Two-stage Approach of Repeater 我们的论文2011mcm-b-(honorable mention)

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       Two-stage Approach of Repeater

                            February 15, 2011


    As we know,VHF radio spectrum is line-of-sight.Besides,low-power user-
s is hard to communicate with one another by themselves.Repeater is used
to solve these problems.It can pick up weak signals,amplify them,and re-
transmit them on a different frequency.By the way,the transmitter frequen-
cy in a repeater is either 600kHz above or 600kHz below the receiver fre-
quency.   However,frequency is  rare and two  repeaters nearby may  inter-
fere  with  each  other.Apart  from  geographical  separation,the  interference
can be avoided by the usage of the ”continuous tone-coded squelch sys-
tem”(CTCSS),of which the nickname is ”private line”(PL).
    In  an  circular  flat  area  with  a  particular  size(radium  40  miles),many
users in this area communicate with one another.A specific number of re-
peaters need to be located in this area to receive signals from and retransmit
signals to users.The location of each repeater is critical,because the amount
of repeaters should be minimized according to the requirement of the prob-
    We separate the problem into two parts.The first part aims to cover the
whole circular area.In this part,we figure out a hexagon model to cover the
whole area.This model is inspired by mobile phone network which can ser-
vice a huge number of users whose power is very low.We determine the size
of each hexagon by free space path loss formulas and relative theory model.
With the help of geometry and computer-aided method,the situation with
smallest amount of hexagons is selected.
    Then the second part is to accommodate 1,000 users.A repeater has a
maximum capacity.Since different users get service from one repeater by
different PL tone,we can clearly figure out the maximum number of users a
repeater can serve at the same time(related to amount of PL tones).We find
that one repeater is enough for one hexagon when there are 1,000 users.
    However,in our model,there’s a limited amount of repeaters in this cir-
cular area.We get this conclusion by the fact that the amount of frequency


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       pairs is a particular number and two nearby repeaters with the same PL
       tone can not share the same frequency pair.
           So when it comes to 10,000 users ,queueing theory is considered in this
       issue.As the occurrence of simultaneous calls transmitted by users is rare,
       thus this repeater coordination system yields to random Poisson distribu-
       tion.  So we should find a criteria to measure this situation.The criteria we
       use is the possible waiting time of a user when 10,000 users transmit at the
       same itme.If that number is tolerable,then the model is acceptable.
           All  the  analysis  and  calculation  is  on  the  assumption  that  the  area  is
       flat.However,mountainous area is more common in reality.The location of
       repeaters in mountainous area is a practical problem.The line-of-sight fea-
       ture of VHF radio spectrum is what we need to overcome.Built repeaters
       on a high point is good for us.  We build a random matrix with the help of
       Matlab to simulate the mountainous area and demonstrate an algorithm to
       find the two or three best-fit locations.
           Finally,we take the example of Ohio to test our approach.

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1   Introduction                                                                               4

     1.1   Assumptions .  .  .   . .  . . . .  . . . . . .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . . 5

2   Analysis of the Problem                                                                    6

3   The Model Results                                                                         13

4   Validating the Model                                                                      14

5   Conclusions                                                                               14

6   Strengths and weaknesses                                                                  15

     6.1  Weaknesses       .  .  . . .  . . .  . . . . . . .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . . 15

     6.2  Strengths    .  . .  .  .  . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

References                                                                                    15

Appendices                                                                                    16

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1     Introduction

    Enough repeaters must be set up in a circler area where users’ communica-
tion depends on them.We need to guarantee that all users can communicate at
the same time while the less repeaters we use the better.

    Here are our goals:

      Figure out the coverage of a repeater by data and theorem.

      Make a model to organize each user.

      Make a model to organize each repeater.

      Get the result:mininum number of repeaters.

      Modify  the  models  and  make  it  work  when  there’s  a  bigger  number  of

    The coverage of repeater varies from 1 to 30km due to its power.If we set
only one repeater in this area,the whole area can’t be covered.So we need to set
more than one repeater.If we set a large number of repeaters in the area,repeaters
nearby will interfere with each other which is unbearable.

    Determine an appropriate coverage for the repeater.Thus,the minimum num-
ber  of  repeater  covering  the  whole  area  can  be  figured  out.This  issue  can  be
dissolved by smallest enclosing circle algorithm.However,it’s not enough.Cause
communication between users is complicated and different frequency is need-
ed.  To accommodate 1,000 users simultaneously,more repeaters is needed.An
extreme situation is the number of repeaters is equal to that of users.  Clearly it
is unbearable.Cost for setting up repeaters is huge and frequency band range is
not wide enough.

