
    response.write "<option value='"&arr(num,x)&"' selected>"&arr(num,x)&"</option>"
    response.write "<option value='"&arr(num,x)&"' >"&arr(num,x)&"</option>"
   end if
 end if
end Sub
function getOptionsFromArray(ID,arr)
 if isarray(arr) then
  for y = 0 to ubound(arr)
   if asc(ID) = asc(y) then temp_options = arr(y)
 end if
 getOptionsFromArray = temp_options
end function

function getRan(num)
 Dim RanValue
 if IsNumeric(num) then
  RanValue = Int((10^num * Rnd) + 1)
  RanValue = leftZero(num,RanValue)
  getRan = RanValue
  getRan = 0
 end if
end function

function getNRan(num)
 if IsNumeric(num) then
  getNRan = Int((num * Rnd) + 1)
  getNRan = 0
 end if
end function

function getMaxInt(num)
 if IsNumeric(num) then
  if num > int(num) then
   getMaxInt = int(num) + 1
   getMaxInt = num
  end if
  getMaxInt = 0
 end if
end function

'Function IsValidEmail(Email)
'ValidFlag = False
'If (Email <> "") And (InStr(1, Email, "@") > 0) And (InStr(1, Email, ".") > 0) Then
'atCount = 0
'SpecialFlag = False
'For atLoop = 1 To Len(Email)
'atChr = Mid(Email, atLoop, 1)
'If atChr = "@" Then atCount = atCount + 1
'If (atChr >= Chr(32)) And (atChr <= Chr(44)) Then SpecialFlag = True
'If (atChr = Chr(47)) Or (atChr = Chr(96)) Or (atChr >= Chr(123)) Then SpecialFlag = True
'If (atChr >= Chr(58)) And (atChr <= Chr(63)) Then SpecialFlag = True
'If (atChr >= Chr(91)) And (atChr <= Chr(94)) Then SpecialFlag = True
'If (atCount = 1) And (SpecialFlag = False) Then
'BadFlag = False
'tAry1 = Split(Email, "@")
'UserName = tAry1(0)
'DomainName = tAry1(1)
'If (UserName = "") Or (DomainName = "") Then BadFlag = True
'If Mid(DomainName, 1, 1) = "." then BadFlag = True
'If Mid(DomainName, Len(DomainName), 1) = "." then BadFlag = True
'ValidFlag = True
'End If
'End If
'If BadFlag = True Then ValidFlag = False
'IsValidEmail = ValidFlag
'End Function

function minFromArr(Arr)
 Dim i,tmpMin
 for i = 0 to ubound(Arr)
  if i = 0 then
   tmpMin = csng(Arr(i))
   if csng(Arr(i)) < tmpMin then tmpMin = csng(Arr(i))
  end if
minFromArr = tmpMin
end function

function addSeparate(strEx,tag)
 dim arrStrEx(2),index,tempStr
 index = instr(1,cstr(strEx),".",1)
 'response.write index
 if index = 0 then
  arrStrEx(0) = cstr(strEx)
  arrStrEx(1) = "00"
  tempStr = split(strEx,".",-1)
  arrStrEx(0) = tempStr(0)
  arrStrEx(1) = tempStr(1)
 end if
 if len(arrStrEx(0))>=4 and len(arrStrEx(0))<=6 then
  strEx = cstr(left(arrStrEx(0),len(arrStrEx(0))-3))&tag&cstr(right(arrStrEx(0),3))&"."&arrStrEx(1)
 elseif len(arrStrEx(0))>=7 and len(arrStrEx(0))<=9 then
  strEx = cstr(left(arrStrEx(0),len(arrStrEx(0))-6))&tag&cstr(mid(arrStrEx(0),len(arrStrEx(0))-5,3))&tag&cstr(right(arrStrEx(0),3))&"."&arrStrEx(1)
 elseif len(arrStrEx(0))>=10 then
  strEx = cstr(left(arrStrEx(0),len(arrStrEx(0))-9))&tag&cstr(mid(arrStrEx(0),len(arrStrEx(0))-8,3))&tag&cstr(mid(arrStrEx(0),len(arrStrEx(0))-5,3))&tag&cstr(right(arrStrEx(0),3))&"."&arrStrEx(1)
  strEx = strEx
 end if
 addSeparate = strEx
end function 





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领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


