Why choose Java?

Why choose Java?

Posted by mlam on April 17, 2007 at 03:09 AM | Comments (10)

Or as the lawyers will probably correct me, the question in the title would more accurately be phrased as "Why Choose the Java platform?". If you've been following my blog, you may notice that I haven't written in a while. This is because I've been really busy with my day job. One of the things that the job brought me on recently was a road trip to meet with some customers.

On this trip, I had the pleasure of having a conversation with an esteemed fellow embedded systems developer who was trying to understand the Java platform. He asked, "Why Java?". Such a simple question (simple only in its phrasing), but so pertinent. In his case, he was relatively new to Java, but has been doing embedded systems development for a long time. What he was asking was actually (1) why the Java platform is relevent for his projects (i.e. an embedded systems device), and (2) why he should choose it over available alternatives.

To be honest, I was a little caught off guard by this question. I had to pause for a while to think. On the spot, the only way I could think of to answer his question in the proper context was to tell him my personal story of how I came to choose the Java platform myself. This was the same event that motivated me to learn about the internals of a Java VM which got me hooked, and eventually led me to come work for Sun. I thought that the answer to this question that he asked may also be pertinent and interesting to other embedded systems developers who may not yet know of the advantages of the Java platform. So, I decided to share it with you here.

Complexity & Human Limitations
Before joining Sun, I used to work on an embedded system device that runs games that involve money. Hence, the device needs to be secure on many levels because of the money aspect. The security aspects (e.g. transactional programming, using redundancies, fault tolerance, etc.) require specialized domain specific knowledge in order to do things correctly in a secure way.

On the other hand, the product also needs to be open to a large population of developers in order to get more content (i.e. games) for it. It's not easy to find a lot of game developers who are competent enough to develop secure applications. So, I had a dilemma: how do I allow a lot of game developers to work on the software for this device without risking compromise to the security of the system? With the number of developers increasing, the chance of someone accidentally introducing stray pointers (or name your favorite bug) that compromises the system also increases.

And this is not strictly an issue of the competence of the game developers either. No matter good an engineer you are, everyone has bad days when they are tired (or sick or whatever), and makes mistakes. It would be nice if I knew for sure that the critical parts of the systems are protected from any mistakes I may make when I'm concentrating on game development (i.e. when I'm not thinking so much about the security aspect).

So, how did I seek to deal with this dilemma? The answer is ...

Use a Scripting Language
What I actually mean is: use a runtime interpreted scripting language. Let the content developers write their content with the scripting language instead of native code for the device. Using such a scripting language will give you these benefits:

  1. Isolation
    The scripting language serves as an abstraction of the device. It only exposes the APIs that the content developer needs. Critical code is not exposed, and is therefore inaccessible to the content developer, thereby preventing any intentional meddling with the critical code.

    In additon, a scripting language can prevent the content developers from doing any pointer manipulation. This solves the problem with stray pointers that can unintentionally crash the system or interfere with the critical code.

  2. Human Resource Options
    You can afford to put more engineers on your project to develop the needed content without having to train all of them to be experts in the critical code. They don't need to know how to not compromise the critical code. The scripting environment simply shields the critical code from them.

    If desired, you can also outsource some content development or make a software development kit (SDK) publicly available. Let other people develop the content for your device without having to worry about their code compromising your product e.g. crashing it, etc.

    You also don't need to give them access to the source of critical code. The scripting language and APIs are all they need. Note that, in some industries, it is a requirement that critical pieces of code are not publicly viewable. Without a scripting language abstraction, you may not have the option to let external developers build content for your device.

  3. Upgradeability
    A scripting language is "interpreted". With that, it is usually possible to deploy more code into your device after the device has shipped. The code can be deployed over a network or loaded from some removable media like a CD.

    This feature has many uses. Here are some:

    1. Deploying bug fixes: you can replace buggy modules in your device without having to recall the devices. This helps improve customer satisfaction, and reduce your field support costs. In the U.S., customer dissatisfaction can mean (1) they will return your product i.e. loss of present business, and (2) you'll get a bad reputation i.e. loss of future business. Hence, this feature directly contributes to your profitability.

    2. Sales of feature upgrades: you can develop additional content that the customer can choose to purchase over the network. This allows you to monetize your investment beyond the initial sales of the device.

