


//#include "clsSMTP.h"
#pragma once

//for vc++ 6.0
#ifndef wchar_t
typedef unsigned short wchar_t;

class clsSMTP
    bool          SetSmtpW/*********/(const wchar_t * pstrAddressOfSMTP);
    bool          SetSmtpA/*********/(const char    * pstrAddressOfSMTP);
    bool          Send/*************/(const char * pstrNameOfDomain, const char * pstrUsername, const char * pstrPassword, int iAuthMode);
    bool          SetSender/********/(const char * pstrCharset, const void * pvNameOfSender, unsigned int uiLen);
    bool          SetSubject/*******/(const char * pstrCharset, const void * pvSubject, unsigned int uiLen);
    bool          SetMessage/*******/(const char * pstrCharset, const void * pvMessage, unsigned int uiLen);
    bool          SetRecipient/*****/(const char * pstrEmailOfRecipient);
    bool          AddRecipient/*****/(const char * pstrEmailOfRecipient);
    bool          DelRecipient/*****/(const char * pstrEmailOfRecipient);
    bool          CleanRecipient/***/(void);
    bool          SetCarbonCopy/****/(const char * pstrEmailOfCC);
    bool          AddCarbonCopy/****/(const char * pstrEmailOfCC);
    bool          DelCarbonCopy/****/(const char * pstrEmailOfCC);
    bool          CleanCarbonCopy/**/(void);
    //bool          AddAttachment/****/(const wchar_t * pstrNameOfAttachment, const void * pvData, unsigned int uiLen);
    //bool          DelAttachment/****/(const wchar_t * pstrNameOfAttachment);
    //bool          CleanAttachment/**/(void);
    unsigned long GetReport/********/(char * pstrReport);
    char         cch_AddressOfSmtp[32];//-----SMTP服务器的地址(尺寸需要可以容纳SOCKADDR结构体)
    char         cstr_Recv[8192];//-----------接收缓冲区(接收SMTP服务端应答文本)
    char         cstr_Send[8192];//-----------发送缓冲区(自动化发送专用)
    char         cstr_Temp[1024];//-----------临时数据
    char         cstr_Proof[512];//-----------登录凭证临时存储区
    unsigned int cui_LenOfSendUsed;//---------发送缓冲区已使用掉的字节量
    char *       cpstr_EmailOfSender;//-------发件人的email地址;
    char *       cpstr_NameOfSender;//--------(在邮件内容中显示的)发件人名称(非必要);
    char *       cpv_Subject;//---------------邮件主题(编码后的内容);
    char *       cpv_Message;//---------------邮件正文内容(编码后的内容);
    char *       cpch_ArrayOfRecipientList;//-收件人列表(柔性数组);
    char *       cpch_ArrayOfCarbonCopyList;//抄送列表(柔性数组);
    char *       cpch_ArrayOfAyyachment;//----附件列表(柔性数组);
    unsigned int cui_SizeOfRecipientList;//---收件人列表(柔性数组)的大小;
    unsigned int cui_SizeOfCarbonCopyList;//--抄送列表(柔性数组)的大小;
    unsigned int cui_SizeOfAyyachment;//------附件列表(柔性数组)的大小

#pragma warning (disable:4996)
#include "clsSMTP.h"
#include <winsock2.h>//--------------Windows提供的网络传输模块
#pragma comment (lib, "ws2_32.lib")//ws2_32.dll
#include "FlexibleArray.h"//---------柔性数组基本操作模块(自编写)
#include "String.h"//----------------字符串基本操作模块(自编写)
#include "BASE64.h"//----------------BASE64编码及解码模块(自编写)

#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0

#define CHARSET_DEFAULT "UTF-8" /*默认字符集名称*/
#define SIZEOFBLOCK 4096 /*柔性数组每一次步进的字节量*/
#define LEN_CHARSET 16 /*字符集名称最大长度*/

