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Cpu0 Backend - td RegisterInfo


2014-05-21 04:46:02 143

原创 Cpu0 Backend - td CallingConvention

CC_Cpu0 CC_Cpu0EABI RetCC_Cpu0 RetCC_Cpu0EABI

2014-05-21 04:42:53 170

原创 Topcoder-SRM596DIV2-500

#include #include using namespace std; class ColorfulRoad{ #define INF 5000 public: int getMin(string road){ int count=road.length(); int D[count]; for(int i=1;i D[0]=0; for(int i=1;i fo

2013-12-02 03:35:01 404

原创 Topcoder-SRM596DIV2-250

#include #include #include using namespace std; class FoxAndSightseeing{ public: int getMin(vector position){ int distanceLess[position.size()]; for(int i=1;i distanceLess[i]=abs(position

2013-12-02 03:34:17 389

原创 Topcoder-SRM597DIV2-500

#include #include using namespace std; #include class LittleElephantAndString{ public: int getNumber(string A,string B){ string tA,tB; tA=A;tB=B; sort(tA.begin(),tA.end()); sort(tB.be

2013-12-01 10:13:06 356

原创 Topcoder-SRM597DIV2-250

#include #include #include #include using namespace std; class LittleElephantAndDouble{ public: string getAnswer(vector A){ sort(A.begin(),A.end()); int max=A[A.size()-1]; for(int i=0;i

2013-12-01 10:12:17 312

原创 Topcoder-SRM598DIV2-1000

#include using namespace std; class FoxAndFencingEasy{ public: string WhoCanWin(int mov1,int mov2,int d){ if(mov1>=d) return "Ciel"; else if(mov1>2*mov2) return "Ciel"; else if(mov2>2*mov1)

2013-12-01 08:43:01 500

原创 Topcoder-SRM598DIV2-500

#include #include #include using namespace std; class BinPackingEasy{ public: int minBins(vector item){ sort(item.begin(),item.end()); int l=0,r=item.size()-1; int ret=0; while(l if(l==r

2013-12-01 08:42:19 363

原创 Topcoder-SRM598DIV2-250

#include #include using namespace std; class ErasingCharacters{ public: string simulate(string s){ bool disposed=true; while(disposed){ disposed=false; for(int i=0;i if(s[i]==s[i+1]){ dis

2013-12-01 08:41:13 499

原创 Assignment4 key to Introduction to MATLAB(MIT OPEN COURSEWARE)

rd.m Z=2+5*randn(500,1); mean(Z) std(Z) handlesPractice.m x=[0:2*pi/100:2*pi]; y=sin(x); figure; plot(x,y,'r'); xlim([0 2*pi]); set(gca,'XTick',[0 pi 2*pi]); set(gca,'XTickLabel

2013-04-01 07:14:36 600

原创 Assignment3 key to Introduction to MATLAB(MIT OPEN COURSEWARE)

hh.m function r=hh() [T,Y]=ode45(@rigid,[0 0.2],[0.5 0.5 0.5 -60]); figure; plot(T,Y(:,4)); ySS=Y(end,:); for v=1:10 hold on; [T,Y]=ode45(@rigid,[0 0.2],[ySS(:,1:3),ySS(:,4)+i]); plot(T,Y

2013-04-01 07:12:11 645

原创 Assignment2 key to Introduction to MATLAB(MIT OPEN COURSEWARE)

tradeShock.m function endValue=tradeStock(initialInvestment, price, buy, sell) price=zeros(1,1); peaks=zeros(1,1); lows=zeros(1,1); load('googlePrices.mat','price','peaks','lows'); figure;

2013-04-01 07:09:48 932

原创 Assignment1 key to Introduction to MATLAB(MIT OPEN COURSEWARE)

shortProblem.m %1. Scalar variables. a=10; b=2.5*10^23; c=2+3i; d=exp(i*2*pi/3); %2. Vector variables. aVec=[3.14 ,15, 9, 26]; bVec=[2.71; 8; 28; 182]; cVec=[5:-0.2:-5]; dVec=logspace(0,1,10

