Objective-C 相关Category2

  • NSAttributedString+height

    Get AttributedString's height

  • UIView+TYAlertView

    Powerful, Easy to use alert view or popup view on controller and window, support blur effects,custom view and animation

  • UIImageView+Rotate

    UIImageView Rotation

  • UIButton+Rotate

    Rotate UIButton

  • UIImageView+QuickImageView

    Quickly returns a new UIImageView already loaded with a UIImage

  • UIView+Easing

    Adding Easing to UIView animation blocks

  • UINavigationBar+CustomHeight

    Allows custom UINavigationBar height on iOS 7 and 8.

  • UIView+Debug

    Debug UIView frame by adding a red border

  • UIStatusBar+Chameleon

    Never worry about whether or not your status bar will be readable again. This category within the Chameleon framework provides you with an easy UIStatusBar method that returns either a dark or light status bar based on an object's color directly beneath the status bar (i.e. UINavigationBarTintColor, UIViewBackgroundColor, etc.).

  • NSArray+Chameleon

    Returns arrays of your choosing: analogous, complementary, or triadic flat color schemes, based on the initially provided colors.

  • UIViewController+Chameleon

    This enables a flatify feature that is innovative and easy-to-use. With only one line of code, every single color on the screen can be converted into the closest flat version of itself. It works with both storyboard objects as well as programmatically-created objects.

  • UIColor + Chameleon

    Chameleon is equipped with 24 hand-picked flat colors that come two shades: light & dark. It enables methods that allow you to find the contrasting color of, complementary color of, or closest chameleon color to any color you originally provided. If you’re not picky, you can even ask Chameleon to return a random color!

  • SKProduct+LocalizedPrice

    . Return localized.price as NSString with currency and price.

  • UILabel+Attributed

    core text framework for lines space and add tails

  • UIApplication+PhoneCapability

    Checks whether the device can indeed place a phone call.

  • UIInterpolatingMotionEffect+NaturalMotion

    Easy UIInterpolatingMotionEffect. Learn more: http://hack.swic.name/easy-uiinterpolatingmotioneffect/

  • UIView+EasingFunctions

    A category on UIView that allows to use custom easing functions with block-based animations.

  • UIView+Lyt

    Makes autolayout (more) readable and less verbose.

  • NSTimer+Extension

    NSTimer extension with block support and the ability to pause and resume it

  • NSObject+Associated

    Easy way to add properties and ivars to categories with Tools and snippets 

  • UIView+AutoLayout

    The ultimate API for iOS Auto Layout -- impressively simple, immensely powerful.

  • NSObject+DProperty

    You can add a property in a category

  • UIViewController+MaryPopin

    Category to display modal-like view controllers with many options.

  • NSLayoutConstraint+TATLayoutFactory

    Adds support for creating constraints using a linear equation format string

  • UIImageView+FaceAwareFill

    This category applies Aspect Fill content mode to an image and if faces are detected it centers them instead of centering the image just by its geometrical center.

  • NSRegularEx+ObjCRegex

    NSRegularExpression categories that simplify regular expressions in Objective-C

  • UIScrollView+Extensions

    A category on UIScrollView for detecting when content has scrolled to top or bottom.

  • NSObject+AutoCoding

    Provides automatic support for NSCoding and NSCopying

  • NSInvocation+SimpleCreation

    Create invocations the simple way.

  • NSString+SHPersian

    Enables Persian fonts rendering.

  • UILabel+ContentSize

    Calculate the size of the content inside a UILabel

  • UIViewController+Swizzled

    Logs the UIViewController hierarchy including the name of the view controller you are in, plus a representation of how deep you are.

  • NSObject+Association

    Ever dreamed of adding "userInfo" to an UIAlertView? Now you can! This category allows you to assign any object to any object from iOS 3.1 and Mac OS 10.6 and up.

  • NSHTTPCookieStorage+FreezeDry

    Persist UIWebView cookies between app restarts. See GitHub note!