//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------assigt function-begin
static unsigned int socket2_put(SOCKET socket, char * pvSend, unsigned int uiSizeOfSend, unsigned int * puiPosOfSend, const char * pvData, unsigned int uiLenOfData);
static unsigned int socket2_pop(SOCKET socket, unsigned long ulTimeout, char * pvRecv, unsigned int uiLen);
    Str_SetNullA(cch_AddressOfSmtp, sizeof(cch_AddressOfSmtp));
    Str_SetNullA(cstr_Recv, sizeof(cstr_Recv));
    Str_SetNullA(cstr_Send, sizeof(cstr_Send));
    Str_SetNullA(cstr_Proof, sizeof(cstr_Proof));
    Str_SetNullA(cstr_Temp, sizeof(cstr_Temp));
    cui_LenOfSendUsed/***********/ = 0;//---发送缓冲区已使用掉的字节量
    cpstr_EmailOfSender/*********/ = NULL;//发件人的email地址;
    cpstr_NameOfSender/**********/ = NULL;//(在邮件内容中显示的)发件人名称(非必要);
    cpv_Subject/*****************/ = NULL;//邮件主题(编码后的内容);
    cpv_Message/*****************/ = NULL;//邮件正文内容(编码后的内容);
    cpch_ArrayOfRecipientList/***/ = NULL;//收件人列表(柔性数组);
    cpch_ArrayOfCarbonCopyList/**/ = NULL;//抄送列表(柔性数组);
    cpch_ArrayOfAyyachment/******/ = NULL;//附件列表(柔性数组);
    cui_SizeOfRecipientList/*****/ = 0;//---收件人列表(柔性数组)的大小;
    cui_SizeOfCarbonCopyList/****/ = 0;//---抄送列表(柔性数组)的大小;
    cui_SizeOfAyyachment/********/ = 0;//---附件列表(柔性数组)的大小
    if (NULL != cpstr_EmailOfSender)//发件人的email地址;
        delete [] cpstr_EmailOfSender;
        cpstr_EmailOfSender = NULL;
    if (NULL != cpstr_NameOfSender)//(在邮件内容中显示的)发件人名称(非必要);
        delete [] cpstr_NameOfSender;
        cpstr_NameOfSender = NULL;
    if (NULL != cpv_Subject)//邮件主题;
        delete [] cpv_Subject;
        cpv_Subject = NULL;
    if (NULL != cpv_Message)//邮件正文内容;
        delete [] cpv_Message;
        cpv_Message = NULL;
    if (NULL != cpch_ArrayOfRecipientList)//收件人列表(柔性数组);;
        delete [] cpch_ArrayOfRecipientList;
        cpch_ArrayOfRecipientList = NULL;
        cui_SizeOfRecipientList = 0;
    if (NULL != cpch_ArrayOfCarbonCopyList)//抄送列表(柔性数组);
        delete [] cpch_ArrayOfCarbonCopyList;
        cpch_ArrayOfCarbonCopyList = NULL;
        cui_SizeOfCarbonCopyList = 0;
    if (NULL != cpch_ArrayOfAyyachment)//附件列表(柔性数组);
        delete[] cpch_ArrayOfAyyachment;
        cpch_ArrayOfAyyachment = NULL;
        cui_SizeOfAyyachment = 0;
bool          clsSMTP::SetSmtpA/*********/(const char    * pstrAddressOfSMTP)
    int iLenOfAddr = sizeof(SOCKADDR);//SOCKADDR结构体的字节量
    if (NULL == pstrAddressOfSMTP)
        Str_SetNullA(cch_AddressOfSmtp, sizeof(cch_AddressOfSmtp));
    } else
        if (0 != WSAStringToAddressA((LPSTR)pstrAddressOfSMTP, AF_INET, NULL, (SOCKADDR*)cch_AddressOfSmtp, &iLenOfAddr))    return false;
    return true;
bool          clsSMTP::SetSmtpW/*********/(const wchar_t * pstrAddressOfSMTP)
    int iLenOfAddr = sizeof(SOCKADDR);//SOCKADDR结构体的字节量
    if (NULL == pstrAddressOfSMTP)
        Str_SetNullA(cch_AddressOfSmtp, sizeof(cch_AddressOfSmtp));
    } else
        if (0 == WSAStringToAddressW((LPWSTR)pstrAddressOfSMTP, AF_INET, NULL, (SOCKADDR*)cch_AddressOfSmtp, &iLenOfAddr))    return false;
    return true;
bool          clsSMTP::SetSender/********/(const char * pstrCharset, const void * pvNameOfSender, unsigned int uiLen)
    unsigned int uiLenOfCharset = Str_LenA(pstrCharset);
    unsigned int uiLenOfEncoded = BASE64_Encoded(NULL, 0, (const char*)pvNameOfSender, uiLen);
    char * pstrData = NULL;
    if (NULL != pvNameOfSender && 0 == uiLen)
        return false;
    if (LEN_CHARSET <= uiLenOfCharset || 0 == uiLenOfEncoded)
        return false;
    if (NULL != pvNameOfSender && 0 != uiLen)
        pstrData = new char[LEN_CHARSET + uiLenOfEncoded + 1];
        if (NULL == pstrData)
            goto failed;
        RtlZeroMemory(pstrData, LEN_CHARSET);
        if (0 == uiLenOfCharset)
            RtlCopyMemory(&pstrData[0], CHARSET_DEFAULT, Str_LenA(CHARSET_DEFAULT));
        } else
            RtlCopyMemory(&pstrData[0], pstrCharset, uiLenOfCharset);
        BASE64_Encoded(&pstrData[LEN_CHARSET], uiLenOfEncoded + 1, (const char*)pvNameOfSender, uiLen);
    if (NULL != cpstr_NameOfSender)
        delete[] cpstr_NameOfSender;
        cpstr_NameOfSender = NULL;
    cpstr_NameOfSender = pstrData;
    return true;
    if (NULL != pstrData)    delete[] pstrData;
    return false;
bool          clsSMTP::SetSubject/*******/(const char * pstrCharset, const void * pvSubject, unsigned int uiLen)
    unsigned int uiLenOfCharset = Str_LenA(pstrCharset);//如果pstrCharset为NULL,Str_LenA()返回值是0;
    unsigned int uiLenOfEncoded = BASE64_Encoded(NULL, 0, (const char*)pvSubject, uiLen);
    char * pstrData = NULL;
    if (NULL != pvSubject && 0 == uiLen)
        return false;
    if (LEN_CHARSET <= uiLenOfCharset || 0 == uiLenOfEncoded)
        return false;
    if (NULL != pvSubject && 0 != uiLen)
        pstrData = new char[LEN_CHARSET + uiLenOfEncoded + 1];
        if (NULL == pstrData)
            goto failed;
        RtlZeroMemory(pstrData, LEN_CHARSET);
        if (0 == uiLenOfCharset)
            RtlCopyMemory(&pstrData[0], CHARSET_DEFAULT, Str_LenA(CHARSET_DEFAULT));
        } else
            RtlCopyMemory(&pstrData[0], pstrCharset, uiLenOfCharset);
        BASE64_Encoded(&pstrData[LEN_CHARSET], uiLenOfEncoded + 1, (const char*)pvSubject, uiLen);
    if (NULL != cpv_Subject)
        delete[] cpv_Subject;
        cpv_Subject = NULL;
    cpv_Subject = pstrData;
    return true;
    if (NULL != pstrData)    delete[] pstrData;
    return false;
bool          clsSMTP::SetMessage/*******/(const char * pstrCharset, const void * pvMessage, unsigned int uiLen)
    unsigned int uiLenOfCharset = Str_LenA(pstrCharset);//如果pstrCharset为NULL,Str_LenA()返回值是0;
    unsigned int uiLenOfEncoded = BASE64_Encoded(NULL, 0, (const char*)pvMessage, uiLen);
    char * pstrData = NULL;
    if (NULL != pvMessage && 0 == uiLen)
        return false;
    if (LEN_CHARSET <= uiLenOfCharset || 0 == uiLenOfEncoded)
        return false;
    if (NULL != pvMessage && 0 != uiLen)
        pstrData = new char[LEN_CHARSET + uiLenOfEncoded + 1];
        if (NULL == pstrData)
            goto failed;
        RtlZeroMemory(pstrData, LEN_CHARSET);
        if (0 == uiLenOfCharset)
            RtlCopyMemory(&pstrData[0], CHARSET_DEFAULT, Str_LenA(CHARSET_DEFAULT));
        } else
            RtlCopyMemory(&pstrData[0], pstrCharset, uiLenOfCharset);
        BASE64_Encoded(&pstrData[LEN_CHARSET], uiLenOfEncoded + 1, (const char*)pvMessage, uiLen);
    if (NULL != cpv_Message)
        delete[] cpv_Message;
        cpv_Message = NULL;
    cpv_Message = pstrData;
    return true;
    if (NULL != pstrData)    delete[] pstrData;
    return false;
bool          clsSMTP::SetRecipient/*****/(const char * pstrEmailOfRecipient)
    unsigned long ulLen = 0, ulSizeOfNew = 0;
    char * pchArray = NULL;//柔性数组新的存储空间
    if (NULL != pstrEmailOfRecipient)
        ulLen = Str_LenA(pstrEmailOfRecipient) * sizeof(char);//strlen(pstrEmailOfRecipient) * sizeof(char)
        if (0 != ulLen)
            ulSizeOfNew = (ulLen + (SIZEOFBLOCK - 1)) / SIZEOFBLOCK * SIZEOFBLOCK;
            pchArray = new char[ulSizeOfNew];
            if (NULL == pchArray)    goto failed;
            RtlZeroMemory(pchArray, ulSizeOfNew);//memset(pchArray, 0, ulSizeOfNew);
    if (NULL != cpch_ArrayOfRecipientList)
        delete [] cpch_ArrayOfRecipientList;
        cpch_ArrayOfRecipientList = NULL;
        cui_SizeOfRecipientList = 0;
    cpch_ArrayOfRecipientList = pchArray;
