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原创 AMAZON DynamoDB(5)DynamoDB Stream

AMAZON DynamoDB(5)DynamoDB StreamDynamoDB Stream + Lambda = Database TriggerDynamoDB Stream will keep the messages for 24 hours. Only one record will be in the stream. Stream will follow the eve...

2018-10-09 02:39:14 963

原创 Circle CI build Project

Circle CI build ProjectRecently our company start to use Circle CI to build and deploy our projects instead of Jenkins. Frankly speaking, I am an old man. I use jenkins a lot, I used to be a “DevO...

2018-10-05 07:17:24 733

原创 Lambda Subscribe SNS

Lambda Subscribe SNSOne of my project is using serverless framework to deploy to AWS lambda, but it seems I followed the documents, but still I can not automatically make Lambda Subscribe SNS from...

2018-10-05 03:33:20 554

原创 Install Docker and Tor Network and Proxy Service on CentOS7

Install Docker and Tor Network and Proxy Service on CentOS7How to run Tor network and Proxy ServiceIt is docker, so only thing we need on our target machine is docker. No tor, no proxy, no pytho...

2018-10-05 02:42:41 463

原创 Nginx Proxy Route by Query Parameter

Nginx Proxy Route by Query ParameterHere comes our requirement, I need to route to different backend based on the URL query parameters. If parameter=1, I need go server1, parameter=2, I need go se...

2018-09-28 05:14:48 252

原创 Apache2 and Nginx Server Address in Header

Apache2 and Nginx Server Address in HeaderRecently I get a request which needs to send the server IP address(not client IP address) from Apache2 to Nginx, finally to our lambda Function.It is ...

2018-09-27 02:00:10 167

原创 Virus Killing on MAC for weknow.ac

Virus Killing on MAC for weknow.acLast Friday, my Mac Pro get a virus called weknow.ac, it took my browser home page. It is bad, I never came across a virus on Mac before.Here are some steps how...

2018-09-27 01:39:54 520

原创 Jfroge Artifactory 2018

Jfroge Artifactory 2018Last time I install Artifactory, that is 2014, how time flies. Last time, I am using the war package directly under web container tomcat.Currently, the artifactory conta...

2018-09-24 13:49:12 723

原创 Nginx Hard Code Header Proxy to Next Server

Nginx Hard Code Header Proxy to Next ServerHere is the syntax: proxy_set_header syntax: proxy_set_header header value;Default: host and ConnectionContext: http, server, locationI am using ...

2018-09-20 20:41:51 216

原创 AWS Lambda and Serverless Timeout

AWS Lambda and Serverless TimeoutRecently, we found a bug in my codes which the lambda function only delete parts of my resources in a for loop.Finally we found out that because we are using f...

2018-09-20 01:20:08 381

原创 Prettier on VSCode for TypeScript

Prettier on VSCode for TypeScriptI first tied the link, then I try the Cmd + P>ext install esbenp.prettier-vscodeThey all does not work, and I saw this error in VSCodeconnect ENOENT /Users...

2018-09-20 01:13:10 400

原创 TypeScript and Lambda Serverless Project Limit

TypeScript and Lambda Serverless Project LimitRecently, our project deployment met this exception while deploy An error occurred: DevicePairingUpdatesLambdaFunction - Unzipped size must be small...

2018-09-14 03:34:38 202

原创 JAVA Playframework(1)2.4.x Reinstalled on MAC

JAVA Playframework(1)2.4.x Reinstalled on MACWelcome back to Playframework. I used that 3 years or 4 years ago for 3 years when I was in Digby. That is good days in Austin, USA.I need to read ...

2018-09-14 01:49:56 131

原创 TypeScript and Serverless Memory Issue

TypeScript and Serverless Memory IssueChange the file to add the follow codes at the top/opt/node/lib/node_modules/serverless/bin/serverless#!/usr/bin/env node --max-old-space-size=3000 --tr...

