

  Hashcat是什么呢?Hashcat是当前最强大的开源密码恢复工具,你可以访问Hashcat.net网站来了解这款工具的详细情况。本质上,Hashcat 3.0是一款高级密码恢复工具,可以利用CPU或GPU资源来攻击160多种哈希类型的密码



  需要把airodump抓到的 4 次握手文件转换为hccap的格式



  使用aricrack-ng暴力破解8位数密码需要50个小时, 但是使用Hashcat只要1个半小时不到

  使用aircrac-ng破解密码的时候计算机会爆卡, 内存占用100%是常事, 使用Hashcat破解的时候计算机一点都不卡, Hashcat不但支持CPU破解,还支持GPU破解,利用显卡的计算能力进行极速破解,简直666

  即使使用普通的CPU或GPU,每秒也能够生成1.35亿个哈希值, 我这台电脑是Mac Air,破解8位数字需要随机组合68719476736个数字, 这个是千万级别的数字, 使用Hashcat破解只需要1小时40分钟, 平均一秒钟计算1.4个亿密码



git clone https://github.com/hashcat/hashcat.git


cd hashcat //进入目录
sudo make 
sudo make install //安装hashcat

  如果安装成功, 在命令行输入hashcat,即可看到帮助文档:

hashcat, advanced password recovery

Usage: hashcat [options]... hash|hashfile|hccapfile [dictionary|mask|directory]...

- [ Options ] -

 Options Short / Long          | Type | Description                                          | Example
 -m, --hash-type               | Num  | Hash-type, see references below                      | -m 1000
 -a, --attack-mode             | Num  | Attack-mode, see references below                    | -a 3
 -V, --version                 |      | Print version                                        |
 -h, --help                    |      | Print help                                           |
     --quiet                   |      | Suppress output                                      |
     --hex-charset             |      | Assume charset is given in hex                       |
     --hex-salt                |      | Assume salt is given in hex                          |
     --hex-wordlist            |      | Assume words in wordlist is given in hex             |
     --force                   |      | Ignore warnings                                      |
     --status                  |      | Enable automatic update of the status-screen         |
     --status-timer            | Num  | Sets seconds between status-screen update to X       | --status-timer=1
     --machine-readable        |      | Display the status view in a machine readable format |
     --keep-guessing           |      | Keep guessing the hash after it has been cracked     |
     --loopback                |      | Add new plains to induct directory                   |
     --weak-hash-threshold     | Num  | Threshold X when to stop checking for weak hashes    | --weak=0
     --markov-hcstat           | File | Specify hcstat file to use                           | --markov-hc=my.hcstat
     --markov-disable          |      | Disables markov-chains, emulates classic brute-force |
     --markov-classic          |      | Enables classic markov-chains, no per-position       |
 -t, --markov-threshold        | Num  | Threshold X when to stop accepting new markov-chains | -t 50
     --runtime                 | Num  | Abort session after X seconds of runtime             | --runtime=10
     --session                 | Str  | Define specific session name                         | --session=mysession
     --restore                 |      | Restore session from --session                       |
     --restore-disable         |      | Do not write restore file                            |
     --restore-file-path       | File | Specific path to restore file                        | --restore-file-path=my.restore
 -o, --outfile                 | File | Define outfile for recovered hash                    | -o outfile.txt
     --outfile-format          | Num  | Define outfile-format X for recovered hash           | --outfile-format=7
     --outfile-autohex-disable |      | Disable the use of $HEX[] in output plains           |
     --outfile-check-timer     | Num  | Sets seconds between outfile checks to X             | --outfile-check=30
 -p, --separator               | Char | Separator char for hashlists and outfile             | -p :
     --stdout                  |      | Do not crack a hash, instead print candidates only   |
     --show                    |      | Compare hashlist with potfile; Show cracked hashes   |
     --left                    |      | Compare hashlist with potfile; Show uncracked hashes |
     --username                |      | Enable ignoring of usernames in hashfile             |
     --remove                  |      | Enable remove of hash once it is cracked             |
     --remove-timer            | Num  | Update input hash file each X seconds                | --remove-timer=30
     --potfile-disable         |      | Do not write potfile                                 |
     --potfile-path            | Dir  | Specific path to potfile                             | --potfile-path=my.pot
     --debug-mode              | Num  | Defines the debug mode (hybrid only by using rules)  | --debug-mode=4
     --debug-file              | File | Output file for debugging rules                      | --debug-file=good.log
     --induction-dir           | Dir  | Specify the induction directory to use for loopback  | --induction=inducts
     --outfile-check-dir       | Dir  | Specify the outfile directory to monitor for plains  | --outfile-check-dir=x
     --logfile-disable         |      | Disable the logfile                                  |
     --truecrypt-keyfiles      | File | Keyfiles used, separate with comma                   | --truecrypt-key=x.png
     --veracrypt-keyfiles      | File | Keyfiles used, separate with comma                   | --veracrypt-key=x.txt
     --veracrypt-pim           | Num  | VeraCrypt personal iterations multiplier             | --veracrypt-pim=1000
 -b, --benchmark               |      | Run benchmark                                        |
     --speed-only              |      | Return expected speed of the attack and quit         |
     --progress-only           |      | Return ideal progress step size and time to process  |
 -c, --segment-size            | Num  | Sets size in MB to cache from the wordfile to X      | -c 32
     --bitmap-min              | Num  | Sets minimum bits allowed for bitmaps to X           | --bitmap-min=24
     --bitmap-max              | Num  | Sets maximum bits allowed for bitmaps to X           | --bitmap-max=24
     --cpu-affinity            | Str  | Locks to CPU devices, separate with comma            | --cpu-affinity=1,2,3
 -I, --opencl-info             |      | Show info about OpenCL platforms/devices detected    | -I
     --opencl-platforms        | Str  | OpenCL platforms to use, separate with comma         | --opencl-platforms=2
 -d, --opencl-devices          | Str  | OpenCL devices to use, separate with comma           | -d 1
 -D, --opencl-device-types     | Str  | OpenCL device-types to use, separate with comma      | -D 1
     --opencl-vector-width     | Num  | Manual override OpenCL vector-width to X             | --opencl-vector=4
 -w, --workload-profile        | Num  | Enable a specific workload profile, see pool below   | -w 3
 -n, --kernel-accel            | Num  | Manual workload tuning, set outerloop step size to X | -n 64
 -u, --kernel-loops            | Num  | Manual workload tuning, set innerloop step size to X | -u 256
     --nvidia-spin-damp        | Num  | Workaround NVidias CPU burning loop bug, in percent  | --nvidia-spin-damp=50
     --gpu-temp-disable        |      | Disable temperature and fanspeed reads and triggers  |
     --gpu-temp-abort          | Num  | Abort if GPU temperature reaches X degrees celsius   | --gpu-temp-abort=100
     --gpu-temp-retain         | Num  | Try to retain GPU temperature at X degrees celsius   | --gpu-temp-retain=95
     --powertune-enable        |      | Enable power tuning, restores settings when finished |
     --scrypt-tmto             | Num  | Manually override TMTO value for scrypt to X         | --scrypt-tmto=3
 -s, --skip                    | Num  | Skip X words from the start                          | -s 1000000
 -l, --limit                   | Num  | Limit X words from the start + skipped words         | -l 1000000
     --keyspace                |      | Show keyspace base:mod values and quit               |
 -j, --rule-left               | Rule | Single rule applied to each word from
评论 8




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