    cui_SizeOfRecipientList = ulSizeOfNew;
    if (NULL != cpch_ArrayOfRecipientList && NULL != pstrEmailOfRecipient)
        ulSizeOfNew = FlexibleArray_Add(cpch_ArrayOfRecipientList, cui_SizeOfRecipientList, (void*)pstrEmailOfRecipient, (unsigned int)ulLen + 1);
        if (0 == ulSizeOfNew)    return false;
        if (cui_SizeOfRecipientList < ulSizeOfNew)    return false;
    return true;
    if (NULL != pchArray)    delete [] pchArray;
    return false;
bool          clsSMTP::AddRecipient/*****/(const char * pstrEmailOfRecipient)
    if (NULL == cpch_ArrayOfRecipientList)    return false;
    unsigned long ulLen = Str_LenA(pstrEmailOfRecipient) * sizeof(char);//strlen(pstrEmailOfRecipient) * sizeof(char);
    unsigned long ulSizeOfNew = 0;
    char * pchArray = NULL;//柔性数组新的存储空间
    //setp frist-尝试向柔性数组中添加新数据
    ulSizeOfNew = FlexibleArray_Add(cpch_ArrayOfRecipientList, cui_SizeOfRecipientList, (void*)pstrEmailOfRecipient, ulLen + 1);
    if (0 == ulSizeOfNew)
        goto failed;
    } else if (cui_SizeOfRecipientList < ulSizeOfNew)
        ulSizeOfNew = (ulSizeOfNew + (SIZEOFBLOCK - 1)) / SIZEOFBLOCK * SIZEOFBLOCK;
        pchArray = new char[ulSizeOfNew];
        if (NULL == pchArray)    goto failed;
        RtlZeroMemory(pchArray, ulSizeOfNew);//memset(pchArray, 0, ulSizeOfNew);
        RtlCopyMemory(pchArray, cpch_ArrayOfRecipientList, cui_SizeOfRecipientList);//memcpy(pchArray, cpch_ArrayOfRecipientList, cui_SizeOfRecipientList);
        delete[] cpch_ArrayOfRecipientList;
        cpch_ArrayOfRecipientList = pchArray;
        cui_SizeOfRecipientList = ulSizeOfNew;
        FlexibleArray_Add(cpch_ArrayOfRecipientList, cui_SizeOfRecipientList, (void*)pstrEmailOfRecipient, ulLen + 1);
    } else//ulSizeOfOld >= ulSizeOfNew
        //setp frist的返回值到这儿,实际上已经添加成功了.
    return true;
    if (NULL != pchArray)    delete[] pchArray;
    return false;
bool          clsSMTP::DelRecipient/*****/(const char * pstrEmailOfRecipient)
    if (NULL == cpch_ArrayOfRecipientList)    return false;
    unsigned long ulLen = Str_LenA(pstrEmailOfRecipient) * sizeof(char);
    unsigned int uiIndex = 0;
    if (0 == ulLen)    return false;
    if (false == FlexibleArray_Test(cpch_ArrayOfRecipientList, cui_SizeOfRecipientList, (void*)pstrEmailOfRecipient, ulLen, &uiIndex))    return false;
    if (false == FlexibleArray_Del(cpch_ArrayOfRecipientList, cui_SizeOfRecipientList, uiIndex))    return false;//实际上并不会失败
    return true;
bool          clsSMTP::CleanRecipient/***/(void)
    if (NULL != cpch_ArrayOfRecipientList)
        delete[] cpch_ArrayOfRecipientList;
        cpch_ArrayOfRecipientList = NULL;
        cui_SizeOfRecipientList = 0;
    return true;
bool          clsSMTP::SetCarbonCopy/****/(const char * pstrEmailOfCC)
    unsigned long ulLen = 0, ulSizeOfNew = 0;
    char * pchArray = NULL;
    if (NULL != pstrEmailOfCC)
        ulLen = Str_LenA(pstrEmailOfCC) * sizeof(char);
        if (0 != ulLen)
            ulSizeOfNew = (ulLen + (SIZEOFBLOCK - 1)) / SIZEOFBLOCK * SIZEOFBLOCK;
            pchArray = new char[ulSizeOfNew];
            if (NULL == pchArray)    goto failed;
            RtlZeroMemory(pchArray, ulSizeOfNew);
    if (NULL != cpch_ArrayOfCarbonCopyList)
        delete[] cpch_ArrayOfCarbonCopyList;
        cpch_ArrayOfCarbonCopyList = NULL;
        cui_SizeOfCarbonCopyList = 0;
    cpch_ArrayOfCarbonCopyList = pchArray;
    cui_SizeOfCarbonCopyList = ulSizeOfNew;
    if (NULL != cpch_ArrayOfCarbonCopyList && NULL != pstrEmailOfCC)
        ulSizeOfNew = FlexibleArray_Add(cpch_ArrayOfCarbonCopyList, cui_SizeOfCarbonCopyList, (void*)pstrEmailOfCC, (unsigned int)ulLen + 1);
        if (0 == ulSizeOfNew)    return false;
        if (cui_SizeOfCarbonCopyList < ulSizeOfNew)    return false;
    return true;
    if (NULL != pchArray)    delete[] pchArray;
    return false;
bool          clsSMTP::AddCarbonCopy/****/(const char * pstrEmailOfCC)
    if (NULL == cpch_ArrayOfCarbonCopyList)    return false;
    unsigned long ulLen = Str_LenA(pstrEmailOfCC) * sizeof(char);
    unsigned long ulSizeOfNew = 0;
    char * pchArray = NULL;
    ulSizeOfNew = FlexibleArray_Add(cpch_ArrayOfCarbonCopyList, cui_SizeOfCarbonCopyList, (void*)pstrEmailOfCC, ulLen + 1);
    if (0 == ulSizeOfNew)
        goto failed;
    } else if (cui_SizeOfCarbonCopyList < ulSizeOfNew)
        ulSizeOfNew = (ulSizeOfNew + (SIZEOFBLOCK - 1)) / SIZEOFBLOCK * SIZEOFBLOCK;
        pchArray = new char[ulSizeOfNew];
        if (NULL == pchArray)    goto failed;
        RtlZeroMemory(pchArray, ulSizeOfNew);
        RtlCopyMemory(pchArray, cpch_ArrayOfCarbonCopyList, cui_SizeOfCarbonCopyList);
        delete[] cpch_ArrayOfCarbonCopyList;
        cpch_ArrayOfCarbonCopyList = pchArray;
        cui_SizeOfCarbonCopyList = ulSizeOfNew;
        FlexibleArray_Add(cpch_ArrayOfCarbonCopyList, cui_SizeOfCarbonCopyList, (void*)pstrEmailOfCC, ulLen + 1);
    } else
    return true;
    if (NULL != pchArray)    delete[] pchArray;
    return false;
bool          clsSMTP::DelCarbonCopy/****/(const char * pstrEmailOfCC)
    if (NULL == cpch_ArrayOfCarbonCopyList)    return false;
    unsigned long ulLen = Str_LenA(pstrEmailOfCC) * sizeof(char);
    unsigned int uiIndex = 0;
    if (0 == ulLen)    return false;
    if (false == FlexibleArray_Test(cpch_ArrayOfCarbonCopyList, cui_SizeOfCarbonCopyList, (void*)pstrEmailOfCC, ulLen, &uiIndex))    return false;
    if (false == FlexibleArray_Del(cpch_ArrayOfCarbonCopyList, cui_SizeOfCarbonCopyList, uiIndex))    return false;
    return true;
bool          clsSMTP::CleanCarbonCopy/**/(void)
    if (NULL != cpch_ArrayOfCarbonCopyList)
        delete[] cpch_ArrayOfCarbonCopyList;
        cpch_ArrayOfCarbonCopyList = NULL;
        cui_SizeOfCarbonCopyList = 0;
    return true;
unsigned long clsSMTP::GetReport/********/(char * pstrReport)
    unsigned long i = sizeof(cstr_Recv);
    unsigned long ulLen = 0;
    while (0 != cstr_Recv[ulLen] && ulLen < i)
    if (2 <= ulLen)
        if ('\r' == cstr_Recv[ulLen - 2] && '\n' == cstr_Recv[ulLen - 1])
            cstr_Recv[ulLen - 2] = 0;
            cstr_Recv[ulLen - 1] = 0;
            ulLen -= 2;
    if (NULL == pstrReport)    return ulLen;
    for (i = 0; i <= ulLen; i++)
        pstrReport[i] = cstr_Recv[i];
    return ulLen;
bool          clsSMTP::Send/*************/(const char * pstrNameOfDomain, const char * pstrUsername, const char * pstrPassword, int iAuthMode)
    if (NULL == pstrUsername || NULL == pstrPassword)
        return false;
    switch (iAuthMode)
    case 0:
        iAuthMode = 2;
    case 1://"AUTH LOGIN"
    case 2://"AUTH PLAIN"
    case 3://"AUTH CRAM-MD5"
        return false;
    SOCKET        socketMe/*********/ = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);//会话套接字
    unsigned int  index/************/ = 0;//----------------------------------------访问柔性数组时的索引
    unsigned int  uiSizeOfRecv/*****/ = sizeof(cstr_Recv);//------------------------接收缓冲区的尺寸
    unsigned int  uiSizeOfSend/*****/ = sizeof(cstr_Send);//------------------------发送缓冲区的尺寸
    unsigned int  uiSizeOfProof/****/ = sizeof(cstr_Proof);//-----------------------凭证缓冲区的尺寸
    unsigned int  uiSizeOfTemp/*****/ = sizeof(cstr_Temp);//------------------------临时数据缓冲区的尺寸
    unsigned int  uiLenOfUsername/**/ = Str_LenA(pstrUsername);//-------------------参数指明的账号的长度
    unsigned int  uiLenOfPassword/**/ = Str_LenA(pstrPassword);//-------------------参数指明的密码的长度
