1 | select * from bookinfo; |
1 | select b_id 编号,b_name 名称,b_price 价格 from bookinfo |
3、 查询所有图书的图书编号、图书名称和图书总额。
1 | select b_id 编号,b_name 名称,b_price*b_quantity 价格 from bookinfo |
1 | select b_id 编号,b_name 名称,b_price*b_quantity 价格 from bookinfo |
1 | select * from bookinfo where b_author like '%刘志成%' |
6、 查询图书类别编号为“17”,图书价格在25~30元之间的图书信息,要求以汉字标题显示图书编号、图书名称、图书类别编号和图书价格。
1 | select b_id 图书编号,b_name 图书名称,bt_id 图书类别编号,b_price 图书价格 <br> from bookinfo where bt_id = 17 and b_price between 25 and 30; |
7、 查询所有入库在5年以上并且图书价格在10~20之间的图书的名称、图书作者、图书价格和入库时间(用“入库时长”表示,该列不是基本表中的字段,是计算出来的列)。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | select b_name 图书名称,b_author 图书作者,b_price 图书价格, b_date 入库时间 from bookinfo where ROUND(TO_NUMBER(SYSDATE - b_date))>=5 and b_price between 10 and 20; |
8、 查询所有入库在5年以上并且图书价格不在10~20之间的图书的名称、图书作者、图书价格和入库时间
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | select b_name 图书名称,b_author 图书作者,b_price 图书价格, b_date 入库时间 from bookinfo where ROUND(TO_NUMBER(SYSDATE - b_date))>=5 and b_price not between 10 and 20; |
1 | select * from bookinfo where p_id in (001,003) |
1 | select * from bookinfo where b_name like '%数据库%' |
1 2 3 | select r_id,r_name,r_quantity from readerinfo where r_name like '王__' ; |
1 | select * from bookinfo where b_pricture is null ; |
13、 通过图书管理系统查询借阅图书的读者编号,如果一个读者借阅了多本图书,只需要显示一次读者编号。
1 | select distinct r_id from borrowreturn; |
1 | select * from bookinfo where rownum <6; |
1 2 3 4 5 | select * from bookinfo where rownum <to_number(0.2*( select count (*) from bookinfo)+1); |
1 2 3 4 5 | select b_id 图书编号,b_name 图书名称,b_price 图书价格,p_id 图书出版社编号 from ( select * from bookinfo order by b_price desc ) where p_id = 001; |
1 2 3 | select b_id 图书编号,b_name 图书名称,b_price 图书价格,p_id 图书出版社编号 from bookinfo order by p_id asc ,b_price desc ; |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | select p_id 出版社编号, count (p_id) 图书种类 from bookinfo group by p_id order by p_id; |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | select p_id 出版社编号, count (p_id) 图书种类, sum (b_quantity) 图书总数 from bookinfo group by p_id order by p_id; |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | select p_id 出版社编号, count (p_id) 图书种类, sum (b_quantity) 图书总数 from bookinfo group by p_id order by sum (b_quantity) desc ; |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | select p_id 出版社编号, count (p_id) 图书种类, sum (b_quantity) 图书总数 from bookinfo group by p_id having sum (b_quantity)>15 order by sum (b_quantity) asc ; |
1 2 3 4 5 | select b_id 图书编号, b_name 图书名称,bt_name 图书类型名称 from bookinfo,booktype where bookinfo.bt_id = booktype.bt_id |
1 2 3 4 5 | select b_id 图书编号, b_name 图书名称,bt_name 图书类型名称 from bookinfo join booktype on bookinfo.bt_id = booktype.bt_id |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | select borrowreturn.r_id 借阅ID, r_name 借阅人,b_name 图书名称,s_position from borrowreturn join readerinfo on borrowreturn.r_id=readerinfo.r_id join bookstore on borrowreturn.s_id=bookstore.s_id join bookinfo on bookstore.b_id=bookinfo.b_id where br_status = '未还' ; |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | select b_id 图书编号,b_name 图书名称,b_price 图书价格 from bookinfo where b_price>=( select b_price from bookinfo where b_name = 'JSP程序设计案例教程' ) order by b_price asc ; |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | select G2.b_id 图书编号,G2.b_name 图书名称,G2.b_price 图书价格 from bookinfo G1 join bookinfo G2 on G1.b_name = 'JSP程序设计案例教程' and G1.b_Price<=G2.b_price order by G2.b_price; |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | select G2.b_id 图书编号,G2.b_name 图书名称,G2.b_price 图书价格 from bookinfo G1 join bookinfo G2 on G1.b_name = 'JSP程序设计案例教程' and G1.b_Price<=G2.b_price order by G2.b_price; |
1 2 3 4 5 | select booktype.bt_id,bt_name,b_id,b_name,b_price,b_quantity from booktype left join bookinfo on booktype.bt_id = bookinfo.bt_id |
1 2 3 4 5 | select b_id 图书编号,b_name 图书名称,p_id 出版社编号 from bookinfo where p_id =( select p_id from bookinfo where b_name = 'UML用户指南' ) |
28、查询借阅了《SQL Server 2005实例教程》的借阅号、借阅日期和操作员。
1 2 3 4 5 | select s_id 借阅号,br_outdate 借阅日期,br_operator 操作员 from borrowreturn where s_id in ( select s_id from bookstore where b_id in ( select b_id from bookinfo where b_name = 'SQL Server 2005实例教程' )); |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | select borrowreturn.s_id 借阅号,br_outdate 借阅日期,br_operator 操作员 from borrowreturn join bookstore on borrowreturn.s_id = bookstore.s_id join bookinfo on bookstore.b_id = bookinfo.b_id where b_name = 'SQL Server 2005实例教程' ; |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | select b_id,b_name,b_date,b_price from bookinfo where b_date> all ( select b_date from bookinfo where p_id= '007' ) order by b_date desc ; |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | select b_id,b_name,b_date,b_price from bookinfo where b_date>( select max (b_date) from bookinfo where p_id= '007' ) order by b_date desc ; |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | select br_id,s_id,br_outdate,br_indate from borrowreturn where br_status = '已还' and exists ( select * from readerinfo where readerinfo.r_id=borrowreturn.r_id); |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | create table avgbookprice( bt_id char (10), p_avg number(7,2) ); insert into avgbookprice(bt_id,p_avg) select bt_id, avg (b_price) from bookinfo group by bt_id; |
1 2 3 4 5 | update bookinfo set b_quantity=b_quantity + 1 where p_id = ( select p_id from publisher where p_name = '机械工业出版社' ); |
1 2 3 4 5 | delete from bookinfo where p_id = ( select p_id from publisher where p_name = '机械工业出版社' ) |