


 /bin                                             BINaries
/dev                                             DEVices
/etc                                              ETCetera
/lib                                               LIBrary
/proc                                           PROCesses
/sbin                                           Superuser BINaries
/tmp                                            TeMPorary
/usr                                             Unix Shared Resources
/var                                             VARiable ?

FIFO                                            First In, First Out
GRUB                                            GRand Unified Bootloader
IFS                                           Internal Field Seperators
LILO                                            LInux LOader
MySQL                                          My是最初作者女儿的名字,SQL                                Structured Query Language
PHP                                            Personal Home Page Tools                                        PHP Hypertext Preprocessor
PS                                               Prompt String
Perl                                             "Pratical Extraction and Report Language"             "Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister"
Python                                           得名于电视剧Monty Python's Flying Circus
Tcl                                            Tool Command Language
Tk                                               ToolKit
VT                                              Video Terminal
YaST                                            Yet Another Setup Tool

apache                                       "a patchy" server
apt                                            Advanced Packaging Tool
ar                                                 archiver
as                                                assembler
awk                                            "Aho Weiberger and Kernighan" 三个作者的姓的第一个字母
bash                                           Bourne Again SHell
bc                                               Basic (Better) Calculator
bg                                               BackGround
biff                                              作者Heidi Stettner在U.C.Berkely养的一条狗,喜欢对邮递员汪汪叫。
cal                                              CALendar
cat                                              CATenate
cd                                               Change Directory
chgrp                                         CHange GRouP
chmod                                       CHange MODe
chown                                       CHange OWNer
chsh                                          CHange SHell
cmp                                           compare
cobra                                        Common Object Request Broker Architecture
comm                                        common
cp                                              CoPy
cpio                                           CoPy In and Out
cpp                                            C Pre Processor
cron                                           Chronos 希腊文时间
cups                                          Common Unix Printing System
cvs                                             Current Version System
daemon                                     Disk And Execution MONitor
dc                                               Desk Calculator
dd                                               Disk Dump
df                                                Disk Free
diff                                              DIFFerence
dmesg                                       diagnostic message
du                                               Disk Usage
ed                                               editor
egrep                                         Extended GREP
elf                                               Extensible Linking Format
elm                                             ELectronic Mail
emacs                                        Editor MACroS
eval                                            EVALuate
ex                                               EXtended
exec                                           EXECute
fd                                                file descriptors
fg                                                ForeGround
fgrep                                          Fixed GREP
fmt                                              format
fsck                                            File System ChecK
fstab                                          FileSystem TABle
fvwm                                         F*** Virtual Window Manager
gawk                                         GNU AWK
gpg                                            GNU Privacy Guard
groff                                           GNU troff
hal                                             Hardware Abstraction Layer
joe                                             Joe's Own Editor
ksh                                            Korn SHell
lame                                         Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder
lex                                             LEXical analyser
lisp                                            LISt Processing                                                        Lots of Irritating Superfluous Parentheses
ln                                               LiNk
lpr                                              Line PRint
ls                                               list
lsof                                           LiSt Open Files
m4                                            Macro processor Version 4
man                                         MANual pages
mawk                                       Mike Brennan's AWK
mc                                            Midnight Commander
mkfs                                         MaKe FileSystem
mknod                                     MaKe NODe
motd                                        Message of The Day
mozilla                                    MOsaic GodZILLa
mtab                                        Mount TABle
mv                                            MoVe
nano                                        Nano's ANOther editor
nawk                                        New AWK
nl                                              Number of Lines
nm                                            names
nohup                                      No HangUP
nroff                                         New ROFF
od                                            Octal Dump
passwd                                   PASSWorD
pg                                            pager
pico                                         PIne's message COmposition editor
pine                                         "Program for Internet News & Email"                              "Pine is not Elm"
ping                                         拟声 又                                                                                  Packet InterNet Grouper
pirntcap                                   PRINTer CAPability
popd                                        POP Directory
pr                                              pre
printf                                        PRINT Formatted
ps                                             Processes Status
pty                                           pseudo tty
pushd                                      PUSH Directory
pwd                                         Print Working Directory
rc                                              runcom                                                                               run command, rc还是plan9的shell
rev                                           REVerse
rm                                            ReMove
rn                                             Read News
roff                                           RunOFF
rpm                                          RPM Package Manager                                                 RedHat Package Manager
rsh, rlogin, rvim中的r             Remote
rxvt                                           ouR XVT
sed                                          Stream EDitor
seq                                         SEQuence
shar                                        SHell ARchive
slrn                                         S-Lang rn
ssh                                         Secure SHell
ssl                                          Secure Sockets Layer
stty                                         Set TTY
su                                           Substitute User
svn                                         SubVersioN
tar                                           Tape ARchive
tcsh                                        TENEX C shell
tee                                          T (T形水管接口)
telnet                                      TEminaL over Network
termcap                                  terminal capability
terminfo                                  terminal information
tex                                           τέχνη的缩写,希腊文art
tr                                              traslate
troff                                         Typesetter new ROFF
tsort                                        Topological SORT
tty                                           TeleTypewriter
twm                                        Tom's Window Manager
tz                                             TimeZone
udev                                       Userspace DEV
ulimit                                      User's LIMIT
umask                                    User's MASK
uniq                                        UNIQue
vi                                             VIsual                                                                                  Very Inconvenient
vim                                          Vi IMproved
wall                                         write all
wc                                           Word Count
wine                                       WINE Is Not an Emulator

xargs                                        eXtended ARGuments
xdm                                         X Display Manager
xlfd                                         X Logical Font Description
xmms                                         X Multimedia System
xrdb                                         X Resources DataBase
xwd                                         X Window Dump
yacc                                         yet another compiler compiler






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