    A possible solution is to add a particular number of repeaters so that users
nearby could communicate with different repeaters in different frequencies.The
interference problem comes up.       Frequency resource is rare as we know.So re-
peaters nearby in the same frequency interfere with each other very badly.The
”continuous tone-coded squelch system” (CTCSS), sometimes nicknamed ”pri-
vate line” (PL), technology can be used to mitigate interference problems.Thus ,
repeaters can share the same frequency while their PL tone is different.

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1.1    Assumptions

    The problem is very complicated. In order to achieve the goals above,necessary
approximation and omitting must be taken into consideration.

      First,the whole area is flat(extremely smooth).

      Whole area is separated into different zones.

      Each zone has many repeaters.

      Communication between people is established between repeaters(one or

      Signal could be passed on by any number of repeaters.

      All repeaters use omnidirectional antennas.

    Below are what we need to know:

      Repeaters in a single zone have various frequency(transmitter and receiv-

      Repeaters only in the same PL could pass messages on to another.

      Connection is established when one’s transmitter frequency equals to the
      other’s receiver frequency.

      Nearby repeaters sharing the common frequency must have a different PL

    Some probability and statistical assumptions that is needed in the next part.

      Commonly, we assume that the arrival process is Poisson with a rate that
      remains constant for blocks of time.

      We will use the most widely used queueing model so-called M/M/N sys-
      tem, for our repeater-user system assumed to adapt to the restrictive re-
      quirement of M/M/N system.

      Taking the perspective of queueing theory,  we decompose the audio ac-
      tivating a repeater to get service into three fundamental components:  ar-
      rivals, customer patience, and service durations.

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    And also some following data:

      Spectrum available is 145 to 148MHz.The spectrum band is divided into 5
       frequency pairs.(145/145.6MHz,145.6/146.2MHz,146.2/146.8MHz,

      The transmitter frequency in a repeater is either 600KHz above or 600KHz
      below the receiver frequency.That is,there are 5 frequency pairs in all.

      The minimum Spectrum Step is 25KHz.

      The Sensitivity of Repeater is -81dBi.

      The System Fade Margin is 20dB.

      Power of Transmit is 21dBi.

      Gain for Receiving of antenna is 18dBi.

      Gain for Transmitting of antenna is 25dBi.

      Loss for Cable is 4dBi.

    Under the above and basic assumptions, we can begin to construct our mod-

2     Analysis of the Problem

    Let’s talk about a simple situation:one repeater with two users in a single

    Repeater that transmits at 147.9MHz and listens at 147.3 (MHz600KHz below
receiver frequency).  User A would set its transmit frequency at 147.3MHz and
listen at 147.9MHz (the opposite of the repeater). User A transmit at 147.3.  The
repeater listens at 147.3MHz.  It re-broadcasts user A’ signal at 147.9 (the signal
user A listens to). Of course, user A doesn’t hear it because it is transmitting but
if other users in the area are set up like user A they will hear the signal.  Later
when one of them transmits it will do so on the 147.3MHz, the repeater will hear
the signal and re-broadcast it at 147.9MHz and user A will hear it(Figure 1).[1]

    To determine the coverage of a repeater,we should calculate the radium of
the covered area.     Use the formula(Free-space path loss in decibels) below to
calculate the Path loss.Specially,the radio frequency is set to be 148MHz for the
worst case.[2][3]

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                       Figure 1: Two users in a repeater

              FSPL(db)             ( ))                                    (1)

                                 ( )                                       (2)

                                                           ( )             (3)


                  FSPL(db)                                                 (5)

     f is the signal frequency (in hertz),

     d is the distance from the transmitter (in metres),

     c is the speed of light in a vacuum, 2.99792458 108 metres per second.

   To  get  the  Free  Space  Path  Loss  value,another  formula  for  Receive  Signal
Strength needs to be considered,too.

          RSS(db)                                                          (6)

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      RSS is the Received Signal Strength,

      Pt is the Power of Transmit,

      Gr is the Gain for Receiving of antenna.

      Gt is the Gain for Transmitting of antenna.

      Lc is the Loss for Cable.

    Another factor to be considered is System Fade Margin which should be re-
mained big enough for signal pick and re-transite.Below is the formula for it.

                            SFM(db)                                                     (7)

    Free-space path loss in decibels should be over -81dBi in order for repeater
to  pick  up  the  weak  signal  and  retransmit  it.So  we  can  get  the  radius  of  the
coverage(distance from the transmitter) area of a repeater.

