

#ifndef _URL_H_030728_
#define _URL_H_030728_



const unsigned int URL_LEN =256;
const unsigned int HOST_LEN = 256;

using namespace std;

enum url_scheme {


const int DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT = 80;
const int DEFAULT_FTP_PORT  = 21;

class CUrl
 stringm_sUrl;   //Original URL
 enum url_scheme m_eScheme; //URL scheme

 string m_sHost;  //Extracted hostname
 int m_nPort;  //Port number
 string m_sPath;  // 请求 


 //bool ParseUrl(string strUrl);

 //解析URL的scheme, host, port and request

 // break  an URL into scheme,host, port and request.
 // result as member variants
 bool ParseUrlEx(string strUrl);

//解析URL的scheme, host, port and request

 // break an URL into scheme, host, port andrequest.
 // result url as argvs

//解析URL的scheme, host, port and request
 void ParseUrlEx(const char *url, char *protocol,int lprotocol,
   char *host,int lhost,
   char*request, int lrequest, int *port);

 // get the ip address by hostname通过主机名得到IP
 char *GetIpByHost(const char *host);


 bool IsValidHost(const char *ip);
 bool IsForeignHost(string host);
 bool IsImageUrl(string url);
 bool IsValidIp(const char *ip);
 bool IsVisitedUrl(const char *url);
 bool IsUnReachedUrl(const char *url);
 bool IsValidHostChar(char ch);

 void ParseScheme (const char *url);


extern pthread_mutex_t mutexMemory;


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TSE(Tiny Search Engine) ======================= (Temporary) Web home: TSE is free utility for non-interactive download of files from the Web. It supports HTTP. According to query word or url, it retrieve results from crawled pages. It can follow links in HTML pages and create output files in Tianwang (http://e.pku.edu.cn/) format or ISAM format files. Additionally, it provies link structures which can be used to rebuild the web frame. --------------------------- Main functions in the TSE: 1) normal crawling, named SE, e.g: crawling all pages in PKU scope. and retrieve results from crawled pages according to query word or url, 2) crawling images and corresponding pages, named ImgSE. --------------------------- INSTALL: 1) execute "tar xvfz tse.XXX.gz" --------------------------- Before running the program, note Note: The program is default for normal crawling (SE). For ImgSE, you should: 1. change codes with the following requirements, 1) In "Page.cpp" file, find two same functions "CPage::IsFilterLink(string plink)" One is for ImgSE whose urls must include "tupian", "photo", "ttjstk", etc. the other is for normal crawling. For ImgSE, remember to comment the paragraph and choose right "CPage::IsFilterLink(string plink)". For SE, remember to open the paragraph and choose righ "CPage::IsFilterLink(string plink)". 2) In Http.cpp file i. find "if( iPage.m_sContentType.find("image") != string::npos )" Comment the right paragraph. 3) In Crawl.cpp file, i. "if( iPage.m_sContentType != "text/html" Comment the right paragraph. ii. find "if(file_length < 40)" Choose right one line. iii. find "iMD5.GenerateMD5( (unsigned char*)iPage.m_sContent.c_str(), iPage.m_sContent.length() )" Comment the right paragraph. iv. find "if (iUrl.IsImageUrl(strUrl))" Comment the right paragraph. 2.sh Clean; (Note not remove link4History.url, you should commnet "rm -f link4History.url" line first) secondly use "link4History.url" as a seed file. "link4History" is produced while normal crawling (SE). --------------------------- EXECUTION: execute "make clean; sh Clean;make". 1) for normal crawling and retrieving ./Tse -c tse_seed.img According to query word or url, retrieve results from crawled pages ./Tse -s 2) for ImgSE ./Tse -c tse_seed.img After moving Tianwang.raw.* data to secure place, execute ./Tse -c link4History.url --------------------------- Detail functions: 1) suporting multithreads crawling pages 2) persistent HTTP connection 3) DNS cache 4) IP block 5) filter unreachable hosts 6) parsing hyperlinks from crawled pages 7) recursively crawling pages h) Outputing Tianwang format or ISAM format files --------------------------- Files in the package Tse --- Tse execute file tse_unreachHost.list --- unreachable hosts according to PKU IP block tse_seed.pku --- PKU seeds tse_ipblock --- PKU IP block ... Directories in the package hlink,include,lib,stack,uri directories --- Parse links from a page --------------------------- Please report bugs in TSE to MAINTAINERS: YAN Hongfei * Created: YAN Hongfei, Network lab of Peking University. * Created: July 15 2003. version 0.1.1 * # Can crawl web pages with a process * Updated: Aug 20 2003. version 1.0.0 !!!! * # Can crawl web pages with multithreads * Updated: Nov 08 2003. version 1.0.1 * # more classes in the codes * Updated: Nov 16 2003. version 1.1.0 * # integrate a new version linkparser provided by XIE Han * # according to all MD5 values of pages content, * for all the pages not seen before, store a new page * Updated: Nov 21 2003. version 1.1.1 * # record all duplicate urls in terms of content MD5


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