1. SourceForge.net
http://sourceforge.net/index.php - 外文
2. freshmeat.net
http://freshmeat.net/ - 中文
3. Open Source Technology Group
这里是关于开源技术的大本营了。Slashdot ITManager'sJournal NewsForge
Linux.com SourceForge.net freshmeat.net DevChannel.org 都是它的子站
http://www.ostg.com/ - 中文
4. www.newsforge.com
http://www.newsforge.com/ - 中文
5. IBM的开源新闻与资源,推荐
http://www-130.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource - 中文
6. 共创联盟-国内最大的开源站点.
http://cosoft.org.cn/ - 中文
7. A Network Protocol Analyzer
Ethereal is used by network professionals around the world for
troubleshooting, analysis, software and protocol development, and
education. It has all of the standard features you would expect in a
protocol analyzer, and several features not seen in any other product.
Its open source license allows talented experts in the networking
community to add enhancements. It runs on all popular computing
platforms, including Unix, Linux, and Windows
http://www.ethereal.com/ - 外文
8. 中间件和开源社区
http://www.huihoo.com/ - 中文
9. Open Source Initiative OSI
http://www.opensource.org/ - 外文
10. SQLite home page
SQLite is a small C library that implements a self-contained,
embeddable, zero-configuration SQL database engine.
http://www.sqlite.org/ - 外文
11. The Nano-X Window System
The Nano-X Window System is an Open Source project aimed at bringing
the features of modern graphical windowing environments to smaller
devices and platforms. Nano-X allows applications to be built and
tested on the Linux desktop, as well as cross-compiled for the target
device. The Nano-X Window System was previously named Microwindows, but
has been renamed due to conflicts with Microsoft's Windows trademark.
There are two APIs implemented in the system, a Win32 API and an Xlib-
like API. Please read the FAQ for more information. An extensive
Architecture document is also available. Check out the Articles that
have been written about Microwindows in the left sidebar. To get
involved, please join the Nano-X mailing list. There is a full mirror
of the mailing list accessible here.
http://www.microwindows.org/ - 外文
12. Open Source Software in Java(tm)
http://java-source.net/ - 外文
13. 开源编程网 - Open Source Program
http://www.osprg.org/ - 中文
14. CnPack 开发网站
CnPack 是由互联网上一群中国程序员开发的开放源码的自由软件项目,当前主要
的工作成果包括 CnPack 组件包、CnWizards 专家包以及 CVSTracNT 错误跟踪系
CnPack 组件包是一个涵盖不可视工具组件、界面控件、网络通讯组件、多语
言处理等多个方面的 Delphi/C++ Builder 组件包。
http://www.cnvcl.org - 中文
15. 中国开源世界
http://www.ossw.com.cn/ - 中文
16. 满江红.开源
http://www.redsaga.com - 中文
Codehaus http://www.codehaus.org/
Java开源大全(中文) http://www.open-open.com/
ObjectWeb http://www.objectweb.org/