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转载 多个线程的同步执行,优先级控制

实现多个线程共用一个资源的同步问题,并且根据优先级别高低,获取执行权限。线程类例子三个在execute方法中根据自己的优先级获取令牌:Thread1unit unitWorkThread1;{*******************************************************}{ ...

2013-03-30 10:01:00 203

转载 Delphi线程同步(SendMessage)


2012-12-30 12:26:00 258

转载 Delphi线程类(四)

View Code {*******************************************************}{ }{ Delphi Thread Sample 4 }{ ...

2012-12-23 15:41:00 134

转载 简单窗体振动

Thread{*******************************************************}{ }{ Delphi Thread Sample } ...

2012-08-25 15:35:00 113

转载 Delphi线程类(三)

View Code type TfrmMain = class(TForm) mmoMsg: TMemo; btnNewThread: TButton; btnShutdownAll: TButton; procedure btnNewThreadClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormC...

2012-04-23 10:58:00 79

转载 Receive Windows Messages In NonWindowed Control

View Code interfaceuses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs;type TMsgReceiver = class(TObject) private fMsgHandlerHWN...

2012-04-21 15:19:00 103

转载 位图异或操作

今天写给别人的一段代码。View Code procedure TfrmMain.btnXorClick(Sender: TObject);var dc: HDC; x,y: Integer; bmp1,bmp2,bmp3: TBitmap; pt: TPoint;const WW=100; //Width HH=100; //Height XX=100; ...

2012-02-05 20:20:00 200

转载 类型变化的开放数组参数

View Code procedure ShowMsg(const fmtStr:string; const params: array of const);begin ShowMessageFmt(fmtStr,params);end;function SumAll(const Args: array of const): Extended;var I: Integer;b...

2012-01-17 17:17:00 70

转载 过虑窗体最小化消息

很久没写随笔,今天在写一个托盘程序的时候,要捕获窗口最小化的消息,在WndProc里面没有捕获到,后面在TWinControl找到实现WM_SYSCOMMAND的过程。重写就可以了,其实WndProc里面也是可以的,刚开始写错了。WndProcprocedure TfrmMain.WndProc(var aMsg: TMessage);begin if aMsg.Msg =...

2012-01-11 21:07:00 78

转载 Delphi Union 使用

Union部分只能放在最后,这和C的不太一样,要放在前面先用Type定义一个单独的Union类型就可以了。unit Unit1;interfaceuses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs;type TFor...

2011-09-08 10:55:00 448

转载 Remote Inject

{*******************************************************}{ }{ Remote Inject }{ Creation...

2011-08-28 16:50:00 299

转载 枚举进程for in

//use Tlhelp32function GetProcessIDEx(List:TStrings; ProcessName: string = ''): TProcessEntry32;var ret: Boolean; processID: Cardinal; _processName: string; FSnapshotHandle: H...

2011-08-16 10:50:00 58

转载 Delphi中WebBrowser拦截网页Alert对话框消息(转)

interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, OleCtrls, SHDocVw, ActiveX; type IDocHostShowUI = interface(IUnkn...

2011-08-09 16:05:00 204

转载 让程序只运行一个实例

var hMutex: HWND;begin //hMutex := CreateMutex(nil,True,'_MingTest'); hMutex := CreateEvent(nil,False,False,'_MingTest'); if GetLastError = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS then begin ...

2011-08-04 10:17:00 83

转载 Delphi线程类(二)

View Code {*******************************************************}{ }{ Delphi Thread Sample 2 } ...

2011-06-30 10:28:00 112

转载 Delphi线程类(-)

View Code {*******************************************************}{ }{ Delphi Thread Sample } ...

2011-06-29 10:47:00 83

转载 Class TRTLCriticalSection

View Code TCriticalSection = class(TObject) protected FSection: TRTLCriticalSection; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Enter; procedure L...

2011-06-06 10:25:00 64

转载 获取字节中的bit值

procedure getBits(aByte:Byte; bitArr: array of Byte);asm mov ecx,0 @@1: shr al,1 jnc @@2 mov [edx],1 @@2: inc cx inc edx cmp ecx,8 jnz @@1end;procedure T...

2011-05-23 11:09:00 193

转载 IOCP简单例子

Server:View Code {*******************************************************}{ }{ IOCP Server Sample ...

2011-03-23 09:59:00 152

转载 Socket IO重叠模型(完成例程)

Server:View Code {*******************************************************}{ }{ Overlap IO Server ...

2011-03-22 20:47:00 149

转载 Socket IO重叠模型(事件通知)

Server:View Code {*******************************************************}{ }{ Overlap IO Server }{...

2011-03-22 20:33:00 118

转载 Get Main Thread ID

通过TEB结构获取主线程ID,XP系统下测试通过,不同系统的TEB结构可能有所不同。View Code function GetThreadID:DWORD;asm xor esi,esi mov eax,fs:[esi+$18] mov eax,[eax+$24]end;procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);va...

