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转载 Creating dynamic grid-view worked like an Excel sheet (转)

Creating dynamic grid-view worked like an Excel sheetIntroductionThis tip is about how to create a dynamic grid view (like Excel sheet) with template field and save input data into database. ...

2015-05-21 12:18:00 173

转载 Pros and Cons of AngularJS (转)

Pros and Cons of AngularJSPosted By Renee Chemel on April 15, 2015AngularJS Share on twitterShare on google_plusone_shareShare on facebookShare on linkedinShare on redditShare on hack...

2015-05-21 12:11:00 176

转载 创意文化管理札记 (转)


2015-05-20 14:23:00 181

转载 How to Determine if Two Words Are Anagrams of Each Other in C# (转)

How to Determine if Two Words Are Anagrams of Each Other in C# By Sai Bagewadi on May 19, 2015msTwo words are said to be Anagrams of each other if they share the same set of letters to for...

2015-05-20 14:03:00 161

转载 12 个最佳的免费网络监控工具 (转)

12 个最佳的免费网络监控工具2015-02-02 10:16开源中国社区编译字号:T|T现有的网络监控工具可以说是数以百计,但是这些工具往往比较昂贵,因此花些时间去选购是很值得的,需要仔细研究其适用性、性能、专业性等方面的特性,需要判断的因素很多,但短时间内理解这些指标并作出选择可不是一件容易的事。因此,我们利用专业经验,建立了包括一些最佳免费...

2015-05-19 17:08:00 159

转载 Developing a QuizUp like Online Trivia Game (转)

Developing a QuizUp like Online Trivia GamePosted on April 25, 2014 by DhruvSince the phenomenal success of QuizUp, there seems to be a scramble for making similar trivia based games across...

2015-05-19 13:14:00 84

转载 Using Membership in ASP.Net MVC 4 (转)

Using Membership in ASP.Net MVC 4By Saineshwar Bageri on May 18, 2015It is best to use ready-made membership rather than creating an entirely new one for every application we create.Let's...

2015-05-19 13:13:00 87

转载 Visual Studio and .NET's Unit Test Framework (转)

Visual Studio and .NET's Unit Test FrameworkBy Vidya Vrat Agarwal on May 18, 2015This article explains the UnitTest framework in Microsoft Visual Studio and .NET that is separate from N...

2015-05-19 13:12:00 114

转载 当我完善几年前的一个老项目时,我做了哪些改进 (转)

当我完善几年前的一个老项目时,我做了哪些改进博客 - 伯乐在线 by promumu Yesterday最近几个月利用业余时间完成了一个项目。这个项目其实是2008年我在前公司做的一个web项目。后来客户想要对项目做升级,牵扯到一些功能的变动及界面的修改。由于当时整个项目的架构和主要编码都是我做的,所以前公司老总喊我来接这个项目,使用业余时间完成。我考虑了一下答应了。为了挣点...

2015-05-19 12:45:00 115

转载 W项目资料汇总 (转)

W项目资料汇总IT社区推荐资讯 - ITIndex.net May 14quick注:以下资料在实际写代码过程中都不如看quick源代码来得直接有效!quick官网,主要用于下载,教程有一定参考价值: http://cn.cocos2d-x.org/?v=CNquick-cocos2d-x 文档,很全面,配置环境时需要参考: http://quick.cocoac...

2015-05-19 12:18:00 156

转载 20 Useful Javascript Frameworks for your Upcoming Project (转)

20 Useful Javascript Frameworks for your Upcoming ProjectPosted in Resources By ashish On May 14, 2015Advanced JavaScript programming can often be very difficult and time-consuming to wo...

2015-05-18 12:53:00 188

转载 15 Highly Useful Angularjs Tools for Web Developers (转)

15 Highly Useful Angularjs Tools for Web DevelopersAngularjs is a new kid on coding block.This angularjs tools is especially well-suited for building one-page web apps, although certainly ...

2015-05-18 12:14:00 129

转载 Angular Validation – Forms Validation with AngularJS (转)

Angular Validation – Forms Validation with AngularJS31st March 2015 232 Angular-js Plugins , Form ElementsForms Validation with Angular made easy! Angular-Validation is an angular dire...