    unsigned int  uiLenOfEncoded/***/ = 0;//----------------------------------------数据编码后的长度
    unsigned int  uiLenOfSend/******/ = 0;//----------------------------------------需要发送的数据的长度,其他临时性长度;
    if(0 == uiLenOfUsername)    goto failed;
    if (INVALID_SOCKET == socketMe)    goto failed;
    //step first:建立与SMTP服务器的连接
    if (SOCKET_ERROR == WSAConnect(socketMe, (SOCKADDR*)cch_AddressOfSmtp, sizeof(SOCKADDR), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL))    goto failed;
    //step 1:获取SMTP服务端状态,响应码"220"为"服务就绪"
    if (0 == socket2_pop(socketMe, 5000, cstr_Recv, uiSizeOfRecv))    goto failed;//阻塞模式,但限制超时时间为5秒
    if (0 != Str_CmpA(cstr_Recv, "220", 3))    goto failed;
    //step 2:向发送缓冲区添加"EHLO"命令,及需要的参数;
    Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, "EHLO ");
    uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);//多一条步骤,只是为了下面一行代码的整洁度.
    socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);
    uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(pstrNameOfDomain);//pstrNameOfDomain为NULL时,Str_LenA()返回值是0,则不会发生错误;
    if (0 == uiLenOfSend)
        if (false == Str_SearchA(pstrUsername, "@", 0, (unsigned long*)&uiLenOfSend))    goto failed;
        if(uiLenOfSend >= uiLenOfUsername)    goto failed;//防止账号最后一个字符是"@",错误的参数内容
        Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, &pstrUsername[uiLenOfSend]);//复制出域名
        uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, &pstrUsername[uiLenOfSend], uiLenOfSend);
    } else
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, pstrNameOfDomain, uiLenOfSend);
    Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, "\r\n");
    uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);
    socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);
    if (0 == socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, NULL, 0))    goto failed;
    cui_LenOfSendUsed = 0;
    //step 3:接收"EHLO"命令的回复
    Str_SetNullA(cstr_Recv, uiSizeOfRecv);
    if (0 == socket2_pop(socketMe, 5000, cstr_Recv, uiSizeOfRecv))    goto failed;//阻塞模式,但限制超时时间为5000ms.
    if (0 != Str_CmpA(cstr_Recv, "250", 3))    goto failed;
    //step 4:依auth登录方式生成登录凭证,并向服务端发送凭证
    switch (iAuthMode)
    case 1://"AUTH LOGIN":账号和密码分开发送,使用BASE64编码;
        //s 1:"AUTH LOGIN"命令添加到发送缓冲区;
        Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, "AUTH LOGIN\r\n");
        uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);
        //s 2:没有数据需要添加了,将发送缓冲区中的数据发送出去;
        if (0 == socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, NULL, 0))    goto failed;
        cui_LenOfSendUsed = 0;
        //s 3:接收"AUTH LOGIN"命令回复
        Str_SetNullA(cstr_Recv, uiSizeOfRecv);
        if (0 == socket2_pop(socketMe, 5000, cstr_Recv, uiSizeOfRecv))    goto failed;//阻塞模式,但限制超时时间为5000ms.
        //s 4:检查"AUTH LOGIN"命令回复
        if (0 != Str_CmpA(cstr_Recv, "334", 3))    goto failed;
        //s 5:准备发送账号信息
        uiLenOfEncoded = BASE64_Encoded(cstr_Proof, uiSizeOfProof, pstrUsername, uiLenOfUsername);
        uiLenOfSend = uiLenOfEncoded + 2;//密文后面需要增加1个换行符
        if (uiLenOfSend > uiSizeOfProof)    goto failed;//防止越界(主要参数可能存在异常长度的字符串)
        cstr_Proof[uiLenOfEncoded + 0] = '\r';
        cstr_Proof[uiLenOfEncoded + 1] = '\n';
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Proof, uiLenOfSend);
        Str_SetNullA(cstr_Proof, uiSizeOfProof);
        //s 6:将发送缓冲区中的数据全部发送出去
        if (0 == socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, NULL, 0))    goto failed;
        cui_LenOfSendUsed = 0;
        //s 7:发送账号后,接收应答
        Str_SetNullA(cstr_Recv, uiSizeOfRecv);
        if (0 == socket2_pop(socketMe, 5000, cstr_Recv, uiSizeOfRecv))    goto failed;
        if (0 != Str_CmpA(cstr_Recv, "334", 3))    goto failed;
        //s 8:准备发送密码信息
        uiLenOfEncoded = BASE64_Encoded(cstr_Proof, uiSizeOfProof, pstrPassword, uiLenOfPassword);
        uiLenOfSend = uiLenOfEncoded + 2;//密文后面需要增加1个换行符
        if (uiLenOfSend > uiSizeOfProof)    goto failed;//防止数组越界
        cstr_Proof[uiLenOfEncoded + 0] = '\r';
        cstr_Proof[uiLenOfEncoded + 1] = '\n';
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Proof, uiLenOfSend);
        Str_SetNullA(cstr_Proof, uiSizeOfProof);
        //s 6:将发送缓冲区中的数据全部发送出去
        if (0 == socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, NULL, 0))    goto failed;
        Str_SetNullA(cstr_Recv, uiSizeOfRecv);
        if (0 == socket2_pop(socketMe, 5000, cstr_Recv, uiSizeOfRecv))    goto failed;//阻塞模式,但限制超时时间为5000ms.
        if (0 != Str_CmpA(cstr_Recv, "235", 3))    goto failed;
        cui_LenOfSendUsed = 0;
    case 2://"AUTH PLAIN":账号和密码合并发送,使用BASE64编码;
        //s 1:"AUTH PLAIN"命令添加到发送缓冲区;
        Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, "AUTH PLAIN\r\n");
        uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);//多一个步骤,只是为了下面一行代码的整洁度;
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);
        //s 2:没有数据需要添加了,将发送缓冲区中的数据发送出去;
        if (0 == socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, NULL, 0))    goto failed;
        cui_LenOfSendUsed = 0;
        //s 3:接收"AUTH PLAIN"命令回复
        Str_SetNullA(cstr_Recv, uiSizeOfRecv);
        if (0 == socket2_pop(socketMe, 5000, cstr_Recv, uiSizeOfRecv))    goto failed;//阻塞模式,但限制超时时间为5000ms.
        //s 4:检查"AUTH PLAIN"命令回复
        if (0 != Str_CmpA(cstr_Recv, "334", 3))    goto failed;
        //s 5:准备账号和密码,编码后一起发送
        Str_SetNullA(cstr_Temp, uiSizeOfTemp);
        Str_CopyA(&cstr_Temp[1], pstrUsername);
        Str_CopyA(&cstr_Temp[uiLenOfUsername + 2], pstrPassword);
        uiLenOfSend = uiLenOfUsername + uiLenOfPassword + 2;
        uiLenOfEncoded = BASE64_Encoded(cstr_Proof, uiSizeOfProof, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);
        Str_SetNullA(cstr_Temp, uiSizeOfTemp);
        uiLenOfSend = uiLenOfEncoded + 2;
        if (uiLenOfSend > uiSizeOfProof)    goto failed;//防止越界
        cstr_Proof[uiLenOfEncoded + 0] = '\r';
        cstr_Proof[uiLenOfEncoded + 1] = '\n';
        //s 6:将凭证添加到发送缓冲区
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Proof, uiLenOfSend);
        Str_SetNullA(cstr_Proof, uiSizeOfProof);
        //s 7:没有数据需要添加了,将发送缓冲区中的数据发送出去;
        if (0 == socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, NULL, 0))    goto failed;
        cui_LenOfSendUsed = 0;
        //s 8:接收凭证验证回复
        Str_SetNullA(cstr_Recv, uiSizeOfRecv);
        if (0 == socket2_pop(socketMe, 5000, cstr_Recv, uiSizeOfRecv))    goto failed;//阻塞模式,但限制超时时间为5000ms.
        if (0 != Str_CmpA(cstr_Recv, "235", 3))    goto failed;
        cui_LenOfSendUsed = 0;
    case 3://"AUTH CRAM-MD5":
        cui_LenOfSendUsed = 0;
    //step 5:传输数据,发件人信息
        Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, "MAIL FROM:<");
        uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);
        uiLenOfSend = uiLenOfUsername;//只是为了下面一行代码的逻辑相同性
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, pstrUsername, uiLenOfSend);
        Str_CopyA(cstr_Proof, ">\r\n\0");
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Proof, Str_LenA(cstr_Proof));
        if (0 == socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, NULL, 0))    goto failed;
        cui_LenOfSendUsed = 0;
        Str_SetNullA(cstr_Recv, uiSizeOfRecv);
        if (0 == socket2_pop(socketMe, 5000, cstr_Recv, uiSizeOfRecv))    goto failed;//阻塞模式,但限制超时时间为5000ms.