    3. Conservation of resources: unused code modules can be unloaded from memory. Only used content need to occupy memory. This reduces your hardware cost in terms of memory capacity needed. It can also improve your device power consumption (for devices which need to be low powered). By allowing you to operate in less RAM, you don't always have to keep all RAM modules energized, thereby saving power.

Once I understood the benefits of this approach, I set about creating my own scripting language. However, in order for the content to be interesting, the scripting language needed to provide more and more functionality like that of a full programming language. After numerous enhancements to the script engine, eventually I realized that I am re-inventing a solution just like the Java programming language.

the Java platform as a Scripting Engine
But why use the Java platform instead of rolling your own? Well, here's why:

  1. the Java platform is standardized
    The specifications are publicly available from various sources. There are many books / online resources / tutorials on how to develop on it. Hence, it'll be easier to find developers who can be productive sooner. There are also abundant resources to train new developers if needed. You won't have to develop the training material on the platform yourself.

  2. the Java platform is a mature technology
    The Java platform has been around for a while and has been tested and deployed in many industries. It is mature both in terms of implementation as well as APIs. There's less risk that there's some bug in the platform that poses security risks, or has some intrinsic flaw in its architecture.

  3. Vendor Choice
    Multiple vendors provides compliant implementations of the Java platform (Sun isn't the only one). You can pick the one that best fits your needs and development budget.

  4. Availability of Development Tools
    No need to write and maintain your own debugger. You can buy one, and get on with developing and debugging your content, instead of wasting time debugging the scripting engine and the tools.

  5. JIT Technology
    These days, most Java VM implementations come with good to state of the art JIT technology that makes its "interpreted" code run at compiled code speeds. You won't necessarily have the time nor resources to develop equivalent technology for your own personal scripting platform.

  6. Community Support
    There is a large community of companies and developers who are continually working to improve the features and implementation quality of the Java platform, and you get to benefit from their efforts. You're on your own if you roll your own scripting platform.

  7. Future Proofing your Investment
    One of the Java platform's greatest strengths is its Write-Once-Run-Anywhere (WORA) goal. Yes, in practice, it is not perfect, but there is still a lot of value in this. Simply put, your investment in application code that you write today will not be wasted in the future because they will still run in all future versions of your products. Of course, a port of the Java platform will be needed for your next generation devices. More on this below.

  8. Developer Productivity
    The Java programming language is a real programming language complete with well-defined syntax and grammar. Developers can actually write complex logic in it as expected from any programming language. They aren't just limited to working with a canned set of widgets that you provided script wrappers for. They can actually add their own enhancements or custom widgets when needed.

    The platform also comes with a rich set of APIs. This mean developers spend less time writing support libraries, and more time developing content for your product.

    Of course, there are the usual benefits of programming with the Java programming language and its APIs:

    • object-oriented paradigm - yeah, I know it's obvious, but it's worth mentioning.

    • garbage collection - no more stray pointer problems.

    • classloading - you can dynamically deploy more code after your device has been deployed.

    • multi-threading - threads are native in the Java platform. If you need it, you can implement multi-threaded solutions with ease.

    • robust security architecture - you can deployed fine-grained security control if you want. No need to re-invent your own, and risk inventing one that has security holes.

    • networking - standard APIs allow you to do networking easily.

    It would take a lot of work for you to implement a platform with the same amount of features, and to get it to the necessary level of maturity and reliability for product deployment.

Why not use another scripting or interpreted technology?
The only other "interpreted" platform (that I know of) that comes close to the Java platform in terms of most of the above benefits is Microsoft's .NET. I thought it was a great testimony to the power of the Java platform that Microsoft had to develop a runtime interpreted platform of their own after seeing what the Java platform can do. The downside with .NET is that there is currently only one vendor for it i.e. Microsoft. Sure, there's the MONO project which is owned by Novell now, I think. I don't know how complete the MONO implementation is at present. In general, your vendor choices are far more limited than with the Java platform.

Other alternatives are scripting languages like JavaScript, Python, Ruby, etc. Some of these are actually on today's hot list of technologies. There's a lot of buzz around them, but buzz does not necessarily mean that they are a better fit. The downside of these are:

  1. Some of these are not as mature as the Java platform.

  2. Lack of a community of developers to support them (for some).

  3. Features (e.g. multi-threading, security architecture) may be lacking or non-existent.

  4. Lack of APIs. They usually don't come with a rich set of standard APIs like the Java platform.

  5. Performance may not be as good because most of these are executed using text-based interpretation, which is a lot slower than Java bytecode interpretation let alone Java JIT technology.

