interview 几点总结

1.把里面你提到的skill set ,任何一点都能想出几句话来说。如果你说你会Design Pattern,你要真的能举多于一个Design pattern的例子
3.最好把那些比较容易提问的key tech,做一些PPT,面试前看一下,一目了然

First round interview:
1.Written test
1)看面试你的是什么人,如果project manager, 会直接进入主题,按照你的Resume 一条一条的看,感兴趣的就问。基本就是问project,偶尔问几个技术问题。
2)如果HR也在这一轮出现,问的问题都很general, 例如为什么要离开现在公司,有什么career goal,之类

1.为什么要离开现在的公司。我的回答是seeking new career opportunity.
他们会顺着问,你在找什么样opportunity, 和当前的工作有什么不同。
比如只是环境的不同,或者能学到新东西(tech knowledge,indurstry knowledge), enrich the experience...

  缺点呢,一定不能说自己真正的缺点。要说自己有点perfectionist, 自己做的太快需要等待之类的。
3.当面试者问你还有什么问题,你一定要肯定的说"yes, I have some questions",这样让他们觉得你对这个工作感兴趣。
  -working hour/working load(OT)
  -who is the role will report to
  -the core responsibility (先说你的了解,但是你还想知道更详细的,否则显得你不知道这份工作做什么就是来面试了。。。)
  -last question: when should I expect to hear back from you ?



The questions you ask on a job interview as an interviewee are related to timing. Here are some job interview tips and typical interviewee questions you may ask during your job interview:

  • Job description and job duties: The job interview is the best time to find out what will be expected of you if you are hired for the position. Things change, job duties change, and workers have to adapt themselves to the changes too.  You can ask to have full job description if you don’t want to be surprised later.
  • Work Culture: You would also want to know what kind of colleagues you will be working with. In fact, this is one of the most important questions because these are the people with whom you will be spending the better part of your waking day.
  • Future Prospects: You will want to ask about the growth of the company and the position for which you are applying. Get to know the vision of the company and its future plans and prospects. What are the position’s typical hours? Gone are the days when a workday has standard hours. With the advent of globalization, the business world has grasped the concept of 24/7. Therefore, you should ask about the typical workload.
  • What does the company actually do? Prior to an interview, you should research the company’s mission. Ask informed questions related to how the company reaches its goals and how the company is structured.
  • Hiring Practices: Be certain about the nature of your employment . Are they looking to hire a full time employee, part-time employee, or a consultant. There is a major difference between the three job profiles. Therefore, it is best to clear it out at the very outset.
  • Salary: If you are offered the job, make sure you are completely clear on what your salary will be and what benefits come along with it. You can ask some questions related to this during the interview, but do not question to specifically until you are selected for the position. Refer to Salary Negotiation Tips .


Questions about the company:

  1. Why is this company so attractive?
  2. What do you like about working for this company?
  3. What attracted you (the interviewer) to this organization?
  4. What do you like the most about working for this company?
  5. What do you consider to be the company’s strengths?
  6. What are the company’s long and short term goals?
  7. What is the management style of the organization?

Questions about the job:

  1. What projects and assignments will I be working on the first day?
  2. What are the current challenges for my position?
  3. What are the main aspects for making the difference in this position?
  4. What are the most challenging aspects of my job?
  5. With whom will I be working most closely?
  6. Who are my team members?

Questions about career growth and performance:

  1. Can you describe the opportunities for advancement and the company’s promotional policy?
  2. What is the uniqueness of the talent employees within the organization?
  3. What feedback/support will I get? Who will determine my work goals?
  4. Who will evaluate my performance? What are the performance appraisal methods and the advancement opportunities?
  5. Do I get on the job training and external/professional training?

Questions about the hiring process:

  1. When shell I expect to hear back from you?
  2. How soon can I start working in this position?
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