2013-04-01 07:05:10 633

原创 Research Homepage

Welcome to my research homepage. I will update my recent research milestones on my homepage. Researchers who are interested in my research could contact us for a collaboration! Xiaochu Liu Departmen

2012-11-19 05:39:40 288

原创 poj 1082 Calendar Game

#include using namespace std; int res[110][12][31]; void getnextday(int *y,int *m,int *d){      if(*m==1 || *m==3 || *m==5 || *m==7 || *m==8 || *m==10){             if(*d                      *

2012-10-22 12:12:36 198

原创 poj 1047 Round and Round We Go

#include #include using namespace std; int main(){ int round[61][61]; int n; int temp[61]; string input; while(cin>>input){ n=input.length(); for(int i=0;i for(int j=0;j round[i][j]=

2012-10-22 12:12:02 148


#include #include using namespace std; #define MAXSIZE 65535 int decodablef(char* a,char* b); int main(){ string input; char array[MAXSIZE][11]; int csize; bool decodable=true; int index

2012-10-22 12:11:26 138

原创 poj 1003 Hangover

#include using namespace std; #define MAXSIZE 300 int main(){ double res[MAXSIZE]; res[0]=0; res[1]=1.0/2; for(int i=2;i res[i]=res[i-1]+1.0/(i+1); //cout } double input; cin>>input;

2012-10-22 12:09:56 143

原创 poj 1046 Color Me Less

#include using namespace std; int main(){ int largeSet[16][3]; for(int i=0;i cin>>largeSet[i][0]; cin>>largeSet[i][1]; cin>>largeSet[i][2]; //cout } int x,y,z; cin>>x; cin>>y; cin>>z

2012-10-22 12:09:19 253

原创 poj 1004 Financial Management

#include #include using namespace std; int main(){ double balance; double totalbalance=0; for(int i=0;i cin>>balance; totalbalance+=balance; } cout return 0; }

2012-10-22 12:08:48 247

原创 poj 1028 Web Navigation

#include #include #include using namespace std; int main(){ string input; string url; stack past; stack future; past.push("http://www.acm.org/"); /* past.push("hello1"); past.push("hell

2012-10-22 12:07:04 253

原创 poj 1163 The Triangle

#include using namespace std; #define MAX 250 int main(){ int array[MAX][MAX]; int N; cin>>N; for(int i=1;i for(int j=1;j cin>>array[i][j]; } } for(int i=0;i array[i][0]=0; array[i][i+1

2012-10-22 12:05:19 238

原创 poj 1159 Palindrome

#include #include #define MAX 5002 using namespace std; unsigned short array [MAX][MAX]; int main(){ int N; cin>>N; string input; cin>>input; //cout memset(array,0,sizeof(array)); for(in

2012-10-22 12:04:38 233

原创 poj 1125 Stockbroker Grapevine

#include using namespace std; int main(){ int array[101][101]; int n; while(cin>>n){ if(n==0)break; for(int i=1;i for(int j=1;j array[i][j]=0xffff; } } for(int i=1;i int m; cin>>m; for

2012-10-22 12:03:38 262

原创 poj 1080-Human Gene Functions

#include #include using namespace std; int max(int x,int y,int z); int geta(char x,char y); int t[202][202]; int main(){ int casenum; //freopen("in.txt","r",stdin); cin>>casenum; while(cas

2012-07-31 22:11:42 245

原创 poj 1051-P,MTHBGWB-Greater New York 2001

#include #include using namespace std; int getLength(char temp); string getMorse(char temp); char getLetter(char* num,int ci,int l); int main(){ int m; cin>>m; cin.get(); int num[101]; in

2012-07-30 13:26:23 549

原创 poj 1068-Parencodings-Tehran 2001

#include using namespace std; int main(){ int n,m=0,temp; int x=0; char seq[21]; int index=0; cin>>n; for(int i=0;i cin>>m; index=0; for(int j=0;j temp=x; cin>>x; if(j==0){ //cout for