2015-05-18 12:12:00 73

转载 Leetcode 编程训练 (转)

Leetcode 编程训练酷壳 - CoolShell.cn by 陈皓 Oct 23 2014Leetcode这个网站上的题都是一些经典的公司用来面试应聘者的面试题,很多人通过刷这些题来应聘一些喜欢面试算法的公司,比如:Google、微软、Facebook、Amazon之类的这些公司,基本上是应试教育的功利主义。我做这些题目的不是为了要去应聘这些公司,而是为了锻炼一下自...

2015-05-14 13:29:00 74

转载 知乎精选:如何提高团队凝聚力和执行力 (转)

知乎精选:如何提高团队凝聚力和执行力IT社区推荐资讯 - ITIndex.net May 12小编推荐:随着各个PM加入创业大军,创业团队一小再小,关于团队管理再也不是高大上的总监、ceo才会考虑的问题了,大家如果在创业公司呆过,又有幸担任过 项目负责人的话,一定对这个团队凝聚力和执行力非常感兴趣,小编整理了几个回答,言简意赅,意义明确,强烈推荐。问:如何提...

2015-05-14 13:21:00 267

转载 知名Html5 Canvas Javascript库对比 (转)

知名Html5 Canvas Javascript库对比声明:原文链接:http://www.softr.li/blog/2012/06/20/which-html5-canvas-javascript-library-should-i-use本译文地址:http://jo2.org/html5-canvas-libary-introduction/转载请保留。。...

2015-05-11 13:48:00 91

转载 Graph visualization library in JavaScript (转)

Graph visualization library in JavaScriptI've just put together what you may be looking for: http://www.graphdracula.netIt's JavaScript with directed graph layouting, SVG and you can even dra...

2015-05-11 13:35:00 84

转载 js错误处理与调试理论和办法 (转)

js错误处理与调试理论和办法 ECMA-262 第 3 版引入了 try-catch 语句,作为 JavaScript 中处理异常的一种标准方式。基本的语法如下所示,显而易见,这与 Java 中的 try-catch 语句是完全相同的。try{// 可能会导致错误的代码} catch(error){// 在错误发生时怎么处理}也就是说, 我们应该把所有可能会抛出错误的代码都放在 tr...

2015-05-11 13:21:00 198

转载 java导出excel超出65536条处理( 转)

java导出excel超出65536条处理IT社区推荐资讯 - ITIndex.net Apr 20poi包导出excel超出65536报错: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid row number (65536) outside allow 解决办法1:XSS替换HSS poi用: XSSFWorkbook wb = new...

2015-05-11 12:56:00 456

转载 HTML5 视频直播(一)( 转)

HTML5 视频直播(一)IT社区推荐资讯 - ITIndex.net Apr 24前不久工作中遇到了在移动 WEB 端直播视频的需求,研究了一下相关技术,记录一下。目前 WEB 上主流的视频直播方案有 HLS 和 RTMP,移动 WEB 端目前就只有 HLS 能用,我们重点介绍它。HTTP Live StreamingHTTP Live Streaming(简称...

2015-05-11 12:54:00 86

转载 控制指令高达二十多种:远控木马Dendoroid.B分析报告( 转)

控制指令高达二十多种:远控木马Dendoroid.B分析报告IT社区推荐资讯 - ITIndex.net Apr 24近期,360团队截获了一款功能强大的专业间谍软件,它可以通过PC端远程控制中招用户的手机,控制指令高达二十多种,窃取用户手机通讯录,短信,照片及其它重要隐私数据。这个远控木马与去年知名的Android.Dendoroid木马家族手段非常相似,所以我们将其命...

2015-05-11 12:51:00 278

转载 The Modern JavaScript Developer’s Toolbox

The Modern JavaScript Developer’s ToolboxPosted by David Haney on Mar 09, 2015The Web Platform has gone a long way since HTML5 was first made popular and people started looking into JavaSc...

2015-04-26 22:40:00 249

转载 Improving performance – A full stack problem

Improving performance – A full stack problemMarch 6, 2015 by ronald 4 CommentsImproving the performance of a web system involves knowledge of how the entire technology stack operates and in...

2015-04-26 22:34:00 78

转载 Why we love Cassandra

Why we love Cassandra?Posted on April 22, 2015 by Ajay Tiwari - App42 Backend as a ServiceApp42 provides lots of readymade APIs for developers and each API solves different problem of Ap...

