

  在一个Excel文件保存中有80个点的坐标值,以54经纬度形式保存,想在ArcGIS中做一个高斯投影,于是先从Excel文件中复制经纬度两列数据到一个.txt文本文件中,然后再从ArcGIS中以添加X、Y数据的方式导入,可是再做投影时问题来了,试验了n次,以定义Data Frame的坐标系统再导出数据的方式则结果图层中只见到了属性表格看不到图形了,以ToolBox中Data Management Tools下Projection and Transformations的Project工具做投影则老是出现如下错误提示:invalid extent for output coordinate system。在google中搜索invalid extent for output coordinate system,只有官方网站上有一个人问这个问题,跟我的还不一样。被这个小问题折磨得我好几个小时,晚上再看时,突然想起自己可能在添加X、Y数据时把X、Y搞反了,将经度数据当成了Y,纬度数据当成了X,则得到了一个超过90度的纬度数据,导致投影出错。将X、Y调换过来再进行投影,果不其然,投影成功。



1、首先需要和使用Project工具一样,对源图层定义坐标参考。如果源图层没有坐标参考,可以在添加源图层到当前Data Frame后,在Data Frame的属性窗口的Coordinate System中定义,然后在源图层上右击选择Data,再选择Export Data将其导出,导出的图层即带上了Data Frame定义的坐标参考。但是必须要求源图层是没有定义坐标参考。
2、将具有了坐标参考的待投影图层添加到一个Data Frame中,将Data Frame的坐标系统定义为要投影的坐标系统,然后将待投影图层导出,导出图层的过程会进行投影变换,即从待投影图层的坐标参考下投影到Data Frame新定义的坐标系统下。


Firewall technology has matured to the extent that today’s firewalls can coordinate security with other firewalls and intrusion detection systems. They can scan for viruses and mali-cious code in electronic mail and web pages. Firewalls are now standard equipment for Internet connections. Home users who connect to commercial Internet service providers via dial-up or via cable/DSL are also using personal firewalls and firewall appliances to secure their connections. Firewalls protect sites from exploitation of inherent vulnerabilities in the TCP/IP protocol suite. Additionally, they help mitigate security problems associated with insecure systems and the problems inherent in providing robust system security for large numbers of com-puters. There are several types of firewalls, ranging from boundary routers that can provide access control on Internet Protocol packets, to more powerful firewalls that can close more vulnerabilities in the TCP/IP protocol suite, to even more powerful firewalls that can filter on the content of the traffic. The type of firewall to use depends on several factors, including the size of the site, the amount of traffic, the sensitivity of systems and data, and the applications required by the organization. The choice of firewall should largely be driven by its feature set, rather than the type of firewall, however. A standard firewall configuration involves using a router with access control capability at the boundary of the organization’s network, and then using a more powerful firewall located behind the router. Firewall environments are made up of firewall devices and associated systems and applica-tions designed to work together. For example, one site may use a firewall environment composed of a boundary router, a main firewall, and intrusion detection systems connected to the protected network and the network between the router and main firewall. To provide secure remote access, the firewall may incorporate a virtual private network (VPN) server to encrypt traffic between the firewall and telecommuters or between the firewall and other sites on the Internet. The firewall environment may incorporate specialized networks for locating externally accessible servers such as for websites and email. The configuration of the firewall environment must be done carefully so as to minimize complexity and man-agement, but at the same time provide adequate protection for the organization’s networks. As always, a policy is essential. Firewalls are vulnerable themselves to misconfigurations and failures to apply needed patches or other security enhancements. Accordingly, firewall configuration and administra-tion must be performed carefully and organizations should also stay current on new vulner-abilities and incidents. While a firewall is an organization’s first line of defense, organiza-tions should practice a defense in depth strategy, in which layers of firewalls and other secu-rity systems are used throughout the network. Most importantly, organizations should strive to maintain all systems in a secure manner and not depend solely on the firewall to stop se-curity threats. Organizations need backup plans in case the firewall fails. This document contains numerous recommendations for choosing, configuring, and main-taining firewalls. These recommendations are summarized in Appendix C.




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