- mysql 链接配置文件
const conf = {
database: 'node',
user: 'root',
password: 'xxxxx',
options: {
host: 'rm-2vcnsje1qrd9c966ago.mysql.cn-chengdu.rds.aliyuncs.com',
dialect: 'mysql',
define: {
charset: 'utf8mb4',
dialectOptions: {
collate: 'utf8_general_ci',
freezeTableName: true,
timestamps: false,
engine: 'innoDB',
pool: {
max: 15,
min: 0,
module.exports = conf;
module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => { // 定义test模型 const test = sequelize.define( 'test', { id: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER, autoIncrement: true, primaryKey: true }, name: DataTypes.STRING(30), mobile: DataTypes.STRING(15), auth: DataTypes.STRING(30), password: DataTypes.STRING(30), }, { timestamps: false, freezeTableName: true }, ); // test.associate = function associate(_) { }; return test; };
const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const Sequelize = require('sequelize'); const dbConf = require('../conn/mysql/conf'); const db = {}; const sequelize = new Sequelize( dbConf.database, dbConf.user, dbConf.password, dbConf.options, ); //测试数据库链接 // async function testConn() { // try { // await sequelize.authenticate(); // console.log('Connection has been established successfully.'); // } catch (error) { // console.error('Unable to connect to the database:', error); // } // } // testConn(); fs.readdirSync(__dirname) // 获取当前文件所在文件夹下的所有文件名 .filter((file) => file !== 'index.js') // 筛选 .forEach((file) => { // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-dynamic-require, global-require const model = require(path.join(__dirname, file))( // 导出模型类 sequelize, // 传入sequelize对象 Sequelize.DataTypes, //传入sequelize 数据类型 ); db[model.name] = model; }); // 当模型对应数据表不存在时自动创建表 sequelize.sync(); //测试数据库插入 // (async () => { // const jane = await db["test"].create({ name: "Jane" }); // console.log(jane.toJSON()); // })(); db.sequelize = sequelize; db.Sequelize = Sequelize; module.exports = db;
const { test } = require('../models'); const { Op } = require("sequelize"); // 增 // const add = async function () { // const addRes = await test.create({ name: "Jane", cc: "ccc" }); // console.log(addRes.toJSON()); // } // add() // 删 // const del = async function () { // const delRes = await test.destroy({ // where: { // id: 3 // } // }); // console.log(delRes); // } // del() // 改 // const up = async function () { // const upRes = await test.update({ name: "liujie" }, { // where: { // id: 2 // } // }); // console.log(upRes); // } // up() // 查 const sel = async function (res, next) { const data = []; const selRes = await test.findAll(); // 查询全部 // const selRes = await test.findAll({ attributes: ['name'] }); // 查询特定属性 // const selRes = await test.findAll({ attributes: { exclude: ['name'] } }); // 排除特定属性 // const selRes = await test.findAll({ // attributes: { exclude: ['name'] }, // where: { // // id: 2 // id = 2 // id: { // [Op.eq]: 2 // }, // id = 2 // mobile: null // } // }); // where 子句 Array.from(selRes).forEach(ele => { console.log(ele.toJSON()); data.push(ele.toJSON()); }) res.json(data); } module.exports = { sel }