2015-04-23 23:08:00 141

转载 JDBC Connection Strings for Popular RDBMS

Connecting to an RDBMSThe following code snippet illustrates how the connection parameters are used to retrieve a database connection.1try{2Class.forName...

2015-04-23 22:59:00 71

转载 Basics of AngularJS

Basics of AngularJS: Part1By Gowtham Rajamanickam on Apr 09, 2015 AngularJS I have planned to start writing about AngularJS. I have begun to learn AngularJS a few ...

2015-04-22 22:35:00 107

转载 AngularJS: An Overview

AngularJS: An OverviewBy Paras Babbar on Apr 21, 2015IntroductionAngular JS is a very powerful JavaScript library or we can say open-source web application framework maintained by Google....

2015-04-22 22:24:00 80

转载 Top 4 Java exceptions Raygun can help fix

Top 4 Java exceptions Raygun can help fixProvider RelatedResourceTech Stuff Callum Gavin April 20, 2015 Leave a commentThere are a bunch of Java exceptions that are common to all code ba...

2015-04-21 12:58:00 133

转载 Constructing the SUT (System Under Test) – Eradicating Brittle Unit Tests

IntroductionI’m not going to proselytize unit testing in this blog post, there are hoards of articles on the internet for that already. Let’s just agree, for arguments sake, that they do awes...

2015-04-20 07:21:00 82

转载 (C# Version ) PDF Viewer Control Without Acrobat Reader Installed

by Julian Joseph - India, 17 Apr 2015IntroductionThis Article shows how we can display PDF on Web without having to install any third party pdf tool on either client or server.Backgrou...

2015-04-20 06:59:00 283

转载 Top 15 Java Interview Questions on Constructors

Top 15 Java Interview Questions on ConstructorsPosted by: instance of java Posted date: 16:551. Define Constructor?Constructor is a special method given in OOP language for creating and i...

2015-04-17 13:36:00 132

转载 Google+ Authentication in ASP.Net

Google+ Authentication in ASP.NetHow to get Google API access: Open https://code.google.com/apis/console/?pli=1Login using your Gmail account.Click on "Credentials" unde...

2015-04-16 20:25:00 494

转载 Super Memory & Reading Skills

Super Memory & Reading Skills341views Zaid Ali Alsagoff (91 SlideShares) , e-Learning Manager at IMUKeynote Author Follow 0 16 7 0 Published on Apr 15, ...

2015-04-16 07:24:00 588

转载 Best 5 C# 6.0 Language Features

Best 5 C# 6.0 Language Features# Expression Bodied MethodsHow many times have you had to write a method just for one line of code? Now, with C# 6 you can simply create an expression bodied me...

2015-04-14 23:19:00 124

转载 2015 Small Business Book Awards Community Choice Winners

2015 Community Choice WinnersCommunity Choice Awards winners represent the top public vote getters in eight Awards categories as chosen by fans and the small business community. Also, the to...

2015-04-14 07:33:00 91

转载 Three Things About Data Science You Won't Find In the Books

Three Things About Data Science You Won't Find In the Books04.05.2015In case you haven’t heard yet, Data Science is all the craze. Courses, posts, and schools are springing up everywh...

2015-04-13 21:44:00 159

转载 How to Check Whether API Server is up or Down

IntroductionIn this article we will create a small utility using C# that tells us whether our API server is up or down.PurposeOur purpose is to check the API server so, we can make a reques...

2015-04-13 07:28:00 62

转载 Some New Features in C# 6.0

Static Using SyntaxIn previous versions of C#, we would need to add the proper using statement, such as System, then we could write the following line of code:Console.WriteLine("Hello...

2015-04-13 06:54:00 64

转载 RichEditor for Android

RichEditor for Android RichEditor for Android is a beautiful Rich Text WYSIWYG Editor for Android.Supported Functions Bold Italic Subscript Superscript Strikethrough Underli...

2015-04-02 21:21:00 78

转载 20 Best Code Review Tools for Developers

20 Best Code Review Tools for DevelopersApr 02, 2015by vikas in TOOLS A programmer always faces the pressure of deadlines and with many delays the software which is designed is quite unstab...

2015-04-02 18:32:00 143



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