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转载 How to set up Maven to use on Ubuntu

0. make sure you have java installed and JAVA_HOME specified.1. download Maven 3 fromhttps://maven.apache.org/download.cgi2. unzip maven directory to your desired directory: e.g. /home/rui/...

2019-09-29 19:34:38 81

转载 My naive mapreduce notes

Challenges on parallel computing1. node failure on huge clusters are frequent (~1000 nodes fail per day), storing data in the failed node will lost the data.2. network bottlenecks: network be...

2019-09-29 19:34:36 74

转载 My naive machine learning notes

Notes:This page records my naive machine learning notes.is learning feasible ?  Hoeffding inequaility : link  Hoeffding inequality formular's left side is about something bad ha...

2019-09-29 19:34:36 75

转载 tomcat autostart inti.d script

GIVE most of the credits to :http://lintut.com/how-to-install-tomcat-8-0-0-rc5-on-ubuntu-server/OK, this post is gonna be an example to autostart tomcat when ubuntu starts.We know that i...

2019-09-29 19:34:35 74

转载 Java TreeSet with Comparator sorting

TreeSet guarantees no duplicate data, also guarantees long(n) time complexity for add(), remove(), contains(). import java.util.Comparator;import java.util.TreeSet; public class MySet...

2019-09-29 19:34:34 85

转载 C++ basic salient points that I made mistakes on

int main(int argv, char* argc[]), argc[0] is always the program's name that you runswitch() statement doesn't accept std::string. One way to solve this is to use enum, see here: link"player...

2019-09-29 19:34:33 58

转载 configure java in windows

  I know it's trivial, but it still took me more than 30 mins to make java work in my windows 10 machine. I would like to take down the most important learnings I've got:1. do not add semi-colo...

2019-09-29 19:34:33 106

转载 Some research questions interested me

1. What're the differences between Intenet of Things and Semantic Web? Are they complements, overlapping or identical ?2. In a stream reasoning scenario, why continous queries can perform reaso...

2019-09-29 19:34:31 70

转载 LUBM (Lehigh university benchmark) tutorial

This little tutorial teaches you step by step how to use LUBM to benchmark your semantic system.1. Here is the official site of LUBM:http://swat.cse.lehigh.edu/projects/lubm/2. download fil...

2019-09-29 19:34:31 313

转载 How to install Pellet reasoner plugin with Protege 5

You need to download pellet manually. Its github address is :https://github.com/Complexible/pellet/blob/master/protege/plugin/com.clarkparsia.protege.plugin.pellet.jarAfter download it, you go...

2019-09-29 19:34:29 775

转载 Install & configure Virtuoso on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64bit

1. in your terminal type:git clonehttps://github.com/openlink/virtuoso-opensource.git2. install dependencies:sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install autoconf automake libtool flex biso...

2019-09-29 19:34:29 145

转载 Configure AllegroGraph in a Virtual Server using Apache2

Senerio:I need to deploy AllegroGraph 5.0 triplestore on our lab's virtual server and make it publicly accessible at http://xxx.xx.xxx.edu/agwebview/, I did the following to make it work.You ...

2019-09-29 19:34:28 100

转载 No need to add "optional" in your insert section of your sparql code

I was trying to insert new data while the where clauses have an "optional" clause. I thought I also need to use optional in the insert clause, but it's not true:PREFIX foaf: <http://xmln...

2019-09-29 19:34:27 89

转载 template stuff in C++

1. Template functiontemplate <class T> // a template prefixT func(T a, T b, T c){ // return value is T type, 3 T-typed formal parameters return a + b + c;}We could also spe...

2019-09-29 19:34:25 58

转载 Regular Expression "not matching" and SPARQL Filter function usage

OK, I had a problem here when converting bio2rdf.org irefindex data into nanopublication using sparql here:in a database, if the item you are looking for has multiple types, but you only need ...

2019-09-29 19:34:25 108

转载 See graph names in triple store - SPARQL

select distinct ?g where{ graph ?g { ?s ?p ?o. }}转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/RuiYan/p/4104824.html

2019-09-29 19:34:24 84

转载 Primality Test - C++ code

refer to this article 1 bool IsPrimeOptimizationThree(int number) 2 { 3 if(number<2) 4 return false; 5 if(number==2) 6 return true; 7 if(number%2==0...

2019-09-29 19:34:24 94

转载 delete all triples in triple store - SPARQL query

delete { ?s ?p ?o.}where{ ?s ?p ?o.}转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/RuiYan/p/4104822.html

2019-09-29 19:34:22 81

转载 How do install openjdk and tomcat in ubuntu server

OK, here is the solution I found after searching lots of things:http://www.oschina.net/question/12_21632https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-apache-tomcat-on-ubunt...

2019-09-29 19:34:11 81

转载 Ubuntu command line to unzip .tar.gz files

tar -xvf yourfile.tar.gzThis will create a same named folder containing uncompressed files.转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/RuiYan/p/4098632.html

2019-09-29 19:34:10 68

转载 A template class that has a function for specific type

So you have a C++ template class, but you want to specifiy a member function for a particular type of data: 1 // A template class called Image: 2 template <class T> 3 class Image ...

2019-09-29 19:34:09 57

转载 What is SVN (or subversion) ?

What Is Subversion? (please refer tohttp://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.6/svn.intro.whatis.html )Subversion is a free/open sourceversion control system(VCS). That is, Subversion manages fil...

2019-09-29 19:34:08 56

转载 What is the difference between JVM, JDK, JRE & OpenJDK ?

please refer tohttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/11547458/what-is-the-difference-between-jvm-jdk-jre-openjdkAnswered byalain.janinmJVMTheJava Virtual machine(JVM) is the virtual machin...

2019-09-29 19:34:08 120

转载 GDB debugger commands

please refer to this转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/RuiYan/p/4080350.html

2019-09-29 19:34:06 62

转载 What is HTTP ?

Please refer to :http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/H/HTTP.htmlShort forHyperTextTransferProtocol, HTTP is the underlyingprotocolused by theWorld Wide Web. HTTP defines how messages are format...

2019-09-29 19:34:06 159

转载 Github for beginners and my future references

OK. I have been trying to learn github for really a long time, but (yes, there is always a but) I just couldn't know how to use it. This article will mainly record a bunch of command lines in the...

2019-09-29 19:34:04 77

转载 what is apache2 ?

I was recently allocated a virtuoal server with apache installed. I tried to inspect the installation of apache and see if some back-end processes are running, apache2 come into my eyes.Sinc...

2019-09-29 19:34:04 45

转载 how to dump query results into nt format in virtuoso

This is on ubuntu 14.04 LTS1. you need to install virtuoso (you can refer to my previous post)2. open your virtuoso service3. do./isql 1111to invoke the virtuosl's isql interface...

2019-09-29 19:34:02 59

转载 binary tree breadth first traversal in c++

BFS is faster to find shortest path from root to leaf node of a tree. But the tradeoff is to use more memory.the basic trategy is to maintain a list to hold nodes of each level. 1 void BF...

2019-09-29 19:34:02 66



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