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原创 Innodb内核漫谈--目录
2017-01-06 00:01:43 612
原创 Oralce和Innodb MVCC关键机制
2016-08-31 22:14:07 489
原创 杂记
index_init index_end index_read index_read_idx index_read_last:获取给定键值的最后一列 index_next index_next_sameindex_prev index_first:Positionsa cursor on the first rec
2015-02-02 18:06:27 672
原创 分布式数据库总结
1 Distribution一致性hash最主要是为了避免增加节点时数据的重分布分布式事务:二阶段提交协议,最主要的问题在于维护失败故障恢复,以及悬挂事务的处,Oracle由主节点记录事务的最终提交日志。多主集群主要涉及几个关键方面:l 数据的partition和replica策略l 副本一致性或读写一致性l 分布式读写的一致性l 多主写的并发控制l
2015-02-02 11:29:10 1341
转载 store buffer and invalidate queues
以下来自于http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MESI_protocolMemory BarriersMESI in its naive, straightforward implementation exhibits two particular low-performance behaviours; firstly, when writing to a
2014-04-03 22:08:23 4089
转载 cpu reorder
Reordering SummaryThe Xbox 360 CPU reorders memory operations much more aggressively than do x86 and x64 CPUs, as shown in the following table. For more details, consult the processor documentatio
2013-10-29 22:08:32 793
原创 google's bigtable
chubby:保存BigTable数据的自引导指令的位置,记录所有tablet server及其tablet的分配信息,存储访问控制信息。保证始终只有一个活动的master server,保存bigtable模式信息。master server:metadata操作、tablet server管理、负载均衡、tablet分配、gfs空间回收(major compaction)。tablet server:管理tablet数据(memtable、sstable、tablet log、minor compact
2011-05-15 10:52:00 377
转载 What happens when there is a cache miss?
<br />cache misses : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CPU_cacheA cache miss on an instruction fetch requires that the processor ``stall'' or wait until the instruction is available from main memory.<br />A cache miss on a data read may be less serious; instruc
2011-05-02 16:53:00 520
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