
Call out

This is …

Is this…

Is this Dr Jim Baker’s office

Is this finance department

Is Mark there?

Hello, John

Do u mind if I use your phone?

May I speak to …

Sorry for calling you this late

Hope not I am not disturbing you.

Hope I did not wake you up.

It’s urgent I talk to Mr…

I am calling about tomorrow’s meeting

I am returning your call


Call in


It’s me.

ABC Business college, may I help you

Who’s calling , pls?

Who in particular would you like to talk to ?

He’s been expecting your call.

Which Susuki do you want to talk to ?
There are three Susuki here.

Would you mind calling back later?

Extension 103,pls.

I connect you to extension 103

Hold on pls.

I’ll put him on.

I’ll transfter your call .

I'll get your party for you

I am transfering your call to sales apartment

Mr Paker is on line 1.

You have a call from  Mr ..of ABC.

Your party is on the line.


Can’t answer a call:

Her line is busy now.

Sorry, he‘s tied up at the moment.

Sorry, she has a company at this time

Would you like to hold?

He’s away from his desk now

He’s in but he’s not at his desk right now.

When is he coming back?

He should be back in 10 mins.

He should be back in the office next week.

He is on vacation until next week.

He called in sick today.

He’s out of town now.

He‘s out to lunch now.

He’s in a meeting now.

He’s off today.


Leave/take a message:

Could you call back later?

May I take a message?

Can I leave a message?

I’ll try again later.

I called you but your line was busy

Would you tell that …called?

Please tell him to call me.

How can he get a hold of you?

Your number, please?

My number is ….

You can reach me at 1234123 until 6 o’clock .

How do you spell your name?

Mr Smith call you during the meeting

I have him call you back.

Let me repeat the number, that’s ….


Hang up

Thanks for calling.

Please call again any time.

I’d better get off the phone.

I have to go now.

I guess I’d better get going.

Nice talking to you, bye

Please hang up the phone

I was cut off

He hung up on me

The phone went dead


Wrong number

I’m afraid you have the wrong number.

What number are you calling?

Who would you like to talk to?

There is no one here by the name

There is no Bob Hope in this office.

Sorry, I must have a miss dial.


Telephone recording.

This is a recording. *录音带中的固定说法

This is Gerry of ABC , please  call me back when you get home.


Difficulty in a call:

Please speak a little more slowly

I can’t hear you very well

We have a bad connection.

Could you speak up please?

The lines are crossed.

Sorry to have kept you waiting .

Thank you for waiting

You give the wrong number





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