live555 学习笔记-H264VideoStreamParser详解
H264VideoStreamFramer是什么角色?跟据H264VideoFileServerMediaSubsession的代 码,H264VideoStreamFramer是真正代表source的,Sink所面对的Source就是它.但是它又连接了一个 ByteStreamFileSource.look一下这部分代码:
FramedSource* H264VideoFileServerMediaSubsession::createNewStreamSource(unsigned ,
unsigned& estBitrate)
estBitrate = 500; // kbps, estimate
// Create the video source:
ByteStreamFileSource* fileSource = ByteStreamFileSource::createNew(envir(),
if (fileSource == NULL)
return NULL;
fFileSize = fileSource->fileSize();
// Create a framer for the Video Elementary Stream:
return H264VideoStreamFramer::createNew(envir(), fileSource);
ByteStreamFileSource是从文件取得数据的,它不管是到底什么媒体格式,它只是读文件.所以很明显 H264VideoStreamFramer利用ByteStreamFileSource从文件取得数据,然后 H264VideoStreamFramer再对数据进行分析.比如找出每个NALU,然后传给Sink.但是 H264VideoStreamFramer没有自己去分析,而是利用了Parser,所以那一串中就多了一个 H264VideoStreamParser.
H264VideoStreamParser拥有两个source指针,一个是FramedSource* fInputSource,另一个是H264VideoStreamFramer* fUsingSource.可以看出,H264VideoStreamParser把fInputSource和fUsingSource串了起来,那么 fInputSource就是ByteStreamFileSource.
我们想像一下H264VideoStreamParser的所作所为:H264VideoStreamFramer把自己的缓冲(其实是sink的)传给 H264VideoStreamParser,每当H264VideoStreamFramer要获取一个NALU时,就跟 H264VideoStreamParser要,H264VideoStreamParser就从ByteStreamFileSource读一坨数据, 然后进行分析,如果取得了一个NALU,就传给H264VideoStreamFramer.
void MPEGVideoStreamFramer::doGetNextFrame()
fParser->registerReadInterest(fTo, fMaxSize);
void MPEGVideoStreamFramer::continueReadProcessing(void* clientData,
unsigned char* ,
unsigned ,
struct timeval )
MPEGVideoStreamFramer* framer = (MPEGVideoStreamFramer*) clientData;
void MPEGVideoStreamFramer::continueReadProcessing()
unsigned acquiredFrameSize = fParser->parse();
if (acquiredFrameSize > 0)
// We were able to acquire a frame from the input.
// It has already been copied to the reader's space.
fFrameSize = acquiredFrameSize;
fNumTruncatedBytes = fParser->numTruncatedBytes();
// "fPresentationTime" should have already been computed.
// Compute "fDurationInMicroseconds" now:
fDurationInMicroseconds =
(fFrameRate == 0.0 || ((int) fPictureCount) < 0) ?
0 : (unsigned) ((fPictureCount * 1000000) / fFrameRate);
fPictureCount = 0;
// Call our own 'after getting' function. Because we're not a 'leaf'
// source, we can call this directly, without risking infinite recursion.
// We were unable to parse a complete frame from the input, because:
// - we had to read more data from the source stream, or
// - the source stream has ended.
//numBytesNeeded 需要读取的数据长度
//fCurParserIndex 当前读取的位置
void StreamParser::ensureValidBytes1(unsigned numBytesNeeded)
// We need to read some more bytes from the input source.
// First, clarify how much data to ask for:
unsigned maxInputFrameSize = fInputSource->maxFrameSize();
if (maxInputFrameSize > numBytesNeeded)
numBytesNeeded = maxInputFrameSize;
// First, check whether these new bytes would overflow the current
// bank. If so, start using a new bank now.
if (fCurParserIndex + numBytesNeeded > BANK_SIZE)
// Swap banks, but save any still-needed bytes from the old bank:
unsigned numBytesToSave = fTotNumValidBytes - fSavedParserIndex;
unsigned char const* from = &curBank()[fSavedParserIndex];
fCurBankNum = (fCurBankNum + 1) % 2;
fCurBank = fBank[fCurBankNum];
memmove(curBank(), from, numBytesToSave);
fCurParserIndex = fCurParserIndex - fSavedParserIndex;
fSavedParserIndex = 0;
fTotNumValidBytes = numBytesToSave;
// ASSERT: fCurParserIndex + numBytesNeeded > fTotNumValidBytes
// && fCurParserIndex + numBytesNeeded <= BANK_SIZE
if (fCurParserIndex + numBytesNeeded > BANK_SIZE)
// If this happens, it means that we have too much saved parser state.
