撒哟那拉 volatile !!!

作者: 不及格的程序员-八神

volatile 关键字,如果你熟悉多线程/多核并发编程的,那么一定被这个词困惑过,是的它是邪恶的.



另外从微软的Visual Studio 2005 C++中就开始就对volatile关键字添加了同步语义(保证ordering),即:对volatile变量的读操作具有acquire语义,对volatile变量的写操作具有release语义.这个是标准C++中不存在的.

微软并行库开发经理前两天也发了一篇博客,来讲述这个关键字的可恶之处,但是它却以日文外来语为标题<<Sayonara Volatile>>,我想这也是joe本人认为volatile与Japanese一样让人恶心变态...

最后它还希望.NET 5 会根本的替除它,能实现吗?




December 4, 2010
Sayonara volatile

After spending more time than I’d like to admit over the years researching memory model literature (particularly Java’s terrific JMM and related publications), subsequently trying to “fix” the CLR memory model, reviewing proposals for new C++ memory models, and beating my head against the wall for months developing a new memory model that supports weakly ordered processors like the kind you’ll find on ARM in a developer-friendly yet power-efficient way, I have a conclusion to share.

Volatile is evil

Why? Let me recount the reasons:

  1. It doesn’t mean what you think.
  2. It used to have a very specific purpose — to enure memory operations with external side-effects did not get reordered — and has since gotten bastardized and used for many secondarily-related purposes.
  3. Even if you think it does mean what you think, the annotation scheme is all wrong. Volatile annotates a storage location, and yet what really matters is what happens when accessing said storage locations. The fences occur when you access the variable, not when you declare it. And yet from a readability perspective, they are completely invisible and easy to miss.
  4. And even if you don’t care about readability, the meaning of volatile changes wildly when you switch platforms. Today it’s store / release, tomorrow it’s write / read fences. Perhaps it’s even sequentially consistent. And the label of “store / release” could actually be a white lie, as with the CLR’s memory model thanks to store buffer forwarding and the lack of fences in the CLR JIT’s x64 stores.
  5. Performance, man, performance! Sure sequential consistency as the default sounds nice on the tin, but once you’re running that mobile app on ARM, and sucking up 160 cycles for each write you perform, you’re going to curse volatile like the plague.

And so the moral of the story follows…

Attempting to “fix” volatile is a waste of time

Instead, a new world order has arrived. We must take a two-pronged approach to solving instruction-level interleaving bugs, neither prong having much to do with the traditional definition of memory models or volatiles. We must:

  1. Eliminate memory ordering from 99% of developers’ purviews. This is already the case with single-threaded programs, because code motion in compilers and processors is limited to what only affects concurrent observations. So the answer is pretty clear: developers must move towards single-threaded programming models connected through message passing, optionally with provably race-free fine-grained parallelism inside of those single-threaded worlds.
  2. Leave the memory model esoterica to the Einsteins, and radically change its meaning. Data dependence and transitive visibility of memory operations are in. Volatiles on storage locations are out. Instead, we must throw fences into programmer’s faces, and force them to understand each and every one that occurs. And moreover, force them to decide about each and every one that occurs. Specifically, hidden fences thanks to volatile are no longer. Those who cannot take it should fall into the 99% bucket already mentioned above, versus the 1% bucket.

Let’s set #1 aside for now, since it’s obviously a huge can of worms.

But what about #2? It is quite encouraging that the C++0x group is firmly on the path of #2. See http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2007/n2145.html for more details. In a nutshell, each location that you’d have ordinarily tagged volatile instead becomes a template atomic type. And then each read / write has the opportunity to specify the desired kind of fence, whether that is acquire (for reads), release (for writes), fully ordered, or relaxed (meaning no fence).

I do think it’d be worth them considering compiler-only fences too. So that relaxed means fully-relaxed, and there is a fence in-between that merely prevents the compiler from optimizing the memory operation. This pays homage to volatile’s legacy in C as merely a variable that mustn’t be subject to optimizations, because operations against these variables pertain to, say, memory-mapped device I/O.

Another nitpick of mine is that I’d have required each access to specify the fence, whereas C++0x implicitly uses full fence if left unspecified at the callsite. It’s a minor convenience, but I like always having the fence spelled out very explicitly in the code. Lock-free access to shared variables is sufficiently dangerous that automatic sequential consistency is the least of your problems.

Nevertheless, the C++0x direction is a massive good step forward, and these are just minor details.

