
Lab 1: Add Logging to an Application 实验1:给一个应用程序添加日志

In this lab, you will add logging and tracing to an existing application. To begin this exercise, open the EnoughPI.sln file located in the ex01\begin folder. 在这个实验中,你将添加日志和追踪到一个已有的程序中。要开始这个练习,请打开在ex01\begin文件夹中的EnoughPI.sln文件。

Note: This exercise involves writing to the event log. The event log trace listener used in this application automatically registers a new event source, but this requires you to run Visual Studio with elevated permissions. Please run Visual Studio as Administrator for this lab.

注意:这个练习包含写入事件日志。在这个程序中使用的事件日志trace监听器自动注册一个新的事件源,但这个要求你用更高的权限运行Visual Studio。在本实验中请使用管理员身份运行Visual Studio。

To learn about the application 了解这个程序

1.Select the Debug | Start Without Debugging menu command to run the application. 选择 调试|开始执行(不调试) 菜单命令来运行程序。

The EnoughPI application calculates the digits of pi (π, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter). Enter your desired precision via the NumericUpDown control and click the Calculate button. Be prepared to wait if you want more than 500 digits of precision. EnoughPI程序计算pi的数(π,圆的周长与直径的比例)。输入或使用界面上的上下按钮来确定你想要的精度,然后单击计算按钮。如果你想要超过500位的精度,请稍等一段时间。


To add logging to the application 给程序添加日志

  1. Select the EnoughPI project. Select the Project | Manage NuGet Packages menu command or right-click on the References in the Solution Explorer. 选择EnoughPI项目。选择 项目|管理NuGet程序包菜单命令或者在解决方案资源管理器中右键引用。
  2. Select the "Online" option to view NuGet packages available online. 选择"联机"选项来查看联机可用的NuGet程序包。

  3. Search for EntLib6 in the search bar. Select Enterprise Library – Logging Application Block and click install. 在搜索栏搜索EntLib6。选择Enterprise Library – Logging Application Block并单击安装。


  4. Click Accept on the License Acceptance window that pops up. 单击在弹出的许可协议窗口中"接受"按钮。
  5. Select the EntryPoint.cs file in Solution Explorer and view it. 在解决方案资源管理器中选择EntryPoint.cs文件。

Add the following namespace inclusions at the top of the file: 在文件头部添加下面的命名空间:


using System.Diagnostics;
using EnoughPI.Logging; using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Logging; using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Logging.Formatters; using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Logging.TraceListeners;


To configure the application 配置程序

    1. Add the following method to EntryPoint.cs: 添加下列方法到EntryPoint.cs:
       1 private static LoggingConfiguration BuildProgrammaticConfig() 
       2 { 
       4     // Formatter 
       5     TextFormatter formatter = new TextFormatter( 
       6         @"Timestamp:{timestamp(local)}{newline}Message: 
       7         {message}{newline}Category: {category}{newline}Priority: 
       8         {priority}{newline}EventId: {eventid}{newline}ActivityId: 
       9         {property(ActivityId)}{newline}Severity: 
      10         {severity}{newline}Title:{title}{newline}"); 
      12     // Trace Listeners 
      13     var eventLog = new EventLog("Application", ".", "EnoughPI"); 
      14     var eventLogTraceListener = new FormattedEventLogTraceListener( 
      15         eventLog, 
      16         formatter 
      17 ); 
      18     // Build Configuration 
      19     var config = new LoggingConfiguration(); 
      20     config.AddLogSource( 
      21         Category.General, 
      22         SourceLevels.All, 
      23         true).AddTraceListener(eventLogTraceListener); 
      24     return config; 
      25 }

      This LoggingConfiguration consists of a collection of LogSources. Each LogSource specifies a name for the source, the SourceLevel of logs to include, and a Boolean indicating whether or not to enable auto-flush. Adding a TraceListener to the LogSource enables that listener to receive logs from the LogSource and write them to the specified destination with the selected format. For this application, the EventLog source name is set to "EnoughPI." This is the name you will see for log entries when they appear in the Windows Event Log. The LoggingConfiguration specifies that these logs will be listed under the "General" category and that all SourceLevels should be logged. Finally, a LogSource is added to the configuration and the EventLogTraceListener you just created is set to listen to that LogSource. LoggingConfiguration 由一个LogSources集合构成,每个LogSource为源指定一个名称、日志的SourceLevel和一个Boolean指示是否自动刷新。添加一个TraceListenerLogSource中使得监听器可以接受来自LogSource的的日志并将日志通过选中的格式化方法写到指定的目的地。在这个程序中,EventLog源的名称被设定为"EnoughPI"。这是你将在Windows事件日志中看到的条目的名称。LoggingConfiguration指定了这些日志将被列在"General"级别下,这样,所有的SourceLevels都将被记录。最后,一个LogSource被添加到了配置中而你刚刚创建的EventLogTraceListener将被设置来监听LogSource。