        if (0 != Str_CmpA(cstr_Recv, "250", 3))    goto failed;
    //step 6:传输数据,收件人信息(允许多个收件人)
    if (NULL != cpch_ArrayOfRecipientList && 0 != cui_SizeOfRecipientList)
        index = 0;
        while (FlexibleArray_Get(cpch_ArrayOfRecipientList, cui_SizeOfRecipientList, index++, cstr_Proof, uiSizeOfProof))
            Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, "RCPT TO:<");
            uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);
            socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);
            uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Proof);
            socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Proof, uiLenOfSend);
            Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, ">\r\n\0");
            uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);
            socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);
            if(0 == socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, NULL, 0))    goto failed;
            cui_LenOfSendUsed = 0;
            Str_SetNullA(cstr_Recv, uiSizeOfRecv);
            if (0 == socket2_pop(socketMe, 5000, cstr_Recv, uiSizeOfRecv))    goto failed;//阻塞模式,但限制超时时间为5000ms.
            if (0 != Str_CmpA(cstr_Recv, "250", 3))    goto failed;
    //step 7:发送邮件主体数据
    //step 7-first:进入邮件主体数据传输状态
    //-----s 1:将"DATA"命令添加到发送缓冲区;
    Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, "DATA\r\n\0");
    uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);
    socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);
    //-----s 2:将发送缓冲区中的数据发送出去;
    if (0 == socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, NULL, 0))    goto failed;
    cui_LenOfSendUsed = 0;
    //-----s 3:接收"DATA"命令回复
    Str_SetNullA(cstr_Recv, uiSizeOfRecv);
    if (0 == socket2_pop(socketMe, 5000, cstr_Recv, uiSizeOfRecv))    goto failed;//阻塞模式,但限制超时时间为5000ms.
    //-----s 4:检查"DATA"命令的回复
    if (0 != Str_CmpA(cstr_Recv, "354", 3))    goto failed;
    //step 7-1:生成"发件人信息"并发送
    if (NULL == cpstr_NameOfSender)
        Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, "FROM:<");//FROM关键词
        uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);
        uiLenOfSend = uiLenOfUsername;
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, pstrUsername, uiLenOfSend);
        Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, ">\r\n");
        uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);
    } else
        Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, "FROM: =?");//FROM关键词
        uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);
        uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cpstr_NameOfSender);
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cpstr_NameOfSender, uiLenOfSend);
        Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, "?B?");//B表示BASE64编码
        uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);
        uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(&cpstr_NameOfSender[LEN_CHARSET]);
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, &cpstr_NameOfSender[LEN_CHARSET], uiLenOfSend);
        Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, "?= <");
        uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);
        uiLenOfSend = uiLenOfUsername;
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, pstrUsername, uiLenOfSend);
        Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, ">\r\n");
        uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);
    //step 7-2:生成"收件人信息"并发送
    if (NULL != cpch_ArrayOfRecipientList && 0 != cui_SizeOfRecipientList)
        Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, "TO:");//TO关键词
        uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);
        //               [<SP>=?CharacterSet?]+[编码方式代码]+[?]+[收件人名称]+[?=<SP><]+[收件人邮箱地址]+[>,]+
        //               [<SP>=?CharacterSet?]+[编码方式代码]+[?]+[收件人名称]+[?=<SP><]+[收件人邮箱地址]+[>,]+
        //               ...重复上述内容...
        //               [\r\n]
        index = 0;
        while (FlexibleArray_Get(cpch_ArrayOfRecipientList, cui_SizeOfRecipientList, index++, cstr_Proof, uiSizeOfProof))
            Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, "<");
            uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);
            socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);
            uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Proof);
            socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Proof, uiLenOfSend);
            Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, ">,");//虽然最后一个收件人会导致多出来一个",",但并不影响实际功能
            uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);
            socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);
        Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, "\r\n");
        uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);
    //step 7-3:生成"抄送信息"并发送
    if(NULL != cpch_ArrayOfCarbonCopyList && 0 != cui_SizeOfCarbonCopyList)
        Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, "Cc: ");//Cc关键词
        uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);
        //               [<SP>=?CharacterSet?]+[编码方式代码]+[?]+[收件人名称]+[?=<SP><]+[收件人邮箱地址]+[>,]+
        //               [<SP>=?CharacterSet?]+[编码方式代码]+[?]+[收件人名称]+[?=<SP><]+[收件人邮箱地址]+[>,]+
        //               ...重复上述内容...
        //               [\r\n]
        index = 0;
        Str_SetNullA(cstr_Proof, uiSizeOfProof);
        while (FlexibleArray_Get(cpch_ArrayOfCarbonCopyList, cui_SizeOfCarbonCopyList, index++, cstr_Proof, uiSizeOfProof))
            Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, "<");
            uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);
            socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);
            uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Proof);
            socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Proof, uiLenOfSend);
            Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, ">,");//虽然最后一个抄送人会导致多出来一个",",但并不影响实际功能
            uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);
            socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);
        Str_CopyA(cstr_Recv, "\r\n");
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Recv, Str_LenA(cstr_Recv));
    //step 7-4:"邮件主题信息"发送
    if(NULL != cpv_Subject)
        Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, "SUBJECT: =?");
        uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);
        uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cpv_Subject);
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cpv_Subject, uiLenOfSend);
        Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, "?B?");
        uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);
        uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(&cpv_Subject[LEN_CHARSET]);
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, &cpv_Subject[LEN_CHARSET], uiLenOfSend);
        Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, "?=\r\n");
        uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);
    //step 7-5:邮件正文发送
    if(NULL != cpv_Message)
        Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n");
        uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);

        Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, "Content-Type:multipart/mixed; boundary=\"----=_NextPart_000_0005.00\"\r\n\r\n");
        uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);
        Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, "------=_NextPart_000_0005.00\r\n");
        uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);

        Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, "Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=\"----=_NextPart_000_0005.01\"\r\n\r\n");
        uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);

        Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, "This is a multipart message in MIME format.\r\n\r\n");
        uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);

        Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, "------=_NextPart_000_0005.01\r\n");
        uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);

        Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"");
        uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);

        uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cpv_Message);
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cpv_Message, uiLenOfSend);

        Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, "\"\r\n");
        uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);
        Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64\r\n\r\n");
        uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);

        uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(&cpv_Message[LEN_CHARSET]);
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, &cpv_Message[LEN_CHARSET], uiLenOfSend);

        Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, "\r\n\r\n");
        uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);
        Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, "------=_NextPart_000_0005.01--\r\n");
        uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);
        Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, "------=_NextPart_000_0005.00--\r\n");
        uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);
    //step 7-6:"邮件结束"标记发送
        Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, "\r\n.\r\n");
        uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);
        socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);
    socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, NULL, 0);
    cui_LenOfSendUsed = 0;
    Str_SetNullA(cstr_Recv, uiSizeOfRecv);
    if (0 == socket2_pop(socketMe, 5000, cstr_Recv, uiSizeOfRecv))    goto failed;//阻塞模式,但限制超时时间为5000ms.
    if (0 != Str_CmpA(cstr_Recv, "250", 3))    goto failed;
    //step last:通知SMTP服务端结束会话
    Str_CopyA(cstr_Temp, "QUIT\r\n\0");
    uiLenOfSend = Str_LenA(cstr_Temp);
    socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, cstr_Temp, uiLenOfSend);
    socket2_put(socketMe, cstr_Send, uiSizeOfSend, &cui_LenOfSendUsed, NULL, 0);
    cui_LenOfSendUsed = 0;
    Str_SetNullA(cstr_Recv, uiSizeOfRecv);
    if (0 == socket2_pop(socketMe, 5000, cstr_Recv, uiSizeOfRecv))    goto failed;//阻塞模式,但限制超时时间为5000ms.
    socketMe = INVALID_SOCKET;
    return true;
    cui_LenOfSendUsed = 0;
    Str_SetNullA(cstr_Proof, uiSizeOfProof);
    if (INVALID_SOCKET != socketMe)    closesocket(socketMe);
    return false;