2012-07-30 11:48:06 293

原创 俄罗斯方块核心算法实现c++

class Algo{ public: Algo(int w,int h); void nextSec(); void nextShape(); void changeShape(); void showShape(); void showShape2(); void start(); bool inRec(int x,int y); void left(); void ri

2012-07-29 19:59:31 547

原创 扫雷核心算法c++实现

#include   #include   #include   using namespace std;  class Algo{ public: Algo(int w=10,int h=10); void show(); void flip(int x,int y); bool satisfy(int x,int y); private: int w,h; int**

2012-07-25 15:50:24 595

原创 Topcoer-YahtzeeScore-146-Div2-250 Points

public class YahtzeeScore { public static void main(String args[]) { new YahtzeeScore(); } public YahtzeeScore() { int[] t = { 5, 3, 5, 3, 3 }; System.out.println(maxPoints(t)); } publ

2012-07-20 08:50:10 185

原创 Topcoer-VendingMachine-SRM-145-DIV 2

import java.util.StringTokenizer; public class VendingMachine { public static void main(String args[]) { new VendingMachine(); } public VendingMachine() { String[] prices ={"100 200 300"

2012-07-20 08:49:43 225

原创 Topcoer-UnluckyIntervals-SRM438-Div1

public class UnluckyIntervals { public static void main(String args[]){ new UnluckyIntervals(); } public UnluckyIntervals(){ int[] luckySet={5, 11, 18}; int[] result=getLuckiest(luckySet,9);

2012-07-20 08:49:19 202

原创 Topcoer-single round-Time

public class Time { public Time(){ System.out.println(whatTime(3661)); } public String whatTime(int seconds){ int hour; int min; int sec; hour=seconds/3600; seconds=seconds%3600; min=secon

2012-07-20 08:48:55 181

原创 Topcoer-RectangularGrid-SRM-146

public class RectangularGrid { public  static void main(String args[]){ new RectangularGrid(); } public RectangularGrid(){ System.out.println(countRectangles(592,964)); } public long countRecta

2012-07-20 08:48:35 180

原创 Topcoer-single round-RandomColoringDiv2

public class RandomColoringDiv2 { public static void main(String args[]) { new RandomColoringDiv2(); } public RandomColoringDiv2() { System.out.println(getCount(6, 9, 10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10)); }

2012-07-20 08:48:02 240

原创 Topcoer-single round-PowerOutage

public class PowerOutage { public static void main(String args[]) { new PowerOutage(); } public int Count = 0; public int TotalCount = 0; boolean[] walked = new boolean[50]; public Powe

2012-07-20 08:47:40 187

原创 Topcoer-single round-PouringWater

public class PouringWater { public static void main(String args[]) { new PouringWater(); } public PouringWater() { // System.out.println(getMinBottles(3, 1)); System.out.println(getMinBottle

2012-07-20 08:46:14 213

原创 Topcoer-single round-PlatypusPaternity

public class PlatypusPaternity { public static void main(String args[]) { new PlatypusPaternity(); } public PlatypusPaternity() { String[] f = { "YYNNYYNNYYNN", "YNYNYNYNYNYN", "YYYNNNYYYNNN"

2012-07-20 08:45:52 177

原创 Topcoer-single round-PeopleCircle

public class PeopleCircle { public static void main(String args[]) { new PeopleCircle(); } public PeopleCircle() { // String ret="mmmm"; // int index=0; // System.out.println(ret.substring(

2012-07-20 08:45:24 188

原创 Topcoer-single round-PasswordXGuessing

public class PasswordXGuessing { public static void main(String args[]) { new PasswordXGuessing(); } public PasswordXGuessing() { String[] g = {"4747", "4747", "4747", "4747"}; System.out.pr

2012-07-20 08:44:55 207







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