空格定义 空格,tab符号和换行符号在ANTLR分隔诸如标识符这样的词汇符号时作为分隔符。在这之外,它们是被忽略的。例如,“FirstName LastName”对ANTLR来说两个标记符而不是一个标记符,空格,然后再接着一个标记符。
ANTLR 接受C语言风格的块注释和C++风格的行注释。在语法类和规则中,Java风格的文档注释也是可以接受的,在需要的时候,这些注释可以被传递给生成的输出文件。例如
/**This grammar recognizes simple expressions
* @author Terence Parr
class ExprParser;
/**Match a factor */
factor : ... ;
字符常数像Java中那样被确定。它们包含八进制转义字符集(e.g., '/377'),Unicode字符集(e.g., '/uFF00'),和能被Java识别的常用的字符转义('/b', '/r', '/t', '/n', '/f', '/'', '//')。在词法分析器规则中,单引号代表一个可以在输入字符流中能得到匹配的的字符。在语法分析器中是不被支持单引号的字符的。
文件结束标志 EOF 标记用语法分析器规则中自动生成:
rule : (statement)+ EOF;
// make sure nothing but newline or
// EOF is past the #endif
boolean eol=false;
: "#endif"
( ('/n' | '/r') {eol=true;} )?
if (!eol) {
if (LA(1)==EOF_CHAR) {error("EOF");}
else {error("Invalid chars");}
你可以在你的词法分析器语法中覆盖 CharScanner.uponEOF()函数:
/** This method is called by YourLexer.nextToken()
* when the lexer has
* hit EOF condition. EOF is NOT a character.
* This method is not called if EOF is reached
* during syntactic predicate evaluation or during
* evaluation of normal lexical rules, which
* presumably would be an IOException. This
* traps the "normal" EOF * condition.
* uponEOF() is called after the complete evaluation
* of the previous token and only if your parser asks
* for another token beyond that last non-EOF token.
* You might want to throw token or char stream
* exceptions like: "Heh, premature eof" or a retry
* stream exception ("I found the end of this file,
* go back to referencing file").
public void uponEOF()
throws TokenStreamException, CharStreamException
文件结束条件是一个位比特(从2.7.1版本开始)。因为Terence 将-1当作一个字符而不是一个整型数。(-1 是 '/uFFFF'...晕!).