//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------assigt function-begin
unsigned int socket2_put(SOCKET socket, char * pvSend, unsigned int uiSizeOfSend, unsigned int * puiPosOfSend, const char * pvData, unsigned int uiLenOfData)
    if (NULL == pvSend || 0 == uiSizeOfSend || NULL == puiPosOfSend)    return 0;
    if (NULL == pvData && 0 != uiLenOfData)    return 0;
    if (NULL != pvData && 0 == uiLenOfData)    return 0;
    unsigned int uiLenOfSend/**/ = 0;
    unsigned int uiLenOfCopy/**/ = 0;
    unsigned int i/************/ = 0;
    int          iResult/******/ = 0;
    if (0 == uiLenOfData)
        if (0 == *puiPosOfSend)    return 0;
        iResult = send(socket, (const char*)pvSend, (int)*puiPosOfSend, 0);
        if (SOCKET_ERROR == iResult)    return 0;
        if (*puiPosOfSend == (unsigned int)iResult)
            *puiPosOfSend = 0;
            return (unsigned int)iResult;
        } else//发送不完全
            for (i = 0; i < (*puiPosOfSend - iResult); i++)
                pvSend[i] = pvSend[i + iResult];
            (*puiPosOfSend) -= iResult;
            return (unsigned int)iResult;
    } else
        while (uiLenOfCopy < uiLenOfData)
            pvSend[(*puiPosOfSend)++] = pvData[uiLenOfCopy++];
            if (*puiPosOfSend == uiSizeOfSend)
                iResult = send(socket, (const char*)pvSend, (int)*puiPosOfSend, 0);
                if (SOCKET_ERROR == iResult)    return uiLenOfSend;
                uiLenOfSend += (unsigned int)iResult;
                if (*puiPosOfSend == (unsigned int)iResult)
                    *puiPosOfSend = 0;
                } else//发送不完全
                    for (i = 0; i < ((*puiPosOfSend) - iResult); i++)
                        pvSend[i] = pvSend[i + iResult];
                    (*puiPosOfSend) -= iResult;
                    return uiLenOfSend;
    return uiLenOfSend;

unsigned int socket2_pop(SOCKET socket, unsigned long ulTimeout, char * pvRecv, unsigned int uiLen)
{//不使用ioctlsocket()函数来检测套接字的可读性,原因是ioctlsocket()函数需要Windows8及以上版本的系统才能使用;但本函数希望可以在Windows 7上也能使用;
    fd_set       fds/******/ = { 0 };
    timeval      timeout/**/ = { (long)ulTimeout / 1000, (long)ulTimeout % 1000 };
    unsigned int uiPos/****/ = 0;
    int          iResult/**/ = 0;
    if (NULL == pvRecv || 0 == uiLen)    return 0;
    FD_SET(socket, &fds);
    iResult = select(0, &fds, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
    if (SOCKET_ERROR == iResult)    return 0;//发生了错误
    if (0 == iResult)    return 0;//WSAETIMEDOUT,在等待了指定的时间后套接字依然不可读;
    timeout.tv_sec = 0;
    timeout.tv_usec = 10;//这个毫秒数不能太短;
    while (uiPos < uiLen)
        iResult = recv(socket, &pvRecv[uiPos], 1, 0);//适用于阻塞模式
        //if (0 == iResult)    return uiPos;//连接已经关闭
        if (1 != iResult)    return uiPos;//发生了错误
        iResult = select(0, &fds, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
        if (SOCKET_ERROR == iResult)    return uiPos;//发生了错误;
        if (0 == iResult)    return uiPos;
    return uiPos;
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------assigt function-end


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "socket2.h" //套接字常用操作的二次封装模块
#include <Windows.h>
#include "String.h"  //自编写的字符串常用操作模块
#include "clsSMTP.h" //自编写的SMTP客户端模块
#include "FileH.h"   //自编写的常用文件操作模块

int main()
    clsSMTP objSmtp;
    HANDLE hFile = NULL;
    unsigned long ulLen = 2048;
    wchar_t strMessage[1024] = { 0 };
    wchar_t strSubject[1024] = { 0 };
    char strUrl[64] = { 0 };//SMTP服务器的地址,格式是123.123.123.123:12345
    char strUsername[64] = { 0 };//使用的邮箱账号
    char strPassword[64] = { 0 };//账号的密码
    char * pstrResponse = NULL;//SMTP服务器返回的报告
    Str_CopyA(strUrl, "");
    Str_CopyA(strUsername, "wwz@testdomain.com");
    Str_CopyA(strPassword, "123456");
    if (false == objSmtp.SetSmtpA(strUrl))
        cout << "设置SMTP服务器地址失败,原因:" << WSAGetLastError() << endl;
        return 0;
    hFile = FileH_OpenExistFileByReadOnlyA("Z:\\subject.txt", false, false, 0);
    FileRW_Read(hFile, strSubject, ulLen);//ulLen为2048,假定主题长度不超过2048字节
    hFile = FileH_OpenExistFileByReadOnlyA("Z:\\msg.txt", false, false, 0);
    FileRW_Read(hFile, strMessage, ulLen);//ulLen为2048,假定正文长度不超过2048字节
    objSmtp.SetSender("8bit", "Czechoslovakia", 14);
    objSmtp.SetSubject("utf-8", strSubject, Str_LenW(strSubject) * sizeof(wchar_t));
    objSmtp.SetMessage("utf-8", strMessage, Str_LenW(strMessage) * sizeof(wchar_t));
    if (objSmtp.Send(NULL, strUsername, strPassword, 1))
        cout << "邮件发送成功" << endl;
    } else
        cout << "邮件发送失败"<<endl;
        ulLen = objSmtp.GetReport(NULL);
        cout << "Len=" << ulLen << endl;
        if (0 != ulLen)
            pstrResponse = new char[ulLen + 1];
            if (NULL == pstrResponse)
                cout << "无法查询最后回复内容,失败原因是无法申请内存." << endl;
                cout << "最后回复内容:<" << pstrResponse << ">" << endl;
                delete[] pstrResponse;
    return 0;