  6. Development tools (e.g. debuggers) may be rare or not available for them. In fact, this is one of the most common complaints from developers who have to work with these technologies.

  7. Less availability of engineers trained in most of these languages. This one is just my guess, but I have read survey results which show that the Java programming language is among the top most popular languages among developers today (ranked first or second depending on which survey). The other most popular language is C/C++. The rest of these are much lower in popularity and developer count.

What is certain is that none of them have all the advantages of the Java platform in a single package. Certainly, you can enhance these technologies and eventually get to where the Java platform is. But if you're not a platform developer, I'm guessing that you would be much more interested in getting on with your product development than having to enhance the platform that you build your products on.

At the end of the day, your product is what makes money for you. The platform that it is built on does not (at least not in an immediate sense). Hence, it makes more sense that you should invest your time on your product instead of trying to upgrade an immature platform. Note that this is also a major reason why the Java platform is preferable over rolling your own scripting language.

Future Proofing
Future proofing your investments means to ensure that it does not lose its value significantly over time. Let's consider a few scenarios of how this issue is relevant to your product development:

  1. Cost of Components
    Over time, more powerful hardware becomes cheaper. Alternatively, other OSes become more viable or cheaper to license. Hence, you may be interested in implementing the next generation of your product on this new CPU/OS. Ideally, you would want to be able to reuse the majority of your existing software to minimize development cost.

  2. Different Hardware Class Offerings
    When a product is successful, you may want to offer alternate class of the same product at different price points to maximize your market. For example, a low-end, mid-range, and high-end class of your products each with a different underlying CPU/OS. The use of different CPU/OS is not by choice but rather, is driven by the cost budget and capabilities of each of the class of devices. However, even though the hardware may vary, ideally, you would want most of your software to be able to run on all of them.

  3. Hardware Obsolescence
    A hardware part may cease to be offered by the manufacturer. Hence, you may be forced to do a hardware re-design. Since hardware re-designs are expensive processes anyway, you might want to take the opportunity to change other components as well either for cost reduction or feature enhancements. Regardless of the changes, you will still want the majority of your existing software base to just work on the new hardware.

These scenarios are not uncommon in the embedded systems world. They are examples of when there may be a good reason to change the underlying hardware that powers your device. Yet, in all these cases, you would want to minimize your cost. Software development is definitely one of the greatest costs in any embedded system development effort. With the Java platform's WORA characteristic, the majority of your software (the parts that are written in the Java programming language) are reusable on your new hardware.

Of course, this reuse isn't entirely free. You will need a new port of the Java platform for your new device. However, the effort to port a Java platform will be significantly less than the effort to port all your code if they were not written in a platform independent language like the Java programming language. There are more details about this in the section below.

Why not use a native solution?
Certainly, with C/C++ and Linux, you can have a lot of the features that you get with the Java platform. There are a lot of developers who know C/C++ and Linux. There are a lot of development tools available. You can even get the upgradeability feature using shared libraries. Well, the downside is:

  1. No Isolation
    You'll have the same stray pointer problems you started with. And, You won't have the option to let 3rd party developers work on your content software due to security or quality risks.

  2. Higher Development Cost
    In the event that you have a need to introduce new hardware, you will need to at least recompiled all your code for the new device. And you will also need to re-test your code on the new device. In addition, for each new piece of content software that you develop, you will have to compile the new software for and test on all your device flavors. This increases development time significantly.

  3. Deployment & Maintenance Cost
    Let's say you have a network server that allows your device to download bug fixes or software upgrades for purchase by users. You will now need to keep a different version of each software for each device type. Managing and tracking all the different versions adds to your deployment costs.

    When you need to do a bug fix, you will need to compile and test the bug fix for all device architectures, and deploy all versions on your server. This increases your maintenance cost.

But wait a minute. With the Java solution, don't you have to port and retest the Java implementation as well? Yes, you do. But the porting cost is reduced because it is confined only to the Java platform as opposed to your entire code base. Also, with the large Java developer community, there may already be a port to the new hardware (especially if you are using standard hardware). All these factors will lessen your porting cost also.

What about testing? With the Java platform, there are standard test suites that check for API conformance i.e. they test the API signatures, as well as their expected behavior. They also test the VM's behavior. These tests are known as the Technology Compliance Kits (TCKs). TCKs are available to licensees of Java technology.

