An Invitation to .NET developers to travel the Open Roads

An Invitation to .NET developers to travel the Open Roads

<script src="/include/floor1_1.js" type="text/javascript"></script> IBM released a new series of papers that helps dotnet developers make an easy to transition to J2EE: Blog: Original paper: NICE read! - <script src="/include/floor1_2.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Re:An Invitation to .NET developers to travel the Open Roads

<script src="/include/floor2_1.js" type="text/javascript"></script> Hi ASJ, I found this in this page, ----------------- Here's another look at the list, and again Java dominates the list, with smatterings of C++, Perl, Python, and C. There was not one single C# book in the entire top 25, nor any Visual Basic books. ----------------- My personnal opinion was also that the documentation on MSDN was pretty good. Cor
54951: WindowsDefaultLocation problem 54952: how to print duplex using without using system.drawing.printing class. 54953: Secure TcpClientChannel with errors on XP SP2 54954: Using Microsoft Chart Control in dotnet 54955: Com Variant Marshalling Question 54956: Desktop client and web services - Object reference not set to an instance of an object 54957: .NET 1.1 MS provider:data loss in varchar2 column client, DB 8.1.7 .NET 54958: How to do this with SQL 54959: Losing my window positions 54960: P2P::System.Net.Peer2Peer error 54961: HTTP HANDLERS V/S HTTP MODULES 54962: EVENT Problem 54963: DataFormatString 54964: HLP: Problem with Interop.Adodb! 54965: What is a ContentProperty for RoutedUICommand? 54966: Image processing 54967: Hardware Simulation 54968: Lot of classes 54969: Application PlugIn with Interface 54970: Registry access 54971: Modifier for QueriesTableAdapter 54972: problem connecting to sql server when I run from another PC 54973: New .Net 2.0 web deployments 54974: Whether must run under the CLR? 54975: .Net Framework 1.1 and Citrix NFuse 54976: Resource report 54977: Oracle Pipeline function 54978: XML to Table inference 54979: 8-byte value as primary key? 54980: Fixed duration and resource assignments 54981: Create an Unknown Number of Arraylists 54982: help!................. 54983: DESPERATE - dataGrid with binary values 54984: Using a Timestamp field to implement optimistic concurrency 54985: TIFF Compression 54986: how do I make resource levelling work? 54987: permissions on shared folder (acces for webapplication) 54988: how the FolderBrowseDialog can support FTP and Http? 54989: Custom ComboBox DataGridColumn: on Tab combo gains then loses focu 54990: Serialization loading problem with IE hosted control and custom class 54991: writing to the 32-bit registry from a 64-bit application (that darn WOW6432Node) 54992: Changing the Baseline in a Cell 54993: Anyone know of a DNS Server written with C# 54994: OFFTOPIC : Newsreader of choice 54995: Change colour of Gantt bars 54996: VS 2005 ASP.NET Managed Envrionment 54997: Putting units in identifiers? 54998: Assembly versioning 54999: Calling Oracle Stored Procs 55000: Text not displayed on some computers 55001: Error with partitioned session 55002: MDI App and Data Adapters 55003: Force garbage collection on a process 55004: Help! How do I get MS Access Field Properties using VB.NET? 55005: Project 2003 not loading 55006: Crystal Report Error 55007: replication question 55008: Intermittant Corrupt Memory Problem. 55009: Bulk Inserts Via DataSet 55010: mcp certification expiration 55011: Trace 55012: Cannot sort DataGridView bound to array 55013: Unable to display child rows 55014: OpenFolder dialog ??? 55015: SaveFileDialog + FileName 55016: Reusing a local address/port when creating sockets that send data 55017: Bind Recordset to a MC++ Class 55018: Trouble Shooting .NET Framework repairs 55019: ¥u­­·s¦~..¥þ·s PSP $998,PS3, Wii.¤½»ù7§é 55020: How to open Webappication forms in windows application 55021: Which Data Acces Layer model??? 55022: Gantt chart view 55023: Two SqlDataReader for the same connection 55024: [OT] .NET FCL Bug Reporting 55025: SQL Server or Oracle with .NET ? 