// To fix this, increase BANK_SIZE as appropriate.
fInputSource->envir() << "StreamParser internal error ("
<< fCurParserIndex << "+ " << numBytesNeeded << " > "
<< BANK_SIZE << ")\n";
// Try to read as many new bytes as will fit in the current bank:
unsigned maxNumBytesToRead = BANK_SIZE - fTotNumValidBytes;
fInputSource->getNextFrame(&curBank()[fTotNumValidBytes], maxNumBytesToRead,
afterGettingBytes, this, onInputClosure, this);
首先判断自己的缓冲区是否能容纳所需的数据量,如果实在不能,也只能提示一下,最后从ByteStreamFileSource获取一坨数 据.curBack()返回的就是Parser自己的缓冲.而afterGettingBytes这个回调函数是 H264VideoStreamFramer传入的,所以获取数据之后会执行H264VideoStreamFramer的函数,中转几下后,最终执行的 就是上面的void MPEGVideoStreamFramer::continueReadProcessing().哇,看到了一个问题:Parser()中嵌套执行 Parser()!而第二次执行Parser()完成后,返回到ensureValidBytes1(),然后由于抛出异常而退出,退出到哪里了呢?退回 到上次调用的Parser()中了,因为Parser()中写了try{}catch{}.catch{}中的代码如下:
catch (int )
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not* an error)\n");
return 0; // the parsing got interrupted
unsigned H264or5VideoStreamParser::parse() {
try {
// The stream must start with a 0x00000001:
//H264 NALU start code
if (!fHaveSeenFirstStartCode) {
// Skip over any input bytes that precede the first 0x00000001:
u_int32_t first4Bytes;
while ((first4Bytes = test4Bytes()) != 0x00000001) {
get1Byte(); setParseState(); // ensures that we progress over bad data
skipBytes(4); // skip this initial code
fHaveSeenFirstStartCode = True; // from now on
if (fOutputStartCodeSize > 0 && curFrameSize() == 0 && !haveSeenEOF()) {
// Include a start code in the output:
// Then save everything up until the next 0x00000001 (4 bytes) or 0x000001 (3 bytes), or we hit EOF.
// Also make note of the first byte, because it contains the "nal_unit_type":
if (haveSeenEOF()) {
// We hit EOF the last time that we tried to parse this data, so we know that any remaining unparsed data
// forms a complete NAL unit, and that there's no 'start code' at the end:
unsigned remainingDataSize = totNumValidBytes() - curOffset();
#ifdef DEBUG
unsigned const trailingNALUnitSize = remainingDataSize;
while (remainingDataSize > 0) {
u_int8_t nextByte = get1Byte();
if (!fHaveSeenFirstByteOfNALUnit) {
fFirstByteOfNALUnit = nextByte;
fHaveSeenFirstByteOfNALUnit = True;
#ifdef DEBUG
if (fHNumber == 264) {
u_int8_t nal_ref_idc = (fFirstByteOfNALUnit&0x60)>>5;
u_int8_t nal_unit_type = fFirstByteOfNALUnit&0x1F;
fprintf(stderr, "Parsed trailing %d-byte NAL-unit (nal_ref_idc: %d, nal_unit_type: %d (\"%s\"))\n",
trailingNALUnitSize, nal_ref_idc, nal_unit_type, nal_unit_type_description_h264[nal_unit_type]);
} else { // 265
u_int8_t nal_unit_type = (fFirstByteOfNALUnit&0x7E)>>1;
fprintf(stderr, "Parsed trailing %d-byte NAL-unit (nal_unit_type: %d (\"%s\"))\n",
trailingNALUnitSize, nal_unit_type, nal_unit_type_description_h265[nal_unit_type]);
(void)get1Byte(); // forces another read, which will cause EOF to get handled for real this time
return 0;
} else {
u_int32_t next4Bytes = test4Bytes();
if (!fHaveSeenFirstByteOfNALUnit) {
fFirstByteOfNALUnit = next4Bytes>>24;
fHaveSeenFirstByteOfNALUnit = True;
while (next4Bytes != 0x00000001 && (next4Bytes&0xFFFFFF00) != 0x00000100) {
// We save at least some of "next4Bytes".
if ((unsigned)(next4Bytes&0xFF) > 1) {
// Common case: 0x00000001 or 0x000001 definitely doesn't begin anywhere in "next4Bytes", so we save all of it:
} else {
// Save the first byte, and continue testing the rest:
setParseState(); // ensures forward progress
next4Bytes = test4Bytes();
// Assert: next4Bytes starts with 0x00000001 or 0x000001, and we've saved all previous bytes (forming a complete NAL unit).