                                       d                                                (8)

    Next,we need to determine how to locate each repeater in the whole circle
area.Referring to the mobile phone network model,honeycomb geometry is a
best  choice.   Since  we  assumed  that  all  repeaters  use  omnidirectional  anten-
nas,circle could be used to stand for the coverage of repeaters.When circles are
packed  together,there  will  be  blanks  or  overlapped  sections.Let’s  check  some
regular polygons.Squares are packed together and so are diamonds,triangles,hexagons
and so on.We can find that only regular hexagons,squares and triangles could
meet  the  requirements(no  blanks  or  overlapped  sections).So  one  of  the  three
could be an approximation of circle.We choose hexagons cause its overlapped
area is smallest.Our honeycomb hexagon model comes shape(repeater is locat-
ed in the middle of each hexagon).(Figure 2)[4]

    With the radium of coverage and the hexagon model,we can determine the
number of repeaters.We can clearly count the number of repeaters for covering
the whole circle area in the picture.(Figure 3)

    So far,we’ve completed the full coverage issue.That is,every users in the w-
hole area can send and receive signals now.Another problem to solve is to ac-
commodate 1,000 users simultaneously.We know that one repeater have a spe-
cific frequency pair and may have one or more PL tone.So how does a repeater

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                     Figure 2: Honeycomb Hexagon Model

accommodate more than one user?An easy idea is that each user whose service
is provided by one repeater user different PL tones.That is to say,a repeater can
accommodate 54 users in all since it has 54 PL tones.

    Obviously,the current location and number of repeaters is enough for 1,000

                              ∑                                                (9)


      n is the number of hexagons.(a fixed number depends on model)

      Ui is the number of users repeater i accommodates.(54)

      Rn is the number of repeaters in a hexagon.(1 is enough)

   As is assumed that there are 5 frequency pairs in all.So in a hexagon,there
are no more than 5 repeaters.Since we assign 54 PL tones to every repeaters,PL
tone  can’t  be  used  to  mitigate  the  interference  between  two  nearby  repeater-
s.Two hexagons nearby can’t share the same pair.One perfect situation is that a
hexagon has 2 repeaters and the other has another kinds of 3 when no interfer-
ence and no incapable of frequency’s utilization occurred.

    Based on all the models and formulas above,we did have a limited total num-
ber of repeaters.See the picture below.(Figure 4)

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                              Figure 3: 44 hexagons in all

    If there are more than that limited number of users in an area,how should
they be accommodated?We need to know that all users transmit signals at the
same time is just an imagination.In reality,only some of them press the transmit
button simultaneously.So this over-limited problem can be improved by proba-

    Taking  the  perspective  of  queueing  theory,  we  decompose  the  audio  acti-
vating a repeater to get service into three fundamental components:               arrivals,
customer patience, and service durations.          Each component involves a mathe-
matical structure and requires a different style of statistical analysis.

    Queueing  theory  permits  the  derivation  and  calculation  of  several  perfor-
mance measures including the average waiting time in the queue of the system.
According to the distribution of the repeaters in the cellar structure in the circu-
lar flat area of radius 40 miles radius, well determine the average waiting time of
users who wants to transmit information through the repeater.  We will use the
most widely used queueing model so-called M/M/N system, for our repeater-
user system assumed to adapt to the restrictive requirement of M/M/N system.

    The M/M/N model is quite restrictive.           It assumes, among other things, a
steady-state environment in which arrivals conform to a Poisson process, ser-
vice durations are exponentially distributed, and customers and servers are sta-
tistically identical and act independently of each other. Because the restriction of
the model, we omit the customer impatience and abandonment behavior, time-

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                    Figure 4: 112 repeaters in 44 hexagons

dependent parameters, customers heterogeneity, or many other things.[6][7]

   Commonly,  we assume that the arrival process is Poisson with a rate that
remains constant for blocks of time.

                         Table 1: Variable in formula.

                  Variables            Explanation

                      c            Number of Servers
                      k              Queue Capacity
                      m            Entities Population
                                      Income Rate
                                       Service Rate
                                    Server Utilization
                      L        Average Entities in System
                                Average Entity in Queue
                              Average Time Spent in System
                              Average Time Waiting in Line

   Equation of Steady-state Probabilities:

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   State Probabilities derived by Equation above:

                 ∑                       ∑


   State running indicators of system:

                 ∑               ∑

   The effective arrival rate of the system is  =(m- ),and


   Users can check if line if repeater is busy or not after a specific period.And if
the first time is busy,then the next time he will be serviced.So the length of this
period could used to be a criteria.