  • UIDevice+Hardware

    Detect hardware version of device

  • NSObject+LogDealloc

    Logs when dealloc is called on the object

  • NSObject+SFObservers

    Expanding both NSNotificationCenter and KVO to provide auto removal of observers

  • UIApplication+NetworkActivity

    UIApplication+NetworkActivity keeps track of how many network operations you currently have and manages the NetworkActivityIndicator for you.

  • UIView+Recursion

    Find a subview recursively

  • UIView+RoundedCorners

    Add rounded corners to any view using layer mask.

  • UIView+Stacker

    Stack subviews vertically ordered by their index. Good when u want to use XIB's and need to layout views (show/hide) based on external data, but cannot use autolayout.

  • NSString+PDRegex

    Simplifying use of Regular Expressions

  • MKMapView+MoveLogo

    This category allows you to move the MKMapView logo so that it remains visible if you put other stuff on the mapview. If the logo is hidden, the app won't pass the App Store review. Tested with iOS 5 through 7.

  • NSDate+Escort

    A NSDate utility library that is compatible with NSDate-Extensions API

  • UILabel+DynamicSizeMe

    Adjust UILabel to change it's frame according to it's content

  • UIView+Toast

    Android-style toast notifications to iOS.

  • UIImage+NYXImagesKit

    A set of efficient categories for UIImage class. It allows filtering, resizing, masking, rotating, enhancing... and more

  • UIViewController+MJPopup

    A UIViewController Category to display a ViewController as a popup with different transition effects

  • UIImage+MGImageUtilities

    Proportional Fill & Tinting

  • MultipleObjects+DTFoundation

    DTFoundation is a collection of utility methods and category extensions that Cocoanetics is standardizing on. This should evolve into a toolset of well-documented and -tested code to accelerate future development.

  • UIImageView+WebCache

    Asynchronous image downloader with cache support

  • UIColor+Colours

    Adds 100 predefined colors, some color helper methods and can generate color schemes

  • UIImage+PDFColoredImage

    Converts a black PDF image into a UIImage of any size, in any color

  • NSData+AsyncCacher

    NSData category for async loading data from url and calling block. Requested data is cached with NSCache and can be requested multiple times simultaneously.

  • NSDate+Helper

    A category to extend Cocoa's NSDate class with some convenience functions.

  • MultipleObjects+ObjectiveSugar

    ObjectiveC additions for humans. Ruby style.

  • MKMapView+ZoomLevel

    Setting zoom level in a MapView

  • NSObject+MKBlockAdditions

    Block based Category additions for AlertView and ActionSheets

  • NSString+Extensions

    A utility box for NSStrings. Converts to: SHA1, NSNumber. Test for being empty. Contains substrings and replace substrings from NSDictionary.

  • UIView+Utils

    ViewUtils is a collection of category methods designed that extend UIView with all the handy little properties and functionality that you always wished were built-in to begin with.

  • NSDate+TimeAgo

    A "time ago", "time since", "relative date", or "fuzzy date" category for NSDate and iOS, Objective-C, Cocoa Touch, iPhone, iPad

  • NSString+FontAwesome

    Enables FontAwesome for iOS

  • NSArray+FirstObject

    Gets the first object in an array or returns nil for empty array.

  • UIView+ModifyFrame

    Makes modifying the view frame NOT hellish

  • NSString+UsefulShit

    Objective-C category demonstration

  • NSObject+Swizzle

    Monkey-Patching iOS with Objective-C Categories Part III: Swizzling

  • CCNode+GestureRecognizers

    GestureRecognizers support for cocos2d, just include category and you are ready to use gesture recognizers. Works with both 2.x and 1.x cocos2d.

  • NSObject+AutoDescription

    Enables easy and descriptive logging for any class (derived from NSObject)

  • CGRect+Additions

    Some functions for dealing with CGRects


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