// Skip over these remaining bytes, up until the start of the next NAL unit:
if (next4Bytes == 0x00000001) {
} else {
fHaveSeenFirstByteOfNALUnit = False; // for the next NAL unit that we'll parse
u_int8_t nal_unit_type;
if (fHNumber == 264) {
nal_unit_type = fFirstByteOfNALUnit&0x1F;
#ifdef DEBUG
u_int8_t nal_ref_idc = (fFirstByteOfNALUnit&0x60)>>5;
fprintf(stderr, "Parsed %d-byte NAL-unit (nal_ref_idc: %d, nal_unit_type: %d (\"%s\"))\n",
curFrameSize()-fOutputStartCodeSize, nal_ref_idc, nal_unit_type, nal_unit_type_description_h264[nal_unit_type]);
} else { // 265
nal_unit_type = (fFirstByteOfNALUnit&0x7E)>>1;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "Parsed %d-byte NAL-unit (nal_unit_type: %d (\"%s\"))\n",
curFrameSize()-fOutputStartCodeSize, nal_unit_type, nal_unit_type_description_h265[nal_unit_type]);
// Now that we have found (& copied) a NAL unit, process it if it's of special interest to us:
if (isVPS(nal_unit_type)) { // Video parameter set
// First, save a copy of this NAL unit, in case the downstream object wants to see it:
usingSource()->saveCopyOfVPS(fStartOfFrame + fOutputStartCodeSize, curFrameSize() - fOutputStartCodeSize);
if (fParsedFrameRate == 0.0) {
// We haven't yet parsed a frame rate from the stream.
// So parse this NAL unit to check whether frame rate information is present:
unsigned num_units_in_tick, time_scale;
analyze_video_parameter_set_data(num_units_in_tick, time_scale);
if (time_scale > 0 && num_units_in_tick > 0) {
usingSource()->fFrameRate = fParsedFrameRate
= time_scale/(DeltaTfiDivisor*num_units_in_tick);
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "Set frame rate to %f fps\n", usingSource()->fFrameRate);
} else {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "\tThis \"Video Parameter Set\" NAL unit contained no frame rate information, so we use a default frame rate of %f fps\n", usingSource()->fFrameRate);
} else if (isSPS(nal_unit_type)) { // Sequence parameter set
// First, save a copy of this NAL unit, in case the downstream object wants to see it:
usingSource()->saveCopyOfSPS(fStartOfFrame + fOutputStartCodeSize, curFrameSize() - fOutputStartCodeSize);
if (fParsedFrameRate == 0.0) {
// We haven't yet parsed a frame rate from the stream.
// So parse this NAL unit to check whether frame rate information is present:
unsigned num_units_in_tick, time_scale;
analyze_seq_parameter_set_data(num_units_in_tick, time_scale);
if (time_scale > 0 && num_units_in_tick > 0) {
usingSource()->fFrameRate = fParsedFrameRate
= time_scale/(DeltaTfiDivisor*num_units_in_tick);
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "Set frame rate to %f fps\n", usingSource()->fFrameRate);
} else {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "\tThis \"Sequence Parameter Set\" NAL unit contained no frame rate information, so we use a default frame rate of %f fps\n", usingSource()->fFrameRate);
} else if (isPPS(nal_unit_type)) { // Picture parameter set
// Save a copy of this NAL unit, in case the downstream object wants to see it:
usingSource()->saveCopyOfPPS(fStartOfFrame + fOutputStartCodeSize, curFrameSize() - fOutputStartCodeSize);
} else if (isSEI(nal_unit_type)) { // Supplemental enhancement information (SEI)
// Later, perhaps adjust "fPresentationTime" if we saw a "pic_timing" SEI payload??? #####
#ifdef DEBUG
unsigned long secs = (unsigned long)usingSource()->fPresentationTime.tv_sec;
unsigned uSecs = (unsigned)usingSource()->fPresentationTime.tv_usec;
fprintf(stderr, "\tPresentation time: %lu.%06u\n", secs, uSecs);
// Now, check whether this NAL unit ends an 'access unit'.