However, the TCKs are not exhaustive tests in terms of code coverage. In addition, Sun has other elaborate testsuites that we use internally to stress test the quality of our Java implementations beyond what is covered by the TCKs. If you want to, you can contract with Sun's Engineering Services (or any other big Java platform implementor who has this offering) to do these tests for you to ensure that your new Java implementation port is compliant, robust, and behaving as you expect it to. Yes, it does cost some money. But at least you have the option if you want it.

The Costs of a Native Solution
Consider the alternative of developing on C/C++ and Linux directly. Note that C/C++ compilers have been known to have bugs or differences as well. For example, some floating point implementations may have rounding problems. Or the floating point behavior on different CPUs may do rounding slightly differently. These difference will often go unnoticed. The only reason we knew about them is because our TCKs caught them when our VM ports are built for different CPUs. You will care about this if your software happens to depend on certain behaviour that happened to change when you moved to a new CPU. This means that to be sure, you will really have to test all your software on all your device flavors.

A similar issue goes for Linux (or whatever OS you are using). What compliance tests are there to ensure that the OS will behave in exactly the same way such that you can expect your existing software to work correctly when they are re-compiled for the new device? Usually, there are none.

With a Java implementation, you can reduce the testing cost, and do it effectively by only testing at the Java platform level. You also have the option to get help in testing it if you don't have the time to do it yourself, or want added confidence in the quality of the port. These options do not exist for using a direct to native solution. You may still test some of your software applications on your various device flavors for added confidence, but you won't need to test all variations in order to achieve a high level of confidence because of the conformance of the Java implementation port.

What about Legacy Code?
You may already have a lot of legacy code from previous products. Do you have to re-implement all of this in the Java programming language immediately if you were to deploy your new system on the Java platform? The answer is no. You should re-implement the parts that make sense, and would yield benefits from being implemented in the Java programming language. The remaining bits can be accessed through the Java Native Interface (JNI). Hence, you can choose to pay the price of porting the legacy code only when it would yield gains or is meaningful for you. This porting strategy allows you to reduce time to market for your new device as well as reduce unnecessary up-front development cost in terms of porting.

Of course, there are natural benefits to having all of the code implemented in the Java programming language (as explained above). If this option is available to you, you may want to seriously consider it. Or alternatively, you can plan a strategy to do the porting of legacy code gradually over time so as to amortize the cost of doing so over many product releases.

In the above, I've explained why it makes sense both from a technical and business sense to implement your product on the Java platform. Of course, it would be incorrect for me to say that the Java platform is suitable for all embedded systems development. There can always be exceptions, but in general, the platform does offer many benefits in this space and should be considered seriously.

Of course, when it comes to embedded development, there can also be other issues like real-time characteristics, thread priority issues, etc. Generally, none of these issues should make it prohibitive for you to deploy your product on the Java platform. As for the details, I will leave that for another article and another day.

Hence, the conclusion for today is: you should choose the Java platform because it makes sense to do so. :-)

Tags: CDC CVM Java J2ME JavaME JIT phoneME phoneME Advanced embedded systems

Comments are listed in date ascending order (oldest first) | Post Comment

  • Hi, I agree with most of what you are saying. But as many Java developers might confirm, due to JVM differences there isn't that much different to port Java and C/C++ applications when these are coded with portability in mind. J2ME portability? Differences between J2EE servers? That also has development costs.

    Posted by: pjmlp on April 19, 2007 at 03:48 AM

  • Hi Mark You are right. As I understand that you are talking with respect to Embedded devices. I have following observation that is needed inside an embedded space: Access to low level hardware is necessary to have complete control on the device you are programming. Interpreted language is very limited in this regard. Also embedded system cant afford any kind of lag. Its well known fact that native code runs much faster (and consumes less memory) enabling embedded system to respond in much faster fashion.

    Also portability, is different from on to other solution. Most of the times its hard to achieve portability in embedded space, However Java was very good in achieving the portability, i can see thousands of j2me application runs on variety of devices without any glitch. But my concern is that, at the same time you cant implement features that you can do in a native development kit, due to lack of low level device access.

    I don't how we will be able to use a scripting language when we designed a embedded system for life support medical system

    Posted by: kunaldeo on April 19, 2007 at 04:43 AM

  • Hi pjmlp,

    I think the issue you raised is valid and deserves a response. However, the issue is a lot more complex than first meets the eye. So, I'll write a response to that in a follow-up blog. Thanks.