My hope is that .NET follows suit. And the timing couldn’t be more apropos as “now”: we are moving forward in a heavily mobile, distributed-system-on-a-chip, and heterogeneous world, where processor memory models will necessarily continue to weaken. The overly strong x86 memory model, kept alive primarily to ensure compatibility, has simply grown too expensive to accommodate. The power benefits and architectural simplifications are hard to argue with, and because compatibility becomes less of an issue as new platforms arise (e.g. for mobile), the world moves to the cloud, and hence there is legacy to worry about, I do hope that processor vendors seize the opportunity. ARM certainly has. It is less about out-of-order execution as it is about coherency costs. Truthfully, I’d be disappointed if anything else happened, even though the risk to compatibility for shrink-wrapped software scares the hell out of me. But this is most certainly the right way to go, long-term. As software platforms move in the direction of #1 – as I also foresee – the need for fences dwindles. The cost of supporting the current .NET memory model is too great and will become a liability with time.

Thankfully, it is quite simple to build a veneer atop .NET that works a lot more like atomic. For example, imagine that we had a new System.Threading.Volatile static class, and that it offered the moral equivalent to atomic inner types for each atomic primitive we can synchronize against:

namespace System.Threading
    public static class Volatile
        public struct Int32 {..}
        public struct Int64 {..}
        public struct Reference<T> where T : class {..}

Now instead of tagging a location as ‘volatile’, you would use one of these primitives. For example, rather than:

static volatile MySingleton s_instance;

You would say:

static Volatile.Reference<MySingleton> s_instance;

Each class has a similar set of operations. For example:

namespace System.Threading
    public static class Volatile
        public struct Int32
            public Int32(int value);

            public int ReadAcquireFence();
            public int ReadFullFence();
            public int ReadCompilerOnlyFence();
            public int ReadUnfenced();

            public void WriteReleaseFence(int newValue);
            public void WriteFullFence(int newValue);
            public void WriteCompilerOnlyFence(int newValue);
            public void WriteUnfenced(int newValue);

            public int AtomicCompareExchange(int newValue, int comparand);
            public int AtomicExchange(int newValue);
            public int AtomicAdd(int delta);
            public int AtomicIncrement();
            public int AtomicDecrement();

            // Etc…, bitwise ops, other math ops, etc.

Of course, only the integer types would offer the increment, decrement, add, and related operators. And it turns out that offering different kinds of fences on the Atomic* operations would be incredibly useful too, because processors like ARM do not couple the fence to the compare-and-swap / load-locked-store-conditional as x86 processors do. Taking advantage of this can be huge if you are writing performance critical code, like a concurrent garbage collector whose atomic swaps need not imply ordering with the surrounding instruction stream. You can quibble over the details, like whether these should use enums instead of the name to encode the fence-kind. I did it this way to keep the implementations branch-free, although with a decent inlining JIT compiler, it’d probably optimize those away thanks to constant propagation.

It’s quite trivial to implement these APIs atop existing .NET primitives. I built a little library that does so, but it was so boring and repetitive I decided not to post it alongside this blog entry as originally intended.

With the above definition, we can very clearly see the fences involved in doing, say, double-checked locking:

static Volatile.Reference<MySingleton> s_instance;

public static MySingleton Instance
        MySingleton instance = s_instance.ReadAcquireFence();
        if (instance == null) {
            instance = new MySingleton();
            instance = s_instance.AtomicCompareExchangeRelease(instance, null);
        return instance;

We see there are two fences. One is an acquire and, depending on what your memory model says about data dependence, is probably unnecessary. Most sane memory models guarantee that data dependent loads do not pass. So we needn’t worry that we’ll see a non-null s_instance whose contents haven’t been initialized. (If we were talking structs, it’d be another story.) Nevertheless, it’s definitely required that we use a release-only fence for the publication of the object. This guarantees writes to fields within the MySingleton constructor have completed prior to the write of the new object to the shared instance field. The point here is that you are forced to think about the fences, and you actually see them.

Of course, most platforms need to provide the bare minimum of fencing to assure type safety, particularly for languages like C#. My understanding is that C++0x has decided, at least for now, not to offer type-safety in the face of multithreading. That means you might publish an object and, if stores occur out-of-order, the reader could see an object partially initialized with an invalid vtable pointer. In C# and Java, the language designers have thankfully decided to shield programmers from this. The need for fences also extends to unsafe code like strings, where – were it possible for a thread to read the non-zero length before the char* pointer was valid – writes to random memory could occur and hence threaten type-safety. Thankfully, again, C# and Java protect developers from this, mostly due to the automatic zero’ing of memory as the GC allocates and hands out new segments.

There are costs to offering this type safety assurance. So you can understand why the C++ designers want to keep fences out of object allocation. If you have #1 above, however, the costs are dramatically lower and more acceptable. But the world is – unfortunately – still a freethreaded one, and we have several years to go before we’ve reached the final destination. As a step forward, however, the death of volatile is a welcomed one. Say it with me.

“Sayonara volatile.”

Here’s hoping that .NET 5.0 takes this step forward too.






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