55026: Replacing the dataSource in DataGrid 55027: Check out this correction update from the MS 55028: Apply this corrective patch 55029: ADSI and C# 55030: country calendar 55031: summary of the resource capacity 55032: How to recall the inputs in one page to another with C# or VB.NET 55033: ActiveX Error in MS Project 2003 55034: Project 2003 - Backoffice Software 55035: Newbie:Storing .NET datatypes in disconnected ADO.NET tables 55036: Project keeps crashing 55037: sending mail with attachment 55038: how do i set up a repeating task in MS Project 2003? 55039: Code working in 1.1 stops working in 2.0 55040: Are events threaded by default? 55041: Calendar custom control 55042: resource pool data is getting duplicated 55043: On demand ASP table rows 55044: Filling treeview recursively from database 55045: Obfuscate 55046: Event Log and EventID 55047: Is CaseInsensitiveComparer Obsolete?? 55048: Access reports 55049: calculate % complete based on other fields 55050: Project Server compatibility with Windows NT 4.0 55051: CSS and MasterPage 55052: Oracle vs MSSQL Parameters 55053: Data Adapter Update Problem 55054: Outlook continuously encounters a problem and shuts down 55055: Who can I approach at Microsoft who can fix bugs in the Autolink 55056: Problem with multithread application 55057: Adding information to a dropdownlist from a dataset 55058: Does anyone work on GPRS ? 55059: Project 2007 locks Project 2003 55060: local access 55061: datagrid cell width problem 55062: Is the one-argument extended control constructor significant? 55063: This C# code to VB 55064: Dependencies 55065: Reading & Searching a Huge file 55066: How can I get Juno to work after installing Anti-spyware Software 55067: Creating a docking toolbar on the Windows desktop 55068: ADO Quick Question 55069: Remoting between 2.0 and 1.1 55070: inheritance not working properly -- Help please!! 55071: Calculate Duration form start and endDate 55072: Connection string / design question 55073: Question about callbacks 55074: IE hosted control cannot use MailAttachment.(HTTPRuntime errors?!) 55075: Problems creating stored procedure using command text 55076: Interesting Memory Issue 55077: Monthly cost allocation to tasks 55078: DetailsView ObjectDataSource and strongly typed dataset 55079: PLEASE HELP: injecting a wsdl doc into a .NET application 55080: Cannot Install MS Project 2007 with MSO 2007 Enterprise 55081: combobox shows fields only when I change datasets 55082: IIS and Server 2003 Web Edition 55083: 'multipart/form-data' post 55084: Help -- Not sure where to go with this. 55085: Running a DOS Batch file from a program. 55086: #region in VC.NET ? 55087: is anyone using UML in real world??? 55088: convert HEX string into integer 55089: Null pointer exception for events in usercontrols (C#) 55090: dot net 55091: Custom error message 55092: Object Reference Error Before Running The Application 55093: Sync with desktop app 55094: savefiledialog for webforms 55095: WBS Cannot Renumber 55096: TraceListener that outputs to a textbox 55097: Constants and thread safety 55098: Prevent a app to start a second instance 55099: Interogating Quick Launch Items 55100: Deploying webservice 55101: fire timer event 55102: Filtering Parent table on child records 55103: easy (??) question: Open New Form and Close Current Form 55104: IBM AS400 DB2 Data connection driver for VB.NET (ADO.NET
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《邀请进入三维视觉:从图像到几何模型》是一本专门探讨计算机视觉领域中三维视觉的书籍。在这本书中,作者详细介绍了从二维图像数据转化为三维几何模型的方法和技术。 首先,书中强调了三维视觉在计算机视觉领域的重要性。我们的真实世界是三维的,然而计算机被设计成处理和显示二维图像。通过讨论三维视觉的方法和技术,我们可以更好地理解和利用世界的三维信息。 接下来,书中介绍了图像到几何模型的基本步骤。首先,我们需要对二维图像进行处理和分析,以提取出其中蕴含的三维信息。这涉及到特征点的检测、角点的提取以及线段和轮廓的识别等。然后,通过将这些二维信息转化为三维点云来重构场景的几何结构。最后,可以使用点云数据生成和优化三维模型,如三角网格或深度图。 此外,书中还介绍了一些常用的算法和技术,用于在图像中进行深度、姿态和运动的估计。这些算法包括立体匹配、结构光、视差计算、相机标定和运动跟踪等。这些方法和技术在计算机视觉和机器人领域具有广泛的应用价值,如三维重建、SLAM(同步定位与地图构建)、虚拟现实和增强现实等。 最后,书中还探讨了三维视觉研究领域的挑战和未来发展方向。随着深度学习和人工智能的快速发展,三维视觉在图像识别、物体检测和场景理解等方面的应用将会越来越广泛。同时,如何从大规模和多源的图像数据中高效地重建三维模型,以及如何进一步提高三维视觉的准确性和稳定性,都是该领域亟待解决的问题。 总之,《邀请进入三维视觉:从图像到几何模型》是一本全面介绍三维视觉的书籍,它涵盖了从图像处理到几何模型构建的基本步骤,并讨论了相关算法和技术的应用和发展前景。无论是计算机视觉领域的研究者还是工程师,该书都是一本很好的参考和学习资料。
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