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转载 Installing Memcached for PHP 5.3 on Windows 7

First off, all credits go to this guy. I’m just listing the steps on how I did it in Windows 7 with PHP 5.3. Also, I tested this using WampServer but I believe it should work on any PHP install.

2014-01-21 22:33:46 1630 1

转载 Speeding up Python (NumPy, Cython, and Weave)

The high-level nature of Python makes it very easy to program, read, and reason about code. Many programmers report being more productive in Python. For example, Robert Kern once told me that "Pytho

2014-01-20 12:50:23 1721

转载 From Galileo to Google: How Big Data Illuminates Human Culture

Given my longtime fascination with the so-termed digital humanities and with data visualization, and my occasional dabbles in the intersection of the two, I’ve followed the work of data scholars E

2014-01-20 10:27:46 1587

转载 How to create an EMF model from a Java application ?

Is it possible to reuse EMF-based tools with Java source code ? Yes if you have your Java source code translated into an EMF model.This is the aim of the Java component provided by MoDisco.

2014-01-16 14:27:43 907

转载 The Importance of Excel

I spent the past two days at a financial regulation conference in Washington (where I saw more BlackBerries than I have seen in years—can’t lawyers and lobbyists afford decent phones?). In his remar

2014-01-16 13:01:28 852

转载 11 Basic Linux Interview Questions and Answers

A new article in this section (Linux Interview) will be posted on every weekend. The initiative taken by Tecmint is first of it’s kind among other Linux Dedicated websites, along with quality and un

2014-01-15 23:06:44 1425

转载 C++/Qt vs Java

From my point of view, this article is useful for to realize possible risks.Please find extracts from it below. The original article is attached at the end of the page.Programmer efficiency

2014-01-15 17:14:02 1060

转载 C++ TR1: array VS 2008 Bug

Microsoft have recently released a Beta version of the Visual Studio 2008 Feature Pack which includes support for most of the C++ standard library extensions described in TR1. Alas, the beta sticker

2014-01-15 09:58:57 996

转载 Opening Up a Web Browser with Python

Start by importing webbrowser:1importwebbrowserNext, simply call the webbrowser.open(url,new=0,) function. The variable, url, stands for the link yo

2014-01-14 18:33:42 765


Despite the vast array of choice of themes in WordPress, a discerning webmaster will rarely find one that precisely suits their needs. If you take any established site, I can almost guarantee you that

2014-01-14 16:11:54 908

转载 Overriding Java methods in Groovy for unit testing

Lately, I’ve been experimenting with writing unit tests in Groovy to test our Java code at Orbitz. Groovy provides many nice language features that have the potential to dramatically reduce the amount

2014-01-14 13:06:27 952

转载 DTrace C++ Mysteries Solved

I’ve been using DTrace on Leopard in my recent work, and while it’s a great tool, the C++ support is confusing and I couldn’t find proper documentation. But eventually I found sketchy documentation

2014-01-13 14:47:06 725

转载 MySQL File System Enumeration – UPDATED

I encountered something on a penetration test today that I thought was kinda neat. I’m sure that others have encountered this before, but it was the first time I stumbled upon it and thought that th

2014-01-11 16:35:30 1089

转载 Why CCP is still using Python 2

We at CCP are maybe the heaviest users of Python in videogames, though I have no data to back that up. (I’ll also use this opportunity to say this is a personal blog post, I am in no official capaci

2014-01-10 18:26:02 923 1

转载 Yet another OpenJDK on Windows Build Instruction

This blog describes how to build both, a 64-bit and a 32-bit version of OpenJDK 8 on a plain, vanilla WindowsXP 64-bit operating system using only free (as in free beer) tools.ContentsGe

2014-01-10 13:22:26 1595

转载 Controlling servos using Ubuntu (linux server) and Python

As I mentioned previously, I bought one of these servo controllers from Pololu. It’s capable of controlling up to 8 servos with instructions from either a microcontroller using TTL (via one of the h

2014-01-10 11:34:31 967

转载 Python API for XML/SWF Charts (Flash Graphing)

I had a project where I was designing a statistics reporting site, to track production stats. I wanted to have really nice graphs that pulled from the database and were somewhat live and interactive.

2014-01-09 00:26:56 1435


This one’s for developers! If you’re using checkboxes, radio buttons, or dropdowns in your theme or plugin options, you might have overlooked some very useful functions that aren’t listed in the Codex

2014-01-08 17:01:08 853

转载 We have a Python

We have a Python based monitoring application that regularly tops the CPU list, using more CPU than the application it is monitoring.I am a bit of a newcomer to Python. It is in stable 8th positio

2014-01-08 15:19:36 663

转载 Google Merchant How To Setup A Live XML Data Feed With MySql and PHP

Setting up a live data feed for Google Merchant (Google Shopping) can be tricky if you don’t know how to set it up. I could not find one topic that covered from a to z how to set up a Google Merchant

