Decompiling compiled AutoIT scripts (64-bit), take two

A while ago I posted a short description on how to decompile 64-bit autoit scripts. Someone pinged me asking on how to actually do it, so I thought it will be handy to simply write a script to do the dirty work for us.

  • Download 32-bit AutoIt (older version has the 32-bit stub separately, so it’s handy to use it)Unpack it
  • You will find the 32-bit stub here:Copy it to the folder where your 64-bit compiled autoit executable resides
  • Now you have to build a 32-bit executable using the autoit script blob you need to extract from the 64-bit executableNow you can download the Decompiler for AutoIt script from
    • you can do it manually, or
    • you can run the perl script below (what it does it extracts the autoit script blob from the 64-bit autoit executable and builds the 32-bit equivalent using the AutoItSC.bin stub mentioned above which is 32-bit); the created file will have a file name:
      • <filename>.a32.exe
  • Drop it into some virtual environment (VMWare/VirtualBox/Virtual PC)
  • Drop your newly created 32-bit executable into exe2aut decompiler
  • It should decrypt the script for you

And the 64-to-32 conversion script is shown below (call it or whatever and run perl <64-bit exe>):

use strict;
use warnings;

my $f=shift || die ("Gimme a file name!");

print STDERR "Processing '$f':\n";
print STDERR "- Reading 'AutoItSC.bin'\n";
open F,"<AutoItSC.bin";
binmode F;
read F,my $a, -s 'AutoItSC.bin';
close F;

print STDERR "- Reading '$f'\n";
open F,"<$f";
binmode F;
read F,my $d, -s $f;
close F;

print STDERR "- Looking for the script\n";
if ($d=~/\xA3\x48\x4B\xBE\x98\x6C\x4A\xA9\x99\x4C\x53\x0A\x86\xD6\x48\x7D/sg)
   my $pd=(pos $d)-16;
   print STDERR "- Script found @ ".sprintf("%08lX",$pd)."\n";
   print STDERR "- Creating 32-bit version '$f.a32.exe'\n";
   open F,">$f.a32.exe";
   binmode F;
   print F $a.substr($d,$pd,length($d)-$pd);
   close F;
   print STDERR "- Script not found !\n";


au3反编译源码 myAut2Exe - The Open Source AutoIT Script Decompiler 2.9 ======================================================== *New* full support for AutoIT v3.2.6++ :) ... mmh here's what I merely missed in the 'public sources 3.1.0' This program is for studying the 'Compiled' AutoIt3 format. AutoHotKey was developed from AutoIT and so scripts are nearly the same. Drag the compiled *.exe or *.a3x into the AutoIT Script Decompiler textbox. To copy text or to enlarge the log window double click on it. Supported Obfuscators: 'Jos van der Zande AutoIt3 Source Obfuscator v1.0.14 [June 16, 2007]' , 'Jos van der Zande AutoIt3 Source Obfuscator v1.0.15 [July 1, 2007]' , 'Jos van der Zande AutoIt3 Source Obfuscator v1.0.20 [Sept 8, 2007]' , 'Jos van der Zande AutoIt3 Source Obfuscator v1.0.22 [Oct 18, 2007]' , 'Jos van der Zande AutoIt3 Source Obfuscator v1.0.24 [Feb 15, 2008]' , 'EncodeIt 2.0' and 'Chr() string encode' Tested with: AutoIT : v3. 3. 0.0 and AutoIT : v2.64. 0.0 and AutoHotKey: v1.0.48.5 The options: =========== 'Force Old Script Type' Grey means auto detect and is the best in most cases. However if auto detection fails or is fooled through modification try to enable/disable this setting 'Don't delete temp files (compressed script)' this will keep *.pak files you may try to unpack manually with'LZSS.exe' as well as *.tok DeTokeniser files, tidy backups and *.tbl (<-Used in van Zande obfucation). If enable it will keep AHK-Scripts as they are and doesn't remove the linebreaks at the beginning Default:OFF 'Verbose LogOutput' When checked you get verbose information when decompiling(DeTokenise) new 3.2.6+ compiled Exe Default:OFF 'Restore Includes' will separated/restore includes. requires ';<AUT2EXE INCLUDE-START' comment to be present in the script to work Default:ON 'Use 'normal' Au3_Signature to find start of script' Will uses the normal 16-byte start signature to detect the start of a




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