// (RTP streamers need to know this in order to figure out whether or not to set the "M" bit.)
Boolean thisNALUnitEndsAccessUnit;
if (haveSeenEOF() || isEOF(nal_unit_type)) {
// There is no next NAL unit, so we assume that this one ends the current 'access unit':
thisNALUnitEndsAccessUnit = True;
} else if (usuallyBeginsAccessUnit(nal_unit_type)) {
// These NAL units usually *begin* an access unit, so assume that they don't end one here:
thisNALUnitEndsAccessUnit = False;
} else {
// We need to check the *next* NAL unit to figure out whether
// the current NAL unit ends an 'access unit':
u_int8_t firstBytesOfNextNALUnit[3];
testBytes(firstBytesOfNextNALUnit, 3);
u_int8_t const& next_nal_unit_type = fHNumber == 264
? (firstBytesOfNextNALUnit[0]&0x1F) : ((firstBytesOfNextNALUnit[0]&0x7E)>>1);
if (isVCL(next_nal_unit_type)) {
// The high-order bit of the byte after the "nal_unit_header" tells us whether it's
// the start of a new 'access unit' (and thus the current NAL unit ends an 'access unit'):
u_int8_t const byteAfter_nal_unit_header
= fHNumber == 264 ? firstBytesOfNextNALUnit[1] : firstBytesOfNextNALUnit[2];
thisNALUnitEndsAccessUnit = (byteAfter_nal_unit_header&0x80) != 0;
} else if (usuallyBeginsAccessUnit(next_nal_unit_type)) {
// The next NAL unit's type is one that usually appears at the start of an 'access unit',
// so we assume that the current NAL unit ends an 'access unit':
thisNALUnitEndsAccessUnit = True;
} else {
// The next NAL unit definitely doesn't start a new 'access unit',
// which means that the current NAL unit doesn't end one:
thisNALUnitEndsAccessUnit = False;
if (thisNALUnitEndsAccessUnit) {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "*****This NAL unit ends the current access unit*****\n");
usingSource()->fPictureEndMarker = True;
// Note that the presentation time for the next NAL unit will be different:
struct timeval& nextPT = usingSource()->fNextPresentationTime; // alias
nextPT = usingSource()->fPresentationTime;
double nextFraction = nextPT.tv_usec/1000000.0 + 1/usingSource()->fFrameRate;
unsigned nextSecsIncrement = (long)nextFraction;
nextPT.tv_sec += (long)nextSecsIncrement;
nextPT.tv_usec = (long)((nextFraction - nextSecsIncrement)*1000000);
return curFrameSize();
} catch (int /*e*/) {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "H264or5VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not* an error)\n");
return 0; // the parsing got interrupted
sink要获取数据,执行到 MPEGVideoStreamFramer::continueReadProcessing(),MPEGVideoStreamFramer::continueReadProcessing 调用parser(),parser()要使用数据时发现没有,于是ensureValidBytes1()被调用来从 ByteStreamFileSource获取数据,取得数据后MPEGVideoStreamFramer::afterGettingBytes() 被调用,并中转到 MPEGVideoStreamFramer::continueReadProcessing(),MPEGVideoStreamFramer::continueReadProcessing() 被嵌套调用!,MPEGVideoStreamFramer::continueReadProcessing()中又会调用parser(),此时 parser()要使用数据时发现有数据了,所以就进行分析,分析出一个NALU后,返回到 MPEGVideoStreamFramer::continueReadProcessing(),MPEGVideoStreamFramer::continueReadProcessing() 会调用afterGetting(this)把数据返回给sink.sink处理完数据后返回到 MPEGVideoStreamFramer::continueReadProcessing(),MPEGVideoStreamFramer::continueReadProcessing() 再返回到ensureValidBytes1(),ensureValidBytes1()抛出异常返回到第一次被调用的parser()的 catch{}中,parser()返回到第一次调用的 MPEGVideoStreamFramer::continueReadProcessing() 中,MPEGVideoStreamFramer::continueReadProcessing()发现parser()没有取得NALU,于是啥也 不做,返回到sink中,sink会继续通过 source->getNextFrame()->MPEGVideoStreamFramer::continueReadProcessing()… 这样再次获取NALU.
#define BANK_SIZE 150000