    2. Change the Logger to use this configuration and to dispose it after the application runs in the Main method: 在Main函数中修改Logger来使用这个配置信息并在程序运行结束之后释放掉他。
       1 static void Main()
       2 {
       3     Application.ThreadException +=
       4         new System.Threading.ThreadExceptionEventHandler(
       5     Application_ThreadException);
       6     Logger.SetLogWriter(new LogWriter(BuildProgrammaticConfig()));
       7     Form entryForm = new MainForm();
       8     Application.EnableVisualStyles();
       9     Application.Run(entryForm);
      10     // shut down the logger to flush all buffers
      11     Logger.Reset();
      12 } 

      The Logger façade is a singleton, so setting it in the EntryPoint enables the same Log Writer instance to be used in all other classes in this project that require logging (for example, The Calculator class) without configuring it more than once. Logger是一个单例,所以在入口点设置就能让在这个项目中的其他需要记录日志的类(例如Calculator类)中使用相同的日志记录器实例,而不用每次使用都做配置。

      Note: Using the Logger façade is the simplest use of the Logging Application Block, especially when having only one instance of the LogWriter class, which is the most common case. Nevertheless, in applications that use an Inversion of Control (IoC) Container, you might consider registering the instance of LogWriter directly, so that it can be injected in dependent objects as opposed to those dependent objects using the static façade.


    3. Open the Calc/Calculator.cs file and add the following using statement. 打开Calc/Calculator.cs文件,然后将下面的引用添加到文件中。

      using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Logging;

    4. Log the calculation completion by adding the following highlighted code to the OnCalculated method in the Calculator.cs file. 将下面的高亮代码添加到OnCalculated方法中来记录计算完成日志。 
         1:  protected void OnCalculated(CalculatedEventArgs args) 
         2:  { 
         3:      // TODO: Log final result 
      Logger.Write(string.Format("Calculated PI to {0} digits",
         9:      if (Calculated != null) 
        10:          Calculated(this, args);     
        11:  }
  1. You have used constants for the Category and Priority rather than use hard-coded tags and integers (see Constants.cs in the EnoughPI.Logging project). This is not required but it is useful for consistency throughout your entire application.


    Log the calculation progress by adding the following code to the OnCalculating method in the Calculator.cs file. 通过在OnCalculating方法中添加下面代码来记录计算过程日志。

       1:  protected void OnCalculating(CalculatingEventArgs args) 
       2:  { 
       3:      // TODO: Log progress 
    string.Format("Calculating next 9 digits from {0}",
      10:      if (Calculating != null) 
      11:          Calculating(this, args); 
      12:      if (args.Cancel == true) 
      13:      { 
      14:          // TODO: Log cancellation 
    Logger.Write("Calculation cancelled by user!",
    Category.General, Priority.High, 100);
      17:      } 
      18:  }
  2. Log calculation exceptions by adding the following code to the OnCalculatorException method in the Calculator.cs file. 通过将下列代码添加到OnCalculatorExcetption方法中来记录计算的异常。


   1:  protected void OnCalculatorException(CalculatorExceptionEventArgs args) 
   2:  { 
   3:      // TODO: Log exception 
   4:      if (!(args.Exception is ConfigurationErrorsException)) 
   5:      { 
  10:      } 
  11:      if (CalculatorException != null) 
  12:          CalculatorException(this, args); 
  13:  }


You must test that the exception type is not a ConfigurationErrorsException as you would not be able to use the Logger if it has not been correctly configured. 你必须测试异常类型不是ConfigurationErrorsException,否则如果有任何不正确配置你就不能使用Looger。

You would normally use the Enterprise Library Exception Handling Application Block to create a consistent strategy for processing exceptions. 你可以简单的使用企业库异常处理应用程序块来创建一个一致的策略来处理异常。


To run the application 运行程序

  1. Select the Debug | Start Without Debugging menu command to run the application. Enter your desired precision and click the Calculate button. As mentioned above, the first time you run the application, you'll need to have administrative privileges to get the event source registered. 选择 调试|开始执行(不调试)菜单命令来运行程序。输入你期望的精度然后单击"Calculate"按钮,正如上面提到的,你第一次运行程序时,你需要使用管理员身份来获得事件源。

    Note: Sources used in the event log trace listener must be registered with the event log. The event log trace listener automatically registers a new source the first time it is used, but this requires administrative privileges, so running the application as an administrator the first time is necessary.