2011-03-19 13:57:00 146

转载 简单的socket通信TCP

Tcp Server:View Code #include <stdio.h>#include <Winsock2.h>#pragma comment(lib,"ws2_32.lib")void main(){WORD wVersionRequested;WSADATA wsaData;int err;wVersionRequested = MAK...

2011-03-13 10:32:00 63

转载 Table隔行变色JavaScript

Table隔行变色代码function showtable(){ var color1 = "rgb(234,240,255)"; var color2 = "rgb(255,255,255)"; var bgColor = "rgb(255,255,193)"; var trs = document.getEl...

2011-01-16 15:50:00 74

转载 Php Image Resize

image resize:代码function my_image_resize($src_file, $dst_file, $dst_width=32, $dst_height=32) { if($dst_width <1 || $dst_height <1) { echo "params width or height error !...

2011-01-16 11:29:00 133

转载 php连接mssql 2005

1.下载以下两个文件,放入php ext目录及system32php_sqlsrv_52_ts_vc6.dll (线程安全)php_sqlsrv_52_nts_vc6.dll (非线程安全)vc6用于Apache,vc9用于IIS2.修改php.iniextension=php_sqlsrv_52_ts_vc6.dll3.下载sqlncli.msi,微软官方可...

2011-01-07 11:07:00 62

转载 Delphi子过程参数传递

默认调用方式Register,传递参数的顺序前三个为al,dl,cl / ax,dx,cx / eax,edx,ecx分别对应一个字节,两个字节,四个字节,当参数>3个时,多出的参数入栈,所以第四个参数的地址为[esp+8],第五个参数的地址为[esp+12],[esp+4]至[esp+0]这四个字是函数的返回地址。以上针对类以外的子过程,在类里面定义的过程参数传递有所改变,主要改...

2010-12-30 15:06:00 117

转载 TFont,TLogFont使用

TFont,TLogFont使用代码procedure RotateText(ACanvas:TCanvas);var LF: TLogFont; aFont: TFont;begin with ACanvas do begin Font.Name := 'Arial'; Font.Size := 18; aFont := TFont.Creat...

2010-12-30 14:27:00 160

转载 Register HotKey

Register HotKey代码{*******************************************************}{ }{ Module Name: unitHotKey.pas ...

2010-12-30 09:20:00 145

转载 删除Delphi临时文件的Bat

删除Delphi临时文件的Bat,保存成Bat文件,请注意以下代码同时删除了*.dcu文件。代码Rem Delete Delphi temporary fileRem ****************************@echo Delete Delphi temporary file@dir/w/s *.~* *.dcu@echo 以上为当前目录及子目录临时文件,...

2010-12-29 11:06:00 190

转载 构造自己的StringGrid

构造自己的StringGrid代码{*******************************************************}{ }{ Module Name: unitStringGrid.pas ...

2010-12-29 10:45:00 123

转载 构造自己的双向链表

双向链表类代码{*******************************************************}{ }{ Module Name: unitLinkClass.pas }{ ...

2010-12-28 15:19:00 78

转载 一个简单的系统托盘程序

Delphi System Tray Application,版本高于D7时设置Application.ShowMainForm := False;在隐藏的时候,任务栏不显示。代码unit Unit1;interfaceuses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Fo...

2010-12-28 11:22:00 98


BMP2JPG,JPG2BMP代码//uses jpegprocedure BMP2JPG(const BMPFile: string);var BMP: TBitmap; JPG: TJpegImage; FileName: string;begin FileName := BMPFile; BMP := TBitmap.Create; JPG := TJp...

2010-12-28 10:50:00 168

转载 CaptureComponentToBmp

CaptureComponentToBmp代码{*******************************************************}{ }{ Created By: Ming.z ...

2010-12-28 10:44:00 47

转载 BeginPaint和GetDC的区别

BeginPaint和GetDC的区别代码unit Unit1;interfaceuses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls;type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButto...

2010-12-28 10:25:00 139

转载 mouse_event,keybd_event

mouse_event代码procedure MyMouseClick();begin mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0); mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, 0, 0, 0, 0);end;procedure MyMouseDBClick()begin mouse_event(M...

2010-12-28 10:12:00 79

转载 $J的用法

$J相当于C里面的static类型procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);const{$J+} i: integer = 0;{$J-}begin ShowMessage(IntToStr(i)); Inc(i);end;转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/Jekhn/archi...

2010-12-28 09:41:00 6551

转载 Pure API Window

Pure API Window代码program APIWindow;uses SysUtils, Windows, Messages;const WinClassName = 'MingClass'; StrOut = 'Ming TextOut';function MyWinProc( hWindow: HWND; aMes...

2010-12-27 16:23:00 87

转载 DBGrid操作

DBGrid Column自动调整宽度,加行号,以及Override DrawColumnCell代码{--Author Ming--Version V01.001--Creation Date 2009/03/20--Last Updated Date 2009/03/20--Last Updated Date 2009/04/02 Add procedure Aut...

2010-12-27 14:07:00 87



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