


  1. 交际用语
    • -You’ve been busy, haven’t you?
      B:Yes, I’ve been working hard on my paper
    • Would you please hold these bags for me?
      C: Yes, with pleasure.
    • Is it all right that I go home early tonight?
      B:Yes, go ahead.
    • What’s after the play?
      D:I’m not sure. May be it’s a football match.
    • Here’s my car. Do you want a ride?
      C:That’s very kind of you. Thanks
  2. 阅读理解(6-20)
    • How would you treat temporary loneliness according to the passage?
      B:Just ignore it.
    • “It” in the last sentence of the second paragraph refers to ________ .
      B:situational loneliness
    • The topic of the fourth paragraph is that ______ .
      A:one problem of loneliness is a person’s social contacts.
    • Why do psychologists want to help chronically lonely people?
      B:Chronic loneliness can cause serious illness.
    • What is the best tile for the passage?
      A:Three Kinds of Loneliness.
    • The main purpose of announcing the above events is to give information about ____ .
      C:things to do for the weekend
    • If you take part in the bike tour, you will ride for ____.
      D:110 kilometers
    • The underlined word “leg” in “Bicycle tour and race” probably means_____.
      D:part of the tour
    • What is special about the rock climbing competition?
      B:You can watch it without paying.
    • If you want to find something to do for Saturday afternoon, which telephone number will you call?
    • You can hardly imagine Jane ____ the housework all by herself.
    • You ____ out yesterday without a coat. No wonder you caught cold.
      A:shouldn’t have gone
    • It’s a beautiful dress, but I don’t think it ____ the price you paid for.
    • ____ you’ve found, you must give it back to the person it belongs to.
    • Shocked at what he had just been told, Julian put his phone down as if he _____ a ghost.
      C:had just seen
  3. 完形填空(21-30题)

    Nowhere 21 seen a more untidy office than my friend Jame’s. Everywhere there are papers and books. Not only 22 never to be cleaned out, but also I do not think it is ever aired, for at no time have I seen any of the windows open. Often I have 23 James that he should open one, but each time he answered, “Not just now, Henry, later”. Luckily I do not have to go there very often nor do I stay there longer than I have to. Strangely enough, James is quite tidy outside his office. Only once have I seen him with a dirty 24 , for example. Nor is he careless about things like invitations. At no time 25 been known to forget a party, and no sooner does he receive an invitation 26 he answers it. Unfortunately, his office is quite differently run. Perhaps he does not like such a work. In his garden in the evenings and 27 , James is happy as soon as he gets home from the office. He begins to work in the garden. Always he seems to have some work to do there. and nowhere in his garden is there a curlier which is not tidy and well looked 28 . Seldom have I seen prettier flowers, or healthier vegetables, or smoother, greener grass than in James garden. Really. I think he ought 29 a farmer, so good is he 30 such work.

    • A:have I
    • A:does it seem
    • B:suggested
    • B:collar
    • C:has he
    • A:than
    • D:at week-ends
    • B:after
    • C:to have been
    • B:at
  4. 简答
    • If you travel by ship across the Pacific Ocean, you cross the International line.
    • People always hate mice, but one mouse won the people’s heart of the whole world.
    • We admire him although he makes a lot of mistakes; after all he is a great man.
  5. 作文
    • My Views on the Internet
      I feel that the internet is a very advanced information networking,and simplifies the task of gathering information,once you’ve mastered the language,that is.I feel that learning how to use the internet takes up too much time.Almost every week,something new pops up in the internet world and that info has to be transmitted into the brain.It’s like a whole new language,except that this language is constantly adding new terms and deleting the old.It is somehting that needs to be kept up or you’ll fall behind in the cyberspace world.
      As a community,I believe we should all work together to help the older generation learn the concepts and advantages of the internet.As a result,more computer classes and internet information centers should be available to people since the internet seems to be a major part of people’s lives at the present moment.I can’t see into the future,but it just seems that the cyberspace community will expand to include every single person.



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