    - Mark


    Posted by: mlam on April 19, 2007 at 11:02 AM

  • Hi kunaldeo,

    Thanks for your comment. I started to write a response, but it turned out to be quite lengthy. Just want to say that you brought up some good issues that embedded developers should consider. So, I will address these in my follow-up blog. Thanks.

    - Mark



    Posted by: mlam on April 19, 2007 at 11:58 AM

  • One approach that has been successful in the past is to divide things up between a scripting language and a systems language, an approach best explored by Tcl.

    I have taken this approach with the Hecl programming language, here: http://www.hecl.org

    The idea is that you can use it as a configuration language, or if it's fast enough for what you need, even do most of the app in it, perhaps writing a few commands to do low-level interaction.

    The important point is that it's not a replacement for Java - to make the most out of it, you need to know how to embed and extend it in Java. However, this approach also lets you have a portion of the program that is easily modified via scripts, which increases flexibility, as you note in your post.



    Posted by: davidnwelton on April 20, 2007 at 12:51 AM

  • Hi David,
    That is exactly the approach I was talking about. I will explain more about it (i.e. the issues, tradeoffs, etc) as well in my follow-up blog. Thanks.
    -- Mark

    Posted by: mlam on April 20, 2007 at 07:40 AM

  • You're going on for pages and pages about how Java is this and other languages are that, but you cite no evidence for any of it. You may, for example, believe and rationalize that Java programmers are more productive than programmers in other languages, but belief and rationalization are not evidence. In the end, your blog entry is little more than a fluffy Sun marketing piece.

    Posted by: jherek on April 21, 2007 at 12:19 AM

  • Dear jherek,

    Thank you for your comment. My article is written with the intention to help embedded developers (like myself) find a solution. I do not pretend to be all-knowing. What I can share is only the extent to which I have learned or experienced personally. I did not provide extensive rationalization for every little detail because (1) the article is long enough already, (2) I hold some of my points to be self-evident. I apologize if it is not for you.

    Also, for things of an experiential nature, at some point, the evidence falls on the testimony of some expert. Though I am not an expert on everything I mentioned in this article, I do know a thing or two about how the Java platform works. In the past, I have experienced trying to roll my own scripting language before I ended up going to Java. I do know C/C++ fluently and proficiently. And I have read or heard a bit about the nature of other scripting languages and their challenges from here and there (not an exhaustive scientific research on those languages). This is the set of personal knowledge and experience from which I draw my conclusions.

    If you don't trust me as the "expert" on which to base these arguments, you are welcomed to investigate the claims yourself. Alternately, you're welcomed to challenge any of my claims, or request further clarification, or provide corrections on any mis-informed points. I am happy to provide additional details where needed. I am also happy to make corrections where I have made a mistake. I am after all human and therefore, not above making errors. I am not too proud to admit that.

    Regarding developer productivity, I claimed that the average developer (myself included) will be more productive developing in Java than in C/C++ (or another native language). The reason for this is because of the language and API features like garbage collection, object-oriented paradigm, native support for threading, networking, etc. Of course, your mileage may vary. In a follow-up blog, I intended to discuss more about some of the trade-offs in using the Java platform. The developer productivity part also falls under that.

    Another aspect of productivity that I claimed in this article is that by going with the Java platform, you will have a platform that already has a community for support as well as an extensive selection of development tools. I hold these to be self-evident. The productivity comes from not having to worry about developing the platform. Instead, the developer's time can be focused on developing his/her product. This obviously helps productivity. Of course, if a scripting engine does not make sense for your product, then you may conclude otherwise.

    My point in writing this entry is to provide embedded developers with some perspective that maybe can save them some wasted effort in repeating the steps and analysis that I have already gone through. This is all in line with the spirit of sharing information with the community. I believe that I tried to be fair and candid in my sharing. If there are other points that you disagree on, please point it out. I would be happy to address them.

    -- Mark








    Posted by: mlam on April 21, 2007 at 10:06 AM

  • Do you know what programming languages are used to write the Sun JVM?

    Posted by: adrianmarriott on April 23, 2007 at 06:49 AM

  • Hi Adrian,
    Sun's most well-known JVMs are written mostly in C or C++ (depending on which one) with some VM subsystems written in the Java language. A very small amount of assembly code is also needed in some cases. Was that the answer you were looking for, or was there something else you wanted to ask or discuss?
    -- Mark

    Posted by: mlam on April 23, 2007 at 08:47 AM

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