2018-09-07 02:24:33 219

原创 AWS Lambda Invoke and Path

AWS Lambda Invoke and PathWe can put the path parameters in the event. Lambda which provide service can use this path as router to route to different methods.For exampleconst response = aw...

2018-09-01 00:28:27 451

原创 TypeScript and Dictionary Index

TypeScript and Dictionary IndexI define a Interface, then I define a dictionary variables and want to look up the dictionary based on the key. interface GroupSettingsMethod { (parameters: any)...

2018-08-30 20:41:10 277

原创 Laravel PHP Framework(1)Introduction and Installation

Laravel PHP Framework(1)Introduction and InstallationCheck PHP is on my Local Machine> php --versionPHP 7.1.16 (cli) (built: Mar 31 2018 02:59:59) ( NTS )Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Gr...

2018-08-22 02:47:53 284

原创 TypeScript and Large Number

TypeScript and Large NumberDon't use the Number type to store or calculate numbers that could exceed TypeScript's safe integer range of -9007199254740991 to 9007199254740991.* If the number only...

2018-08-18 06:34:04 144

原创 ANT build Debian Package

ANT build Debian PackageCreate a Repo https://github.com/luohuazju/ant-debian-deployOn my Virtual Machine> ant -versionApache Ant(TM) version 1.8.2 compiled on December 3 2011Host Mach...

2018-08-09 21:23:32 208

原创 Old Dates Diablo Notes

Old Dates Diablo NotesUse sudo to run the command to solve the crash issue for Diable on MACsudo /Applications/Diablo\ II/Diablo\ II.app/Contents/MacOS/Diablo\ IITo make is easier> sudo ...

2018-08-02 02:14:43 159

原创 Axios and Cookie Operation

Axios and Cookie OperationMy current service, response with the headers as follow:Connection: keep-aliveContent-Language: enContent-Length: 274Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8...

2018-07-31 06:31:16 95

原创 Dive into Nginx Segmentation fault

Dive into Nginx Segmentation faultFor Nginx 1.14.0Switch to ROOT user> sudo -s> gdb sbin/nginxGNU gdb (Ubuntu/Linaro 7.4-2012.04-0ubuntu2.1) 7.4-2012.04Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software...

2018-07-28 14:03:46 629

原创 Build Nginx Binary in Docker and Using If Directive

Build Nginx Binary in Docker and Using If DirectiveWhen we should use break in Ifhttp://agentzh.blogspot.com/2011/03/how-nginx-location-if-works.htmlIf is evilhttps://www.nginx.com/resourc...

2018-07-18 01:57:52 156

原创 Nginx and DNS

Nginx and DNSOn ubuntu-12.04, I need to run this> sudo dpkg-reconfigure resolvconfTo solve the Errorresolvconf: Error: /etc/resolv.conf isn't a symlink, not doing anythingFirst of all,...

2018-07-13 22:46:07 134

原创 Parallels Introduction

Parallels IntroductionI download the software Parallels from official website and use free trial for 14 days.http://download.parallels.com/desktop/v13/docs/en_US/Parallels%20Desktop%20User's%20G...

2018-07-12 02:45:46 120

原创 Apache2.2.22 On Ubuntu and Settings

Apache2.2.22 On Ubuntu and SettingsInstall that On my Virtual MachineInstall Zlib> wget http://www.zlib.net/zlib-1.2.11.tar.gz> tar -xvf zlib-1.2.11.tar.gz> cd zlib-1.2.11/> ./configure ...

2018-07-06 14:28:25 287

原创 Nginx and SSL Version and DEBUG

Nginx and SSL Version and DEBUGSSL Support VersionRecently, our nginx get some exceptions as follow:2018/06/22 14:38:38 [crit] 17#17: *127594 SSL_do_handshake() failed (SSL: error:1417D18C:SSL...

2018-06-23 05:35:27 1146

原创 Common NPM Package and Installation

Common NPM Package and InstallationMy colleague sets up a common library project. In that library project, the set up is simply as follow:The package.json is as follow:{ "name": “@sillyca...

