例如:dict1={'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3} --> dict1={1:'a', 2:'b', 3:'c'}
def change_key_value(dict2: dict): new_dict = {dict2[key]: key for key in dict2} return new_dict dict1 = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3} dict1 = change_key_value(dict1) print(dict1)
例如: 传入'12a&bc12d-+' --> 'abcd'
def screen_letter(str1: str): new_str = '' for x in str1: if 'a' <= x <= 'z' or 'A' <= x <= 'Z': new_str += x return new_str str1 = screen_letter('12a&bc12d-+') print(str1)
例如: 'abc' -> 'Abc' '12asd' --> '12asd'
def my_capitalize(str1: str): new_str = '' if 'a' <= str1[0] <= 'z': new_str += chr(ord(str1[0]) - 32) else: new_str += str1[0] for index in range(1, len(str1)): if 'A' <= str1[index] <= 'Z': new_str += chr(ord(str1[index]) + 32) else: new_str += str1[index] return new_str str1 = my_capitalize('abcD') print(str1)
例如: 字符串1:'abc231ab' 字符串2:'ab' 函数结果为: True 字符串1:'abc231ab' 字符串2:'ab1' 函数结果为: False
def my_endswith(str1: str, str2: str): if len(str2) > len(str1): return False else: str1 = ''.join(str1[::-1]) str2 = ''.join(str2[::-1]) for index1 in range(len(str2)): if str2[index1] != str1[index1]: return False return True print(my_endswith('abc231ab', 'ab')) print(my_endswith('abc231ab', 'ab1'))
例如: '1234921' 结果: True '23函数' 结果: False 'a2390' 结果: False
def my_isdigit(str1: str): for x in str1: if not '0' <= x <= '9': return False return True print(my_isdigit('1234921')) print(my_isdigit('23函数')) print(my_isdigit('a2390'))
例如: 'abH23好rp1' 结果: 'ABH23好RP1'
def my_upper(str1: str): new_str = '' for x in str1: if 'a' <= x <= 'z': new_str += chr(ord(x) - 32) else: new_str += x return new_str print(my_upper('abH23好rp1'))
例如: 原字符:'abc' 宽度: 7 字符:'^' 结果: '^^^^abc' 原字符:'你好吗' 宽度: 5 字符:'0' 结果: '00你好吗'
def my_rjust(str1: str, width1: int, str2: str): return (width1 - len(str1)) * str2 + str1 print(my_rjust('abc', 7, '^')) print(my_rjust('你好吗', 5, '0'))
例如: 列表: [1, 2, 45, 'abc', 1, '你好', 1, 0] 元素: 1 结果: 0,4,6 列表: ['赵云', '郭嘉', '诸葛亮', '曹操', '赵云', '孙权'] 元素: '赵云' 结果: 0,4 列表: ['赵云', '郭嘉', '诸葛亮', '曹操', '赵云', '孙权'] 元素: '关羽' 结果: -1
def my_index(list1: list, item1): new_list = [] for i in range(len(list1)): if list1[i] == item1: new_list.append(i) if new_list: return new_list else: return [-1] print(*my_index([1, 2, 45, 'abc', 1, '你好', 1, 0], 1)) print(*my_index(['赵云', '郭嘉', '诸葛亮', '曹操', '赵云', '孙权'], '赵云')) print(*my_index(['赵云', '郭嘉', '诸葛亮', '曹操', '赵云', '孙权'], '关羽'))
例如: 序列:[1, 3, 5, 6] 结果: 4 序列:(1, 34, 'a', 45, 'bbb') 结果: 5 序列:'hello w' 结果: 7
def my_len(items): count_len = 0 for x in items: count_len += 1 return count_len print(my_len([1, 3, 5, 6])) print(my_len((1, 34, 'a', 45, 'bbb'))) print(my_len('hello w'))
例如: 序列:[-7, -12, -1, -9] 结果: -1 序列:'abcdpzasdz' 结果: 'z' 序列:{'小明':90, '张三': 76, '路飞':30, '小花': 98} 结果: 98
def my_max(items): if type(items) == dict: list_keys = [key for key in items] max = items[list_keys[0]] for i in range(1, len(list_keys)): if items[list_keys[i]] > max: max = items[list_keys[i]] else: max = items[0] for i in range(1, len(items)): if items[i] > max: max = items[i] return max print(my_max([-7, -12, -1, -9])) print(my_max('abcdpzasdz')) print(my_max({'小明': 90, '张三': 76, '路飞': 30, '小花': 98}))
例如: 序列: (12, 90, 'abc') 元素: '90' 结果: False 序列: [12, 90, 'abc'] 元素: 90 结果: True
def my_in(items, element): for x in items: if element == x: return True return False print(my_in((12, 90, 'abc'), '90')) print(my_in([12, 90, 'abc'], 90))
例如: 原字符串: 'how are you? and you?' 旧字符串: 'you' 新字符串:'me' 结果: 'how are me? and me?'
def my_replace(str1: str, str2: str, str3: str):
return str3.join(str1.split(str2))
print(my_replace('how are you? and you?', 'you', 'me'))