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A quick guide to getting started with the JSR 311 plugin for Grails.

Important note : This page still describes version 0.1 of the plugin. Documentation for version 0.2 is work in progress.

Overview (version 0.2)

This page helps you getting started with the JSR 311 plugin for Grails. It is assumed that you have a basic understanding of Grails and the JSR 311 (JAX-RS: The Java API for RESTful Web Services). The examples in the following chapters have been tested with Grails 1.1.1. For instructions how to download and install Grails refer to the Grails reference documentation section 2.1 .

Hello world

Create a project

To use the plugin we create a new Grails project. Change the working directory to a location where you want to create a new Grails project and enter

grails create
app hello

on the command line. This creates a new directory hello .

Install the plugin

To install the plugin from the Grails Plugin Repository , go to the created hello directory and enter

grails install
plugin jaxrs

This will download the latest released version of the plugin from the Grails Plugin Repository . For further installation options refer to the installation instructions .

Create a resource

To create a JAX-RS resource named test enter

grails create
resource test

This will create a TestResource.groovy file under grails-app/resources and a TestResourceTests.groovy file under test/unit . The TestResourceTests.groovy file is a unit test template. The TestResource.groovy file is the generated JAX-RS resource.

import javax . ws . rs . Path
import javax . ws . rs . Produces

@Path ( '/test' )
class TestResource {

@Produces ( 'text/plain' )
String getTestRepresentation () {

It defines a single method that responds to HTTP GET operations. The response entity is set to the return value of the method, Test in this example. The content type of the response (Content-Type header) is text/plain . The created resource is ready to use as shown in the next section.

Creating resources via the command line is only one option. An alternative is to create resource files by hand. Any *Resource.groovy file created under grails-app/resources is assumed to be a JAX-RS resource and auto-detected by the grails-jaxrs plugin.

Run the application

To start the application enter

grails run

on the comamnd line. Then open a browser window and go to http://localhost:8080/hello/test . The browser should now display "Test ".

Change the code

The grails-jaxrs plugin also support code changes at runtime i.e. without restarting the server. To demonstrate that, open the TestResource.groovy file and change the return value of getTestRepresentation() to e.g. Hello world . Then, refresh the browser window and you should now see Hello world .

Using Eclipse

Using the hello project with the grails-jaxrs plugin in Eclipse requires a bit more than just importing the hello project. After import, the grails-jaxrs classes are not on the classpath of the project, therefore, you'll see compile errors for generated JAX-RS resources. The best way to resolve the compile errors is to import the grails-jaxrs plugin project as a separate project in Eclipse and reference that project from the hello project.

To checkout a released version of the grails-jaxrs project enter

//<version> jaxrs

on the command line where <version> must be replaced by the version of the plugin you're using. This will create a local directory jaxrs , the root directory of the project. If you use a development snapshot checkout the sources from .

To import the project into Eclipse go to File -> Import... -> General -> Existing Projects Into Workspace and press Next . Then select the project's root directory and click Finish . You should now see a jaxrs project in the package explorer.

To add this new project as dependency to the hello project, right-click on the hello project and go to Properties -> Java Build Path -> Projects -> Add... . Select the jaxrs project from the list of projects in the workspace and press OK . The compile erros should now disappear.


The grails-jaxrs plugin also supports scaffolding. It allows you to create a RESTful service interface for one or more domain classes based on JAX-RS resource classes. The following sections walk through a very simple example. Please note that the scaffolding feature of the plugin is still early-access .

Create a domain class

To create a Person domain class go to the project's root directory and enter

grails create

Open the generated Person.groovy file (under grails-app/domain ) and add two properties, firstName and lastName .


static constraints = {
String firstName
String lastName

Generate the REST API

To generate JAX-RS resources that implement the RESTful service interface for that domain class enter

grails generate
resources person

This will generate two resource classes, PersonCollectionResource.groovy and PersonResource.groovy that support HTTP POST, GET, PUT and DELETE operations for creating, reading, updating and deleting Person objects, respectively. PersonCollectionResource.groovy is related Person lists, PersonResource.groovy is related to individual Person instances. Before digging into the generated code let's take a look at how to use the generated RESTful Person interface.

Use the REST API

... work in progress

Overview (version 0.1)

The following sections describe the (old) version 0.1 of the grails-jaxrs plugin.

This page helps you getting started with the JSR 311 plugin for Grails. It is assumed that you have a basic understanding of Grails and the JSR 311 (JAX-RS: The Java API for RESTful Web Services).


Getting the plugin

Note: You can skip this section if you want to get the plugin directly from the Grails Plugin Repository .

Either download the latest plugin binary directly from directly from here or build it from its sources:

  • Checkout the code from Subversion via svn checkout jaxrs
  • Go to the created jaxrs directory.
  • Enter grails test-app on the command line to run the unit and integration tests (optional)
  • Enter grails package-plugin on the command line to create the plugin binary

The filename of the created plugin is grails-jaxrs-<version>.zip where <version> is the current development version. Alternatively, build the plugin from a tagged version .