2018-05-30 02:07:36 109

原创 Shell Script Create DynamoDB Tables

Shell Script Create DynamoDB Tables# how to run# dynamodb-scripts/create-device-dynamo-tables.sh {ENV} {WriteCapacityUnits} {ReadCapacityUnits}# eg: dynamodb-scripts/create-device-dynamo-table...

2018-05-29 22:10:54 178

原创 Shell Script Execute on Remote Machine

Shell Script Execute on Remote MachineI remember my previous company had this similar script. #!/bin/bash###################################### how to run# ./dump-css-devices-to-csv.sh...

2018-05-24 21:18:52 181

原创 Amazon DynamoDB Load Shared Config in NodeJS

Amazon DynamoDB Load Shared Config in NodeJSBefore load the AWS-SDK, set the system to load the Config file as well as the CREDETIAL file> ls -l ~/.aws/total 16-rw-r--r-- 1 hluo staff 29...

2018-05-23 23:59:11 128

原创 Python Package(1)Async

Python Package(1)Asyncasyncio import asyncioloop = asyncio.get_event_loop()for record in event['Records']: message = json.loads(record['Sns']['Message']) loop.run_until_complete(as...

2018-05-23 23:49:08 119

原创 Online Course: Understanding TypeScript(2)Types

Online Course: Understanding TypeScript(2)TypesTupleslet address: [number, string, string, string, number] = [3393, "superstar road", "austin", "texas", 78613];Enumenum Color {Gray, //0...

2018-05-22 01:49:23 116

原创 Command Line to Run SOAPUI

Command Line to Run SOAPUIThe command line will be as follow:> testrunner.sh -r ~/Documents/soap-ui/DevicePairingREST-soapui-project.xmlRemember to Add the TestCase in SOAPUI and Assertions....

2018-05-18 03:25:05 128

原创 2018 Scrapy Environment Enhance(4)Docker Service for Scrapyd and Tor Network

2018 Scrapy Environment Enhance(4)Docker Service for Scrapyd and Tor NetworkDocker Service for Scrapydhttp://sillycat.iteye.com/blog/2422861Docker Service for Tor NetworkThere are 3 ports ...

2018-05-16 03:12:18 171

原创 2018 Scrapy Environment Enhance(3)Docker ENV

2018 Scrapy Environment Enhance(3)Docker ENVSet Up Scrapy Ubuntu DEV >sudo apt-get install -qy python python-dev python-distribute python-pip ipython>sudo apt-get install -qy firefox xvfb>su...

2018-05-16 02:41:42 1550

原创 Online Course: Understanding TypeScript(1)Introduction

Online Course: Understanding TypeScript(1)IntroductionInit the TypeScript Workspace>mkdir ts-courseInit the NPM management>npm initIt will generate the file package.json{ "name": ...

2018-05-16 02:31:58 103

原创 AMAZON DynamoDB(4)Cli Command to Create/Delete Table

AMAZON DynamoDB(4)Cli Command to Create/Delete TableDelete the dynamoDB from command line> cat dynamodb-scripts/delete-device-dynamo-tables.sh # how to run# dynamodb-scripts/delete-device-dy...

2018-05-13 14:18:57 198

原创 Amazon Aurora(2)Dump Data to CSV

Amazon Aurora(2)Dump Data to CSVInstall MySQL on MAC> brew install mysql> mysql --versionmysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.22, for osx10.13 (x86_64) using EditLine wrapperDump Script simil...

2018-05-12 05:32:32 166

原创 AMAZON DynamoDB(3)CRUD Item

AMAZON DynamoDB(3)CRUD ItemBatchWriteItem we are using that to save data into DynamoDB. But BatchWriteItem cannot update items, to update items, use the UpdateItem action.DynamoDB Operation Li...

2018-05-12 05:19:39 171


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