  2. Run the event viewer. From the Control Panel in Windows, select Administrative Tools and then select the Event Viewer. View the application log for messages from the EnoughPI source, as shown below. 运行事件查看器。在控制面板中,选择管理工具然后选择事件查看器。查看应用程序日志,在显示的内容中找到EnoughPI源。

  3. Double-click a log entry to view the formatted log message, as the following screenshot illustrates. 双击一个日志条目来查看格式化后的日志消息,例如下面的截图。



  4. 退出程序



Often, you would like to time the execution of sections of your application. The Logging Application Block includes tracing, which allows you to bookend a section of code and log the execution time. 通常,你会设定你的程序在不同场景的运行用时。在日志应用程序块中包含了tracing,它允许你定义一个代码场景和记录执行用时间

To add tracing to the application 向程序添加tracing追踪

  1. Select the Calc\Calculator.cs file in the Solution Explorer. Select the View | Code menu command. 在解决方案资源管理器中选择Calc\Calcualtor.cs文件,选择 视图|代码 菜单命令。
  2. Add a private field to the class to hold a TraceManager instance that you will use to trace execution. Initialize the TraceManager in the Calculator constructor using the Logger façade's LogWriter: 添加一个私有字段到类中,用来保存TraceManager实例,这个实例你将用来追踪执行。在Calculator的构造函数中使用Logger静态类的LogWriter初始化TraceManager。


       1:  public Calculator() 
       2:  { 
    traceMgr = new TraceManager(Logger.Writer);
       4:  }
  3. Locate the Calculate method and add the following highlighted code to create a new Tracer instance that wraps the code that performs the calculation: 定位到Calculate方法然后添加下面的高亮代码用来创建一个新的Tracer实例,包裹计算的代码。
     The tracer will stop timing, and log its end trace message, when it is disposed. The using block guarantees that Dispose will be called on the tracer at the end of the block. Allowing the garbage collector to dispose of the tracer will result in incorrect timings. Tracer将会停止计时,然后当它被回收时,将消息记录在trace消息的结尾。Using块保证了在块结束的时候会调用tracer的Dispose。允许垃圾回收器回收tracer将会返回计算的时间。


       1:  public string Calculate(int digits) 
       2:  { 
       3:      StringBuilder pi = new StringBuilder("3", digits + 2); 
       4:      string result = null; 
       5:      try 
       6:      { 
       7:          if (digits > 0) 
       8:          { 
       9:              // TODO: Add Tracing around the calculation 
    using (Tracer trace = traceMgr.StartTrace(Category.Trace))
      12:                  pi.Append("."); 
      13:                  for (int i = 0; i < digits; i += 9) 
      14:                  { 
      15:                      CalculatingEventArgs args; 
      16:                      args = new CalculatingEventArgs(pi.ToString(), i+1); 
      17:                      OnCalculating(args); 
      18:                      // Break out if cancelled 
      19:                      if (args.Cancel == true) break; 
      20:                      // Calculate next 9 digits 
      21:                      int nineDigits = NineDigitsOfPi.StartingAt(i+1); 
      22:                      int digitCount = Math.Min(digits - i, 9); 
      23:                      string ds = string.Format("{0:D9}", nineDigits); 
      24:                      pi.Append(ds.Substring(0, digitCount)); 
      25:                  } 
      27:          } 
      28:          result = pi.ToString(); 
      29:          // Tell the world I've finished! 
      30:          OnCalculated(new CalculatedEventArgs(result)); 
      31:      } 
      32:      catch (Exception ex) 
      33:      { 
      34:          // Tell the world I've crashed! 
      35:          OnCalculatorException(new CalculatorExceptionEventArgs(ex)); 
      36:      } 
      37:      return result; 
      38:  }
  4. Update the BuildProgrammaticConfig method in EntryPoint.cs to enable tracing. 更新在EntryPoint.cs文件中的BuildProgrammaticConfig方法来启用tracing。