   As is mentioned in the early part of this paper,the VHF radio spectrum in-
volves line-of-sight transmission and reception.That is to say,there might be de-
fects of line-of-sight propagation in mountainous areas.So repeater had better be
built in a high hill-tops so that users separated by a mountain can transmit and
receive signals with a common repeater.(Figure 5)

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                     Figure 5: Honeycomb Hexagon Model

   With the help of matlab ,use matrix to simulate a random terrain map,and
search for the three or two highest peak in this area.Build repeaters on these
peaks .This algorithm is just traversing the matrix to find the coordinates of lo-
cations(Figure 6,matlab code appendix).

                     Figure 6: Honeycomb Hexagon Model

3    The Model Results

   Follow steps related above,result will be easy to get.

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    It takes 44 hexagons to cover the whole area,and it will be enough to put one
repeater in each single hexagon.So 44 repeaters can accommodate 1,000 user-
s.That is the minimum number because a number less than that will not cover
the whole area(see Figure 3).

    However,the extreme limited number of repeaters in this model is obvious
to get.Since repeaters in the same frequency pair usually interfere with each oth-
er,no more than three repeaters is admitted in a single hexagon.So the method is
fixed and the result is just as Figure 4.The total number of repeaters is 112.

    It seems like that 10,000 users can never be accommodated.But we need to
know  that  if  a  user  who  isn’t  serviced  at  one  time  waits  a  short  time,he  will
likely to be serviced in the next time period.So an appropriate waiting time is
tolerable.Another model of probability and statistical is used to get the time a
user needs to wait to get serviced.And the time is 2 seconds after calculation.We
can say that the 112 repeaters could accommodate 10,000 users at the same time.

    The result when in mountainous area is calculated from a matlab program.We
just need to input the matrix for terrain and the program will find out the ap-
propriate point by traversing the matrix.

4     Validating the Model

    For verifying conclusions,we get the distribution map of amateur radio re-
peaters  in  Ohio.   The  area  of  Ohio  is  116,096   ,population  is  11,536,504.In
our model,if we accept the 2 seconds’ waiting time,the number of users can be
accommodated is around 280,000.That is to say,2.5 of Ohio’s population can
enjoy repeater service at the same time(most of them never use radio or some-
thing).It seems to be an appropriate result.[8]

5     Conclusions

    The model is simple and cost-effective since the usage of hexagon model.It
makes the coverage algorithm easy to implement.

    After the coverage,accommodating problem can be solved by putting more
repeaters in a hexagon.Then the range of repeater’s amount is fixed.

    When users’ amount is beyond the limit of the hexagon model,we set a cri-
teria for the model to test if it is tolerable.This criteria is the result that we will

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demonstrate to everyone.People can tolerate it should choose my plan.

6    Strengths and weaknesses

    Like  any  model,the  one  present  above  has  its  strengths  and  weaknesses.
Some of the major points are presented below.

    Our model above has both strengths and weakness.I list them in the section
below.Let’s see the weakness first.

6.1    Weaknesses

      When it comes to 10,000 users,the solution is not a ”real” one since there’s a
      possibility that a user waits until repeater is free(although it is a relatively
      short time).

      In mountainous area,we just figure out a random terrain and an algorith-
      m simulated by program.The basic solution is mainly based on flat area

      The result doesn’t conform to reality very much.

6.2    Strengths

      This model is easy to implement.Calculation process is easy to be done and
      program simulation can be done by simple algorithm (such as traversing
      a matrix).

      The model is easy to understand and have room for development.


 [1]  Amateur    Radio   Repeater,

 [2]  Path Loss,,2011.

 [3]  Free  Space   Path   Space,

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 [4]  Honeycomb Geometry,,2011.

 [5]  Channel,,2011.

 [6]  Poisson               Distribution,

 [7]  Statistical  Analysis  of  a  Telephone  Call  Center:A  Queueing-Science  Per-
     spective,Lawrence Brown, Noah Gans, Avishai Mandelbaum, Anat Sakov,
     Haipeng Shen,2004.

 [8]  Ohio,,2011.


    This is our simulation program we used in our model.

    Input matlab source:

clear  all
 0.20   0.20    0.20   0.20   0.20   0.20    0.20   0.30   0.30   0.40
 0.30   0.20    0.30   0.20   0.20   0.20    0.30   0.20   0.20   0.20   0.20;
 0.30   0.20    0.20   0.20   0.20   0.20    0.30   0.30   0.50   0.30
 0.50   0.20    0.20   0.20   0.20   0.20    0.20   0.20   0.30   0.20   0.20;
 0.20   0.30    0.30   0.20   0.30   0.25    0.25   0.50   0.30   0.30
 0.30   0.50    0.20   0.20   0.20   0.30    0.20   0.25   0.25   0.20   0.20;
 0.20   0.20    0.20   0.20   0.20   0.25    0.50   0.20   0.30   0.30
 0.30   0.30    0.50   0.20   0.20   0.20    0.30   0.30   0.20   0.30   0.25;
 0.20   0.20    0.30   0.30   0.25   0.50    0.20   0.25   0.30   0.40
 0.20   0.20    0.20   0.55   0.20   0.25    0.25   0.30   0.25   0.30   0.25;
 0.20   0.30    0.20   0.20   0.50   0.20    0.30   0.30   0.25   0.50
 0.30   0.30    0.20   0.30   0.50   0.30    0.30   0.20   0.30   0.20   0.20;
 0.20   0.20    0.30   0.50   0.25   0.25    0.20   0.20   0.20   0.60
 0.20   0.25    0.20   0.25   0.30   0.50    0.30   0.25   0.30   0.30   0.30;
 0.20   0.20    0.50   0.20   0.20   0.30    0.75   0.70   0.85   0.70
 0.65   0.70    0.60   0.25   0.30   0.40    0.30   0.25   0.20   0.30   0.25;
 0.20   0.30    0.55   0.30   0.30   0.25    0.65   0.85   0.80   0.85
 0.75   0.80    0.30   0.55   0.40   0.50    0.30   0.20   0.30   0.30   0.30;
 0.30   0.30    0.50   0.25   0.20   0.30    0.70   0.80   0.90   0.90
 0.80   0.70    0.20   0.50   0.50   0.50    0.20   0.30   0.20   0.20   0.20;
 0.30   0.20    0.30   0.25   0.40   0.50    0.70   0.75   0.80   1.00
 0.80   0.70    0.75   0.60   0.55   0.35    0.20   0.25   0.20   0.25   0.30;
 0.30   0.20    0.50   0.30   0.25   0.30    0.70   0.80   0.80   0.95

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 0.75   0.70   0.60   0.55   0.40   0.30   0.30   0.20   0.30   0.20  0.20;
 0.20   0.30   0.55   0.30   0.20   0.20   0.65   0.60   0.65   0.80
 0.70   0.60   0.40   0.55   0.30   0.20   0.30   0.30   0.25   0.20  0.30;
 0.30   0.20   0.50   0.20   0.30   0.30   0.70   0.75   0.60   0.75
 0.60   0.60   0.50   0.30   0.20   0.20   0.50   0.20   0.20   0.30  0.20;
 0.30   0.20   0.20   0.50   0.20   0.30   0.20   0.25   0.25   0.45
 0.30   0.30   0.30   0.30   0.30   0.50   0.20   0.30   0.30   0.20  0.25;
 0.20   0.30   0.30   0.20   0.50   0.25   0.25   0.30   0.25   0.50
 0.25   0.25   0.25   0.20   0.50   0.25   0.30   0.25   0.25   0.30  0.30;
 0.20   0.30   0.30   0.25   0.20   0.55   0.25   0.20   0.30   0.30
 0.20   0.30   0.30   0.50   0.20   0.30   0.30   0.20   0.30   0.20  0.20;
 0.20   0.30   0.30   0.30   0.30   0.20   0.55   0.20   0.20   0.30
 0.30   0.25   0.50   0.20   0.25   0.30   0.20   0.30   0.20   0.25  0.25;
 0.20   0.30   0.25   0.30   0.20   0.25   0.20   0.50   0.20   0.20
 0.20   0.50   0.20   0.20   0.20   0.20   0.30   0.25   0.25   0.30  0.30;
 0.20   0.20   0.30   0.20   0.20   0.30   0.20   0.20   0.50   0.20
 0.50   0.30   0.20   0.25   0.30   0.30   0.20   0.30   0.30   0.30  0.20;
 0.20   0.20   0.20   0.20   0.20   0.20   0.20   0.20   0.20   0.20
 0.20   0.20   0.20   0.20   0.20   0.20   0.20   0.20   0.25   0.20  0.30

figure (1)
surf (x,y,z);
shading   flat
title (’I’)
xlabel (’X’)
ylabel (’Y’)
zlabel (’HEIGHT’)

figure (2)
zi=interp2 (x,y,z,xi’,yi,’cubic’);
surfc (xi,yi,zi);
shading   flat
title (’II’)
xlabel (’X’)
ylabel (’Y’)
zlabel (’HEIGHT’)

figure (3)
contour3 (xi,yi,zi);
title (’III’)
xlabel (’X’)
ylabel (’Y’)
zlabel (’HEIGHT’)

figure (4)
 [c,h]=contour (xi,yi,zi);
clabel (c,h);
colormap   cool
title (’IV’)

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xlabel (’X’)
ylabel (’Y’)

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当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