Hello world

Create a project

To use the plugin we create a new Grails project. Change the working directory to a location where you want to create a new Grails project and enter

grails create-app hello

on the command line. This creates a new directory hello .

Install the plugin

Go to the created hello directory and enter

grails install-plugin jaxrs

on the comamnd line. This will download the latest released version of the plugin from the Grails Plugin Repository . If you downloaded or built the plugin as described in Getting the plugin enter

grails install-plugin /path/to/grails-jaxrs-<version>.zip

where /path/to needs to be replaced by the absolute or relative path to the grails-jaxrs plugin file.

Required libraries

In order work with JSR 311 annotations and classes the JSR 311 jar file (version 1.1) must be added to the project's lib folder.

Create a resource

In the hello project under src/groovy create a new Groovy class HelloResource.groovy :

import javax . ws . rs . Path
import javax . ws . rs . Produces

import org . springframework . stereotype . Component

@Path ( '/test' )
class HelloResource {

@Produces ( 'text/plain' )
String greet () {
'Hello grails-jaxrs'

This implements a resource that responds to HTTP GET and produces representations of content type text/plain . The path of the resource URL is /test .

Setup the application context

Before the application can be started we need to add the resource to the Spring application context. We do this with a component scan . A component scan looks in the classpath for beans annotated with @Component and adds them to the application context. Here's the application context XML file (resources.xml ) that needs to be added to the grails-app/conf/spring directory of the hello project.


xmlns:xsi = ""
xmlns:context = ""
xsi:schemaLocation = ""

<context:component-scan base-package = "**" />


This scans components from all packages including the default package. If you don't want to use context:component-scan add the bean <bean class="HelloResource" /> directly to the application context.

Run the application

To start the application type

grails run-app

on the comamnd line. Then open a browser window and go to http://localhost:8080/hello/test . The browser should now display a "Hello grails-jaxrs".

Advanced topics


By default all requests are forwarded to the JaxrsController which is contained in the grails-jaxrs plugin. In order to use "regular" Grails controllers besides the JaxrsController we need to extend the URL mappings.

Instead of extending the grails-app/conf/UrlMappings.groovy file directly the URL mappings for the JaxrsController are set via the org.grails.jaxrs.url.mappings configuration property. The property value is a list of URL patterns. For example, assuming that a Grails application is accessible under http://localhost:8080/hello where /hello is the context path and all JAX-RS resources are accessible via

we need to add the following entry to grails-app/conf/Config.groovy :

  • org.grails.jaxrs.url.mappings=['/test', '/notes']

This ensures that only requests with a URL path matching /test/... and /notes/... are forwarded to the JaxrsController , all other requests may go to other Grails controllers. More detailed, the grails-jaxrs plugin creates the following URL mappings when it is loaded:

  • "/test"(controller:"jaxrs")
  • "/test/**"(controller:"jaxrs")
  • "/notes"(controller:"jaxrs")
  • "/notes/**"(controller:"jaxrs")

Applying filters

Grails filters can be applied to JAX-RS resources as well. For example, to add a filter for the /test/** URL pattern, create a file TestFilters.groovy under grails-app/conf with a content like


def filters = {
( uri : '/test/**' ) {
= {
// do some preprocessing
= {
// do some postprocessing

Using GORM

Usage of GORM is demonstrated on a (over-simplified) web application that keeps track of notes that have been POSTed via HTTP.

  • POSTing to http://localhost:8080/hello/notes creates a new Note domain object in the database containing the actual note from the request body. The request content type is text/plain . The response content type is text/xml representing the created domain object including its identifier. The response Location header contains the URL of the created note resource.
  • GETing from http://localhost:8080/hello/notes obtains a list of all created notes so far or an empty list. The response content type is text/xml .
  • GETing from http://localhost:8080/hello/notes/{id } obtains a note with a certain id or an error message (along with status code 404) if a note with the given id doesn't exist.

The first step is to create the Note domain object. This can be either done via grails create-domain-class note from the command line or manually by adding a Note.groovy file with the following content to the grails-app/domain directory.


static constraints = {
String text

The only thing a note object stores is the note text (and an id property that is available on every Grails domain object).