       1:  private static LoggingConfiguration BuildProgrammaticConfig() 
       2:  { 
       3:      // Formatter 
       4:      TextFormatter formatter = new TextFormatter("Timestamp: 
       5:          {timestamp(local)}{newline}Message: {message}{newline}Category: 
       6:          {category}{newline}Priority: {priority}{newline}EventId: 
       7:          {eventid}{newline}ActivityId: 
       8:          {property(ActivityId)}{newline}Severity: 
       9:          {severity}{newline}Title:{title}{newline}"); 
      11:      // Trace Listeners 
      13:      var eventLog = new EventLog("Application", ".", "EnoughPI");
      14:      var eventLogTraceListener = new 
      15:          FormattedEventLogTraceListener(eventLog, formatter); 
      17:      // Build Configuration 
      19:      var config = new LoggingConfiguration();
      20:      config.AddLogSource(Category.General, SourceLevels.All,
      21:          true).AddTraceListener(eventLogTraceListener); 
    config.IsTracingEnabled = true;
      24:      return config; 
      25:  }


    • Add a new trace listener that will write its output to a disk file and create an event source that utilizes this listener. 添加一个新的Trace监听器,然后将会将输出写入磁盘文件并创建一个事件源来利用这个监听器。


       1:  private static LoggingConfiguration BuildProgrammaticConfig() 
       2:  { 
       3:      // Formatter 
       4:      TextFormatter formatter = new TextFormatter("Timestamp:  
       5:         {timestamp(local)}{newline}Message: {message}{newline}Category: 
       6:         {category}{newline}Priority: {priority}{newline}EventId:  
       7:         {eventid}{newline}ActivityId:  
       8:         {property(ActivityId)}{newline}Severity: 
       9:         {severity}{newline}Title:{title}{newline}"); 
      11:      // Trace Listeners 
      12:      var eventLog = new EventLog("Application", ".", "EnoughPI"); 
      13:      var eventLogTraceListener = new 
      14:         FormattedEventLogTraceListener(eventLog, formatter); 
    var flatFileTraceListener = new FlatFileTraceListener(
      21:      // Build Configuration 
      22:      var config = new LoggingConfiguration(); 
      23:      config.AddLogSource(Category.General, SourceLevels.All, 
      24:         true).AddTraceListener(eventLogTraceListener); 
    config.AddLogSource(Category.Trace, SourceLevels.ActivityTracing,
      29:       config.IsTracingEnabled = true; 
      31:        return config; 
      32:  }

    This Flat File Trace Listener will use the same Text Formatter utilized in the Event Log. The event source added is called "Trace", utilizing the constant Category name Trace 这个Flat File Trace监听器将会使用与Event Log相同的文本格式器。事件源添加这个叫做"Trace",利用常量分类名Trace(见EnoughPI.Logging项目的Constants.cs文件)。

    (see Constants.cs in the EnoughPI.Logging project). Using the ActivityTracing source level will restrict the trace logging to the start and end log entries only.使用ActivityTracing源级别将会约束trace仅仅记录开始和结束的日志条目。

To run the application with tracing 在tracing下运行应用程序

  1. Select the Debug | Start Without Debugging menu command to run the application. Enter your desired precision and click the Calculate button. 选择 调试|开始执行(不调试) 菜单命令来运行程序。输入你期望的精度然后单击运算按钮。
  2. You may view the elapsed time for the trace in the trace.log file, which you will find in the C:\Temp Folder. 你可以在trace.log文件中看到使用的时间,这个文件你可以在C:\Temp Folder文件夹中找到。

Timestamp: 13/12/2005 6:08:01 AM
Message: Start Trace: Activity '8c07ce3b-235b-4a51-bdcc-83a5997c989e'
in method 'Calculate' at 71661842482 ticks
Category: Trace
Priority: 5
EventId: 1
Severity: Start
Machine: ##########
Application Domain: EnoughPI.exe
Process Id: 6016
Process Name: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Enterprise
Win32 Thread Id: 6092
Thread Name: 
Extended Properties: 
Timestamp: 13/12/2005 6:08:01 AM
Message: End Trace: Activity '8c07ce3b-235b-4a51-bdcc-83a5997c989e' in
method 'Calculate' at 71662624219 ticks (elapsed time: 0.218 seconds)
Category: Trace
Priority: 5
EventId: 1
Severity: Stop
Machine: ##########
Application Domain: EnoughPI.exe
Process Id: 6016
Process Name: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Enterprise
Win32 Thread Id: 6092
Thread Name: 
Extended Properties: 

Your file should look similar to the above output, though will have different values for the GUID, machine name, and other process-specific details. 你的文件看起来跟上面的输出相似,不过会有一些不同的值,例如GUID,机器名和其他处理细节信息。

3.Close the application and Visual Studio. 关闭程序和Visual Studio。

To verify that you have completed the exercise correctly, you can use the solution provided in the ex01\end folder. 要验证你是否正确的完成了练习,你可打开提供的ex01\end文件夹的项目,对比你的练习结果。






当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


