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转载 我的学习规划

Highly Capable Individual Database optimization. MVC model of web development Java script Design patterns PthyonAjaxJSPSOAPContributing Team Member ...

2009-06-28 11:14:00 82

转载 The Five Level Leadership

幻灯片 25 .O {font-size:149%;} Level 5 Executive Builds enduring greatness thru a paradoxical combination of personal humility plus professional will Level 4 Effective Leader Catalyzes...

2009-06-27 13:54:00 107

转载 职业规划

http://www.pmforum.org/library/editorials/2007/PDFs/Pells-8-07.pdfPM WORLD TODAY EDITORIALAugust 2007The Seven Natural Phases of a Project Management CareerBy David L. PellsAbout 25 years ago, so...

2009-06-27 13:19:00 114

转载 不经一番寒彻骨,安得梅花扑鼻香?

去除浮躁,认真学习,不断积累,寻找机遇 !有道理啊~ 转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/rlcao/archive/2009/06/27/1512185.html

2009-06-27 12:10:00 116

转载 BET(Behavoir/Effect/Thanks) is persuasive

人,是有思想,独立的动物。你无法强迫其他人做任何事情。你所能做的是说服别人,让别人跟你有同感,从而影响他人。如何说服别人呢?一个有效的方法就是:1. 列出事实。当你用很多形容词说明你的观点的时候,往往不一定有用,因为别人不一定认同你的观点。但是如果你列出的是事实,那么别人就容易接受。2. 由事实引发的结果。#1和#2有事实一样的因果关系,同样可信。 由此,一个人事经理要做的就是,给下属传...

2009-06-27 11:12:00 71

转载 Git, new decentralized source control system.

One new interesting source code control system named git, by linus: distributed development larget files sets complex merge trial branches fast and robust It attract...

2009-03-15 14:49:00 64

转载 The Needs of Technical Professionals

Achievement Autonomy Collegial Support and Sharing Keeping Current Participation in Mission and Goals. Professsional Identification Leave it as it is fo...

2009-03-14 17:44:00 67

转载 Steps When You Are Trying to Recognize Your Staff.

Learned from a training class, offered by James Li. BET: Behavior Effect Thank You This is resonable, because everyone is a autonomy live person that have their own judgement...

2009-03-14 17:37:00 86

转载 Interesting numbers: percentage of bad perforance sources

The data below is from training class of blessingwhite: Insufficient Resource: 10% Inadequate Feedback: 25% Unclear Expactations: 60% Lack of skills or willingness: 5% This is interest...

2009-03-14 17:26:00 53

转载 盖洛普Q12测评法

引用自:http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/%E7%9B%96%E6%B4%9B%E6%99%AEQ12%E6%B5%8B%E8%AF%84%E6%B3%95 盖洛普的Q12,是测评一个工作场所的优势最简单和最精确的方法,也是测量一个企业管理优势的12个维度。它包括12个问题:   1.我知道对我的工作要求吗?   2.我有做好我的工作所需要的材料和设备吗?...

2009-03-14 17:05:00 250

转载 Checklist for improving project management!

As IT project is always prone to be out of control, we can use following checklist to make project management much easier: Do you use source control? Can you make a build in one ste...

2009-01-15 22:39:00 54

转载 Reading Book:"SOA in practice"

I brought a SOA book called "SOA in practice" this week. I read the first chapter last night, and I got some new points about SOA: 1. SOA facilitates loosing coupling of you distributed IT syste...

2008-12-27 15:04:00 72

转载 冬至,如即将过去的2008,难过的一天

什么,我把你忘了?你可不要错怪我啊...... 都这么多天了,你都不来看我一眼,怎么不是忘了,你个负心人,只有三分钟热度! 今天不是来看你了嘛?而且是拖着虚脱的身体,坚持到深夜,来看你了不是? 啊,你怎么了?老板折磨你了?不过你能来看我,我实在是太感动了! 昨天,陪三勇买礼物,外加看电影去了,《非诚勿扰》,你知道的,昨天很冷,全国降温17度,我身体就挡不住,倒下了!去了华...

2008-12-22 23:12:00 74

转载 给自己定个目标...

人生就像大海中行船,没有方向,就会随波飘荡,达不到任何目的地。所以给自己定个目标还是很有必要的! 1. 了解SOA概念,熟悉SOA的工具使用 2. 敏捷软件开发 3. Oracle数据库优化 就先这么多吧,哦,对了,不要忘了多读读英语,英语还是很重要的!! 转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/rlcao/archive/2008/12/16/13...

2008-12-16 21:36:00 73

转载 博客,新的征程...

记得在学校的时候,博客就已开始流行,很多人都在鼓吹博客。那时候想,博客不就是一些人在网上留言吗,有什么稀奇,值得那么鼓吹么?现在看来,确实,博客改变了互联网,互联网因此变得丰富多彩啦,网络上从此多了不同的声音,网民变成了博主,透过文字展现了非凡的才智。博客同样改变了博主的生活,记录了博主思维的脚印,我们的生活从此多了一个维度。今天,按奈不住诱惑,我也开博啦! 希望能分享我的心...

2008-12-15 21:21:00 45



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