For creating new Note instances i.e. note resources we POST the notes text to http://localhost:8080/hello/notes . This resource is implemented with a NotesResource class


import javax . ws . rs . Consumes
import javax . ws . rs . GET
import javax . ws . rs . Produces
import javax . ws . rs . Path
import javax . ws . rs . PathParam
import javax . ws . rs . POST
import javax . ws . rs . core . Response
import javax . ws . rs . core . UriBuilder

import org . springframework . stereotype . Component

@Path ( '/notes' )
class NotesResource {

@Consumes ( 'text/plain' )
@Produces ( 'text/xml' )
Response addNote ( String text ) {
def note = new Note ( text : text ). save ()
         URI uri
= UriBuilder . fromPath ( note . id as String ). build ()
Response . created ( uri ). entity ( note as XML ). build ()

@Produces ( 'text/xml' )
Response getNotes () {
Response . ok ( Note . findAll () as XML ). build ()

Save this class as NotesResource.groovy in the src/groovy directory. Let's take a closer look at it. The class-level @Path annotation makes this resource accessible under the /notes path i.e. the full URL is http://localhost:8080/hello/notes . POSTing to this URL will call the addNote(String) method passing the request body via the text parameter. The text parameter is used to construct a Note object which is then stored in the database. The URL for the newly created note is constructed in the second line. We use this URL to set the Location response header with Response.created(uri) . The response body contains the XML representation of the note object. To create the XML representation the XML converter of Grails is used. Here's a sample HTTP request:


Content - Type : text / plain
Host : localhost : 8080
Content - Length : 27

Don 't forget to learn Scala

Here's a sample HTTP response:


Content - Type : text / xml
Location : http : //localhost:8080/hello/notes/1

<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?>
< note id = "1" >
< text > Don 't forget to learn Scala</text>

To obtain a list of all notes send a GET request to http://localhost:8080/hello/notes which will call the getNotes() method. This method again uses the Grails XML converter to create an XML representation of the notes collection, such as

Content - Type : text / xml

<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?>
< list >
< note id = "1" >
< text > Don 't forget to learn Scala</text>
  <note id="2">
    <text>Another important note</text>

Finally we want to obtain individual notes via http://localhost:8080/hello/notes/{id} where id is in range 1..n. This can be achieved by adding a getNote(String method to the NotesResource class:


@Path ( '/notes' )
class NotesResource {

// ... other methods omitted

@Path ( '/{id}' )
NoteResource getNote ( @PathParam ( 'id' ) String id ) {
new NoteResource ( note : Note . get ( id ))

Instead of using a fixed path we use a path template where the last path segment is the variable part of the path. It is bound to the id parameter of the getNote(String) method using a @PathParam annotation. Instead of rendering the response directly in the NotesResource class it is delegated to the NoteResource class after we've loaded the note object from the database:

import grails . converters .*
import javax . ws . rs . GET
import javax . ws . rs . Produces
import javax . ws . rs . core . Response

class NoteResource {

Note note

@Produces ( 'text/xml' )
Response getNote () {
if ( note ) {
Response . ok ( note as XML ). build ()
} else {
Response . status ( NOT_FOUND ). entity ( '<error>not found</error>' ). build ()

If a note object with the requested id exists an XML representation is returned, otherwise, an error message is created along with a status code 404 (NOT FOUND). For example, GETing the note http://localhost:8080/hello/notes/1 returns

Content - Type : text / xml

<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?>
< note id = "1" >
< text > Don 't forget to learn Scala</text>

Entity providers

Entity providers supply mapping services between representations and their associated Java types. They are used to factor out parsing and rendering code from resource classes. The grails-jaxrs plugin provides abstract base classes for entity providers.

These can be used for simple use cases. For example, if you want to use Groovy's markup builder for creating custom XML responses implement a NoteWriter provider class like to following:


import java . io . OutputStreamWriter
import javax . ws . rs . Produces
import javax . ws . rs . ext . Provider

import javax . ws . rs . core . MultivaluedMap

import org . grails . jaxrs . support . MessageBodyWriterSupport
import org . grails . jaxrs . test . domain . Foo

import org . springframework . stereotype . Component

@Produces ( 'text/xml' )
class NoteWriter extends MessageBodyWriterSupport < Note > {
void writeTo ( Note entity , MultivaluedMap httpHeaders , OutputStream entityStream ) {
def builder = new MarkupBuilder ( new OutputStreamWriter ( entityStream ))
. note {
( entity . id )
( entity . text )
// Alternative (default rendering):
// entityStream << (entity as XML)

Having such a provider in place, resource methods can return a Note object directly:


@Path ( '/notes' )
class NotesResource {

// ... other methods omitted

@Path ( '/{id}' )
Note getNote ( @PathParam ( 'id' ) String id ) {
Note . get ( id )

In this case the response looks like:

Content - Type : text / xml

<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?>
< note >
< id > 1 < /id>
  <content>Don't forget to learn Scala</
content >
</ note >

Service injection

Services can be auto-injected into resource objects with the following annotations:

For example, use @Resource(name='sampleService') to inject an instance of SampleService :


@Path ( '/test' )
public class HelloResource {

@Resource ( name = 'sampleService' )
def sampleService

// ...

The resource name is the name of the service bean in the application context. Grails adds services automatically to the application context where the bean name is derived from the service class name. Alternatively, add the JAX-RS resource to the application context and do the wiring manually:


xmlns:xsi = ""
xsi:schemaLocation = ""

<bean class = "HelloResource" >
<property name = "sampleService" ref = "sampleService" />


Next steps

The next version (0.2) of the plugin will include:

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