2014-01-07 21:54:56 1728

转载 Machine learning and Data Mining - Association Analysis with Python

Recently I've been working with recommender systems and association analysis.  This last one, specially, is one of the most used machine learning algorithms to extract from large datasets hidden relat

2014-01-07 14:22:35 1833

转载 Android Sqlite Example

In this example, we are adding a lable on button click and displaying all the added labels on the spinner. As you have seen in the previous example,SQLiteOpenHelper class need to be extended for p

2014-01-06 17:27:32 1293

转载 Struts2 Interceptors

Web.xmlxml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>web-app xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"       xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee"xmlns:web="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/java

2014-01-06 15:19:10 624

转载 Logging with MySQL

I was reading a post by Dathan Vance Pattishall titled "Cassandra is my NoSQL solution but..". In the post, Dathan explains that he uses Cassandra to store clicks because it can write a lot faster

2014-01-05 17:25:53 643

转载 Type Inference vs. Static/Dynamic Typing

Jeff Atwood just wrote a nice piece on why type inference is convenient, using a C# sample:I was absolutely thrilled to be able to refactor this code:StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(256

2014-01-05 02:27:28 885

转载 Pass CSV string as parameter to your SQL Server stored procedure

Below is an example procedure showing a way to pass a csv string to a stored procedure in SQL Server. In this case, I needed to use the CSV string as items in an 'IN' clause. To do so, I used SQL Se

2014-01-04 04:09:26 725

转载 Toggle Java, Javascript, Images, CSS, Flash, Animations & Proxy in Firefox with Quick Java

The recent versions of Firefox lack the good old options to disable Javascript and images as they existed in the previous versions of this great web browser. Now if you want to disable Javascript or i

2014-01-04 03:58:02 1087

转载 GridLayout——android style

In a recent series of articles, we covered he basic layout types supported by Android. Since those articles were written Google have released the Android 4.0 SDK and there is a new addition: GridLay

2014-01-03 17:08:30 1159

转载 How to use a SQL Server database with your PHP web site

Intended audience: Web developers who are not familiar with SQL Server, yet want to learn how to use a SQL Server database with their PHP web sites.The links below are external links and provide i

2014-01-03 16:01:04 892

转载 JQuery Show Session Timeout message before session expires in asp.net

Introduction: In this article I will explain how to show session timeout message before session expires or redirect to login page when user inactive on website using JQuery in asp.net.Descri

2014-01-03 14:54:14 3686

转载 Display custom fields data in an HTML table

Today, here is a simple TXP PHP script I would like to share with you.For my latest project I needed to display a price list in an HTML table based on corresponding articles. My articles refer to

2014-01-03 14:51:42 817

转载 PyExec

PyExec was a python-sandbox-escape type challenge on the recent 30C3 CTF. Basically you were allowed to execute filtered Python code server-side, where the filter was a mix of a blacklist and a whitel

2014-01-03 13:41:06 1207

转载 How to Load Custom Javascript Script in WordPress

While there are a number of articles out there showing you how to properly load jquery in WordPress, none of them seem to show you how to load a custom javascript script in WordPress.This is how y

2014-01-02 18:37:07 856

转载 time for standards

MySQL 5.6 includes support for microsecode timestamp resolution, which is a great new feature.To get the current timestamp in MySQL 5.5 you could use NOW(), SYSDATE() or CURRENT_TIMESTAMP.my

2014-01-02 12:09:40 576

转载 Default transanction isolation level in PHP for Firebird

I was hunting some problem in PHP application and thanks to Trace API in Firebird I found terrible default value in PHP. What value? It's the default transaction isolation level value. In 99% of lan

2014-01-02 10:16:45 906

转载 Rietveld, or “How to revamp your code review process”

For me, code reviews have traditionally been one of those aspects of software development that fall into the “good idea; bad execution” category. It’s something that I know we’re supposed to do but wh

2014-01-02 00:48:46 1118

转载 Create a Flipping Awesome 3D Gallery with jQuery Flipping Gallery

Today, I would like to show you another jQuery plugin of mine called Flipping Gallery that will let you add a simple but beautiful 3D flip gallery right on your website with a simple markup and one

2014-01-02 00:27:42 895

转载 Difference Between Class.ForName() And ClassLoader.LoadClass() Methods In Java

This is one of the most frequently asked questions in Java interviews. This question describes how deeply you know about class loading, dynamic class loading mechanism and class initialization. Both C

2014-01-01 18:58:23 777

转载 D3.js Sankey diagrams with the OpenSpending API

This post is cross-posted from the PBS Idea Lab Blog.OpenSpending has a built-in set of visualizations – bubble charts, treemaps, and tables – which are useful for exploring how data is structured

2013-12-31 13:14:13 1936

转载 Replace Conditional with Polymorphism

You have a conditional that chooses different behavior depending on the type of an object.Move each leg of the conditional to an overriding method in a subclass. Make the original method abstract.

2013-12-30 18:00:23 1042



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