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发送邮件需要使用SMTP协议,可以使用C++编写SMTP客户端实现邮件发送功能。下面是一个使用C++实现SMTP发送邮件的示例代码: ```c++ #include <iostream> #include <winsock2.h> #include <ws2tcpip.h> #pragma comment(lib, "Ws2_32.lib") using namespace std; int main() { // 初始化Winsock库 WSADATA wsaData; if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData) != 0) { cout << "Failed to initialize Winsock library." << endl; return 1; } // 创建套接字 SOCKET sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET) { cout << "Failed to create socket." << endl; WSACleanup(); return 1; } // 获取SMTP服务器的IP地址 struct addrinfo* result = NULL, hints; ZeroMemory(&hints, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = AF_INET; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; if (getaddrinfo("smtp.example.com", "25", &hints, &result) != 0) { cout << "Failed to get SMTP server IP address." << endl; closesocket(sock); WSACleanup(); return 1; } // 连接SMTP服务器 if (connect(sock, result->ai_addr, (int)result->ai_addrlen) != 0) { cout << "Failed to connect to SMTP server." << endl; freeaddrinfo(result); closesocket(sock); WSACleanup(); return 1; } // 接收服务器的欢迎信息 char recvbuf[1024]; int recvbuflen = 1024; if (recv(sock, recvbuf, recvbuflen, 0) <= 0) { cout << "Failed to receive welcome message from SMTP server." << endl; freeaddrinfo(result); closesocket(sock); WSACleanup(); return 1; } cout << recvbuf << endl; // 发送EHLO命令 const char* ehlo = "EHLO example.com\r\n"; if (send(sock, ehlo, (int)strlen(ehlo), 0) <= 0) { cout << "Failed to send EHLO command." << endl; freeaddrinfo(result); closesocket(sock); WSACleanup(); return 1; } // 接收服务器的响应 if (recv(sock, recvbuf, recvbuflen, 0) <= 0) { cout << "Failed to receive response to EHLO command." << endl; freeaddrinfo(result); closesocket(sock); WSACleanup(); return 1; } cout << recvbuf << endl; // 发送AUTH LOGIN命令 const char* auth = "AUTH LOGIN\r\n"; if (send(sock, auth, (int)strlen(auth), 0) <= 0) { cout << "Failed to send AUTH LOGIN command." << endl; freeaddrinfo(result); closesocket(sock); WSACleanup(); return 1; } // 接收服务器的响应 if (recv(sock, recvbuf, recvbuflen, 0) <= 0) { cout << "Failed to receive response to AUTH LOGIN command." << endl; freeaddrinfo(result); closesocket(sock); WSACleanup(); return 1; } cout << recvbuf << endl; // 发送用户名 const char* username = "your_email@example.com"; int len = (int)strlen(username); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { username[i] = base64_encode(username[i]); } const char* user = username; if (send(sock, user, (int)strlen(user), 0) <= 0) { cout << "Failed to send username." << endl; freeaddrinfo(result); closesocket(sock); WSACleanup(); return 1; } if (send(sock, "\r\n", 2, 0) <= 0) { cout << "Failed to send CRLF." << endl; freeaddrinfo(result); closesocket(sock); WSACleanup(); return 1; } // 接收服务器的响应 if (recv(sock, recvbuf, recvbuflen, 0) <= 0) { cout << "Failed to receive response to username." << endl; freeaddrinfo(result); closesocket(sock); WSACleanup(); return 1; } cout << recvbuf << endl; // 发送密码 const char* password = "your_password"; len = (int)strlen(password); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { password[i] = base64_encode(password[i]); } const char* pass = password; if (send(sock, pass, (int)strlen(pass), 0) <= 0) { cout << "Failed to send password." << endl; freeaddrinfo(result); closesocket(sock); WSACleanup(); return 1; } if (send(sock, "\r\n", 2, 0) <= 0) { cout << "Failed to send CRLF." << endl; freeaddrinfo(result); closesocket(sock); WSACleanup(); return 1; } // 接收服务器的响应 if (recv(sock, recvbuf, recvbuflen, 0) <= 0) { cout << "Failed to receive response to password." << endl; freeaddrinfo(result); closesocket(sock); WSACleanup(); return 1; } cout << recvbuf << endl; // 发送MAIL FROM命令 const char* mailfrom = "MAIL FROM:<your_email@example.com>\r\n"; if (send(sock, mailfrom, (int)strlen(mailfrom), 0) <= 0) { cout << "Failed to send MAIL FROM command." << endl; freeaddrinfo(result); closesocket(sock); WSACleanup(); return 1; } // 接收服务器的响应 if (recv(sock, recvbuf, recvbuflen, 0) <= 0) { cout << "Failed to receive response to MAIL FROM command." << endl; freeaddrinfo(result); closesocket(sock); WSACleanup(); return 1; } cout << recvbuf << endl; // 发送RCPT TO命令 const char* rcptto = "RCPT TO:<recipient_email@example.com>\r\n"; if (send(sock, rcptto, (int)strlen(rcptto), 0) <= 0) { cout << "Failed to send RCPT TO command." << endl; freeaddrinfo(result); closesocket(sock); WSACleanup(); return 1; } // 接收服务器的响应 if (recv(sock, recvbuf, recvbuflen, 0) <= 0) { cout << "Failed to receive response to RCPT TO command." << endl; freeaddrinfo(result); closesocket(sock); WSACleanup(); return 1; } cout << recvbuf << endl; // 发送DATA命令 const char* data = "DATA\r\n"; if (send(sock, data, (int)strlen(data), 0) <= 0) { cout << "Failed to send DATA command." << endl; freeaddrinfo(result); closesocket(sock); WSACleanup(); return 1; } // 接收服务器的响应 if (recv(sock, recvbuf, recvbuflen, 0) <= 0) { cout << "Failed to receive response to DATA command." << endl; freeaddrinfo(result); closesocket(sock); WSACleanup(); return 1; } cout << recvbuf << endl; // 发送邮件内容 const char* content = "From: your_email@example.com\r\n" "To: recipient_email@example.com\r\n" "Subject: Test\r\n" "\r\n" "This is a test email.\r\n" ".\r\n"; if (send(sock, content, (int)strlen(content), 0) <= 0) { cout << "Failed to send email content." << endl; freeaddrinfo(result); closesocket(sock); WSACleanup(); return 1; } // 接收服务器的响应 if (recv(sock, recvbuf, recvbuflen, 0) <= 0) { cout << "Failed to receive response to email content." << endl; freeaddrinfo(result); closesocket(sock); WSACleanup(); return 1; } cout << recvbuf << endl; // 发送QUIT命令 const char* quit = "QUIT\r\n"; if (send(sock, quit, (int)strlen(quit), 0) <= 0) { cout << "Failed to send QUIT command." << endl; freeaddrinfo(result); closesocket(sock); WSACleanup(); return 1; } // 接收服务器的响应 if (recv(sock, recvbuf, recvbuflen, 0) <= 0) { cout << "Failed to receive response to QUIT command." << endl; freeaddrinfo(result); closesocket(sock); WSACleanup(); return 1; } cout << recvbuf << endl; // 关闭套接字 freeaddrinfo(result); closesocket(sock); // 关闭Winsock库 WSACleanup(); return 0; } // Base64编码 char base64_encode(char c) { if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') { return c - 'A'; } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') { return c - 'a' + 26; } else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { return c - '0' + 52; } else if (c == '+') { return 62; } else if (c == '/') { return 63; } else { return -1; } } ``` 上面的代码使用了Windows Sockets API来实现SMTP客户端,需要在Windows系统下编译运行。在代码中,需要将"smtp.example.com"和"your_email@example.com"替换为实际的SMTP服务器地址和发件人邮箱地址。另外,需要在代码中指定收件人邮箱地址、邮件主题和邮件内容。


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